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22610665 No.22610665 [Reply] [Original]

What is their endgame?

>> No.22611273

look at how much debt this country owes and really ask yourself if there is a point to having an endgame when the country is spending more than it actually makes

>> No.22611311

>endgame when the country is spending more than it actually makes

The money isn't real so neither is any debt enumerated in said money.

It literally does not matter.

>> No.22611330

crash this economy with no survivors
jpow = agent of chaos

>> No.22611335

to inflate debt into irrelevancy

>> No.22611340

This question is anti-semitic.

>> No.22611364

complete disintermediation of all human actions

>> No.22611410

>What is their endgame?
They don't have one, that's their problem.

>> No.22611635

destroy the united states from within

>> No.22611697

To keep inflation at 2% and unemployment low, no matter the cost or impact on the country.

>> No.22611750

To devalue the dollar and integrate Ripple obviously. Lol joke ripple is a shitcoin

>> No.22612770

unironically saving the economy from self destruction.
Hell yeah they water down the dollar, but that's what precious metals and crypto are for.
that's where you're wrong, when the economy crashes, the based money printer pads the fall with fresh cash.

>> No.22612885

>If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered

>> No.22612984

A jews nature is to undermine a nation. It's why they've been forced out all throughout history.

>> No.22613017
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The money's made up and the debt doesn't matter

>> No.22613067

>What is their endgame?
ownership of everything

>> No.22613096

Breeding zombies and covering overleveraged shitshows every time a leak springs is crashing the economy, when they do manage to delay it, the underlying issues are only ever silently exacerbated.

>> No.22613285

unironically switching to the digital dollar on the Algorand blockcahin which will be part of a global digital finance system mediated by digital transfers done using the XRP token operated by R3 Corda

>> No.22613313

>What is their endgame?

>> No.22613352

based and I-22 pilled

>> No.22613405

>muh unemployment
why is this even cared about when the majority of the jobs are minimum wage starbucks positions or delivery drivers

>> No.22613438

Enslave the goyim

>> No.22613584

because the busier people are the less time they will have to think about who is running the show

>> No.22613600

their endgame is the endgame

>> No.22613734

Unemployment numbers are all bullshit, if you're a NEET/not looking for work they won't even include you in any statistic. They probably manipulate it in other ways, I mean they're saying unemployment is going down now like it's a good thing when there's still lockdowns and there's probably hundreds of thousands if not millions of jobs that probably won't be coming back if this shit ever ends.

>> No.22615014

Were already in their endgame you retard. It’s a multi generational system at this point. nobody can even imagine what a resource backed American currency would even look like anymore, much less how it would operate. The global banking cabal claimed us Americans as chattel slaves back in 1913, the 1920’s economic crash was their “endgame” and the continued existence of the “federal” reserve just shows that they already got away with it, and it’s currently business as usual.
Couldn’t have been more obvious after 2008. The big banks regained almost all the property they had already sold once, and then got billions from Obama on top of it. They’re reselling America to us now and are prepping for the next time they decide the public is a little too wealthy.

>> No.22615672
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The problem goes back to the fractional reserve scam known as the gold standard. It went bust soon after anybody could fly around the world over the weekend to collect their gold deposit.
The fed solved this problem by taking gold out of the equation.

>> No.22615807

shut the fuck up retard. god you people are dumb. if it was really like this why wouldn't the government just do a reset on their debt? fucking moronic. it literally does matter.

>> No.22615905

>thinking they actually know what they're doing and have an end game.


>> No.22615973
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Every major opponent to the creation of the Federal Reserve was invited to the maiden voyage of a cruiseliner built by J.P. Morgan. The captain of the ship suddenly had an excuse why he couldn't go, there were wildly insufficient lifeboats aboard, and the SOS flares were all replaced with celebratory-colored flares so they couldn't signal nearby ships for help.

The ship was called The Titanic. The Fed has since been used to launder and funnel trillions of dollars to a certain overseas country. The phrase "one fell swoop" is rarely better used than in this discussion.

>> No.22616454

Should I put all my 33k cash into bitcoin to escape inflation fellas?

>> No.22616803


>> No.22617051


>> No.22617102
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Will do

>> No.22617182


The Fed is saving us from the next Great Depression. Keeping up inflation so as to save us from deflation, and spur on the economy to economic growth. Keeping rates down with Q. E. to keep credit flowing. Powell is a hero. I didn't think we could get two heroes at the Fed in two decades, after Bernanke saved us in 2008, but we really did.

>> No.22617232


Inflation isn't a bad thing; you don't understand anything about economics if you think this. Trust me, I have an M. A. from an Ivy League school. Are you one of those paranoid followers of Peter Schiff who lost all your money on gold after 2011? Where was the inflation? _Deflation_ is the problem, not _inflation_. Trust me, no serious academic would ever take him seriously. He follows a debunked theory of economics called Austrianism, it's a complete joke.

>> No.22617235

interest payment is real tho and it is taking an increasingly large size of the budget

>> No.22617269

to live like kings for as long as they can and let the people of the future carry the consequences

>> No.22617270


Paranoid conspiracy theory nonsense. If the Fed didn't take decisive action when we get these busts, the economy would fall into the gutter, as it did during the Great Depression. Powell has become a personal hero of mine (after Bernanke) for taking such swift and decisive action. He's saved tens of millions of lives.

>> No.22617287

Debts that cannot be repaid will not be repaid. Simple as

>> No.22617308

You're reading a lot into what I said kek

>> No.22617327


We can worry about the debt later. Now isn't the right time. We need to get stimulus going through the economy to re-energize it and make it healthy again. Then we can repay the debt. If you don't believe that, you have no faith in human innovation.

>> No.22617361

I don’t think you understand how the system operates longer term, but ok

>> No.22617363


Sorry, I get really passionate about this subject. There are so many Schiffites on here who don't appreciate the Fed and everything they're doing for us.

>> No.22617393


I have an M. A. from an Ivy League school (I won't name which one). Trust me, I know the economy. Don't believe the doomers on /biz/.

>> No.22617400

Jew claws typed this

>> No.22617423


Hitler was a Keynesian.

>> No.22617441

Appeals to authority are some of the weakest rhetorical tricks out there. DYOR

>> No.22617525
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Holy shit who said this

>> No.22617571


Ask yourself why all the Austrian gurus don't have college degrees and don't get published in academic journals.

>> No.22617633


>> No.22617687
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History is written by the winners and editorial boards are populated by their acolytes. I’ve yet to see you present a real argument, Ivy League boy

>> No.22617732


Admit it. You're jealous that you couldn't get a degree yourself. We're very welcoming and tolerant in academia. The Austrians don't have a place here because they don't have the intelligence to thrive when confronted with rigorous academic standards. That's why they live on Youtube channels and write articles for ZeroHedge.

>> No.22617824

No, I have a post graduate STEM degree. Are appeals to authority literally all you have?

>> No.22617890
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>Marxist school
Yeah you can fuck off faggot

>> No.22617982


If you do have a STEM degree, then you ought to trust the experts and appreciate the rigorous scientific methodology which the Fed follows in making its decisions.

>> No.22618058

Holy fucking based.

>> No.22618435

Kys Krugman

>> No.22618518


Paul Krugman is one of the greatest economists who ever lived. Show some respect.

>> No.22618599

Their endgame is to fuck you.
Not "you all", or "the American people at large".
You, as a specific individual.

>> No.22618739

>Says the internet would have no greater impact on the economy than the fax machine did

>> No.22618842


That was a thought-provoker, not a prediction. He was just being provocative.

"It was a thing for the Times magazine’s 100th anniversary, written as if by someone looking back from 2098, so the point was to be fun and provocative, not to engage in careful forecasting; I mean, there are lines in there about St. Petersburg having more skyscrapers than New York, which was not a prediction, just a thought-provoker."

>> No.22618883

ok boomer I'm investing in internet coins

>> No.22619259


Should have bought Tesla.

>> No.22619350

TSLA is so stupidly overvalued

no thanks

>> No.22619395

>That was a thought-provoker, not a prediction

>> No.22619430

>to cause inflation then hyperinflation then, everyone will think the US is broke with gold. Once that happens we will see China and Russia coming out to set a gold standard. The US will then use alchemy to prove that gold can be created from lead. And Silver will be used as real money. Once Silver is the one true money, the Chinese will steal the formula for making gold. However through the shoddiness of Chinese manufacturing, they accidently produce silver from lead. Although this was really a 45D chess move taken by Trump to establish BitCoin with unlimited blocks as the real money. All of this happens in 3 days after the usd collapses. Capitalism is birthed once again as we all conduct our actions on the BitCoin network. Responsibility and morals are once again valued. Clown world is over. The nazi's were punched and the onions was replaced by 3d printed beef. We start to develop our psychic powers and actually ward off coronavirus using them. What happens to chainlink? Or more specifically the bag holders who praise a solution looking for a problem? Oh. They are the first people cryptographically imbued as retards. Much like a credit score; the more chainlink you've purchased the less financially responsible you are.

>> No.22619567

I have heard about hyperinflation but when has deflation led to economic ruin? Curious.

>> No.22620428
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Make sure that while you continue to defend (((your masters'))) system of slavery and usury on the internet that you take into account how much your time is worth and charge appropriately.

>> No.22620804

Why is inflation not a problem? And how is it measured to not be going up?
Why the risk of any deflation so bad that we need steady 2% inflation to counter it?

>> No.22620818
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>> No.22620823
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>> No.22620877
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> Admit it, You're jealous that you couldn't get a degree yourself, We're very welcoming and tolerant in academia, The Austrians don't have a place here because they don't have the intelligence to thrive when confronted with rigorous academic standards, That's why they live on Youtube channels and write articles for ZeroHedge

>> No.22620902

Paul krugman? The pedophile?

>> No.22620920

The reset will be hyper-inflating it away and introducing an alternative setup on Ethereum.

>> No.22620965
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To keep the market irrational longer than the goyim can stay solvent.

>> No.22620995
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And to steal the land from Americans.

>> No.22621042


Why are Hitler lovers and antisemites arguing with a Keynesian as if you aren't one and the same

>> No.22622004 [DELETED] 
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> Why are Hitler lovers and antisemites arguing with a Keynesian as if you aren't one and the same

>> No.22622068

>I have an M. A. from an Ivy League school
Sounds like you wasted your money then.

>> No.22622142

Kill yourself kike.