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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22620761 No.22620761 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine selling the absolute bottom. What do you think happens when this RSI trend is broken?

>> No.22620794
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This might be the worst prediction i ever see in /biz/ history.

Do Ma(3,6,9,12,15,18,21) before actually talking you stupid faggot.

>> No.22620896

what are you babbling on about retard?

>> No.22620911
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态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Bully Nico GF 六四天安門事件 Rory's Wife's Son 天安門大屠殺 The Binance Bot Massacre 反右派鬥爭 Forbidden Feet of Blythe Masters 大躍進政策 The Great Flush Forward 文化大革命 The Fourth Industrial Revolution 人權 民運 Decentralization 自由 獨立 DeFi 多黨制 COVID-19 Accumulation Dump 台灣 臺灣 The Oracle Problem 中華民國 Yacht Party 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 BSN 達賴喇嘛 42 法輪功 Chainlink 新疆維吾爾自治區 Ari Juels 諾貝爾和平獎 Money Belly 劉暁波 Sergey of Nazareth 民主 言論 思想 God Protocol 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 CZ 暴亂 騷擾 Nazarov 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 Make It Stack 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 Pee Pee 強制堕胎 MANIAC! 民族淨化 SWIFT 人體實驗 肅清 216 胡耀邦 Fundamental Cheese 趙紫陽 Nail Salon 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 SN = SN 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 $1K EOY 九評論共産黨 Smart CON #0 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 Big Mac Sandwich 監視 鎮壓 WTFWT 迫害 侵略 Nothingburger 掠奪 破壞 拷問 Cayman Islands 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 Cup of Coffee 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 SmartContract 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Poo Poo 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.22620934
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"KIKE NIGGER JEWS AGAIN!" Sergey roared stomping into his office decorated to look suspiciously like the Cayman Islands.
"What's the problem this time?" inquired Adelyn looking up from her wet dictionary with a jaded glance.
Rory and Thomas stood over in the corner by the coffee machine. Rory shrugged his shoulders, Thomas rolled his eyes and mouthed "not again" to Rory. Rory, not wanting to get involved in yet another morning 'incident', thought of his wife's son and all they had built together.
"Well..." Sergey began before staring into space for a solid 42 seconds. The others had grown accustomed to this inevitable delay and waited patiently.
"The media, in all their wisdom, cannot see the value of smart contracts; but flippantly share BLM bullcrap". “It’s like a torrent of shit published minute by minute hour by hour!” Rory and Thomas kept their poker faces while Adelyn blew a big bubble of blue HubbaBubba, seemingly immune to the rhetoric, possibly because she was an Asian woman on loan from the Chinese state department.
"And, what's worst," Sergey continued jumping up and down, his fat violently oozing, his chubby arms flailing wide around, "that Microsoft dude is coming today and I'm just not in the mood to talk about "how much I care about BLM"” Sergey fingered the air overemphasizing the quotes and the problem.
"Aww just focus on your oracles sweetie" said Adelyn cooing, "that's what he's come for. Try and stay focused!"
"yeah focused and 1keoy" thought Sergey. Out loud he said with a wink "You're right my little spelling bee, everyone come over here for a group huddle"
Rory and Thomas looked over at each other and sighed in unison and Adelyn complied with a ‘white people walking past you grimace’ expression on her face.
Each put their hands into the center, "One Two Three, We Just Win" they shouted together smiling the Smart Contract mandated smile

>> No.22620961

you're doing god's work anon

>> No.22620968
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I saw Sergey Nazarov while visiting Auschwitz yesterday. Every time the tour guide started to talk about the camp he would interrupt by yawning really loudly and shout "Boring! Get to the good parts!" - I don't think he was even tired. When we got to the gas chamber he screamed "Fake, there were no gas chambers! The Soviets built this after the war" and then started mimicking a Jew suffocating on Zyklon B.
After the tour he walked straight up to me and said "they deserved it anyway", and praised the Nazis for their "decentralized" camp system, but they could have used an oracle to "improve the process." He then stood on a podium and informed everyone that Jews were "vermin" and that he had made it his mission to destroy the "Judeo-Bolshevic World Order."
Later that day the staff found pictures of the Chainlink logo stapled everywhere.
Even later they realized he stole most of shoes and striped pyjamas left by the gassing victims from the display. CCTV caught him walking around Salesforce HQ in the pyjamas pretending to be a ghost.
I can't believe anyone would buy a coin made by this guy.

>> No.22620996
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>Sergey waddles onto the stage to introduce the next speaker
>"Uh yeah, so, fundamentally... We invited Spencer to talk about how blockchain technology and smart contracts can help level the playing field for the poorest communities in America in an era of unjust socio-economic inequality"
>50 Cent - "in the club" plays
>Sergey gets down on one knee
>Spencer Dindu swaggers onto the stage in a haze of weed smoke, pants sagging
>The livechat is flooded with 'N' letters, Rory can't delete and block fast enough
>LINK dumps to zero on all pairs in an instant
>mass neet suicides EOY

>> No.22621067
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I was at the fireside chat this week. At one point Tom called Sergey a sandwich fucker. He even accused Sergey of eating the sandwiches after busting loads into them. There was an intense bit of silence while Sergey glared. Beads of sweat formed on his forehead immediately, and his face was flush. He forced a chuckle into the microphone. Then he walked off stage and just out of the room where there was a magazine rack. He was still in full view of everyone through a window. He starts taking these magazines, two and three at a time, and just tearing them to shreds. Sometimes he would pick one up, and try to twist and tear the whole thing at once, but fail, so then he would start ripping out individual pages. He was facing away from everyone, so we couldn't see his facial expressions. This went on for two minutes at least. At this point I thought he was totally screwed, and that he had just ruined the reputation of chainlink in one fell swoop. However, he turned around and walked back into the room. He looked completely rejuvinated and full of vigor again. He proceeded to completely btfo Tom in every way, acting as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened. Afterwards, he even did a little q&a session after Tom left due to being frustrated from the btfo. Janitorial services were picking up the mess of shredded magazines at this point, and the only acknowledgement Sergey ever made to the mess was when one of the older janitors fell over while leaning to pick up the pieces. He sort of covered his hand with his mouth, clearly holding back laughter. It was bizarre, but with genius comes inevitable personality quirks.

>> No.22621094
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Last night Ari Juels appeared to me in a dream. I told him how cool it was that he could appear before me like this but he just said "oh like you're forgot 216" I was taken aback and could only try and say "it means fourness right?" But he kept cutting me off by saying "fourness right? Fourness right?" and closing his hand shut in my face. My autism got the better of me and spaghetti started shooting from my hands, ears, and mouth as I tried to explain the connection between fictional stories and real life. He just chuckled to himself and walked away. I woke up drenched in sweat and pee pee poo poo.

>> No.22621106
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>> No.22621108
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I was at eth denver the other day and I went to the bathroom to take a dump. Midway through this guy starts talking to me about smart contracts from the next stall. At first I didn't respond because I thought he was on the phone but then he knocked on my stall and repeated the question. I said "umm not really" but he just kept talking about psd2 and sibos and iso20022. I said okay thanks for the information (trying to be polite). Then he asked if I wanted a t-shirt and pushed it under the stall. I said umm no thanks but he kept insisting. When I tried to flush and got up to leave he was pounding at the door yelling something about big macs and 1k eoy. I couldn't leave and had to call the police before I could leave the stall. After the police dragged this official member of the Chainlink team away I opened the stall door and saw feces spread all over the door. There were massive hand and foot prints of shit everywhere. About a dozen shitty chainlink shirts were on the ground and I had to step over them to leave. Wtf guys is this normal for chainlink?

>> No.22621191
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>> No.22621205
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> be Ari Juels
> Tell weird philosophy student about an oracle problem and introduce him to your number cult
> "Remember the 42 and 216 goy"
> Tell him that muh tech can solve this problem
> "You can even put your name on this white paper I wrote, Sergey, I get enough credit"
> "You're a smart man Ari"
> Ask Sergey to put together a team of saps
> he meets Adelyn crying over some spelling contest at a local community college and Steve at the bus stop
> Thomas was a neet whose mom forced him to apply for part time work at the nail salon in front of Chainlink HQ
> Everyone else was (((recruited online organically through JIDF channels)))
> Jonny used to post exclusively on anonymous horse and stable coin forums
> "Here, Sergey, Chainlink will solve all the problems of the oracle"
> "Gee thanks Ari you're the best"
> 32 million solved Ari's oracle problem... at least for awhile
> Ari exploits backdoor in Chainlink code
> Tell Sergey
> Sergey is devastated
> Sergey spams "it's over" threads on /biz/
> "It's okay I have an idea"
> Sell Town Crier solution to Sergey "hey I was just working on this and thought you might like it :^)"
> A few more million solved Ari's oracle problem.... At least for awhile
> Ari exploits TC code through backdoor and informs Sergey
> Sergey is suicidal
> He begins spamming tranny porn on /biz/ in revenge
> "It's okay Sergey I've got a new solution to your oracle problem but we have to include my student in this scam I mean company"
> A few more million solves Ari's and Zhang's oracle problem"
Hook, Line, and Stinker

>> No.22621758

Are those the coordinates from the bunker on LOST?

>> No.22621803
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Im a Muslim man but I have to admit that pregnant Sergey really turns me on. I keep fantasizing about putting my seed inside him and watching new life grow... We get married, he gives birth, and we raise that baby under the blessings of Allah. I want to hold hands with Sergey, and looking into his eyes say 'I love you.' I think of myself taking our son to his first day at school, watching that strong and masculine boy develop amazing computer skills like his dad.

Sergey would be the ideal partner for any man wishing to start a family. His great genes give him a combination of assertiveness, strength, and intelligence. If Sergey is able to get pregnant, he has to have a uterus; if he has a uterus, he can only be a woman in the eyes of Allah. ALLAHU AKHBAR!!!

Ok, I can't hide this anymore. It's coming from deep inside of me... this desire to shout...

I'M A GAY MUSLIM AND I HOLD CHAINLINK! Yes, and I am not the only one. I was attracted to this community because of the feeling of brotherhood that it creates. Together we are one. We are above gender divisions and categories. Chainlink, as you know, is a gay sex position where men stick their dicks into each other's asses to form a link.

Today, I declare Chainlink to be the currency of the LGBT community.




>> No.22621827

Thanks. Just bought 6 million link

>> No.22621853

Sandwich fucker gets me every time. what the fuck is that even?

>> No.22622064

dick in buns

>> No.22622125

It dumps to between 7.5 and 8

>> No.22622164

>What do you think happens when

>> No.22623162

Thanks for this precise TA, I sold everything I had and bought link.

>> No.22623200

You know RSI can go below 30 and keep being under 50 (which means bearish) after being highly overbought?

>> No.22623226

You know /biz/ has ID's right?

>> No.22623242

take your meds stupid faggot. this si crypto. projects pump and then they dump and die. youre a fucking retard if you think chainlink is "different"

>> No.22623261

Why are you foaming at the mouth like a NIGGER nazi

>> No.22623286

There operatives aren't the most clever but they speak japanese and Chinese

>> No.22623420

Sometimes the Jews are afoot

>> No.22623437

6.50 could be in play w the 200 day ma

>> No.22623444
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Some jews have more than two feet.

>> No.22623468

It isn't jews this time. It's unironic chinks and south east asian niggers. Jews usually are more manipulative with language and sneaky, those faggots are angry small dicked and uncreative copying what they perceive as the lingo on this anonymous Dutch East Indian spice trading forum

>> No.22623477

>RSI trend
Wow u didnt even understand the 5 min video on TA u watched from probably some 15 year old wannabe trader on youtube before u attempted TA lmao
The absolute state of you

>> No.22623499

Also, the time they appear should point it out. Losing sleep over triggering and launching bait attacks, but the data is Gold

>> No.22623507

ah fuck its going to pump soon isn't it? right when i got the balls to swing into some other shitcoins. fuck me. go on without me boys, i never thought i would make it anyways.

>> No.22623535

Don't give me hope I just want my 8.5 oder filled

>> No.22623540

we won't forget your sacrifice

>> No.22623551

One who fucks sandwiches instead of or before eating them.

>t. author of this pasta

>> No.22623695
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This is why people say TA is meme lines. You can draw that little faggot line wherever you want and it doesn’t mean shit. “bUt mUh tHirD dEriVaTivE iS zErO sO prIcE mUsT Go uP”

>> No.22623795

TA isn't exact science. It's psychology

>> No.22623841
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>they don't know

>> No.22623884
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>uses RSI

>> No.22624120

$25 on monday

>> No.22624483

thanks for the hopium fren, but I need more
I'm losing faith broa