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22642273 No.22642273 [Reply] [Original]

how do you even make a friend as a 2x year old?
i want to get out of the loner dom but everyone at work and school seems busy and distant
at this point is seems i have more luck msg the childhood bullies that humiliated and mentally damaged me for life and put me in the louner dom in the first place.

>> No.22642304

You deserved to be bullied. If you were normal like everyone else, you wouldn't have been bullied. Instead, you are a worthless social reject and were rightfully humiliated.

This is irrefutable.

>> No.22642315
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its kind of easy op. start with a social hobby, like climbing or even a fucking chess club. be casuel = friends

>> No.22642317

find a hobby
get good at hobby
people in hobby now respect you
leverage this power into "friend"

>> No.22642331

why did they bully you?

>> No.22642332

literally just play a video game and add people that seem like cool people lol

>> No.22642399

>You deserved to be bullied. If you were normal like everyone else, you wouldn't have been bullied. Instead, you are a worthless social reject and were rightfully humiliated.
i believed this for some time too. but then i have seen kids no matter boys or girls that won the genetic lottery and still got bullied. children are mean - being in a vulnerable place and being at the wrong time at the wrong place. it can happen to a lot more than you think

>> No.22642417

Kraut here.
Men make friends being shoulder to shoulder, women make friends being face to face.
Find some place you are doing activities together.
I made friends by joing a (catholic) student fraternity at the very end of my studies and regret a bit not doing it earlier.
Church itself is better for finding a suitable wife but the surrounding acitvites can make you meet good men to befriend too.
*This only works for trad caths and orthodox. Prots are fake and gay.
More secular possibilities would be sports or tech clubs.
Martial Artists are often based and redpilled,
Shooting range too (if I can guess for Americans, ppl I met at shooting range in Poland were b&r too).
Amateur radio is also a very white hobby but has a lot of Boomers in it.

>> No.22642655

man i had hobbies
in order to cope with the bullying i went to MMA gym but it was the same. i know very much original. everyone was bothered with themselves pretty much. unless our coach suggested doing something off training hours. but other than that everyone came in, did their training and went home again after the occasional small talk

i am peaceful but had to quit that tough, because some kid fucked with me and i knocked him out. got a mayham charge and possible more, someone could have found out i train martial arts and it could have been used against me.
i dont have the attention span for chess. i like it tough.

>> No.22642678

get a job and befriend your coworkers is probably the easiest route, thats what i did and now i kinda resent it all. Constant invites to "go out", go to parties, go drinking, no time for myself anymore. Some people like that life and being around others constantly, and if thats you more power to you.

>> No.22642685

Nah, sometimes kids just pick another kid out at random and torture him.

>> No.22643253

>tfw got bullied bc my sister was one yr older than me and an enormous weirdo
>literally inheritted her bullying

>> No.22643294
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want to be frens? I dont have any either.

>> No.22643387

Certain interests/sports are better than others for finding pals. Combat sports don't seem to foster friendships outside training. I've been a member of a couple of boxing clubs and got along well with a few guys, but we literally only met at training, and it wouldn't have been the buzz to go drinking or anything at another time. Things that have a social element built into the actual activity seem to be way better for this though, like hiking or team sports. And if you can grab a drink with the other people it makes a hell of a difference because it breaks the barrier between training and ordinary life