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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22611298 No.22611298 [Reply] [Original]

My entire life savings are gone.

>> No.22611321

hello, based department?

>> No.22611332

Three years of agony, for nothing.

>> No.22611396
File: 1.55 MB, 450x506, 118EC783-1DA7-42E1-90F2-A4F20AAFF242.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went from $3k to $2.2k, I’m in the store buying rope as we speak. I can never recover from this kind of loss, see you on the other side frens.

>> No.22611408

Based and linkpilled

>> No.22611443

I sold my stack for a profit of $600. I am typing this post on the laptop I bought with my link gains. This is my linktop now.

>> No.22611574
File: 53 KB, 666x968, 1576559183787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

20k to 260k to 130k
Why even live. I know it's going to be 10k soon and I still wont sell to lock in gains or even cash out my initial. I will watch it all evaporate. Why did you betray?

>> No.22611600

Take your meds and move on

>> No.22611616

very similar story here. painful as shit. it's the bitcoin bubble all over again.

>> No.22611924

3k to 30k to 10k to 100k to 50k to 400k to 250k

>> No.22612040

>lost 800 bucks
>already buying rope

you were never gonna make it

>> No.22612087

this. so glad i held so long for a measly 10x.. psh fucking ridiculous. i feel like an idiot

>> No.22612104

You also holding about 20k LINKs? That's literally my portfolio for the past 3 years with slight differences.

>> No.22612226

If your that poor, maybe you should spend your time getting a better job.

>> No.22612414

Tepid FUD. Bring back the nazis if you want to drive off reddit.

>> No.22612643

I was being ironic, I’m actually down $80,000 but I don’t give a fuck because this is a game.

>> No.22612784


fuck this place has gone to absolute hell. I'd give anything to have to 2017 OGs back

>> No.22612917
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At least if you get rug pulled or fucked over you want it to happen on a short term basis so you can scammed in some other new venture.

Just 3 years of waiting and getting dumped...can't imagine how bad you guys feel.

>> No.22613006

adding on each dip with whatever cash i have
dont feel the swings at all

>> No.22613009

From 2k to 69k to 34k. I took out 4k after today. I accepted the fact that i will never be THAT lucky but i got free money for literally doing nothing. The rest of my link can rot there for all i care. I am trying to distance myself from the whole crypto shit checking the price less and less.
This is nothing more than glorified gambling. People shilling their shitcoins are like people that bet on horses and shout the horse hoping it magically gains speed.