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File: 34 KB, 557x242, ftm-vs-avax.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22618686 No.22618686 [Reply] [Original]

Those two projects seem to me to be quite similar and both very promising. What are the main differences? Which one is your pick and why?

>> No.22618794

AVAX, long term.

>> No.22619013

You forgot the "why" part anon...

>> No.22619101

scalabale blockchain, cheap smart contracts, non-fee instant transactions. Avalanche is popular among diferent blockchain projects, it was a solution for scalability, but now it is its own system.

>> No.22619211

but its not endorsed by Andre Cronje

buy fantom anon, just buy it

>> No.22619227

Avalanche. Read the consensus document dropped a few years back, it really is a game-changer. Fantom uses old tech with the same problems as all of the rest.

Alexis Ohanian (reddit cofounder) and Brendan Eich (Mozilla, brave and JS founder) both Tweeted yesterday in support of Avalanche. It is a game changer

>> No.22619593
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>> No.22619680

Where can I buy AVA? I already have many MM of FTM.

>> No.22619783

>people actually think avalanche matters compared to fantom

>> No.22619801


>muH neW tEch

You do realize Fantom uses a brand new consensus mechanism called Lachesis designed by Andre himself right?

>> No.22619875


>Old texh

LMAO you’re unironically retarded. How about you read what kind of consensus Fantom uses before you reveal how much of street shitter you are.

>> No.22619883
File: 303 KB, 500x600, EGS JC Denton - Do you have a single fact to back that up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trash talking a token without any solid argument

kys shiller

>> No.22620025

FTM allied with BAND
AVAX allied with LINK

Choose wisely.

>> No.22620049

kek straight from the foundations website "Byzantine Fault-Tolerant: Supports one-third of faulty nodes, including malicious behavior"

Fantom is just more recycled classical consensus with some lipstick on. Avalanche is fault tolorent for up to 80% participants.

30% or 80%. You choose faggots

>> No.22620088

FTM is partnered with BAND & LINK

>> No.22620270

>Avalanche is popular among diferent blockchain projects
What projects already use the Avalanche consensus?

>> No.22620431

Where can I buy and how much will the cap be?

>> No.22620628

FTM at this point is more proveable and AVAX is pretty overvalued if i'm being honest (Valued themselves at 310M at ICO price). I know that Ivan and Andre aren't fond of AVAX, Especially Ivan. I'm in various telegram groups with them.

>> No.22620648

Nobody. The shillers are pretty strong with this one, Be careful.

>> No.22620684

AVAX uses the Avalanche Consensus

No exchange has announced yet, likely buy it on Monday. what specific cap? only 16.7m tokens are available at the start.

>> No.22620687

Stop lying. Link has the same connection to avax as it has to FTM and 100+ other projects.

>> No.22621327


Andre liked Avalanche consensus from his crypto briefing days dafuq you smoking? Provide proof you larping pajeet.

>> No.22621379

Awesome thank you anon. Worth buying?

>> No.22621511

Will get on AVAX if it stabilizes at a decent price and doesn't do crazy pnd shit most new coins like to do.

>> No.22621612

Oh i mistaken AVAX the project to the consensus. Cronje praised Perlin in the very beginning before they gave up.

AVAX the project get a lot of criticism, They still have a lot unsolveable problems that they try to overshadow with "meh revolutionery consensus"' which is partly right (As right as calling omniledger, algorand, tempo, tendermint revolutionery at their time) but the proof of concept and providing a new ideas to fulfill it is on their shoulders now. Friends who played a little bit with avax testnet said it's unfinished product that need a lot of work especially on the features and smoothness part but one positive for AVAX is that they said the fundementals are *mostly* right, So that's a good thing.

>> No.22621721

Here's my argument...

Avalanche doesn't have enough of a tech advantage over fantom to matter. They don't have enough connections to governments and other elite settings like fantom does.

>> No.22622379
File: 88 KB, 1149x855, haha11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>connections to governments and other elite settings

>> No.22622424

Lmao, Brandon Eich you mean the guy that made the BAT token? The token that's a complete piece of shit?
Yeah i'll stick with my comfy stack of FTM

>> No.22622497
File: 156 KB, 668x681, FTMconnections.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Faggot alert!

>> No.22622517
File: 174 KB, 700x393, 1_5qEHfrrl-M29VfAsSfc_yA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FTM is the future, get over yourselves and just go all in.

>> No.22622555

>governments and other elite settings
>A bunch of literal whos

>> No.22623151
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Literally did not read lol

>> No.22623179

>bragging about being faster than cardano and other literal whos

mega cringe

>> No.22623239
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>> No.22623313

You can’t spoonfeed these tards. They simply won’t make it

>> No.22623473

>fucking watches

also V-ID is another scam, scams run together

>> No.22623493

kek the retards even trying to compare Avalanche with literally who fantom.

>> No.22623523

AVAX has fees..

>> No.22623553

Why did FTX pick Solana and not Fantom?

>> No.22623688

FTX? The company that was founded in the west indies? Literal poverty tier location

>> No.22624007

Ok but really, they chose sol even though fantom has defi in the works

>> No.22624043

one has the backing of Andre Cronje the DeFi god and is mooning straight to top 100

and the other one is a shitcoin named avax

tough choice anon i wish you the best in making this decision

>> No.22624519

Ftm because I just know

>> No.22624562

ngl its pretty bullish seeing how terrified FTM shills are of AVAX

>> No.22624838

dont know what avax is and FTM certainly isnt going to stop mooning just because it might do something better

>> No.22625113

You smack of desperation. I'm trying to own both. Now tell me where we can buy AVA or GTFO.

>> No.22625530

my money is on AVAX because Emin is the #2 of IC3, Number 1 is Ari Juels.
Smartest guys in this Business.

>> No.22625635

Avax is already valued x3 more than ftm at ico price.

>> No.22625989

AVAX is a completely new consensus family, Emin knows what he's talking about

>> No.22626012
File: 41 KB, 640x636, 1567818789033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this fag

>> No.22626029

nobody uses this VC scam.. if it even exists. they are def paying shillers to try to hijack Fantom's momentum.

>> No.22626073
File: 174 KB, 630x630, 1574779117467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is great tho.. a whole thread of some shitcoin trying to get some visibility from Fantom. It kind of proves the point that Fantom is blowing up and your VC shitcoin is... uninteresting at best

>> No.22626099

>consensus document dropped a few years back
and still no product....I'll pass

>> No.22626126


>> No.22626159

we def don't deserve to throw money away on a VC shitcoin like AVAX that has to start shill threads with other coins that people actually care about because noone ever talks about it here.

>> No.22626505

Both are pieces of shit.

>> No.22626534

>he doesn't know

>> No.22626573

fantom is garbage

>> No.22626631

Yeah, complete shitcoin

>> No.22626660

What is it you don't understand.. I mean like?

>> No.22626720

its trash see >>22620049
>just more recycled classical consensus with some lipstick on
nice website with nothing but hot air behind it.
Emin will rape you faggots starting Monday.

>> No.22627025

>nice website with nothing but hot air behind it.
Indeed, not like you can actually try sending transactions and see them being confirmed live on the explorer. Meanwhile, AVA has actual dApps that people are using, it's clearly way above and beyond this fantom shitcoin, not sure why they're even being compared

>> No.22627112

Emin is about to destroy their Business and the Business of every other like them like Hedera, Polkadot, Skale, ETH 2.0 etc.