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File: 182 KB, 412x438, linkie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22623839 No.22623839 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.22623890

I felt so stupid buying this shit you fucking pajeet shill

>> No.22623904

>price immediately shoots up to $2000

>> No.22623923

Uh dude its fucking gone down since I bough - I literally lost hundreds of dollars because of people like you.

>> No.22623945

Prove to me its reworth putting a few thousand into it again

>> No.22623958

You haven't lost anything, you still possess your golden ticket. Learn to be patient. XRP is like a fine wine, not a fast, cheap thrill like LINK.

Ripple pay for their own FUD, it has been proven.

>> No.22623974

>Jews want you to sell the coin that Jews want to make the global reserve currency
Qtards are a special kind of dumb

>> No.22623978
File: 384 KB, 600x800, 1598737159628.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>couple hundreds
see pic

>> No.22623979
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>> No.22624000

it's a coin made by a fucking jew

>> No.22624004


>> No.22624026
File: 357 KB, 1200x1200, Ripple Chan4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesnt understand Masonic karma
the internet was made by Jews you know......

>> No.22624030

Oh they market manipulate for accumulate?

Aight these kikes know it Im back in.

>> No.22624040

are rippletards the new stinkies? been seeing this shit shilled a lot lately

>> No.22624078

>Masonic karma

I didn't even type these words above the computer auto responded to it - but now I'm intrigued but also dont want to betray the truth by investing - I already invested in the coin that will be a chinese firewall in europe.

>> No.22624095

join the club faggot. I'm down 92% from my ath beause of xrp JUST BUY XRP AND DON'T CHECK THE MARKET FOR LIKE 6 MONTHS AND YOU'LL MAKE IT FUCKING BULLSHIT

>> No.22624200

An utter genius jew, so what's your point?

>> No.22624242

can I get paid too? I wanna fud the fuck out of this coin

>> No.22624405

it's cheap, easily accessible to normies on CB making panic pumps more likely. crypto is gambling with extra steps anyway, and we're in the middle of a chaotic timeline. no rhyme or reason needs to be involved other than shruggin your shoulders and going "lol i guess ill dump 1k into this today"

>> No.22624583


>E.A. – The soul enters the form but the material is still ‘under probation’ and often unreliable (from the point of view of the soul) in its response to soul direction. But the work of preparing the stone to be fit for the Builder’s use nevertheless proceeds and the ‘rough ashlar of the personality’ is worked upon according to the ethical modes of training and being. The brother places a stone within the Temple.
F.C. – The ‘material’ is under discipline, becoming more reliable, more dependable, developing skills and refining his instrument to express creative work along the lines of a truly ethical conduct as it is motivated by the Soul, and learning how to take his place as a skilled craftsman within the Temple of the Lord in service to the Plan. He comes increasingly under the supervision and direction of the group in that his consciousness is becoming increasingly fused with the purposes of his Lodge as a whole and he therefore endeavours to demonstrate that he is indeed a stone fit to be placed in the building and that he now stands as a column of mutual support within the Temple of the Lord.
M.M. – The ‘material’ is entirely filled with light, or rather, that which has always been is resurrected from the prison house of the form and the light which the material formerly veiled, but which always constituted its essence (for light and substance are synonymous terms) is liberated; the two are one and the spiritual being stands forth. The triumphant, liberated one has placed within the Temple of the Lord a radiance pure which augments the light which ever shineth from the East.

This is KEKS WEBSITE - we are fused here - your masonic logic does not work.

>> No.22624594


So basically its never going past a dollar.

Thanks man.

>> No.22624595

I look hot