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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 200 KB, 2960x1626, btc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2263519 No.2263519 [Reply] [Original]

Sup lads. Anyone used Bitcoin Suisse to get in on an ICO before the whales thrust into it and block the rest of the stingy bastards out?

I am thinking about getting into the Bancor ICO early, especially after what I witnessed with BAT (which looked like a disaster from lightyears away but evidently remains quite profitable for its investors).

>> No.2263532

I don't think it's worth it unless you buy a BIG (whale big) amount of coins/tokens

>> No.2263561

I actually applied 2 days ago, but didn't receive any response yet. Either they are extremely busy, or something went wrong. Yeah the fee stings a bit considering my (planned) low investment, but I think bancor will be massive.

>> No.2263587

how could i get in early?

>> No.2263629
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why is the so perfect lads?

>> No.2263641

Bitcoinsuisse is overwhelmed, apparently they told Bancor developers they have never seen so many people buying through them for an ICO

>> No.2263693


What is your source for this?

The hype is too real. I can't miss out on this.

I might drop my whole stack of ETH in on this.


The fee is just over $100 USD. If a piece of shit coin like BAT (literally ads in a shitty browser) can go up 9x in 24 hours then this thing might be my ticket out of ever working again, even if I only drop a marginal amount.

>> No.2263710

Whats going to be the total supply, whats the starting ico price per coins.

>> No.2263719

Extreme risk. We know nothing about the ICO and the ICO values might effect Bancor's popularity tremedeously. What if the Cap on the ICO will be 100 million? It might fail or not be very profitable.

>> No.2263722

It's almost 50% sold on Bitcoin suisse, they are also planning on a conversion rate on 1 ETH- 1BANCOR

lel thats a fucking rip off, inb4 everyone wants a fucking refund

>> No.2263726

> 1 ETH - 1 BANCOR


>> No.2263730

On top of that IF bancor works properly it iwll only work with Ethereum for the forseeable future so dont expect too much...
They said in ublic and private that they will deal with the ICO issues that we witnessed with the BAT ICO, just be patient dont rush shit based on FOMO, you know that is always a mistake.

>> No.2263739

Guys, you can already buy this on bittrex? If you're in for the long hall, why not just get it there?

>> No.2263747

>N.B: Due to the regulatory landscape in the United States, we unfortunately do not offer our services to US clients at the moment.
Well shit

>> No.2263751

Yeah all the europoors will get eurorich, it's not fair, what happened to freedom

>> No.2263752

ICOs are so hyped at the moment, there is no way that a legit-looking ICO returns no profit.

>> No.2263753


Good points. I am still tempted to bite the bullet and throw $1000 or so at the ICO but I will wait until further information about how things will be running before I make any financial commitment.

With 36% sold through Bitcoin Suisse already I almost wonder if hype alone will carry this thing through no matter what, though...

>> No.2263757

Democrats being jews and republicans being faggots is what happened.

>> No.2263764

What are you talking about?

>> No.2263766

> almost 50% sold
It literally just updated to 36% after being at 205 for a day.
> rate 1:1
I've read this a few times here, do you have a source?

>> No.2263767

Literally putting my entire $2500 portfolio on this, the Jews won't let me down (unless they fuck up like BAT did)

>> No.2263773

PLEASE inform yourself on your own before investing into anything.

/biz/ will make you poor if you listen to them. See mooncoin.

>> No.2263782


>> No.2263785
File: 36 KB, 655x527, 1495696476997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah wtf you talking about?

>> No.2263798

>entire portfolio
You are an idiot that will never hold a large sum of money in his hands and if you will it will only be for a moment.

>> No.2263800
File: 22 KB, 400x589, 600full-raul-bova.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if a bunch of whales were going to buy this ICO and fuck it up like BAT, wouldn't they have eaten the entire bitcoin suisse supply by now? it's not even 50% taken yet.

>> No.2263807

>What is your source for this?
developer on telegram
>The hype is too real. I can't miss out on this.
>I might drop my whole stack of ETH in on this.
would be a wise decision

>> No.2263821

>if a bunch of whales were going to buy this ICO and fuck it up like BAT, wouldn't they have eaten the entire bitcoin suisse supply by now?
no, because whales don't want to give out their ID and personal data to mountain jews.
It's pretty obvious they did this so once whales eat everything during the ICO they can say "well we gave you small fish a chance with bitcoin suisse"

>> No.2263859

>bitcoin suisse
>ill try it
>hurr need ID
>need selfie
>need utility bill
>fill out these forms
>usa gtfo
>big fees

Fuck off

>> No.2263868

if this is the case then we're fucked, again. might as well not try and waste the fucking gas and wait for the dump on polo.

>> No.2263920

just wait for the ico

>> No.2263966

What's this about supply being taken up? The website makes no mention of the ICO date, and not even a presale has been confirmed. Just wait for explicit details and stop shitting up threads with conjecture. Bancor will make us rich, just wait and let the situation unfold.

>> No.2263994


Chances this Facebook's?

Facebook's IPO was $38 and literally tanked to $27 the next day, now it's worth $153.

>> No.2264015

>not even a presale has been confirmed

Wrong. You might want to brush up on your reading skills before you go acting smug. There is a reason we are talking about this.


>> No.2264036
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Heh...nothing personnel kid..

>> No.2264185
File: 441 KB, 800x450, bancorefrnk-3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the future.

>> No.2264288

Just registered for 2 BTCs on this thing. Wish me luck guys.

>> No.2264302
File: 107 KB, 500x334, hahaha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read the whitepaper, i'm certain it's probably almost sold out as they probably have a backlog of payments to process

Whitepaper says 1 ETH - 1 BANCOR


>> No.2264436
File: 14 KB, 1626x118, stratis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck these kikes raising so much capital. totally unnecessary

Stratis only rasied $600k and thus had exponential room to grow.

If this starts at 30 million + market cap even a billion $ market cap wont make me rich

FUCK i just need another stratis desu senpai.

>> No.2264455

I dont remember seeing that in the whitepaper. Can anyone copy paste the exact working?

If it were true that 1 ETH = 1 BANCOR I find it hard to believe so many people want in on it.

>> No.2264478

>If it were true that 1 ETH = 1 BANCOR I find it hard to believe so many people want in on it.

its not hes just fucking illiterate

they use 1eth = 1 ban as an example. read it yourself

>> No.2264536

US citizens can't participate through Bictoin Suisse can they?

>> No.2264546
File: 5 KB, 240x232, 1495238573548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im not giving my ID to those jews fuck that

>> No.2264587

Let's say you become a millionaire... Can't you move to a country where there is no capital gains tax, open a bank account, and withdraw everything?
Am I missing something?

>> No.2264602

shit, wrong thread...

>> No.2264618

No they can't

>> No.2264648

But there's nothing to stop one from sending to the crowdsale ETH address right?

>> No.2264652


If there is anything that reading about Jewish conspiracies for several entire years on 4chan has done for anybody, it is that you recognize the potential for this to change the world.


That's the dream.

>> No.2264699

Have any non-US anons tried signing up over at Bitcoin Suisse for the ICO?

As a Canadian any hope of this working out and them letting me in on the next bitcoin?

>> No.2264724

I just registered an hour ago
They sent me an acknowledgement email and said they are very busy
All you can do is apply and wait

>> No.2264882

I just got approved and sent in my payment. I only had to wait 1.5 hours.

>> No.2264921
File: 48 KB, 500x486, 1486251615715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok nice thanks.

I feel very eerily over giving my ID to actual Jews but I'll give it a try. Wish you the best anon, godspeed from a fellow leaf. This alt-coin really is gonna explode.

>> No.2264951

Americucks being cunts. Look at your government.

>> No.2265035

You'd be sending the ID to bitcoin suisse not to the developers tho so you should be fine

>> No.2265083

I too want an answer

>> No.2265097

Where did my fucking thread go about a group buy, this is what we need to setup to get /biz/ in on the action. Is there a way we can exploit the whole fucking concept of blockchain and do this without a trusted middle man