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22652755 No.22652755 [Reply] [Original]

Will Loopring's upcoming AMM make Uniswap obsolete?

>> No.22652761

what tech advantage does it have over uniswap?

>> No.22652822
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No. Here's a tip, Anon, don't ask yes or no questions to facilitate conversation. Try open ended questions like: Why is OP such a faggot?

>> No.22652847 [DELETED] 

It's on Layer 2. The trading fee is essentially zero.

The only thing you'll need to pay gas for is depositing your tokens onto Loopring. Once it's there, trades and transfers are essentially free. You'll be able to transfer not just to L2 but also to L1 (so withdrawal will be essentially free).

>> No.22652902 [DELETED] 

Sorry, I should say that while there will be essentially no fee charged by the protocol, trades on the AMM will definitely have a liquidity provider fee like Uniswap does.

>> No.22652954

That's ok but that's not great. Many many many L2 trading, exchanges etc where you have to pay to go to L2 before trading.

>> No.22652976

It won't unless they incentivize LP's much better than Uniswap currently does. And Uniswap will get an upgrade (OVM) around the same time anyway so.

>> No.22652982

It's on Layer 2. The transaction fee is essentially zero.

The only thing you'll need to pay gas for is depositing your tokens onto Loopring. Once it's there, transactions (including withdrawals) are essentially free.

>> No.22652996

if you know

>> No.22653029

do you hold loopring?

>> No.22653050

Yes. but only about 12k.

>> No.22653112

Well, then you are at least slightly biased. I am very interested in L2 projects, but there are so many of them. Some projects I have found I have never heard mentioned on /biz/, but desu it doesn't matter because theres too many layer twos. Probably something generalized like xdai, optomistic, or arbitrum will do L2 contracts.

>> No.22653189

Loopring is different than many of the others because it is already delivering. It already has a DEX (loopring.io) and it will soon have an AMM and general contract execution. It also a favorite of Vitalik's and he shills it pretty often.

>> No.22653206


>> No.22653226

Automated Market Maker. In other words, a Uniswap-type exchange.

>> No.22653328

I just rode LRC from $.05 to $.25 chart look like a sell right now.

>> No.22653409

>Many many many L2 trading, exchanges etc where you have to pay to go to L2 before trading.
Seems to be cheaper than other DEXes, at least by (their own) twitter post about it:

But the advantage I think is that the funds stay in the traders metamask wallet and don't have to be transferred to the exchange's custody to be traded. Maybe other L2 DEXes work the same, I don't trade a lot so I don't know.
I have used Loopring myself though, it worked pretty slick.

>> No.22653446


>> No.22653453

I bought at 10 cents. I'm holding until Layer 2 becomes in widespread use.

>> No.22653505

Yes I read that
again, it's just ok, nothing that great. Very low cost, ok. Most people aren't going to do that calculation they just see big fees and getting locked on layer 2 with expensive fees to pull tokens out. loopring also requires an exchange account (for now) to use it which is not ideal.

>> No.22653525

there's also competitors outside ethereum now, like ftx and solana Serum dex, which is basically a different faster layer 1 (solana) acting like an eth layer 2, with wrapped eth tokens.

>> No.22653705

Isn't falconswap the same shit

>> No.22653759

Nothing can make Uniswal obsolete. Look at what happened to XSN, it died trying to compete with Uniswap lol. Loopring will walk the same path if it tries to touch on Uniswap's territory.

>> No.22653799

what about Raiden? doesnt it power a bunch of l2 shit?

>> No.22653884

Raiden hasn't made anything yet.

>> No.22653974

so how are they powering XSN if they dont have a product?

>> No.22654058

that's what I thought too, I was surprised they have something in the works , check the twitter. May not be a competitive product compared to loopring, idk.