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225243 No.225243[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Anything to do with Gold / Silver / Platinum / Palladium.

We can start it off with a poll: http://strawpoll.me/1342904

>> No.225416


In regards to your poll, I buy opm silver rounds and pamp gold bars (by the grams) for my main money sink. I also buy us junk silver and graded Morgans/peace dollars for the hell of it. I'd post some pics but I made the mistake of buying a cheap sentry safe lock box to hold it all recently and the key broke off in the hole =\

>> No.226161
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I'm curious to know if anyone else thinks silver can become more valuable than gold. Giving a long time horizon, does anyone else think this is possible due to various circumstances I wont name but every precious metal bug knows.

I for one think it can become more valuable than gold due to technological demand.

>inb4 silver tarnishes.

>> No.226187


Platinum has more going for it than silver does, relative to gold.

>> No.226185

there's nothing that silver can do that copper and aluminum can't do better. the only thing silver has going for it is that it's rare but not too rare so it will always be worth less than gold.

>> No.226209
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>copper and aluminum

>> No.226240
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>Silver can be alloyed with mercury at room temperature to make amalgams that are widely used for dental fillings.
>Photography used 30.98% of the silver consumed in 1998 in the form of silver nitrate and silver halides.
>Mirrors which need superior reflectivity for visible light are commonly made with silver as the reflecting material in a process called silvering, though common mirrors are backed with aluminium.
>The medical uses of silver include its incorporation into wound dressings, and its use as an antibiotic coating in medical devices.
>Silver inhibits the growth of bacteria and fungi on clothing, such as socks, so is sometimes added to reduce odors and the risk of bacterial and fungal infections.



Fucking retard.

>> No.226316

all of which uses(minus dental stuff) about 1k pounds a year, barely any silver, that's like saying gold should be worth more because of it's uses, it's too expensive to be used for anything.

and the dental thing is on the way out anyway, people don't like the look of it or the thought of having mercury in their mouth.

>> No.226324

Is Silver still a buy now at $20?


>> No.226332

just fyi, you can own gold/silver/platinum/palladium in a single ETF that holds them all, ticker: $GLTR, which holds physical assets and not paper..


>> No.226345
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>> No.226350

Yes, due to stock depletion. We will soon enter a regime similar to that which last occurred in ancient Egypt where silver is harder to source than gold, and as such its price will rise above that of gold.

In ancient Egypt, prior to the Greek discovery of how to separate gold from silver, silver was four times the price of gold.

There will be an industrial panic when the realization hits the market that counterparties on the silver exchanges have massively rehypothecated their silver stocks, and that all the mine supply is spoken for for many years worth of production. They will be forced to seek silver from the market, and that will drive price to gold parity, and perhaps much higher on a blow-off top when the speculators get in on the "new paradigm".

Silver will eventually trade more like platinum or palladium, ie it will be mostly an industrial metal.

>> No.226355

Dude, it is literally the buy of the millennium.

The returns will be on par with bitcoin.

>> No.226361
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Can I buy you a beer?

>> No.226403
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>Yes, due to stock depletion.

It's almost as if you have no understanding of economic geology.

Silver is a ubiquitous element found in all kinds of epithermal deposits. And we're only just starting to mine the ocean, which has untold levels of hydrothermal activity (think high sulphidation environments like black smokers and volatile rich sites like sedimentary hosted oceanic springs), which are ripe for silver precipitation and deposition.

>We will soon enter a regime similar to that which last occurred in ancient Egypt where silver is harder to source than gold, and as such its price will rise above that of gold.

What the fuck am I reading, citation needed or else you're talking out of your ass.

>> No.226457

a couple of counter-arguments

first, the amount of silver available is massively greater than that of gold

second, the egyptians and the greeks likely didn't know how to recycle like we do nowadays

platinum and palladium thrive on the fact our current society depends on motor vehicles (billions of them probably), and that in order for humanity to not die of suffocation, they're used as catalysts to filter output gases from said motor vehicles. silver (at least as of now) doesn't have near a use that sees such high demand.

if future science finds cheap catalyst substitutes for Pt and Pd, then we may see their prices crash.
if more fundamental uses are found (say a permanent cure for common cold, or essential element in new form of energy production), you bet whatever metal is used will skyrocket in price.

>> No.226463

anyway it's not impossible, but it would take some massive demand to offset the much greater supply of silver for it to be more expensive than gold

>> No.226470

lost? how do you loose that much silver

>> No.226487


Ends up in the landfill.

>> No.226494

what if i made, like a magnet, to like suck up all the silver
im going to be rich

>> No.226496

>first, the amount of silver available is massively greater than that of gold
Massively wrong.

>know how to recycle like we do nowadays
just because we know how to recycle doesn't mean it is profitable to recycle, thus why gold gets recycled and silver gets scrapped into the dump.

>> No.226522

Stock means above ground stock, not what is in the ground. 100 years ago, there was ~10 billion toz of silver sitting in vaults around the world. As of 8 years ago, that was down to 300 million. Do you see a trend? What do you think happens when the 1 billion toz per year demand hits the 0 toz stock?

>> No.226529


Silver isn't magnetic.

>> No.226535

yes it is its metal
metal is magnetic

>> No.226541

Silver to gold ratio in the Earth's crust is about 16:1, IIRC. The silver to gold price ratio is 65:1. There are huge stocks of above ground gold around the world. By some estimates, there is more gold in human hands today than there is silver.

~100% of gold that is used in industry is recycled. IIRC, silver sees maybe 50% recycling. There are many applications where it isn't feasible at all due to wide dispersal (especially antimicrobial applications.

Silver has a lot of unique properties, and will likely continue to see new uses in industry. Gold, not so much. It's main use is its resistance to corrosion combined with its conductance.

>> No.226545

it's diamagnetic. it will force magnets away.

>> No.226549

Metal, yes
Magnetic, no

Not all metals are magnetic the way that you're thinking. The magnet test is actually one of the ways to spot fake silver.

>> No.226551

Ok, go make your magnet. We'll wait.

Of course, you will also get all the other metal in the landfill if you build a magnet powerful enough to attract silver. Hell, you'll warp the magnetic field of the Earth and probably attract metal rich meteors.

>> No.226554


>being this retarded

>> No.226606

Can somebody explain how or why the mint can sell U.S. currency (ASE, AGE, etc.) above face value?

>> No.226611

Because the metal value is way over face value

Because they're the U.S. mint. They only get face values at all because they're official coins.

>> No.226619

Ok, that makes sense but why don't they change the denominations? Gold hasn't been $50/oz since the early 70s.

>> No.226621


Because it's not meant to be directly convertible into USD. We don't have a gold/silver backed system anymore.

>> No.227061
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the gold the us gov holds is on the books for a meager 42$ an oz.

that is, if the us gov actually had any gold. kek

>> No.227067
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>What do you think happens when the 1 billion toz per year demand hits the 0 toz stock?

this song will happen for all holding dat magic mirror.

>> No.228673
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>that pic

Normally I would first notice how beautiful it is. But I read about our near miss in July 2012 with solar Coronal Mass Ejection being discovered recently. According to the scientists, if it had been 9 days earlier, I wouldn't be posting this because we would still be rebuilding our telecom infrastructure and milling about in a neo-stone age.


I just think it creepy I saw your pic in a PM thread after reading about it.

>> No.228688

yeah its weird how things can randomly link together.

>> No.228783
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Listening to your vid I assume you already read about it also.

The lyrics are too much of a coincidence:

"...I'm a shooting star leaping through the sky
Like a tiger defying the laws of gravity
I'm a racing car passing by like Lady Godiva
I'm gonna go go go
There's no stopping me

I'm burnin' through the sky yeah
Two hundred degrees
That's why they call me Mister Fahrenheit
I'm trav'ling at the speed of light
I wanna make a supersonic man out of you"

If you didn't read about it earlier, it's even creepier.

Queen was just a bit before my time. With the gay rights people making such a big deal about his sex life, it sort of drowned out anything else said about them in my time. Until I saw your video, I had no idea Mercury was in fact such a genuinely musically talented person.

>> No.228820

Didn't read it recently. I just put the song because the price of silver could go to mars. burning up the sky.

Mercury is a true legend. He was not blasting his degeneracy all over the place like feminized boys of today. He was gay but he wasn't in your face about it. Maybe I'm wrong but generally he is one gay that seems to get respect.

Talented person indeed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-rkJmRiFug

Silver under pressure. keke

>> No.228840
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Holy crap. I had no idea he did that song. Now I feel dumb. I thought it was Billy Joel for some reason.

Thanks for the lesson and good music. Hopefully we'll be here again tomorrow night and not playing out 'Lord of the Flies" and pelting each other with coins in post-apocalyptic tribal warfare from another CME.

I know one thing- Im going to start paying a lot more attention to what NASA has to say about the Sun lol

tc & have a good night.

>> No.228847

>Talented person indeed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-rkJmRiFug
Holy fuck, I had no idea.

On another note, I have reason to believe mercury will become a commodity MORE valuable than oil, gold, silver, platinum, whatever in about 100 years. If you're a multi-billionaire, I highly suggest you buy factories/mines that deal with mercury right now.

>> No.228969
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>> No.228984
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>> No.228989
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>> No.228998
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