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22621185 No.22621185 [Reply] [Original]

Many Bitcoin maximalists (including institutional investors) believe Bitcoin will replace bullion as the world’s store of wealth, causing it to moon past $500,000 USD. What’s /b/‘s insight on this theory? I can understand the process of elimination idea. Cash and stocks collapse due to economic factors, bullion is rendered worthless as we approach the capability for extraterrestrial mining. However, will Bitcoin (or even Crypto in general) really be the final solution?

>> No.22621317

>the final solution
let's hope so

>> No.22621346

we are all going to make it

>> No.22621360
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This is now a pizza thread

>> No.22621372
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go back to your containment board filthy degenerate

>> No.22621393

Winklevoss twins creep me out

>> No.22621408

Bitcoin is a ponzi scheme

>> No.22621413

I meant /biz/, I’m half asleep.

>> No.22621417

same...I bet you they always fuck the same prostitute.kek

>> No.22621423

Ahhh wtf it’s a /b/ nigger you must be lost y’all don’t come here often

>> No.22621444
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>> No.22621449

Those guys are unironically laundering money by selling retarded art in exchange for cryptos. We are well past mainstream now, and it will never hit 20k again because cryptos are ultimately stupid

>> No.22621477

Drop that word from your advertisement it makes you look retarded to anybody with IQ over 55

>> No.22621601
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Yeah man, I’m Satoshi. Please don’t call out my psyops dude.

>> No.22621664

Cool story frogger. Mind posting a message with your pgp

>> No.22622205

>bitcoin being worth half a million is less than a 50x

>> No.22622343

>he bought bitcoin at 10k+

>> No.22623118

Winklevoss just want to dump their bags lmao.

>> No.22623174

>However, will Bitcoin (or even Crypto in general) really be the final solution?
no it will simply replace gold and that's it. it won't change the world much. make a few people with iron hands rich but not much else different.
bitcoin can never be cash it's supply function makes it impossible.

>> No.22623341

Winklefags are bagholders, fact is they always lose, and if they are shilling something you should sell it and leave them holding the bags.

>> No.22623369

Crypto is the final form of fiat, since most fiat dollars are just blips in a computer, cryptoskips the paper/metal phase and is entirely blips.

>> No.22623469

This. Millenials and Zoomers are not interested in gold. Bitcoin (and ETH to a lesser extent/maybe another coin) will be the future stores of value.

Gold is worth something like 10 trillion. As we know Bitcoin is only worth 200B which is less than a lot of large companies are worth. In other words, we are incredibly early still. If you're current on the space, you've seen that institutional wealth (who hold the true moon keys) is starting to look at Bitcoin, whereas before they laughed at it.

Supply and demand. Digitization. The largest transfer of wealth in history, from boomers to millennials is at its advent. It's all there.

>> No.22623513

Forgot to mention this other thing known as inflation

>> No.22624535

There is the word again define or don't use marketing jew. My ass has intitunial wealth in form of farts. They can influence the environment

>> No.22624999

I believe that if BTC does not succeed the landscape of crypto will change pretty severely.

The "store of value" use case for crypto pretty much lives or dies with BTC. If it doesn't work out, we'll have to fall back to something like PAXG or some other gold stablecoin to fit the need which is really just moving back to cryptos not really being a store of value, but rather a method of temporarily exchanging value.

Some may argue that's really all we need, but I'm hopeful BTC makes it. In fact, my financial future depends on it kek.

>> No.22625105

You’re here to shit up this thread too? I already reported on the other thread kek you stupid retard.

>> No.22625639

This bull run 380k next bull run 5 million+

>> No.22625696

> believe that if BTC does not succeed the landscape of crypto will change pretty severely.
Obviously, Actual institutions are looking to get into dlt, they don't need an ancient 11 year old chinese controlled pow proof of concept againt double spending, they need to get their data into their dlts
>In fact, my financial future depends on it kek.
time to move on

>> No.22625840

What kind of data do you think they need to get into DLTs? Are you talking about non-financial data like supply chain info? IOT use cases?

Institutions don't seem to be having too much success building their own DLTs so what are they going to use to store all of this data? JP Morgan pretty much had to dump their failed private blockchain project onto Consensys as they realized they wont be able to keep pace themselves. I think we're talking about 2 separate use cases here friend.

I think institutions will be forced to use whatever the rest of the world trusts when it comes to value transfer. Right now BTC is in the lead when it comes to distributed ledgers and we'll see if anyone comes along to actually challenge it.

>> No.22625929
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yes bitcoin will reach 500,000 USD, BTC, not so much.

>> No.22626468

>extraterrestrial mining
Go back to r/science you stupid faggot.

>> No.22627046



>> No.22627119
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what happens when SHA-256 is broken by quantum computing and alllllllllllll of that wealth is sucked into the black hole that is IOTA?

>> No.22627380

You realize value is just 0 and 1s and ownership. There is no use case for bitcoin in the real world, nobody needs chinese controlled digital gold. And regarding working dlt technology, Hyperledger, people know and have worked with IBM for decades

>> No.22628177
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>> No.22628210

fake news. A computer would have to reach singularity to crack keys. Even if it did start to get close, developers would just up the cryptography.

>> No.22628257

Sorry. 1mb block limit cant do this. You can trade gold for 0 fee and it has utility.

>> No.22628334

i think you two are too far ahead of the curve while boomers with money are just jumping onto the curve. think in 10 year timeframes, not 1 year.

>> No.22628344

>quantum computing
Not happening any time soon.

>> No.22628370

Last time Bitcoin peaked in late 2017 it took hours to do a single transaction. As far as I know that a permanent design flaw. Something that slow will never replace real currency.

>> No.22628413

>as far as I know
Clearly you don’t know much as it is not the same as it was in 2017.

>> No.22628484

it only a matter of time, bitcoin NEEDS to replace gold and be the backing for some sort of multi-type global currency. we the people should be demanding it. its an infinite ledger 100% secure and compared to shipping gold, its instant.
The infinite ledger is reason enough to be the worlds store of wealth, everything else is icing on the cake. if you got hands of pure iron you'll make it.

>> No.22628601

the store of value lives and dies with man. I believe USDC will be our CBDC backed by gold on the algorand blockchain. Business will be forced to use whatever the rest of the world is. History is written by the winners, so will it be with crypto. It's a digital world war 3 out there anon and the space is the battlefield

>> No.22628634

Replace actual precious metals?


>> No.22628763

banks need perpetual growth to keep the fiat money ponzi from running, bitcoin is literally programmed to perpetually demand more electricity and microchips forever
so is money in general
true, it will never replace currency. just like gold.

>> No.22628786

transaction time doesnt matter when you are transfering from one central location to another

>> No.22628902

Why don't you get one simple thing: Crypto Investment is not about specific coins with their designated technologies fighting for market cap, it's putting investor's (and mostly normie's) money in sth considered as storage of wealth. If it would really be the case that other currencies overtake corn, this would be a big bear case for crypto space in general. People don't invest money in sth that they fear could be replaced by some other coins in 10 years. It's about long term wealth storage and trust in a low interest rate environment with endless qe. That's where the money is coming from and that's the reason it will go into bitcoin.

>> No.22628929


here's michael saylor explaining what you said again. i hope whales dump it down test his hands a little

>> No.22629604

That's just blabla and not what i said.

>> No.22629674

Jump from the roof /b/tard

>> No.22629781

Are you the anon who called his balls an institution in a thread yesterday?
I agree with your arguments but calm down about the institutions, king

>> No.22630078

>he bought bitcoin at 10k
he will be remembered as a hero once BTC hits 1M

>> No.22631123

>when SHA-256 is broken by quantum computing
not how it works q computers are useless against symmetric cipher.

>> No.22631278

>this would be a big bear case for crypto space in general
That is my point. I might think too far ahead and miss this out, but the EU, the US, Russia and their satellites getting really serious about regulation on the space after 7 years eyeing and pecking it. And as soon as they really control it and give the usual suspect the administration over it, it's precious metals all over again, endless crabbing with the one or other 10% swing. As custodian, hell yeah, as low risk speculator and investor, an option but one of many, as somebody looking for high risk/reward and innovation, no thanks.
>It's about long term wealth storage and trust in a low interest rate environment with endless qe
There we agree, just pessimistic about bitcoin being The One.

>> No.22631355
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>Cybernetic hornets doing the bidding for mother nature secured by a wall of encrypted energy
I hate Boomers

>> No.22631478

BTC will never be a store of value because the chinks own too much of it

>> No.22632028
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what do you retards not understand about this