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22715251 No.22715251 [Reply] [Original]

Your thoughts on thius?

>> No.22715298

forgot to add the shameless referal https://power.trade?referral=1BDXIw2&refSource=copy

>> No.22715322
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I made a thread earlier about this >>22712184 but nobody replied and by the time I saw a reply, it was archived and on page 11. I'm pretty lukewarm about it and wanted opinions about it.

I watched their AMA yesterday and some of the Questions didn't look natural, and I wish they replied to more than the usual stuff. I'm a crypto newfag though (less than 3 months), so I'm not sure if AMAs are usually ran in this manner.

>> No.22715724
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Bump, I thought that I'd be able to have another POV on the project.
Don't tell me you created this thread just so that you could shill your referral link?

>> No.22715997
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Looks like the thread was just made so that he could shill his referral link. Screw it all then, I hope I won't regret creating a Bitmax account and getting a bag as soon as this gets listed.

Might be a valuable learning experience if I end up getting burned. But I'd really like more experienced anons and not braindead shills in the TG channel to at least throw theories as what might happen considering the following :
>Presale tokens are locked but gradually made available as time passes, hopefully meaning there won' t be a presale dump like with those Yf clones
>Team and the entire project are legit, raised 4.7M with Pantera Capital and other partners
>Will try to tackle the options market for cryptocurrency, against Deribit
>listed at a low mcap of $800k USD (4M circ supply, 25M over the next 3 months - real undiluted mcap would be 80M with 400M total supply in the next 5 years)

I want to buy this as soon as possible but I have doubts on whether I'll get fucked by an external factor, like bots dumping on me or the project not being successful.

>> No.22716810
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One last bump in an attempt to discuss.
I learned a little more about how crypto projects getting newly listed can potentially become target of bots immediately wash trading or pumping the price to unreasonable levels in a matter of seconds. So this is where the main advantage in whitelisting and getting the tokens before the listing lies, correct?
But in exchange you won't be able to market dump your stack all at once - meaning you're in for at least one month according to the graph I posted/quoted, all risks included.

>> No.22716940

Options? Same as hegic and hedget?

What's the premium we can expect with this?

Their selling point is options platform for mobile phones?

I'm bainlet so not sure what's the plus of expensive options on mobile. It's outa my league.

>> No.22716955

what is there comparable that is already out?

>> No.22717033
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I'm totally in short term, maybe move on to long term.

Obvious pros:
- Support from shitton of big names. Coingecko, Kyber, Pantera et cetera
> BitMax. Yeah I know all the cons but they do pump the tokens they list. And I'm pretty sure we'll see some other exchanges
>DeFi narrative. I know right, this might be dead already - but if its not, the narrative can be abandoned. I have a feeling that these guys only added it to join the hype train, its not the essence of their project

Now some cons
>I don't believe in their application, neither do I believe in options trading.

>> No.22717116
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Supposedly, most of the marketing and development will be focused on the "easy to use" gimmick. They're looking to be as Normalfag-friendly/beginner-friendly as possible with this, hence why they're targeting mobile users first. This raises the question : how will they able to be different enough from other mobile apps in that regard?
Hedgic and Hedget are decentralized, on the other hand PowerTrade aims to adopt a centralized approach on the most part unless I got this wrong. I wanted to point this out as a red flag in my thread but I forgot.
>I'm bainlet
Don't worry, I am too. Hence why I've been bumping this thread in the hopes of having smarter people than me to at least look at this and provide insights, may they be positive or negative. We can't predict the market of course, but there's nothing wrong with trying to get as many information as possible, I believe.

>DeFi narrative. I know right, this might be dead already - but if its not, the narrative can be abandoned. I have a feeling that these guys only added it to join the hype train, its not the essence of their project

In the AMA, they replied in a "professional" manner to questions regarding DeFi, not really giving a proper stance. It was really corporate and unnatural. And despite all that, they're still making the DAO a vital component of their PTF token.

>> No.22717222

DAO is not a bad idea frankly

>> No.22717247

Well yeah, since it falls under the decentralized mantra. Sadly most of these concepts tend to fly over my head but I can't help thinking it would lead to manipulation and not in the good sense of the term

>> No.22718085

So I guess that'll be it for PowerTrade discussion. I hope things will go well in two days. Thanks anons