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File: 205 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200919-050309_MetaMask.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22626606 No.22626606 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone tell me if it's time to finally end it or if i can fix this? My seed phrase is gone, my phone is the last option. It only shows this when enter the correct password. I can't fucking take this anymore

>> No.22626639

It's over bro, sorry.

>> No.22626661

Oh no what happened?

>> No.22626672

Json parser strikes again

>> No.22626686

Wtf does that even mean

>> No.22626698

backup your phone asap and transfer the metamask files to your pc

>> No.22626705

Try use your poopybum

>> No.22626711


Housefire, i wouldn't fucking care if i could get in to my fucking wallet. I don't want handouts i just want this to be fixed. My life seriously depends on this.

>> No.22626735

Kek’d audibly

>> No.22626741

Fortune favors the bold anon. Ditch your phone, buy kneepads, and get to sucking

>> No.22626761

root your phone, dump the app data for metamask, learn reverse engineering, get your key back

>> No.22626764

Fuck man hope it honestly works out, house fires are traumatizing as shit. Even if you can’t get the money it’s not the end of the world, be happy you and your closest loved ones might still be safe/living. Good luck.

>> No.22626768

bro why the fuck do u NOT HAVE UR SEED SENPAI

>> No.22626776

FUCK i hope u find ur shit dude god DAMN IT

>> No.22626779

why all of a sudden people begging for shit when uni tokens were air dropped

>> No.22626793

but really maybe try updating metamask? could be a bug they fixed

>> No.22626796

Delete cache and try again

>> No.22626797

I have this problem on my computer

>> No.22626803

Are you needing the uniswap drop or do you hold more coins?

>> No.22626816
File: 17 KB, 309x203, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how the fuck do I back up this shitty imported wallets?

No idea what private keys i imported

>> No.22626820


>> No.22626841

Got a feeling doing something wrong at this point is like trying to disarm an explosive, any wrong maneuver might force a seed phrase reentry. Need to call in sminem for this

>> No.22626842
File: 9 KB, 766x563, 432324232323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats with you retards not having your keys saved lmao. here's a fucking clue; make an imagine in paint, write your key in it, email it to yourself. no fucking bot/hack is going to be able to discern that this (attached image) is a fucking crypto key.

>> No.22626851

Seems like an app error not a password error lmao. Relax for now. When you know for sure it's all gone, then you can start to worry a bit. Hope things worked out for you.

>> No.22626859

click your metamask icon on chrome, click the icon next "Main Ethereum Network" then security then reveal seed phrase. Copy that down and make multiple backup

>> No.22626885

These are imported wallets you brainlet

>> No.22626894


I have $300k in that wallet. I could not care less about the airdrop, i barely know what it is. I'm backing up my phone now. Does anyone know what the json file will be called?

>> No.22626917

It's the same thing. you retard

>> No.22626943

Had the same problem some days ago, you just need to clear the cache to refresh the metamask wallet. Your seed will stil be there and it will work again

Go to Settings, then app, search for metamask and then clear the cache

>> No.22626952


Fuck you

>> No.22626961
File: 20 KB, 357x310, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


wrong you absolute fucking spastic
imported keys do not belong to the seed phrase and can not be derived from it.

I found it, click the 3 dots and account details.

>> No.22626998


Wait are you being serious? I feel like you're trying to fuck me here

>> No.22627020

sounds dodgy to me homie

>> No.22627024
File: 51 KB, 1024x962, 1597354630633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude back up your phone don't simply trust some random asshole before backing it up wtf i cant handle watching this

>> No.22627041

I'm actually keen to help, let me see if i can find where metamask stores data

>> No.22627047

Install gento

>> No.22627050
File: 40 KB, 701x349, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

likely fine:

You could verify this theory on another phone. Create an eth account, clear the cache, see if the eth account is still there or if its wiped

>> No.22627063

Iam serious
figuring this out took me some hours

>> No.22627208
File: 45 KB, 195x241, 2020-09-15 21_29_23-Start.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22627226


I will try it first on a friends phone tomorrow. If it actually works you will have my eternal gratitude

>> No.22627478

You have $300K in a wallet that you've lost the seed phrase to? Honestly I think that numbers a little inflated by about whatever 400 uniswap tokens are worth. I think you're lying and probably trying to get into a old wallet you quit using after getting rekt and now you're panicking because you desperately want/need those 400 coins because you believe it's you second chance. No one could be stupid enough to keep more then $10K on a wallet without having the seed phrase in 3 separate locations. Either way good luck on getting your coins 2020 has been a bitch and $2500 is a lot of money. If you're not larping post your wallet address so we can see the coins you "hold"