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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 18 KB, 402x201, u3d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22638308 No.22638308 [Reply] [Original]

why aren't you pooling your UNI to compound your gains anon?

>> No.22638349


how fucking pumped are you right now man, that's truely incredible and i am feverishly jealous. i missed this one, fuck sakes.

>> No.22638369


>> No.22638375

why are you going to miss this one?

>> No.22638428


i can't remember the wallets or coins i've used Uniswap on. I'm sure I have a few but I just can't figure it out. i've been trying steady since it came out

>> No.22638438
File: 76 KB, 1242x470, 37E8D47F-0BD3-44E4-9692-D8664633E999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am. Only smoothbrains aren’t.

>> No.22638469

just buy UNI and pool it. it's not rocket science.

>> No.22638524

whats the url for this pool?

>> No.22638525


i agree but i'm a broke idiot and i don't want to talk about what happened to the last of my eth

>> No.22638535

because the gas fees are like 100$+ LMAO

>> No.22638563

how often do dividends pay?

>> No.22638585

Where can I pool them?

>> No.22638620


Dividends come from the entry/exit fee that people pay to pool so it’s entirely dependent on others, but this is brand new so there is massively asymmetric return right now.

>> No.22638675

>Dividends come from the entry/exit fee that people pay to pool
so its just a typical ponzi scheme? At least you got in early

>> No.22638741
File: 135 KB, 2000x1333, jdimon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything is a ponzi scheme anon.
the sooner you realize this, the sooner you can start profiting from it.

>> No.22638778

because every fucking attempt to provide liquidity fails even with 750 gwei

>> No.22638807

That's not what I am talking about fren.

>> No.22638842

say i pooled 1k UNI with eth. how much will i make? what about impermanent losses?

>> No.22638874

I'm not talking about providing liquidity.

>> No.22638885

this is just a single asset staking contract, your not farming.

>> No.22639011

Jesus, I thought you were talking about the pooling on uniswap
You’re literally pooling on a Ponzi scheme. All of your unis are now basically worthless and you’ve given them to the dudes at the top
Jesus Christ, you had 1 opportunity to make it, you got lucky with uni and you waste it all in a Ponzi scheme. Some people

>> No.22639056
File: 9 KB, 225x225, right.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be silly anon. Within a few weeks this will be all /biz/ is talking about.

>> No.22639156


Where do I get a picture like that regarding my own pool investment? I can't seem to find the page to see this.

>> No.22639394

Oh look, it's hex, but with uni. Unihex!

>> No.22639593

If you have ever sent some funds back from one of those wallets to any other wallet that you know, or even an exchange, trace back the address of the wallet from the transaction, since you probably don't have that many transactions on personal wallets it shouldn't be that hard there, if you need to trace back from an exchange check out the exact amount of coins that you sent to that exchange wallet, locate the exchange wallet and try to remember at around what time you sent the funds and search using those parameters
Even if you sent money to a friend, a random dude or anything you can still try to backtrace from there, is 3000$ wallet, good luck

>> No.22639681

>contract code not verified
>cannot exchange back to eth

You’ve just made this scammer 50k retards

>> No.22639757

These are textbook shills, anon. Probably the ones at the top of the pool themselves. Just ignore the thread

>> No.22639766

why would I do that when I can compound gains and collect uni by funding a much more stable pair?

>> No.22639775

on the website

contract is verified

You exchange UNI for ETH on uniswap.

Learn how to DYOR if you ever want to make it.

>> No.22639822


maybe i'll check out a list of Uniswappable airdrops and see what I come up with

>> No.22639856

Why do I get the feeling you have no idea how this works? are all /biz/ anons this dumb?

>> No.22639881

>20% total tax for a monthly 1%
Yeah no thanks

>> No.22639922

what are you talking about? 100% of the tax goes to the pool.

>> No.22640451

I went in this morning and I’m already in profit

>> No.22640522

Ngl I got scared and swapped when it dumped just now, got 6 eth which is pretty good I guess
Have a small stack that I bought yesterday I'll try and swing

>> No.22640627
File: 85 KB, 1387x702, 1598105326858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone explain to a noob how this liquidity pooling shit works? I've only ever staked ALGO, and that's so easy a retard can do it.
Is there any risk of loss in original investment in Uni pools? Thanks in advance bros

>> No.22640638

Even dumbasses get double dubs

>> No.22640751

it isnt liquidity pooling. its a smart contract that lets you deposit UNI which charges a tax, and then you are in the pool. when others deposit after you, they pay a tax. all of the tax is awarded to the people in the pool as dividends.

also when you are in the pool, you get U3D tokens which can be sold for UNI. they go up in value when there is more UNI in the pool and down in value when there is less.

>> No.22640827

You're talking about the "participating pools" right? I see:
What are the next steps? How do I evaluate what is best?

>> No.22640852



>> No.22641650

What happens if you want to withdraw the original UNI?

>> No.22641826
File: 456 KB, 917x919, 1597620706990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek don't spoonfeed the newfags, they deserve to fall for this, it even has 3d in its name

>> No.22641879

Then you will stop earning divs.

>> No.22641915

>3d ponzis still going on
Congrats on this I guess but you guys really should have made it by buying link in 2017 like the rest of us

>> No.22641920
File: 1 KB, 275x45, chrome_2020-09-20_03-01-05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's with the slow ass loading the website

>> No.22642024

oh wow you people fell for this scam site? R O F L

>> No.22642041

you have slow internet.

>> No.22642057

link law
the longer a thread goes on the more likely a chain link cultist will appear in a thread having nothing to do with chainlink to mention chainlink.
usually has a low IQ equal to the bbc queer posters which is under 100.

>> No.22642124

Anyone pooling on Uniswap in order to mine the token?

I'm thinking of pooling in ETH/wBTC pool, but I've never pooled before so not sure how it works. If both assets increase in price, it will be the same as if I just hodl them right? Only way to get fucked by IL is if the prices diverge?

>> No.22642258

seethe reddit you had 3 years

>> No.22643201

What would you rather we discuss in a scam thread, anon?

>> No.22643680

aaaaand the cultqueer retort of muh 3 yrs... cant beleive I have to share a wallet you mentally ill queers and your inability to read someone "insulting" chainlink without you having a cultfit over it. sad pathetic cultqueer be less pathetic and stop being a link law faggot

this isnt a chainlink thread so there is no chainlink to be discussed. I know you low under 100 IQ cultqueers cant understand because well you're stupid but THIS IS NOT A CHAINLINK THREAD SO NO CHAINLINK DISCUSSION IS TO TAKE PLACE! TAKE IT TO THE 20+ SPAMMED CHAINLINK THREADS

jesus fuck you're a dumb queer.
must be all those years of dad slapping you upside your faggot head when fucking you in the ass that made you so dumb

>> No.22643738

>put 15 in
>wait for others to put their 15 in
>collect your 1's
>put 5 more in if you want to leave
Total ponzi

>> No.22643807

Fuck you jews