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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 706 KB, 768x781, uni.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22710166 No.22710166 [Reply] [Original]

every day i wake up and it's dumped. the chinks and eurofags are not holding up their end. I'm scared to go to sleep and wake up to it sub $4

>> No.22710181

I literally dumped this for like 72 hours straight I am mixed race too so I am not even offended at what you said and yes I hold Kleros

>> No.22710191


>> No.22710195

stop loss?

>> No.22710208

i don't want to even consider selling IT'S FREE MONEY

>> No.22710222

I dumped at $6 you’re not gonna make it off something that was given away for free

>> No.22710233

I don't need to make it i just want to maximize the gains

>> No.22710238

why sell when it's gonna hit $10 soon

>> No.22710247

>$10 soon
>while the entire market is dumping again

BTC is going down to sub 10k again and taking everything with it

>> No.22710302

V3 will pump this so hard.

>> No.22710388

I want to know why v3 will pump it besides speculation.

>> No.22710461

not so fast, bobo

>> No.22710488

It's just a mindless controlled bitcoin trending zombie now. This coin will only move in the direction Bitcoin moves.

I feel like there's powerful players doing this intentionally. All coins become bitcoin zombies, even LINK.

If bitcoin pumps to 11100+ then UNI is going to $7+. If Bitcoin drops below 10k, Uni is going to $3.5ish or lower.

V3 generates hype for UNI which may give a temporary boost in price to break the trend away from bitcoin, but whales will immediately get it under control and bring it back in line with bitcoin and what they perceive its price should be.

Or it can do something completely different from how I feel. But I've been watching Crypto trends for a long time and it's depressing to see how many coins mindlessly go up and down as bitcoin does and never break free or develop their own price fluctuations beyond temporary hype pumps.

It can't be a coincidence either.

>> No.22710492
File: 119 KB, 450x405, 39070CD3-320A-4F96-93E9-99996C8D3F0C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s okay fren. DCA

>> No.22710516

Basically all coins correlate with BTC 95% of the time. The remaining 5% are brief pumps/dumps over coin-specific news/corrections.

>> No.22710518

be warned it will dump toomorrow stocks will eat big shit. saudi cut off oil to the us and asia
contracts expire tomorrow

>> No.22710547

>saudi cut off oil to the us and asia
wtf why is this the first time I'm hearing of this

>> No.22710576

and what if they don't?

>> No.22710591

dont sleep

>> No.22710676

I like this answer. Thanks anon

>> No.22710749
File: 2.88 MB, 360x203, 4ccshp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sold mine and putting the profit into powertrade public sale today. pumpmax listing coming. you know it

>> No.22710764


>> No.22710767
File: 19 KB, 303x224, D3BF2484-F205-4D7D-9B5E-B1FAF83F4F52.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dangerously based

>> No.22710776

Ps5 niggers won?

>> No.22711042

Nice FUD. $5 soon. Not even the stock market drop could get UNI below $4 floor.

>> No.22711184

It's literally dumping because of BTC, you could watch the charts yesterday when it went from 4.70 to 5.70 because BTC pumped. Every time BTC pumps, the bots buy and every time BTC dumps the bots sell and it's like that for every coin.

>> No.22711222

I'm profiting off the volatility for now

>> No.22711246

Should I sell guys?

>> No.22711256

>Nice FUD. $5 soon. Not even the stock market drop could get UNI below $4 floor.
If we go full March 2020, it will drop below $1. Which is exactly why I am sitting on a shitton of cash right now.

>> No.22711259

Bitcoin was originally given away for free

>> No.22711294

Wouldn't the fees be annoying to sell at 4.5 and rebuy at 4.3? I guess you can swing it, but when the coin is just pumping and dumping between those two margins it seems like it wouldn't be worth it. Though I guess it's a swinger's dream since it's relatively low-risk and predictable.

>> No.22711400

Coinbase Pro is 1% max, assuming you've had less than 10k in monthly trades. 4.5/4.3 is 4%.

>> No.22711424

That's how i feel about you yanks you guys dump that shit hard and then i fomo back in when you then decide to pump like FFS its killing me


>> No.22711507

Doesn't gubmint track your transactions on coinbase?

>> No.22711526 [DELETED] 

How do you know anyone here is a "yank", /int/tard? I swear every hour that something goes wrong you retards are blaming yanks, euros, chinks etc.

What about the fucking Australians?

>> No.22711531

>dude just commit tax fraud lmao

>> No.22711533

About half of /biz/ claims they don't pay taxes. I wonder how religiously you report every transaction, since apparently the government taxes each one.

>> No.22711613

The fees are negated by even small swings right now. It should be a while until the price stabilizes and lots of institutional money going in.

>> No.22711656

Pretty religiously, but it's easy. Export transaction histories from exchanges every couple months (sometimes they lose them which would be a massive pain), pay 40bux for a Coinbase.Tax account, upload your trade histories, export your 8949, pay 100bux for a TurboTax account, upload 8949. Approximately $150 and 2-4 hours of hair pulling and voila, peace of mind.

The IRS explicitly says that they don't go after tax under-reporting as long as it's within a certain threshold (5% iirc last I checked), so if you miss a single minor trade due to some obscure exchange you used once and forgot, it's not like anyone will be knocking on your door over it.

>> No.22711673

You dumb fuckburger. If it is dumping when you go to sleep it's your fucking timezone that is responsible. Euros are asleep. Your own words. Fuck why are you like that. Go deepfry a snickers

>> No.22711781

Gift from kek, will dump then crap sideways until January, everyone sold to buy Christmas presents

>> No.22711791

Maybe because most tokens don't have strong fundamentals and a viable path to real world use case in the near future?
It's all a ponzi scheme with no utility whatsoever, the only hope here is to outjew each other or to hold long enough and hope it gets adopted in 5-10 years

>> No.22711799

imagine not cashing out free money LOL

>> No.22711924

This is demonstrably untrue though, check most coins on the BTC pair. Shitcoins from 2018 die, thinks like LINK/PNK slowly climb.

>> No.22711940

*all coins that are active

>> No.22711981


It's morning in Europe, it's midnight in California. Coin is dumping hard, Euros confirmed for dumpers.

>> No.22711989
File: 40 KB, 640x628, iwdko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, for fuck's sake.
>price drops to $7
Nice FUD. $10 soon.
>price drops to $6
Nice FUD. $8 soon.
>price drops to $5
Nice FUD. $6 soon.
>price drops to $4
Nice FUD. $5 soon.

Give me a fuckin break man

>> No.22712014

$3.85 on Coinbase now

>> No.22712031
File: 73 KB, 750x745, 0D8CF5F5-4568-4B13-8284-DEDE3D0F692B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unfortunately the king decreed your death.

>> No.22712048

The only reason I haven't panic sold this coin yet is because the candle chart pattern is literally an exact copy of bitcoin's pattern. If Bitcoin starts going up but UNI doesn't go up I'm definitely fucking taking my losses before they get worse.

>> No.22712065

UNI is basically just BTC on leverage right now. The downward 400-dump pressure makes it fall harder not to mention slippage issues, while the speculative value is still high enough that people are buying every dip.
>If Bitcoin starts going up but UNI doesn't go up I'm definitely fucking taking my losses before they get worse.
Bad decision, sometimes BTC goes up independently of all alts.

>> No.22712088

It's a future top 10 coin. Why are even concerned?

>> No.22712117

Compare this to the completely non-delusional Stinkies

>price drops to $16
DR, NS $1000 EOY
>Price drops to $12
DR, NS $1000 EOY
>Price drops to $10
DR, NS $1000 EOY
>Prize drops below $)
DR, NS $1000 EOY

And that in 2020, when Corona-Chan fucks with the world more than ever, the entire stock market is a bubble held together by printed money and old chewing gum, the economy of USA and the EU is on the brink of collapse and November elevtions in the USA will very likely result in massive troubles, maybe not outright civil war, but a lot of shit will go down.

Completely non-delusional.

It is far more plausible that the Uni shit-token, which slavishly follows BTC now, will recover from ths dump an probably hit the $8-10 range short time before the entire shitfest dissolves called "the markets" into a puddle of diarrhea that will make 2008 look like a kindergarten.

>> No.22712124
File: 902 KB, 1170x691, 1600702741538.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22712167

I'm buying 9 more eth of this

>> No.22712178

lul $3 in the next hour or so

>> No.22712187

Im new to crypto and got about 150€ in BTC which i put in UNI. My question is, when will v3 hit? (i guess v3 is when they hand it out for free again?)

>> No.22712268

150 EUR lmao

>> No.22712279

I'm profiting off the volatility either way.

>> No.22712291

fastest way to stop the UNI bear run is for me to sell right now in anticipation of me rebuying when it's lower. Except 5 or so seconds after I sell the bull run will begin and it'll never get this low again.

>> No.22712323

i dont know when V3 is. maybe another few weeks

>> No.22712326

Got 150€ in btc as a present and wanted to play around with it a bit and see if i could double

>> No.22712334

Just fucking KIDDING. I hate trading on uniswap so much. Fastest gas option and it's already going on for 20 minutes and speeding up didn't help.

>> No.22712349

You can half it lul

>> No.22712353
File: 58 KB, 500x375, 1590369890886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm scared to go to sleep and wake up to it sub $4

>> No.22712375
File: 19 KB, 349x303, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is literally my life right now

>> No.22712415

You only need binance to buy ftm friend

>> No.22712424

My problem has always been with the slow, inefficient and expensive blockchain deals, Rio chain seems to provide solutions for me

>> No.22712464

My hands are iron. my will is fucking steel. its free fucking real estate, there is literally no reason to sell, especially at a loss. it could very well rise in the future, when you sell you make the loss real

>> No.22712472

see you at 1$

>> No.22712491

you click edit and then set the gas manually you fucking 20 IQ tard

>> No.22712510

Imagine hodling an airdropped coin after the launch hype...

This is gonna dump so hard and its gonna take a long time to get back above $4 based on tokenomics.

>> No.22712529

Who else set their buy for $1-2?

>> No.22712532


Doesn't understand this just mean it hasn't formed a single natural support level.

>> No.22712547

We don't need pisslams for oil and China has Venezuela and Russia, as well as their own oil deposits in Tibet for their oil.

>> No.22712572

ah yes the Tibetan oilfields.

>> No.22712574

Ih ave stop loss set at 1.01 loser lelelele

>> No.22712581

God bless you guys for pumping this farmed governance token to 6$ and above, I'm making a lot of money on my massive short

>> No.22713064
File: 50 KB, 766x950, 1596640567029.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's more profit in longing, but man I love shorting and dumping on you subhuman little /pol/ cucks. It's the only reason I do it! I'll make sure to get ya down to $1 per coin. HODLLL LMAO!!