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File: 529 KB, 2048x2048, Eb4ST4QUEAAf2H9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22635864 No.22635864 [Reply] [Original]

Stopped cooming for two weeks.

Noticeable confidence with members of the opposite sex. Are the memes true?

>> No.22635881 [DELETED] 


>> No.22635959


>> No.22635984

This bitch head is too big for her body. Looks like a fucked up Bratz doll

>> No.22636006

>rose tattoos

>> No.22636015
File: 31 KB, 800x450, coom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i stopped porn(i do jerkoff without fantasy) for 4,5 weeks now.

So far my erections got harder, i get horny when i kiss my girlfriend(i didnt like kissing her in the past) and when a fantasy slips through its less likely to be a degenerate fantasy.

And this is just the beginning.
Besides that i dont notice shit in my social life but then again, i was no incell while being a coomer, i was a confident coomer.

>> No.22636040
File: 353 KB, 751x490, 1600021252538.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is sex drive

>> No.22636061
File: 209 KB, 464x456, 159848682374.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the exact kind of bish you can find working in Hamburg cafés. Yes, I do fuck them on the reg.

>> No.22636065


>> No.22636118

I just find myself getting full of rage more often with anything over 2 weeks I guess it’s the increase in testosterone

>> No.22636156

I definitely notice I get more pleasure from eating, which is a mixed blessing. I'm less likely to skip meals and neglect to eat remotely properly but I'm also more likely to overeat.

I also get more enjoyment from shit like anime and vidya. I suspect it's just that without cooming you instinctively look for stimulation elsewhere. Not always good, but usually better than pulling yourself off.

>> No.22636248
File: 330 KB, 458x390, melpepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based kraut.

>> No.22636273

maybe find a diffrent way to relieve stress like working out

>> No.22636300

that's a man

>> No.22636313


>> No.22636338
File: 158 KB, 1280x1280, C7B5A677-9F40-41D6-B06A-B5315D471715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22636343

That is one of the ugliest men I’ve ever seen

>> No.22636355

Yea I gotta work my way into a new work out routine this plandemic has really fucked my schege up

>> No.22636419


>> No.22636450

I think its actually because of the tattoos, they make her body seem smaller than it actually is since her arms blend in with her outfit a bit. Regardless this woman is disgusting and anyone who touches a woman that looks like this will be unable to properly pair bond

>> No.22636509

>pair bond

okay tradcuck

>> No.22636542

Tats like that are never a sign of good mental health

>> No.22636588

have you considered that actually masturbation is healthy but that your mindset/habits towards it isn’t? As in the way you feel emotionally going in could be one where you’re “self-shaming” and “pillarizing” the subjects of your fantasy rather than valuing yourself equally as a expression of sexual nature?
Perhaps the expression of your sexual nature isn’t true to yourself and this is the actual thing causing the negative points, so now you’ll reflect during your break and return to pleasure with a healthier mind-body-heart connection?
example: you’re a danish neckbeard who pillarizes women of certain qualities and rather than aligning to you who would connect with (the women who pillarize the type of man you embody) you feed the narrative that a connection such as your fantasy is inobtainable even though your seed is the gift of ability to give life and your sexual fantasies are potential experiences you pay currency to

>> No.22636590


>> No.22636617

>marring perfect, golden skin

>> No.22636663

didn't read; not fapping

>> No.22636692

I hate women.

>> No.22636731

there are 1 billion chink bitches on earth. can you even comprehend that number? who gives a fuck that one of them got tattoos?

>> No.22636765

Don't be like that. Plenty of men are worth hating too.

>> No.22636819

You guys always post these fugly asian girls with soft facial features. Just because a girl is a little skinny does not make them hot. They look like children and you know that their are 1 billion others who look just like them

THIS however is what hot asian girls look like. post more like this

>> No.22636872

try it with everything. put the computer, forums, social media and all the mind drugs away for 30 days. if you can't ignore the phone, at least keep it out of view and on mute as much as possible. force your brain to adapt, it'll be uncomfortably boring at first when your mind-pacifiers are taken away, but soon it starts realizing that chasing the natural ways of life are much more rewarding. authentic intimacy, authentic relationships, authentic and productive creativity, fixing shit like a man, solving your problems and facing your hurts head on. the key is you gotta act though. it's like living life on ez mode when you start seeing how zombified everyone is by their cell phones and shit.

>> No.22637103

No fix for an ugly face

>> No.22637262

only women pair bond

>> No.22637325

>pair bond
As the title implies it requires Two units to tango.
>Only women are susceptible to becoming cynical and struggling to maintain healthy relations from over-socialization in the bedroom
This is a flaw in thinking, and is likely a rationalization of your state in life.

>> No.22637382

Holy shit first sane person in no fap threads

>> No.22637383

she looks like an average chink rofl

>> No.22637408
File: 300 KB, 838x793, 1600520027547.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22637423

is porn and cooming really that damaging? there are plenty of normalfags who watch porn and never even heard of nofap and they do just fine socially, sexually and in pretty much every other aspect of life

>> No.22637446

And yet you’re still an incel

>> No.22637481

What a cutie.
brb I need to fap

>> No.22637489

Tattoos are a certified cum dumpster sticker

>> No.22637519

Except it actually lowers your test levels if you abstain more than one week

>> No.22637541

Unprovable garbage. Most of em might've jacked off.

>> No.22637561

nofap is a myth perpetrated by insecure burgers who are ashamed to touch their jewified cocks

eurochads obviously don't care about this crap

>> No.22637589

Seems like cope. Plenty of successful men who have regular sex. And if you are wondering, no I am currently not one of them.

>> No.22637643

I was into some asian tattooed bitch
discovered she had a kid and still bitching around going out in nightclubs, she was still drinking, smoking, what a fucking piece of human trash
now I reject any girl with a tattoo

>> No.22637793

i've fapped 4 times already today, and my dick isn't even hard anymore while doing it.

lockdown has being fucking shite. nothing but drinking and fapping for months on end.

>> No.22637848

>trying to get me to think about isaac newton (neet-on “meat unbeaten”) not jacking off
>implying there’s a balance in the multi-verse where isaac newton has some anon trying to get him to think about me jacking off
>immortal souls in heaven
meme flex but okay

>> No.22638094

Isnt that bitch a findom?
Gook city bitch on insta

>> No.22638188
File: 194 KB, 819x1024, 1599700316759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not having a mid-day fap so you can think clearly about your trading decisions

>> No.22638242

>opposite sex

>> No.22638436

just wait until you are 35 years old and have had countless experiences with women and can at long last definitively conclude that relationships with women in a romantic context are the biggest scams youll ever encounter.

>> No.22638464


>> No.22638506

i married a doctor and im gonna retire when im like 30 and buy a farm and breed dogs lol

>> No.22638546

>breeding with dogs
white woman detected

>> No.22638564

Lol u noob of course it is. Super Saiyan after 90 days.

>> No.22638609

Don't forget the savior of Europe and his book which he also wrote in prison.

>> No.22638625
File: 1.09 MB, 1212x731, average nofapper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn bro, you became a chad from just two weeks? This must be you

>> No.22638676

Einstein, edison, hawking all cum on the face of who wrote this

>> No.22638756

I got with my current gf, and many girls before and I cum a few times a week

>> No.22638776

god i wish i was her

>> No.22638821

>I am ignorant of famous people who died cooming like Frantisek Kotzwara
>That means nobody ever did it because my ignorance is the entire universal record

>> No.22638907

>LMAO dumb women thinking shoving crystals up the ass heals them
>LMAO dumb chinks thinking eating rhino cock gives them virility
>btw semen has magical properties so the more you have, the more virile and healthy you'll be
Quack science is alive and well. So why not take a fat load into your asshole? That should really make you into an alpha male due it's properties.

>> No.22638923

>become more sexually frustrated
>more willing to put up with the shit of the opposite gender
OMG bros the memes were real wtf

>> No.22638961

Kind of this, the more experience you acquire with women the more you realize they ain't shit. Just find some modest girl who is relatively normal and wife her up.

>> No.22639018

My theory is that a lot of men have undiagnosed Post Orgasmic Illness Syndrome https://www.medpagetoday.com/meetingcoverage/smsna/82964

There are too many people reporting negative symptoms after fapping for it to just be a meme. It's also obfuscated by retards who insist that since they don't personally feel any effects from nofapping, no one else can either.

>> No.22639029

Just don't look at porn.

>> No.22639458

That's impossible

>> No.22639580

One of the best examples of getting cause and relation messed up.

>> No.22639617

No? What kind of weak-willed fag are you?

>> No.22639669

My libido is too strong, I can but I need to release now and then, that's why two weeks is a big deal to me.

>> No.22639756

she is very hot but has the tattoos like every other normie/immigrant girl. and even full sleeves, back in the days a full sleeve was well thought trhough and a unique piece of art which you worked out with your tattoo artist. but nowadays its all the same mainstream bullshit copied from football pros and their instagram thots. very sad. normies destroy everything

>> No.22639769

I'm talking about porn not masturbating, you don't have to look at porn you know? Are you a porn-addict? It is harmful for your brain. Crank it when you feel horny, but do it to your imagination.

>> No.22639774
