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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22667693 No.22667693 [Reply] [Original]

This will be the thread you remember seeing when this does another 100x

>> No.22667748

Links fag

>> No.22667770

>he thinks I am here to help

>> No.22667802
File: 148 KB, 1280x1280, photo_2020-09-02_16-54-09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why would I want anyone to buy my precious seeds before they mature.

>> No.22667872

target price?

>> No.22667926


Seems like a pump and dump...what do I know

>> No.22667960
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1 fully matured tulip will be worth at least 20k. Everyone should have one red tulip for passive income selling seeds.

>> No.22667992

Really you guys couldn't even format from the default excel graph jesus christ

>> No.22668044
File: 14 KB, 350x318, photo_2020-09-02_16-56-05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just making this to screencap the /biz/ losers who can't recognize a gem. Whatever you say big guy fud all you want. You are all too late and you will be buying seeds from me when my tulips mature in a few days.

>> No.22668140

Whoever shilled this earlier I fucking love you. Here https://medium.com/@tulips_farm/tulips-the-second-coming-ac0991939241 read this, its made by bitcoin ogs, you buy seed, burn seed to make pink tulip, then 100 pink tulip can make a rare red tulip which has governance, splits of fees and makes 50 seeds a week for the first week

>> No.22668158

the zombies are better but this seems ok

>> No.22668195

And right now almost all the seed is going to be burnt by tomorrow, it started earlier today so still time to make a ton of money, I just bought more now even though I originally got in around 15-20

>> No.22668217
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kek, feel lucky this guy exists. But I know no one will listen no one ever does. Coming back here it's funny how pitiful it actually is.

>> No.22668284

This has been done before.

>> No.22668315

What a pansy

>> No.22668342
File: 20 KB, 372x333, photo_2020-09-02_16-53-15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stay poor hahahahahaahaha, already up 30x on this come buy my scraps if you want to hahahahahaha

>> No.22668461

Fuck me, I was trying to buy and shitswap wouldn't let the transaction go through. I thought it was too expensive at $5. Brb gonna go play frogger irl

>> No.22668504

lol already doubled my money with this gem

>> No.22668519

kek cannot wait for the articles about $10,000 tulips

>> No.22668642
File: 9 KB, 205x246, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will actually give you guys a little here, since this is 3 different coins connected by smart contracts, technically it will be 3 different listing and 3 different marketcaps. That means it has the potential to hit over 100mm marketcap without ever having the psychological resistance of normies about muh 8 digit number. hahahahah this thing is brilliant.

>> No.22668672

Yeah they copied kush finance!

>> No.22668685

>already up 30x on this
thanks for the tip, clearly I've missed the boat on this one and will avoid

>> No.22668713

you know for a faggot that puts himself on a pedestal for not giving crumbs you sure do like yapping about your faggoty flowers.

>> No.22668718
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good, you will be buying my seeds at 500 each in a few days.

>> No.22668738

So, if I don't have 100 seeds it isn't really worth farming right?

>> No.22668760
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That's what making a years salary in a day does to someone, not that you would know anything about that.

>> No.22668768

Kush is a direct copy of nyan you brainlet, it even still has the same text they just swapped the pictures of cats for weed.

Tulips is made from scratch by 7 og bitcoin devs with tons of new things to come, you need to be able to pick out diamonds in the rough on here

>> No.22668792

i bought one seed. it 1 eth to plant it?

>> No.22668796

It started at around 10$, I was the 20th member in the telegram and got it at 12 and not selling till atleast 100

>> No.22668833

fine, since you are nice. It would be worth it. You might not have enough for a red tulip but you could sell the pink tulips. Since over time you have to give more time for the tulips to mature some people will skip to the middle to save time and the pinks will be worth more than seeds.

>> No.22668881

Some asshole with his bot bought like 1500-4000 seeds when it got listed under a second and spread them across multiple addresses to pretend there isn't a whale.

I fucking hate the retards behind this. They said 28th September. I thought I had 1 more week.

>> No.22668888

Thx buddy.
Do you recommend that I hold my seeds and scalp them since so many are getting burnt?
Or should I get red tulips?

>> No.22668903
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Do you have any idea of the potential market that includes?

ALL open source code monetized.

>> No.22668942

checked, also don't hold the seeds. The red tulips will mature in 3 days and they will start to produce seeds. I am holding back from maturing all my pink tulips to sell to the impatient fags who want to skip to the middle.
Also since their is a curve the earlier you are the faster things mature so over time any level of maturity will be much more valuable than the seed as it will take so long to get there.

>> No.22669041

God dman all I hear about are these bots, I would pay good money to get my hands on one.

>> No.22669090

I'm assuming you're on pace to have much more than 100 pink tulips then?

>> No.22669142

yes, planning on having red and pink. Not holding any seeds as my reds will make new ones.

>> No.22669328

Coding the bots is easy, solidity is easy, most of crypto is garbage code. But because there's competition everyone hides them and because everyone has money even coding the equivalent of Hello World in solidity would net you at least 500$
A guy hired someone for a Uniswap snipe bpt for 45-60$ an hour.

>> No.22669406

If anyone is planning to stake I somehow managed to do it for like $6
>approve stlp for like $5
>go to plant but it costs 1eth and so I reject
>go back to the site (refresh) and I need to aprove again ($5), so I approve
>plant while it's still approving for like ($6)

Not sure if it was a coincidence but worth the try

>> No.22669502

Unironically, learn to code. Scraping is simple. What you do with the data is important.

>> No.22669648

Nah it's the opposite bro, you have to wait for it to approve to get reasonable gas prices, if you hit plant too soon that happens. Your first approval had come through by the time you did it the second time

>> No.22669702

Also make sure you have all the seeds you want to plant ready. If you plant just 1 seed to test it out you have to wait 24 hours before planting more

>> No.22669842

I have 1 sTLP

what can i do with it? what is der preistarget?

>> No.22669939

stake it for a pink tulip it will be more valuable

>> No.22670098

shut the fuck up you retard

>> No.22670454

lol only 1 thread for tulips on biz? haha biz will buy high next week once their smoothbrains realize everything here is legit and the devs aren't pajeet

>> No.22671000
File: 39 KB, 800x800, photo_2020-09-02_16-57-25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread was just to plant the seed, pardon the pun, in their heads. That way next week they will be more willing to buy. Have to train /biz/ like dogs and condition them mentally then they jump exactly when you want them to.

>> No.22671324

Can you get seeds from pink tulips too, or just red ones?

>> No.22671359

only red ones fred, and it takes 100 pink to make a red.

>> No.22671385

Can't you just buy a red directly though?

>> No.22671423

waheey its the same yield farming shitcoin we've all seen a million tiems except with flowers, amazing

>> No.22671430

you can, the batches from the early buyers won't be ready for another 3 days and they will be very expensive since I doubt many will sell.

>> No.22671482

Yield farming is the best use case for crypto.

>> No.22671485

I learned this the hard way. Nonetheless, I went to another address to plant the remainder. Can't wait to get my 1 red tulip

>> No.22671508

lol tulip mania.

>> No.22671511

This. You stinky pajeets have no brains and couldn’t innovate yielding if you tried. Walk into oncoming traffic you fucking shitskins.

>> No.22671513

Coin named after literally the poster child for economic bubbles they teach in econ 101. Pass

>> No.22672051
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>> No.22672077
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thats the spirit *cough* m-man

>> No.22672286

I laughed so fucking hard.

>> No.22672481


>> No.22672499
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>> No.22672526
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Based and bizpilled

>> No.22672532

just bought 100k

>> No.22672563

You couldn't even buy a single tulip for $100k

>> No.22672606

Fuck you faggot

>> No.22672695

Fucking commies gtfo /biz/

>> No.22672983

0.143775 ETH per sTLP on Uni right now.
So $5700 for 100 sTLP. HOLY SHIT that's expensive.

>> No.22673031

Yeah, I really want a rare red rose because there's a bit of a charm in having a rare red digital tulip that gives governance is some kind of "floral" protocol. It's just so expensive.... I think I'll wait for the next drop in seeds.

>> No.22673049

Did you guys read the paper? People who got in on time and staked earlier will get the red tulip the earliest and will get that batch of first wave seeds the earliest which is what they'll dump to make profits. Predictable when to leave if you're not retarded

>> No.22673061

I don't think seeds are going to get much cheaper... everyone is burning their seeds to get pink tulips. The uniswap pool and circulating supply of sTLP is already a fraction what it was earlier.

>> No.22673123

or....I won't let anyone have my seeds and I will plant them again.

>> No.22673195

Exactly. The fact that it takes longer to grow tulips as time goes on means all the early red tulip owners will reinvest their seeds this early on to take advantage of prime growing season. Cool game theory

>> No.22673292

20,000 seeds burned
2,000 remaining in circulation
Get em while you can, no more coming for three days at least

>> No.22673390

actually and I hate to correct people like a fag, the dev releases 500 seeds daily to keep the price from running away too much and to fund the project. But that is not much and the demand is huge.

>> No.22674219
File: 459 KB, 512x512, grow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only 15 more hours till I can harvest my sweet pink tulips

>> No.22674388

$300 a piece easily
reds could und up going for 50k

>> No.22674631

It's going to be hard for me to not sell my sweet red tulip at $50k
I used to hold a lot of meme and sold it all at $10 and now I'd do anything to realize a gain of $50k

>> No.22675304

>4 addresses hold 90% of the supply
kill yourselves

>> No.22675385

Bought my seeds the second they hit uniswap and staked & burned them immediately. That 2 eth buy was worth around 150 eth at the ATH. Not regretting it though, my 10 rare red tulips will make me rich.

>> No.22675583

Aw shit it looks like I'm already too late. I really don't feel like getting a huge dump laid on me from the anons who bought a few hours before me. Congrats lads.

>> No.22675646

You assholes clearly said 28th of September and clearly said you'll just test the pools so no sniping bot buys first. The Uniswap listing wasn't suppose to be today.
You fucking pieces of bear shits.

>> No.22675756

>4 addresses hold 90% of the supply
>kill yourselves
Are you completely fucking retarded or just kind of? When you're looking at holders, check if a top holder is a smart contract. If it is, read the contract and find out what it is.
In this case, the top holder is a staking contract which most people have put their seeds in to get tulip.
The next 4 addresses are also smart contracts. So to recap, of the top four addresses with 90% of the supply
(1) Staking contract
(2) Liquidity mining program
(3) Liquidity injections (500 new seed per day)
(4) Bounty reward program

All in all there's only about 1.5k actual circulating seeds as of writing, with more than 20k burned today already (in staking contract, get burned in 14 hours)

>> No.22675867
File: 35 KB, 495x495, 1600399494583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

enjoy your rugpull

>> No.22675926

>This thread was just to plant the seed,
kek and checked

>> No.22675942

It’s not letting me stake any of the stlp seeds. Gonna burn

>> No.22675955

that worked? i only put in 10 at first and now my remaining 90 is just sitting in my wallet and i cant plant them for another 12 hours. can i just transfer to my 2nd wallet and stake the rest like that?

>> No.22675980

Sounds like you’re one of those addresses.

Nice try chad but me smarter.

>> No.22676000

based dev, dont want to create stagnation

>> No.22676031
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literally retarded

>> No.22676033

no ones dumping bro, our seeds were burnt and were all locked up in staking for different token

>> No.22676040
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>i will avoid
>good, you will be buying
how dat make sense

>> No.22676047

Can I get a qrd? Do I buy seeds on uniswap I’m confused

>> No.22676049

>can i just transfer to my 2nd wallet and stake the rest like that?

>> No.22676052
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staking for a different token*
im not a pajeet, i swear!

>> No.22676059

once the market cap hits whatever number his peabrain thinks make it legitimate he will fomo.

>> No.22676085
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dope, thanks bro
i bought my seeds after the pump but i still feel like were early as fuck on this

>> No.22676144

we gonna be big hats soon

>> No.22676295
File: 2 KB, 98x125, 1599534811567s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuckin checked, big hats and big dicks after our dick enlargement implants

why have you been running this thread all day, are you getting paid to shill?

>> No.22676516

>were early as fuck on this
Oh, we are. Mcap is about 500k but it's got talented devs behind it. The idea is terrifically meme-able in this defi market. And the execution has been spot-on so far. Once they open up pools and so forth, the money should really start rolling in.

>> No.22676564

I find it a bit odd that some "OG BTC developers" are now running a ponzi scheme that invokes Tulip Mania

>> No.22676654

bought a single seed, now growing it
curious to see how this goes, but I'm not going all-in on something I don't trust

>> No.22676796

the only OG bitcoin developer is satoshi and he has nothing to do with this literal scam
if you buy into this, fuck you and you deserve your losses

>> No.22676834
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>27 posts by this ID
kys stupid pajeet

>> No.22676912

Thanks for the info, I'm getting my 50 seeds

>> No.22676915

>op does not stay active hes a fag
>op stays active he's a pajeet

>> No.22677479

Biz is so fucking cringe now. You literally invest in pyramid schemes and digital tulip bubbles at the behest of Indians

>> No.22677492

fuk off back to france nigger

>> No.22677611

Why invest in anything else on this shithole? This is pure /biz/

>> No.22677650

Oh, I'm sorry, I guess you didn't realize you're living in clown world. Stay poor faggot

>> No.22677678

old, new farm is MEOW

>> No.22677739

old? this shit is MOOONING right now wtf

>> No.22678047

yikes if you're missing this moonmission
1 sTLP = 0.18858 ETH ($70.58)

>> No.22678122

the fuck am i reading

>> No.22678567

biz fags enjoy buying my seeds at $5000 which will only be a $7m marketcap when the seeds in the staking contract are burnt.

>> No.22678612

kek true

>> No.22678642

rTLR mints new seeds, seeds arent going to be burnt out of existence lol

>> No.22678691

no one even has a rTLP yet and theres only like 1500 sTLP left in the uniswap pool. If this breaks out expect the prices of seeds to pump before the minting of seeds from rTLP. Also 1 rTLP mints 50 seeds a week down to 10 seeds.

>> No.22679210

i cant afford a full 100 pinks. am i going to make it still with pTLPs?

>> No.22679281

buy 100 pTLP -> grow rTLP mint seeds and sell for profit, its not too late

>> No.22679449

do you know about the dutch tulip mania?
this is basically the crypto version of the tulip ponzi in the netherlands
exit scam soon

>> No.22679943

in the future you'll be able to earn seeds through other ways. liq mining. tokens that get launched in the garden.

>> No.22679977

How do I buy pTLP?

>> No.22680294

You really can't right now. In about 8 hours, though, the first pink tulips will bloom and I'm sure you'll be able to buy then. Although it'll be pricy.. most people probably going to be trying to get to red tulips.

>> No.22680474

harvesting costs 1.3eth, gas fees are at it again

>> No.22680513

What're you talking about? No one can harvest yet. The gas fees show excessive fees when the tx is not actually possible.

>> No.22680583

oh, well ill put some uni money in it then whats the worst that can happen right?

>> No.22680628

which token address is the correct one?

>> No.22680635

Unironically the worst that can happen is you sell tomorrow at a 50% profit. That's the worst that can happen. Supply is tiny, demand is high. 90% of circulating seeds have already been burned. And new seeds won't come for a while.

>> No.22680643


tulips.farm is the site.

>> No.22680644

Always get these from the websites, but here you go

>> No.22680666

Ripped from their telegram

Fellow Farmers,

Seeds have been released!

sTLP Uniswap Pool: https://uniswap.info/pair/0x49e58b32cdbe1350b80af6255578c2a00634d48f

pTLP Uniswap Pool: https://uniswap.info/pair/0x573615f5cd0b279fce414a6ebb70861a6f8e70e4

!!Do not trust any other links or token tickers!!

Proof of liquidity lock:

>> No.22680669


If you want to end up with profit in 2021, look into DMG. Also, funneling into DMM's 6% may not seem like a lot more, but it will soon.

>> No.22680694

comfy community
>satan trips
pact with hell confirmed

>> No.22680901
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why are you saying that new seeds wont come for a while? are you just trying to unload your seed bags?

>> No.22680943

Yes 500 a day will come, but that's literally inconsequential. That will only turn into 5 red tulips a day. The new seeds I meant was when the initial red tulips get their 50 seeds after one week, when several thousands will come into circulation on one day

>> No.22681058
File: 121 KB, 614x518, 1599629385988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got it.

what i find interesting is that i dont think the demand will be there for red tulips. price will be too high. most people will want to buy pTLP or seeds and simply hold hoping for the price to rise so they can gtfo. on that thought, would be be possible for the price of rTLP to rise without rises in seeds or pTLP? i dont think so, since that would mean youd be able to arbitrage rTLP by buying s and pTLP at a hefty discount. the market doesnt let that happen for long. the timelock between s and p and rTLP will have the value baked into the price.

say rTLP is 10k per. youd think pTLP would be 100 per. but it takes time to grow, so the price would be (100 + x). but what will seeds be? i dunno if the play is just to accumulate and dump seeds or literally to burn them all into p and rTLP

big brain convo sorry boys

>> No.22681150

lmfao this has to be a tongue in cheek scam. its literaly tulip mania in a digital shit package. this is hilarious. where do i buy?

>> No.22681174

>say rTLP is 10k per. youd think pTLP would be 100 per. but it takes time to grow, so the price would be (100 + x). but what will seeds be? i dunno if the play is just to accumulate and dump seeds or literally to burn them all into p and rTLP
I had the exact same debate. I'm honestly not sure what the play is, but since you generate seeds with rTLP I thought might as well go for it. It'll only take 4 weeks (eventually 10) to get 100 seeds back, and I'm sure they will be worth more then than today. I think the rTLP demand will have something also be driven by later high-yield pools set up, but not positive. I think holding the seeds (or better yet pink tulips) is a decent play. Especially since in a few weeks it'll day days and eventually weeks to turn those seeds into pTLP

>> No.22681219

having 1 rTLP is a guaranteed 520 seeds a year in the long term plus governance. I'm personally 50-50 holding seeds and staking and gonna either stake or sell depending on whats more profitable at that time.

>> No.22681250

Why not at least turn those seeds into pTLP? As times goes on, with the increasing time it takes to grow a tulip, the price difference between sTLP and pTLP will get bigger

>> No.22681279

i think short term seeds may see an overvaluation due to everyone staking theres and most pTLP will get turned to rTLP. So if any new farmers want in they will have to buy seeds which will be limited until rTLP holders mint seeds.

>> No.22681342 [DELETED] 

tulip is nyan team's next scam.

>> No.22681358

tulip is nyan teams next scam token

>> No.22681391
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do you think the most prudent thing to do right now would be to buy about 50 seeds and plant 25? I can't decide what to do rn

>> No.22681480

Pyramid schemes make the most money. "They" would rather have you be in debt and use your credit like a good goy.

>> No.22681520

Nyan team is yikes, tulip team is OG