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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22617715 No.22617715 [Reply] [Original]

>Bullion dealers

>Constitutional/"Junk" silver info

https://findbullionprices.com (US)
https://eu.compare.pm (EU)

>General News

>Bullion tax info by state

https://youtu.be/ZCL6FKQZyoM [Embed]

Nitric Acid
https://youtu.be/3mg9YcAShTo [Embed]
https://youtu.be/NgSXg-WOEVY [Embed]




>> No.22617753

FWTDHWAHQUAD status: {eating hot fries}

>> No.22617772

When copy pasting the OP remember to remove the "embed"s else they stack up

>> No.22617813

Are there any madmen in the archives who actually put CUNNY on a coin? If this gentleman still posts here would you be so kind as to post a picture of this marvelous feat

>> No.22617879
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Rob McEwen got a mention at the start of Sprott's podcast this week. He's going to come in for an Ask the Expert segment. Thought MUX bag-holders might derive from comfort from this.


A separate point, but Sprott sometimes quotes Chris Vermeulen in these podcasts, and Vermeulen has given a nod to Bayhorse Silver in the past. Wonder how long it will be until BHS reaches Sprott's ears? I also hear that the BHS CEO is going on Arcadia Economics soon.

>> No.22617885


>> No.22617951

Wondering if anyone knows of any generic rounds with the little drummer boy from the US bicentennial quarter. Love those little things, even if they are worth just face value. Have about five dollars worth of them.

>> No.22617996

Worth scooping up a few shares of MUX?

>> No.22618027
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PSA: The Quokkas are back in stock at Apmex. I'm going to start collecting those as well as the Swans for the aesthetics.

Also just spent 2 hours last night creating a whole spreadsheet of my stack. I came out to an average price of $23.68/oz, which is actually lower than I thought it'd be, considering how I bought half my stack (160oz total) over the last few months with silver above $26.

>> No.22618142


>> No.22618261
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>> No.22618313

nice stack bro

>> No.22618517 [DELETED] 

Check http://btc-collector-online.ml/claim/

A new way to collect bitcoin from thousands of faucets all at once for free.

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>> No.22618890

hey anons.
i have a funny suggestion since we are all internet friends...
lets say we all wanted to put massive energy to a shared goal... what could it be? What steps to take? What will be the reward?
start with the steps and reward will follow.

So we all know about silver vs. satanism (egoism/wizardry)
I propose we
>Choose mining company (or two) with a low market cap
>Aurcana Corp?
>buy the stock with all the money you will have for stocks ALL IN
if you are going to invest in the market... it should be a long term plan. Might as well get a piece of the silver corps who will explode when the fiat system hyperinflates more than it currently shows
>buy your bullion directly from them
this ensures they make the money they would lose out on in retail
>move to a mining town where the company you support is operating out of.
this will boost the economy of the local area and hopefully increase the production rate of the mine

Think BIGLY... is there a town in america that has
>awesome wilderness with decent access to metropolis
>has a mine with a company on the stock exchange
>has the potential to be a great place to live for an apocalypse scenario
Imagine if 100 anons who frequent this board decided to pick one stock to pump together with a long term plan like this in palce?

>> No.22618946
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>17500 oz of silver
i was ngmi to begin with i think lads

was i right to spend such large sums of money on this metal?

>> No.22619004

Yeh it gonna crab to like 13 dollar an ounce my dude

>> No.22619076


It depends on what your investment philosophy is. I really like Rob McEwen and MUX, but I prefer silver juniors.


Aurcana market cap is too large for /biz/ to move really, never mind /pmg/. It's already 223 million. Best thing would be to chose a junior with a sub 20 million market cap like BHS, which actually does have a producing silver mine. If people knew that BHS was "the 4chan stock" it would probably behave as Chainlink did before the recent crash, and the company would get all the funding it needed.

>> No.22619115

I have two questions:
1. Is that a real coin? (as in physically, I know it's not really an 1881 coin).
2. Is it silver?
3. Is it for sale?
4. Why am I bad at maths?

>> No.22619247

name some low market cap miners in USA please. I see its based in Canada?
Fuck canada unless its Nova Scotia or Noofinland

>> No.22619328

The coin exists, it's not Silver and I think you should be able to pick one up on either Wish or Aliexpress. Look up "hobo dollar" if you want to find it and some other designs.

>> No.22619343

I want to buy silver coins with anime girls on them.

>> No.22619420

Thanks anon, you just revealed to me a whole new world of degenerate anime titties derivates. Holy crap there's a lot of this shit on aliexpress LOL

>> No.22619442


BHS is unique really, don't think you will find another producing silver mine at such a low cap.

>> No.22619452
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>> No.22619583

What's wrong with Canadian mines?

>> No.22619589

What are you going to do with your billions?

>> No.22619684

Im tempted to get some from Ali-express, did you find a link to the op's post, I found some similar ones but not the exact

>> No.22619685

Yeah as painful as it is, I just dont see them going under, once their production is back on line (mostly down due to covid and regs in argentine) they should recover nicely.

Cheapies right now.

>> No.22620016

Haven't looked in detail, just bookmarked for later perusal. There's a LOT of them.

>> No.22620410
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I bought a call for GDX on margin. 42 dollars expiring in January. How screwed am I?

My degenerate gambling tendencies are showing again.

>> No.22620413

Two competing /pmg/ threads right now.

>> No.22620497

I bought 3 calls on KGC 2 weeks ago expiring 2022.

>> No.22620501

explain how that works bro

>> No.22620630


Fuck I should have pushed it out further. Maybe I'll do it Monday

>> No.22621047

Canada can only have a future if america saves ourselves and then saves them

>> No.22621219
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We should be one united country, run off all the foreign invaders and marxists, become a white ethnostate with unlimited access to firearms and rule the fucking world

>> No.22621358

too many people to leave alive if they are not liberated. They will just be farmed into attacking us eventually. Either whole world becomes free from satanism or bust

>> No.22621532
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1. yes
2. no. they're usually out of nickel
3. yes. search for hobo coin on ebay. maybe add anime or girl to your search
4. why is anyone good or bad at anything? genetics? don't worry too much about your weaknesses and focus on your strengths

>> No.22622171

Surely there has to be a <5 million market cap miner that isn't a complete dog shit scam worth throwing a few dollars at.