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22660506 No.22660506 [Reply] [Original]

A friend who is quite smart just texted me to say he's been let go from his job because they don't like him. They didn't give him a really good reason. It's quite a technical one.

Feels bad brehs. I was an autist too but my job has kind of forged me in to someone who can do a good normie impression. It's like the deeper I go, the more I realise all that matters is social skills and BSing.

Do you ever see sperg types and think to yourself that they will just never 'get it'? This guy is quite technically smart but he is kind of pathetic and still plays large amount of vidya. He showed me his resume once and it had bad grammar, etc. When I saw that it almost made me feel admiration for the vacuous humanities graduates who run Britain. At least they try not to appear stupid.

Is there any industry immune to this or will I have to tell him to stop being a sperg?

>> No.22660606

Am a sperg. Have been employed as a programmer for 20+ years, without any issues.

>> No.22661327

You put on different faces in different situations all the time
What's wrong with putting on a normie mask at work

>> No.22661365
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>> No.22661410

>Can't be yourself
>Can't have an independant thought or action
>Have to act like a fake cookie-cutter version of everyone else

The absolute state of wageslaves.

>> No.22661424

I wished I lived in the 19th century during the Romanticism movement when they used to literally worship autists and schizos because of the genius meme.

>> No.22661449

Tell him to stop being a sperg. Spergs usually don’t know they’re spergs. Then they sperg out when they’re told.
Sperg or not, your friend sounds like he is uncoachable. Nobody gets fired because they aren’t liked. They get fired because they either said something out of bounds, or are extremely arrogant, or are uncoachable.

>> No.22661506
File: 433 KB, 1440x1409, Screenshot_20200920-090204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look it's another normie acting as if he is better than other's because he acts like a big normie
>look at me guys i just bought this new apple product
>guys I also like this new onions drink
>heh playing video games is a waste of time mich better to learn new skills for the sole purpose of making money
>you got rich off crypto and are retired? What a waste of time you should find new ways to make more money
>why yes i did "watch" netflix this weekend (netflix isnt a tv show you virtue signaller you jist wanted to namedrop that you have netflix)

You will never turn me into a normie. I'll attempt escaping by getting rich and freeing my family from ever having to deal with your idealogy!

>> No.22661529

my brother is measurably less smart than me. but he's really great at socializing and networking. people will generally have a favorable view of him unless they have a chip on their shoulder.

I wasn't born with the skills, but I've consciously tried to emulate them and seen some success. So it's possible to change, anon. try to emulate someone who you would enjoy spending time around.

>> No.22661530

>They get fired because they either said something out of bounds
Nah I've heard and seen management do this but when someone of lower status does it, it's like they committed a heinous crime, hypocrites.

>> No.22661531

Im a sperg and a confirmed autist yet i have no problems finding work

>> No.22661600

Hi Sperg. You didn’t communicate that very well. Did you mean to say you disagree that people can get fired for saying something which is subjectively “out of bounds” because management abuses their power? Correct. That’s the way the world works.
Just because management can bend their own rules doesn’t mean you can bend them too. If you have a problem with authority then start your own company bro

>> No.22661781

stop being clinically retarded anytime, schizo.

>> No.22662010

I used to think this shit was a meme until I was interviewing someone for an open spot at our company. This HR roasty literally asked the guy what he likes to do in his spare time. Completely unprofessional imo; it’s a job not a sorority tryout.

>> No.22662087

Those are the best questions. Easy as fuck to lie about. Say whatever you think they want to hear.

The world runs on lies, the faster you realize this the more successful you'll be. Top bullshitters hold top positions. Christ a lot of relationships fail cuz the person isn't even who you thought they was after you get to know them because 'everyone' is holding a fake image just to survive.