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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 309 KB, 715x434, Uniswap_banner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22621194 No.22621194 [Reply] [Original]

im so confident in this that i didnt sell a single one yesterday and went to sleep knowing it would be + today. AMA

>> No.22621257

There's too much money behind this for it to fail now. Big brains didn't sell.

>> No.22621276

I was confident enough to fomo into this with 5eth at 2$, but got shaken out after 15 minutes kek. Fuck my paper hands.

>> No.22621305
File: 26 KB, 403x389, Screenshot_2020-09-19 Uniswap Interface(3).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Confident you say? I haven't even approved the ability to sell them.

>> No.22621342

we will have our yacht party. I cant believe nobody had the sense to hold but if youre given a free $1600 I can see where your impulse control would be low

>> No.22621468

i bought $10k worth

>> No.22621486


>> No.22621490

How high do you think it'll go OP? Top 10?

>> No.22621507

What's the full fucking retard price prediction during a golden bull run? $1k each?

>> No.22621525

It will definitely hit $3B market cap.

>> No.22621535

I had over 1000 wallets from scamming.

I've scammed a further 14,000 UNI tokens on top of my 400,000

Lmao I gonna dump on you faggots later in the week.

>> No.22621559

post pics or kys

>> No.22621901

You couldn't scam your own parents for a new PS5.

>> No.22621952

kek gonna need you to post proof of such hilarious larp claims anon. oh wait you wont cuz you cant and you dont actually have more than 400 uni.
as usualy another underage queer who needs a 6 month ban and a message of lying queers stay virginal bitches

>> No.22621972

what's the best way to set an alarm on a coin's price?
i wanna know if this shit starts tanking overnight

>> No.22622000

Alarm on Blockfolio.

>> No.22622014

CoinGecko app does price alerts

>> No.22622021


Yeah, but they just send a notification, right?

>> No.22622039



>> No.22622093

Based I was tempted to sell yesterday and buy a home gym, and today I was tempted to sell and pay off my car. Tomorrow I'll be tempted to sell and do both at once, and in a month I'll be tempted to sell and pay off a house.

Too bad I am never. fucking. selling.

>> No.22622100

lol I can't imagine waking up at 3 am to that alarm.

with that said, my best crypto moments have been at 1:30 in the morning.

>> No.22622126
File: 333 KB, 945x745, uni.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are all gonna make it !

>> No.22622326


>> No.22622651

This shit is about to pump. Meme triangle complete.

>> No.22622679
File: 80 KB, 800x600, 1589910909542.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao the seethe is palpable

>> No.22622680

This might be the most based response I've ever seen

>> No.22622721


>> No.22622725

Should I set a stop-limit order at like $5 or $6 or nah cause it will likely go up and these dips are to be expected and don't mean anything.

>> No.22622796

Sell it all anon. Then I can see you seethe when its £20 next week.

>> No.22622801

havent been in crypto for a while, so whats uniswap and why is it mooning? but most importantly, why are theygoving out free money? isnt that a red flag?

>> No.22622847 [DELETED] 
File: 184 KB, 840x880, 121-1212935_x-paranormal-thread-post-pol-nothing-is-beyond.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22622898 [DELETED] 
File: 773 KB, 840x880, 121-1212935_x-paranormal-thread-post-pol-nothing-is-beyond.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22623003

serious question, I got fucked on the airdrop so Im feeling fomo, is entering at 6$+ a stupid move.

what's your financial advice anons

>> No.22623095

When you do, I make money so shoot for the stars man

>> No.22623097

Bless your heart anon

>> No.22623103

Just accept that you missed the boat I guess

>> No.22623130

Could go to $100, could crab for the next year, could dump to $1. No one knows, make your call. I don't think Uniswap is going anywhere so I don't see their token losing too much value from here.

>> No.22623211

>so whats uniswap and why is it mooning?
Uniswap is the 3rd largest exchange in crypto, and the largest DEX (decentralized exchange) and growing. They're the young blood, and arguably the future of crypto because nobody wants KYC.

UNI is the token they've just released.

> but most importantly, why are theygoving out free money?

Why not? Hundreds of thousands of traders who had never heard of uniswap before now not only know about it, but are also FOMOing into using it in anticipation of possible future airdrops.

>> No.22623332

Buying at supports isnt a bad idea

>> No.22623370

its not 'free money' its supply and demand. The token can be very powerful for governance with their tokenomics anything is possible for the protocol. Imagine a proposal for burning the treasuries tokens, or imagine in 30 days when the fee switch can be flipped and you can start making passive gains off holding and possibly staking their token. There is lots of ways that this token is valuable, we are still in price discovery, for it being THE largest DEX(with permission less listing i.e. as long as you have the token contract you can get whatever) with trading volume LARGER than coinbase its kind of a no brainer this is going to keep mooning.

>> No.22623451

Lel you are like a baby. I haven't even claimed mine yet. Also, my first trade on uniswap was 1 week before snapshot

>> No.22623461

yes cause its clearly dipping atm

>> No.22623515

What wallets did this airdrop to?

>> No.22623526

anyone who interacted with the protocol before sept 1st

>> No.22623559

Can someone explain this to me?

Why do people even deal with gas fees? I just trade on binance and I dont have to deal with any of that shit. I'd understand eating a fee if you wanted to profit off a shitcoin that isnt on major exchanges, but thats not always the case

>> No.22623572

Thanks for the laugh anon, the mental image of that was hilarious.

>> No.22623586

no kyc, its anonymous. Some countries ban binance , USA for example. Its a way to bypass the jew.

>> No.22623588

There are coins that are listed on uniswap first that have done 1000x, by the time they hit regular they only do maybe 20x

>> No.22623628

>admits to being avid scammer
>tells people exactly what they don't want to hear
>implying you're not literally pulling a scam rn by fudding

>> No.22623851


how are centraslised exchanges trying to combat this? sounds like a hostile takeover and set to become a standard platform of exchange...

playing around with it, the absence of options and exclusive market buying is a huge drawback

>> No.22624084

Im not sure of the detailss exactly but if you consider very large financial institutions irl, they have many groups of owners.

>> No.22624194

At the end of the day, you still need an on ramp and uniswap isnt one. So wire exchanges from bank accounts into a KYC are still a thing.