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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22631340 No.22631340 [Reply] [Original]

What a soaring disappointment. Anything that has anything to do with "being a DEX" has been rocketing for the past month or so (Uni, LRC, etc.), all the while XSN has bled from a needle pin hole.

>> No.22631432
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I told you XSN stunk to high heaven when it was first shilled here. What do you expect with thread after thread of copypasta? Of the same shills talking to one another? I told you that XSN has no institutional interest. No institution wants to touch XSN with a 10 foot pole. It's Yankeeruinx, his small group of pumpers and the devs that are pushing this. It's always been them.

You got dumped on from last pump and now they want to do it again. But the retail money is drying up.

>> No.22631490
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>months-old screenshots of people asking if your old fud was legit in a public chatroom
Why must you be so bitter?
You should be happy for XSN's success, as it was shilled here at 600 sat and its been holding well above 2k now.

>> No.22631639

Im with you, but the Devs are pushing out real updates which doesnt fit the vaporware narrative. They seem to be making real effort to develop a product even if the marketing team is ablosute shit.. i have almost sold several times because of their cringe fucking shill campaign.

>> No.22631715

You may be right. But with regulations coming around the corner xsn will be popular only with international criminals. If you're happy with them grinding out gullible retail money by shilling on biz and Twitter, go for it

>> No.22631727

Do you know what a sell button is?

>> No.22631747

It's not a 'dex' right now, the exchange is hosted on a webpage.

>> No.22631762

>regulations coming
citation coming as well on this?

>> No.22631831

At this point i have 1 MN for the what if scenario but wont be putting another dime in.. im 50/50 on whether this is a scam run by clowns or legit project

>> No.22631893

blatant lie

>> No.22631908

Ask Draper.

>> No.22631909

blatant lie

>> No.22631972
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the xsn fudder cries out in menopause as he strikes you

>> No.22631973

blatant lies

>retail money is drying up
literally never been enough visibility for retail money to get in. only fundamental investors have bought in so your pumpenomics theory is DOA, anyone with a significant stack is stacking block rewards and holding through full public release at least.

>> No.22631986
File: 10 KB, 225x225, readywhenitsready.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

XSN fudders coping hard.

>> No.22631997

don't need to I've used the product, it's not a website you dunce

>> No.22632019

I've used it too? And what, it's still hosted on a website. If that website goes down, the orderbook goes down.

>> No.22632070

Any coin is going to have a few tards going overboard with shilling lol. Dyor and invest

>> No.22632282

Orderbook is literally running from a website. You can ask about this on the discord, if you don't believe it.

>> No.22632291

lol you do realize a website is a front end interface, not a hosting device? just letting you know how stupid you sound.

it's a beta product so yes it's hosted on a single vpc right now for ease of update and because volume of trades is low enough that it's not a concern.

you know as well as i do that the roadmap includes scaling to multiple hubs so your concern trolling is a waste of time; of all the development hurdles they have needed to overcome that will be the easiest. there are 1500 VPCs linked to the stakenet cloud alone, just waiting to host the backend with elastic compute space. scaling will not be a challenge lol

>> No.22632314
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>> No.22632324

It's not hosted on any VPC right now, ask Draper

>> No.22632326

>moving the goal post
that's not the dex. it's just tracking volume and trades, it isn't 'the order book' you moron.

>> No.22632390
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>project lead says it's hosted on a website
>noo noo noo you can't say that!!!!

>> No.22632672

lol that was 2 months ago before the public beta. he's trying to dumb it down so normies can understand.

functionally speaking a website is just a front end, it's not an architecture component or hosting tool. they need a stable environment which right now is centralized for ease of testing and updates; that's all he's saying.

>> No.22632706

>project lead is trying to convey highly technical cloud architecture to normies
>"yeah bro it's on a single device like a web server right now"
>gets taken literally

>> No.22632931

The only liar here is you. Never got visibility? Lmao you have 5 to 6 spammed threads on biz constantly. Kys you liar

>> No.22632984

>accuses him of 5 to 6 threads
>there are only 3 - 1 a dedicated fud thread and 1 of them is mine
what is this pilpul

>> No.22633033

Only a matter of time before a uniswap partnership.

>> No.22633136

the last straw

>> No.22633138

Dedicated FUD threads on /biz/?

dont know what the fuck this coin is, but its a guaranteed 100x. thanks lads

>> No.22633309
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Welcome to the most fudded project on /biz/.