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2264352 No.2264352 [Reply] [Original]

Ripple vs Strat
Which is the better long term investment?
I'm leaning towards Strat

>> No.2264357

why not both?

>> No.2264363

obviously strat, banks will never adopt cripple

>> No.2264388


>> No.2264396

You know what to do you just need that extra push.

XRP achieved a $10B+ market cap with meme fundamentals. STRAT has actual things going for it & it's still only at $700M. This is going to overtake XRP for the #3 spot, mark my words.

>> No.2264403

I hope your day comes NEMbro. You're very dedicated to your cause.

>> No.2264408

This. It honestly seems to be one of those once in a lifetime opportunity coins. Like bitcoin or eth were, even though once in a life time opportunity seems to happen at least once a week in crypto.

>> No.2264512
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You think they are third in market cap because basement dwellers spent their weekly allowance on XRP? Banks are getting involved with Ripple/XRP. Dash just announced yesterday they are working with ripple also..

Buy both...

>> No.2264551

gonna bank on strat and long ripple until the meme dies

>> No.2264620


Banks are already working with ripple
Even if they are "meme" banks

>> No.2264631

Both are dogshit

ETH or 90/10 BTC/LTC (on the off chance BTC shits the bed on scaling) for stable gains

ARK for legit moon-mission

>> No.2264633

ripple is literally a shitcoin. it doesn't matter how good the tech is, everyone is convinced banks will never use xrp but will use the blockchain technology. cause of this it got dumped harder than steve irwin in a tank of stingrays and literally everytime it picks up it just goes back down. ripples PR is a mess and itll take at least a year to recover if it even makes it that far.

>> No.2264640

Do you guys think that this is a good time to buy XRP? i'm about tu buy in 11700

>> No.2264673

sell me on ark and i'll go all in

>> No.2264701

see that imaginary line it's been bouncing on? draw a line across that. if it falls below it i would say no. if it doesnt and and it breaks out of those peaks moving downward, i would say yes.

>> No.2264720
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>> No.2264743

my god biz is actually fucking autistic

XRP is ripple's native cryptocurrency, and you think there's no fucking way XRP will succeed when ripple is?

fucking autistic retards I swear

>> No.2264751

ark thread:

>> No.2264758

ripple because it is the coin of the jews!

>> No.2264764
File: 159 KB, 669x788, actual xrp facts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but muh paid shill piece!
There's no convincing them, friend. It's as if /biz/ doesn't want the gains out of principle or something.

>> No.2264772

ripple isn't true crypto, there's no value in their network, only their protocol, which is open

>> No.2264783

they probably do use xrp but i have no fucking clue cause i dont understand a fucking thing which is kind of a problem because at the concensus they couldn't bring out the sell points people wanted to hear, also chief dev said and i quote "banks don't have to use xrp". so after that happened xrp tanked and its going to stay there.

>> No.2264802

tfw no true scotsman fallacy

let me ask you something anon; even putting aside the no true scotsman fallacy

do you actually fucking care? do you really fucking care if this thing takes off 10 years from now or something? or do you just pretend to care to cope from lack of emotion in your daily life?

Currently, ripple is about to pump. Are you actually fucking stupid enough to sit there going "but i-its not a true crypto!!!" as it rockets up over 100% over the next week, barring another btc crash?

Are you




>> No.2264817

this piece of crap couldn't even stay up after the consensus despite the mass amount of shill bots on polo.

it also couldn't stay up after the crash 2 weeks ago.

it still can't even stay up even after being pumped 2 days.

face it this coin is a mess. you're better off putting money elsewhere.

>> No.2264839
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but that was a literal paid shill piece, you retard:

ripple protocol is open, Ripple doesn't need to "make proprietary tokens" for banks to use non-Ripple ripple, plus XRP is not needed to use either the protocol OR the public ripple network

105% of validator nodes are owned by Ripple, decentralized as the fucking soviet union

the deflation rate is fucking nothing, it would take until the heat-death of the universe to burn-through even 1b XRP

devs/former devs still own over half of the 38b XRP in circ, and even if Ripple locks 55b XRP(for a whole FOUR YEARS kek), they still have 7.5b in un-circ XRP they can dump

>> No.2264849

god you're a fucking retard

if it went up for a week right before the consensus, who in their right fucking minds thinks its going to pump for ANOTHER week straight? Especially when the main fucking speaker was the fucking ethereum alliance.

And what the fuck do you mean shill bots? Are you fucking stupid? You think biz can even TOUCH a coin's price with that high a volume? Autistic fucking faggot I swear

I BETTER not see you again fudding when ripple hits a new ATH

and I say this not because I give a single fuck about the currency, I say this purely based off charts. Your loss, faggot

>> No.2264859
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w-wat do?

>> No.2264860

lmao nigga im already getting 50% gains with dgb and stratis and i only held bags for xrp once before and never again enjoy your -20% profit lmao nigga

>> No.2264890


or ETH, 90/10 BTC/LTC for dem comfy stable gains

>> No.2264922
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know what I did when cripple went to 14k sat yesterday? took a dump fat steaming SHORT on it, easiest 35% I've ever made

>> No.2264926

> i only held bags for xrp once before

ah that explains it

buy it, these people are mad they bought at ATH like fucking retards

me too, increased my position pretty significantly

>> No.2264929

honestly if you want to short something you should be shorting something that *breaths in* is more likely to gains tbqhwy

>> No.2264942

this faggot finally had an aneurysm from how retarded he is

bout fucking time we had some eugenics work on this fucking place

>> No.2264948


>> No.2264984

Strat for no scam

>> No.2265010

xrp just broke out btw

>> No.2265103

i'll see your black ass on the moon, trayvon.

>> No.2265178
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Broke the triangle
Ripple is going up boyz

>> No.2265287

went long, don't trust it overnight yet tho

>> No.2265296
File: 32 KB, 200x211, bitb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what you can trusty overnight? BEAANNCOOOIINN!!!!!!