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22714427 No.22714427 [Reply] [Original]

Ok guys, believe me or not but I am actually from the future. Here are the prices for the 1st of January 2021.

>Bitcoin $13,447
>Chainlink $11,58
>UNI $2,19
>XRP $0,39

You're welcome.

>> No.22714476

What about ftm

>> No.22714525

Is his mum supervising him virtually on his way to school or is that his gf?

>> No.22714527

Why does UNI make trannies seethe so much?

>> No.22714529

>FTM $0,1075

>> No.22714600

wanna know how I know you're a fake? you posted xrp and that's a worthless cultcoin and isnt worth anything and only cultqueers think it has value.
larp debunked

>> No.22714641

how long will the corona thing last OP

>> No.22714654

who wins the election and does chaos ensue in america?

>> No.22714664

Price of XRP in 2040? Thanks

>> No.22714668

You will have to wear masks until summer 2021 in the US

>> No.22714674

you're the anon who made the early aave memes weren't you?
fuck I should've listened to you, I just think governance tokens are worthless

>> No.22714693

Trump wins. And no, nothing really changes. No wars or anything. Just the usual stuff. A shooting here and there. Protest here and there. But nothing major.

>> No.22714733

strange you ignored my post anon... just gonna pretend I didnt shatter your larp with pointing out xrp doesnt matter and thus you're an xrp cultqueer shill.

but fine what's the price of waifu token in 1 year I cant wait to read your lies

>> No.22714745

Idk man I see it posted a lot on this board so I thought some people might want to know

>> No.22714790

I saw snowblossom spammed on here, same as dozens upon dozens literal scams. I might go and buy more ethcrash, it might moon, an anon said so

>> No.22714806

How far from the future are you?
What is LINK in 2025?

>> No.22714808

This might actually be interesting for alot of people here. All of those 'meme' coins will be forbidden in the next years. You will only be allowed to post your project on exchanges if you can provide full proof of registration, use and an actual progress. So stuff like waifu or sushi will all be delisted. Only serious stuff will be left on the market.

>> No.22714829
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HAAHAHAHAHAHAHA oh wow this larp just keeps falling apart more and more

>> No.22714885

Far enough. But there is no such thing as a time machine btw. We are able to interact with the past through special systmems tho.

In 2025 the price of LINK will be around $26. It's not going to 'moon' hard or anything. It will be a pretty slow climb, mostly influenced by Bitcoin, with a lot of ups and downs.

>> No.22714931

what about SUTER?

>> No.22714939

When does of the peak of this crypto bullmarket happen, and what are the top 5 coins with prices at that time.

>> No.22714954

>not a meme coin
its a glorified permissionless sms service

>> No.22715050

There won't be any peak in that sense. It will have alot of ups and downs with new ATHs like the rest of the normal market. BTC will reach $20k at some point tho. The top 5 will have some new projects in it tho. There will be a coin called AVA which will be number 1 funny enough, but only in terms of market value, not price. It's price will be around $300. There is actually going to be an ETH 2.0 which will replace ETH and stand on number 3 with a value of $130. Number 4 will be CRONOS at $7 and number 5 will be XNG at $12,35

>> No.22715093

Bitcoin will only be $13??? Holy fuck.

>> No.22715106
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What's the next big pepe variation?

>> No.22715151
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>Mentions XRP
>Doesn't mention Ethereum

These shills are getting more and more desperate lmao.

>> No.22715156

There will be alot of AVA Pepes. Love those.

>> No.22715161
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>> No.22715177

Are you talking about avax? What will be the rank of chainlink?

>> No.22715178

Because gas fees literally killing ETH

>> No.22715188


Why is UNI dropping so fucking much????

>> No.22715192


>doesn't know about layer 2 protocols such as falconswap and unitrade


>> No.22715220

No it will be called AVA. Will be out in 2026.

LINK will be rank 13 but there will be way more bigger projects in the new top list so 13 is actually a pretty good position

>> No.22715228

short answer, it is a scam
long answer, it is scam that endangers the current hegemonic position of chinese or indirectly chinese controlled (Coinbase I'm looking at you) centralized exchanges

>> No.22715311

kek I knew it was a matter of time before you shilled your token. ava lol aight shill nice larp but its bedtime for you sonny boy

>> No.22715317

What about AKRO

>> No.22715344

This is some bullshit I could believe

>> No.22715353

What shirt sergey wearing?

>> No.22715367

>shilling a token that will be out in 6 years from now.

Lol ok. Any AVA you see today is not the AVA I am talking about.

>> No.22715418
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What about Libertas future anon?

>> No.22715452

I have no idea man. Didn't find any information on it, atleast at the current date. Maybe it will be replaced by something, or delisted.

>> No.22715492

Damn that's a shame, seemed like a cool project. Thanks for the info.

>> No.22715553

Wait is Bitcoin ever hitting 100k or a million? I noticed it wasn't in your top 5 coins in the future.

>> No.22715563


>> No.22715623

It was number two. Behind AVA. It's price will be over $20K but AVA will have a larger marketcap and therefore be number 1

>> No.22715663

One last fun fact before I leave. There will a device coming out in the next decade which will make computers and phones completely obsolete as we know them now. Be hyped for that.

See ya. Oh and as a last tip. Stack up on Gold, like, unironically. It will go up in price alot.

>> No.22715675

Whats the usecase of ava?

>> No.22715709

Are you talking about neuralink?

>> No.22715819

>which will be number 1 funny enough, but only in terms of market value, not price.

>being this new

>> No.22715820

What happens with ENJ?

>> No.22715863


>> No.22715995


yes THAT'S the reason this is fake

>> No.22716254

Thank you for your gift of knowledge anon, good luck on your travels!

>> No.22716291

>timetraveler is larping
No shit

>> No.22716455

post one

>> No.22716464

Ah see now I know this is a larp because if it were true it would mean I would hang myself in 2025