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22711479 No.22711479 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.22711494
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>> No.22712173

Unironically the only thing worth investing in outside of btc/eth

>> No.22712239

I hold a million and a half of these and expect to retire op. This is a boring hold.

>> No.22712356
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Should you REALLY be surprised at how coinmetro performed lately?
We're almost nearing the end of September, the month where we supposedly should have seen money by institutional investors flowing in to help in promoting the platform. So far, beyond AMAs where we learned nothing of relevance in the past two weeks, CM didn't show scrap for potential new buyers. Its main attractive point, being the first mover in the tokenized bonds trading market may be a little too early and beyond the scope of an European team, tied by governmental regulations and other obstacles towards the true purpose of Crypto, which always was decentralization.

It also doesn't help that DEXes are all the rage right now, and the massive advertisement boost due to PRQ mooning and arbitrage possibilites have faded out. There's no liquidity on Uniswap, and the project failed to deliver. As a result, shills have gone silent. Volume is also decreasing.

The final nail in the coffin? The whole thing wasn't sustainable, to begin with. I can count the entire user base of coinmetro with 4 hands worth of fingers. Daily volume is astonishingly low, revealing the flaw: it's just a smokescreen to hide that it's actually a ponzi/money laundering scheme, which was proved by crowdfundinsider. XCM cannot be valued above 10 cents. XCM holders are now tasked to try their best to recruit as many people as possible into the exchange to keep the money and the rewards flowing in, otherwise the house of cards inevitably falls upon itself without warning as soon as the tokens bought by Kevin Murcko/the exchange ALL GET SOLD AT ONCE to break even. Let me repeat myself here : the XCM token CANNOT be valued more than 10 cents per token, if not less.

>> No.22712408

Fell for it again kek

>> No.22712410

Better to be bored and hold then start to getting bald because day trading.

>> No.22712413

no, you won't buy lower you stinkin' fuck

>> No.22712439

Do you think it will go lower ?
I want to buy more before the arrival of USD and shit.
I feel the moon guys !

>> No.22712442

So you say XCM will range eternally between let's say, 3c and 10c? That's a traders' dream.

And qnt, luckily also on Coinmetro

>> No.22712513

You're unironically the only reason I haven't sold yet. Because what you say is factually correct except for the 4 hands worth of fingers pasta. I hope you'll make it, anon.

>> No.22712563

You have been one of the most obvious dishonest shills on this board. One had to be a total brainlet to fall for you. Nice IQ test, hope you got rich from those gamblers

>> No.22713789

Please Kevin do the needful and market your fucking exchange

>> No.22713801

Another crypto beak shitter. Rekt.

>> No.22714056

>So you say XCM will range eternally between let's say, 3c and 10c? That's a traders' dream.
no you newfag its a copy pasta, he doesn't believe a word what hes saying himself, but its funny
not the only thing, but, probably the best thing objectively
i hope but i wouldn't risk it

>> No.22714163

I know it is and I know he's not responding ever, still wanted to attempt to read how he sees the price range if it can't go lower than 1c, and not higher than 10c in his analysis.

>> No.22714208

This shitcoin still exists? I remember the ICO being shilled 2-3 years ago. Almost thought about buying in, but felt like doing KYC was too much effort. Kek. Are any of the anons here ICO buyers / what did you pay per XCM back then and are you still happy with your bags?

>> No.22714262
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>This shitcoin still exists?
thats the best part anon, name other coins that still exist, most ico's just gave up
then i apologize for calling you a newfag

>> No.22714278

biggest shitcoin plebfilter only actual retards that think they're smart buy this

>> No.22714297

*forgot to reply to everything
>Almost thought about buying in
that was a good decision, you can get more coins for less than ico price right now, i didnt buy into the ico got in around >>22714208
>what did you pay per XCM
0.026 eur
>back then and are you still happy with your bags?
ico buyers dont care, they know the price will go up
>biggest shitcoin
name one reason why

>> No.22714501

I’m an ICO buyer and former 1 million XCM hodler. Sold 80% of my stack after the uniswap pump. Coinmetro is most likely going to fail if it keeps going in this direction:(

>> No.22714660

you got in at 0.15 and sold at 0.07 ?

>> No.22714937
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Nah I only put a few ETH in at the ICO, the majority later. I will walk away with a small profit and suicide stack. Here’s the thing - look at how good the exchange is after 2 years. Terrible. The thing with xcm and it’s community is that everyone is bag holding the token but no one uses the exchange or the shitty bond / real estate security.

>> No.22714992
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I only got into xcm because I needed a good exchange to get my money into crypto, it lead me to coinmetro, i use it as my main exchange for months

>> No.22715004

this is a great project, Crypto is now like the internet before the advent of social media centralization, basically unregulated anarchy.

Once the government and the big finance will become interested in crypto, defi will be completely absorbed

>> No.22715098

I bought the ico, after getting pajeeted by DIW and sme other icos at the end of the bullrun, as soon as coinmetro released the tokens like 5 months late I dumped them in disgust as quick as i could. I think I may have taken a small loss no idea it was like 2-3 years ago

>> No.22715164

i think whats saves XCM is if they ditch the idea of an exchange completely and move into something like coinbase where noobs can fiat off/on safely with all their regulations and shit - they could even offer new listings on "legit projects". kevin wont do any of this shit though kek hes the schiff of crypto but crying regulation instead of gold.
gov regulators move pretty slow xcm could bleed out in the 2+ years until it happens. also why do you think if binance shuts down all the users will flow into coinmetro? there are local regulated exchanges in different countries already that push more volume then coinmetro

>> No.22715229

>move into something like coinbase where noobs can fiat off/on safely
It doesn't look like it now, and its centenary didn't look like it before
but kevin really wants to focus on being as normie friendly as possible, that's what will bring the users
I told him to fix broken kyc before starting marketing but I don't know if it will happen

not gonna lie im also a little worried anon, i could make a better UI, and they had a lot of time to work on stuff
but, i still believe they will succeed

>> No.22715237

coinmetro is the perfect exchanger for normies and "noobs".
it makes crypto look batshit easy

it was the first exchanger I ever used when I knew nothing of crypto

>> No.22715249

that is a few months ago

>> No.22715409

Sure it will attract new "users" but what motivation do they have to use the exchange? none. they are using it to go from fiat > BTC/ETH and then transfer to another exchange or uniswap. The problem is that because they are victims to regulation they cannot list any new tokens without a vetting process.
Parsiq is a great project and IEOd with them, no volume or moon until it went to other exchanges. even now no one is using coinmetro to buy parsiq kek. i think the dev side is extremely weak - this exchange is the result of 2 years of work and the only cool feature is the twitter sediment analysis and transferring into euros.
Cool but besides being easy to use what are you actually trading there? nothing, just holding XCM and waiting for volume and promises that wont come

>> No.22715457

in fact he should add more coins because retards love when they see a lot of coins, independently if they are scam or not

but Kevin wants to list only promising projects, what a fag

>> No.22715486
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>> No.22715535

Its not about listing every new scam coin you brainlet

>> No.22715567

i'm telling you that a lot of coins act as a magnet for normies.

they assume the platform is successful if they see many coins

>> No.22715594

I disagree here, they're strapped for cash already. Since they want to do it the right way and not rely on wash trading or "listing donations", listing more coins means more costs for them (applying a LP, mainly).

Remember, CM gave us link and prq, if you got in at the time they initially listed them you made a hell of a profit. If CM can pull another few unicorns (and they're ready, qnt and possibly kda), they can cash in on the hype of being the goldmine exchange and not just the crumbling shaft

>> No.22715647

have a look at their exchange volume on coingeko - there is tons of other projects that could list on their exchange in the top 100 for noobs but wont because there is no volume outside of btc/eth/xcm

>> No.22715764

i bought early only PRQ and it was wonderful

>> No.22715822

Honestly, I've grown tired a shitty exchange with wash trading and shit. I am an ICO investor and saw the difficult beginning of the exchange and was worried then.
2 years later, the exchange is sweet to use and I have no doubt that the client retention is high.
The problem is that there is not every coin I want to trade.
Still I keep it as my primary exhcange.

I bought 20 ETH at ICO and they're worth 30 ETH now.
Even if it fell in price since ICO, it was still a better deal than holding ETH.

>> No.22715893

Another good thing with CoinMetro is that it grew organically, without marketing, quite well. I was surprised myself.
And the main coins exchanged are BTC and ETH, and XCM trade volume are comparable with QNT or PRQ.
You could be worried if only XCM was exchanged on the platform but it's far from it.

The main advantage of CoinMetro relies more on institutionnal traders than the normies imo.

>> No.22716684

>they cannot list any new tokens without a vetting process
good, this is what crypto needs, projects that are vetted
cm will pull more unicorns, i'm sure of that

>> No.22717227

>more on instutional traders
Weren't they trying to market themselves as beginner friendly? Check your narrative

>> No.22717698


In fact, they market themselves as a platform for all client from beginners to pros.
What is the biggest barrier from institutionnals to enter crypto ?
I'd say mainly the unregulated aspect of it, the fact that your trades could be deemed illegal, blocked or have issues with taxes and such.
CoinMetro wants to break those barriers.
They have experiences and connexions from running an FX exchange.
I'm confident they'll manage to make it happen.

>> No.22718326

Thank you for the free ETH and fuck you to whoever sounded the alarm on the arbitrage opportunity.