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22608028 No.22608028 [Reply] [Original]

If you're smart, why are you poor?

>> No.22608095

Not smart enough + didn't care that much for money when I was younger.

>> No.22608148

>100k nw
I'm not

>> No.22608191

Social problems

>> No.22608203


>> No.22608245

Because I'm not as smart as I always thought I was.

>> No.22608252

Never said I was smart.

>> No.22608270

You make more money when you think less. I am smart, so I realized this, and now i am making bank going all in on UNI.

>> No.22608274
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I'm just smart enough to feel like I'm better than people
But not smart enough to actually be better than people

>> No.22608297

wasn't raised properly by useless boomers

>> No.22608301

money hasnt been a problem and i never cared to buy stuff.

now as i care i am doing pretty good

>> No.22608316
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im rich

>> No.22608349

what do you do

>> No.22608371

Many men who are smart are also lazy. High IQ individuals have the same highschool (!) dropout rates as low IQ people. I've noticed it myself in school. I was the history and philosophy nerd so at least I had one passion that kept me cruising through the classes while barely doing anything. But another guy like me ended up bullying people, identifying as natsoc, which is pretty based, but he got diagnosed with ADHD and his life got fucked. Dropped out of middle school, got fat and played CoD.

>> No.22608453

my broker says that in order for me to enter and exit positions when i want to i need an account balance of 25k or more the problem is that i have already been labeled as a Pattern Day Trader and the only way out i have is to take up MORE risk in an effort to double my money

>> No.22608543

Lazy, not friendly enough to network myself into good jobs. Typical 4chan user

>> No.22608584

>100k net worth
>28 years old

Bro you are poor, thats nothing if you don't own a house already. 100k might buy you a car and a years worth of rent

>> No.22608788

How the fuck is 100k a car plus a year of rent.
>30k car
>2k a month rent
>54k total

>> No.22609613

im a fucking idiot

>> No.22609716

hes right, 100k at 28 is not a lot
i will have more than that with my $150k tc yearly after i grad ;)

>> No.22609753


>> No.22609873
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im an idiot, ngmi

>> No.22609953

Nikola Tesla was smart and died a poor virgin

>> No.22609965

what do you do

>> No.22610013

I'm not poor.
I also just transferred every last UNI and ETH back into LINK.
I either go down with LINK or rise with it, I'm guessing the latter.

>> No.22610031

Literally exactly me. Wish I could send a message to past self to get it together sooner

>> No.22610038

The world doesn’t respect smart people

>> No.22610050


>> No.22610057

At this point I basically have an attachment to failing. if I ever start something.

>> No.22610116

implying being rich means your smart? sorry i dont want to lick boots and bend the knee for literal retards on high horses. the right way dont pay. past basic necessities, money is cope anyway.

>> No.22610311

The trap is cruising without doing any effort until you land in a hard program in college and get crushed because you don't have a work ethics and aren't smart enough to succeed while slacking like in HS.

I blame the education system in large part, the fact classes are adapted to retards in terms of pace gives a false sense of comfort to above average kids and make them too cocky.
Ideally every kid should be pushed to his limits early while still giving him a sense of doing well but not "easy".

>> No.22610350
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>implying being rich means your smart? sorry i dont want to lick boots and bend the knee for literal retards on high horses. the right way dont pay. past basic necessities, money is cope anyway.

>> No.22610374

Im not man Have you seen these UNI prices???

>> No.22610678

I think im quite smart. I recently applied for a IT job and got it because I got the best result on thr IQ test, unfortunately the position disappeared due to coronies. Last time I had a job was in 2016 but my tranny boss fired me because I reminded him of his transphobic father lmao

Now im homeless and cant have a job because tax laws demanding an address to get salary so I guess its over :)

t. code monkey

>> No.22610683

I don't know a single fucking soul in my immediate friend group with nw more that 10 grand you retard. Most millennials don't even have enough savings to last a month.
I bought link

>> No.22610752

This is all of us, fren

>> No.22610763

>Tesla never married, explaining that his chastity was very helpful to his scientific abilities.[234] He once said in earlier years that he felt he could never be worthy enough for a woman, considering women superior in every way. His opinion had started to sway in later years when he felt that women were trying to outdo men and make themselves more dominant. This "new woman" was met with much indignation from Tesla, who felt that women were losing their femininity by trying to be in power.The tendency of women to push aside man, supplanting the old spirit of cooperation with him in all the affairs of life, is very disappointing to me".[236] Although he told a reporter in later years that he sometimes felt that by not marrying, he had made too great a sacrifice to his work,[33] Tesla chose to never pursue or engage in any known relationships, instead finding all the stimulation he needed in his work.
>In the fall of 1937 at the age of 81, after midnight one night, Tesla left the Hotel New Yorker to make his regular commute to the cathedral and library to feed the pigeons. While crossing a street a couple of blocks from the hotel, Tesla was unable to dodge a moving taxicab and was thrown to the ground. His back was severely wrenched and three of his ribs were broken in the accident. The full extent of his injuries was never known; Tesla refused to consult a doctor, an almost lifelong custom, and never fully recovered.

On 7 January 1943, at the age of 86, Tesla died alone in Room 3327 of the Hotel New Yorker. His body was later found by maid Alice Monaghan after she had entered Tesla's room, ignoring the "do not disturb" sign that Tesla had placed on his door two days earlier. Assistant medical examiner H.W. Wembley examined the body and ruled that the cause of death had been coronary thrombosis

>> No.22611865


>> No.22612282

this. i am smart but didnt give a shit in HS and some of college. My brain tries to escape/procrastinate anything it doesnt want to do. Im 30 and work in banking now, but I still have this problem.

>> No.22612336

Because I'm also lazy

>> No.22612508

>I'm not
I agree. You're not. 100k is a great base, especially if you have momentum.

Estimating 100k as a car + year of rent is retarded. OP could easily be renting for <= $700/month and be in a location that doesn't need a vehicle.

This kind of all or nothing thinking just tips off the mental illness we're engaging with here.

I went from 0k to 200k in ~2 years. Perhaps we could better define "poor". We're poor relative to those that made it and the global elite, which we should strive to be, but 100k is enough that you can set the direction of where you go next i.e. it makes it easier to continue the path towards not being poor.

Put even more simply, I'd rather be worth 100-200k than 0k or 18k or -40k. Being in debt is a truly sad state, as it sets a minimum amount of value that you MUST produce for someone else. You can't just take a fun ESL job in Vietnam when you have a USD debt that would blow up your budget

>> No.22612671

>I went from 0k to 200k in ~2 year

>> No.22612858
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Smart does not equal powerful

>> No.22612878

>The trap is cruising without doing any effort until you land in a hard program in college and get crushed because you don't have a work ethics and aren't smart enough to succeed while slacking like in HS.
>I blame the education system in large part, the fact classes are adapted to retards in terms of pace gives a false sense of comfort to above average kids and make them too cocky.
>Ideally every kid should be pushed to his limits early while still giving him a sense of doing well but not "easy"

A good point about the education issue is that the cattle-herding model is shit. High school was too slow and top 10 univeristy was too fast, for me.

Pace should be individual and even a group of 5-10 students starts to get too large to tune to, if skill levels and interest vary. 30-100? Impossible.

Knowing what I know now, as a software engineer in his late 20s with a CS degree, I would sum up my thoughts on education as this:

* I will self-study skills as much as possible.

* Avoid formal education unless my interests are actually gated by some sort of licensure or equipment that the school can provide. I would not pay a premium to be put in a learning environment that keeps moving forward when I'm sick, runs at a set pace not tailored to me, and probably has lower quality staff than MIT opencourseware.

* If a instructor is necessary or at least adds significant value, I will find a way to make it either 1-1 or small group. e.g. a martial arts coach or a tutor with professional experience.

Another part of the problem that you illuminate is that above average kids aren't pushed. I imagine this stems from a lack of people in education that even know how to start pushing kids, as well as grades. For my goal of getting into a top college, I felt I needed As (ideally in AP classes that let me get a 5.0 in that class), not a challenge. Sometimes-or even often-challenge overlapped with As, but challenge and growth wasn't the priority

>> No.22612931

>this. i am smart but didnt give a shit in HS and some of college. My brain tries to escape/procrastinate anything it doesnt want to do. Im 30 and work in banking now, but I still have this problem.
Here are a few potentially useful videos


>> No.22612964

If intelligence was the only requirement for succes Mensa would be full of rich people, instead it is full of autistic people that like puzzles and don't shower. I blame the parents that reward their kids for how smart they are rather than rewarding them for hard work.

>> No.22612985 [DELETED] 

I'm only 14 years old

>> No.22613010

Clown world.

>> No.22613038

i'm very lazy anon.

>> No.22613074

Took my 90k job (came from a 60k job) and made it 120-130k within year 1 and then left for 170k in year 2 of this timeline.

I also invested ~40k USD into ethereum at an average price of $200.

Alongside this, I churned credit cards for a few extra thousand, contributed to index funds, tax advantaged accounts (HSA is awesome), got a really good ESPP at work.

I also never bought a car during any of this, but I splurge on a few nice things. 2k computer, 7k in motorcycles (easy to get back on resale), 1700/month rent, travel to cheap asian countries at least yearly.

TL;DR:Ethereum + software engineering

>> No.22613152
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smart people are interested in technology and science, not in starting a pumbling business or whatever the fuck rich normies do
rich people realize you have only one life and you should work in something you enjoy instead of being a jew running after money all the time

>> No.22613183

Bay Area?

well done, anon.

>> No.22613209

*smart people

>> No.22613228

smart people have higher inhibitions
their mind gets in the way of them doing something
analysis paralysis

>> No.22613257

yeah you are buddy

im 20 and i have $100k nw

i owe some taxes but get a grip buddy

>> No.22613277

Lack of social prowess

>> No.22613314

Thank you! I'm actually fully remote now (even pre-pandemic). I was friends with a senior eng that was leaving with remote as a priority and we joined a new, better company together.

Currently in a medium cost of living city where my $1800 rent gets me a nearly 700sqft 1bd with a clubhouse + pool.

I'm looking into potentially getting to a 0% income tax state (worth like $500/month even without crypto income) with even lower housing costs, if I don't just liquidate my relatively minimal possesions and go to Asia with my cat.

I'd love to work from Vietnam when it opens up.

>> No.22613378

>yeah you are buddy
>im 20 and i have $100k nw
>i owe some taxes but get a grip buddy
Or perhaps you are just unable to give yourself credit/empathy for your amazing position and therefore have none for others?

100k isn't the summit, but it's a great tool to keep climbing with. e.g. 250-300k is ~halfway to a million in terms of the actual time...and that's without crypto.

>> No.22613389

...I'm lazy

>> No.22613473

that also happens to me
I am bad at technical scientific stuff and also with my hands at manual tasks. I am literally below average in most shit, yet I am mentally sharp-ish and I am going to make loads of money in business. How? no idea, but that is what I believe. There is no other way anyhow

>> No.22613475

Interacting with other people makes me feel inadequate because I don't have the social skills normies have, so I do whatever I can to avoid people which makes going to work a nightmare.

>> No.22613492

Laziness, also I am only 19 at the moment so I haven't had a chance yet. Give me a few years.

>> No.22613502

I spent most of my younger years blowing money on dumb stuff like weed alcohol cars and mtg cards.

I only recently started caring about my finances.

The one thing I do have going for me though is that my family is relatively wealthy so i can possibly still make it in the long run

>> No.22613512

what's you're problem kid?

>> No.22613540

Trust fund faggot, no one starting from 0 will be at 100k at 20 unless they are some kind of retarded wage slave, fuck off arrogant piece of shit

>> No.22613543

Because im ugly

>> No.22613573

digital nomad lifestyle is the way to go. is that why you didn't buy a car, since you're planning on moving abroad?

what kinda bike you get?

felt compelled to post since we're very alike... tech roles + crypto stack + parsimonious lifestyle.

>> No.22613596

Alcoholism ruined a lot of shit. Figured that out though and the money is starting to roll in.

>> No.22613612

you're right LOL im just a dick. i saved the 100k this year alone

i'm a miserable piece of shit sorry

dude i grew up in real poverty. i didnt know anyone poorer than my family and we lived in the ghetto. i pay my moms bills shes 40

i moved out at 17 with nothing. fuck you clown

PS im self employed. eat shit faggot. no trust fund, didnt even graduate highschool.

>> No.22613639

Lazy and don't really care got red pilled too young 12 years ago when I was 19-20 realized nothing really matters.

>> No.22613678

stop typing like a reddit faggot

>> No.22613761

what do you do

>> No.22613775

I had 120k at 21 thanks to crypto and internet marketing black hat schemes. At 20 I was literally delivering food with ubereats to purchase my first ETH and ARK.

All of this in France where the yearly average salary is below 20k/year

I have the same networth at 23 today because I picked the wrong coin in 2018 and recovered this summer only but not everyone is a loser like you. You're the piece of shit and you'll stay a piece of shit loser.

>> No.22613837

There are so many whiners in this thread who blame other things instead of their own unwillingness to change and do something with their life. If you know your problem then change it. Stop playing the victim and do something that isn’t gambling.

That’s not a red pill, that’s the retard pill

>> No.22614007

larp on 4chan obviously

>> No.22614025

yeah man i am not good at manual tasks (terrible handwriting). although i can understand techinical stuff if its interesting to me. i deep understanding of "big picture" concepts but when it comes down to articulating them i have trouble and I think i can attribute that to relying on the internet so much in HS and not participating in classroom discussions/team projects.

>> No.22614393


>> No.22614433

nice reddit spacing, youre probably ugly as fuck, enjoy your spare change, incel frog

>> No.22614521

InshAllah it's an oversight that will soon be fixed

>> No.22614606
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I'm emotionally broken and spiritually nihilistic.

>> No.22614621


>> No.22614651

i run an agency, wont say what market

>this guy has more success than me and im a 30yo loser! must be larp

>> No.22614693

If you weren’t born rich, you’re gonna need a lot more than IQ to make it.

>> No.22614700

smart !== rich

>> No.22614716

>digital nomad lifestyle is the way to go. is that why you didn't buy a car, since you're planning on moving abroad?
I just generally don't like having one. Liquidating vehicles has always been pretty easy for me.

I got a cheap miata for like 2 months to see if I can even enjoy cars (answer is yes, but also reconfirmed that they're money pits). Sold it for +$700 which covered some of the repair bills.

I've had a Grom, dual sport, moped, and 400cc naked/retro inline-4 (my first one that I loved)

The only hesitancy I have around starting the nomad lifestyle is the current travel restrictions, a desire to get more work in with my muay thai coach, and a worry that I don't have enough runway. I'm approaching 200k right now.

If I lose the job while nomading and have 300k, I'll just jump straight into full time entrepreneurship/taking a year "off"/working out/trading crypto/making up for the childhood I didn't have, while still having plenty to come back to if I fail at creating a sustainable nomad lifestyle.

>> No.22614721
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Didn't think about getting rich until I got smarter.

>> No.22614988

Believe it or not I'm probably one of the most handsome man of this board. I could unironically provide pics that would make you want to suck my dick and cry at how unfair life is, if I wasn't afraid of some schizos of this board

>> No.22614995

because despite me being in honors/AP classes, labelled as a gifted student, and constantly getting straight As, the other "smart" kids wittled me out of their social groups and i was considered the black sheep. i tried my hardest to continue despite the bullying as i never needed their help but you lose your grip on the pole eventually when your fingers keep getting stabbed above by the hawks who peck at them. i dug my own hole to get away from them.

>> No.22615872

>churned credit cards
What, just keep getting new cardholder rewards or something?

>> No.22616239

>when i graduate
love posters like you. the world is cold and unforgiving place you’ll learn too.

>> No.22616393

like what

>> No.22616404

doing what

>> No.22616511

I'm too perceptive to get past my risk aversion. I see nonsense and have no stomach for going all in on something I know is bottled lightning but which lacks any kind of foundation. If I were slower witted and didn't actually understand what I'm doing well enough to identify the threats, I'd be less poor.

Ironically, I am excellent at making other people rich because my risk aversion doesn't factor in when it's someone else's money, I've explained the risks, and they've consented to me speculating with it.

>> No.22616512
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I'm actually pretty stupid but somehow rich. Cheers /biz/.

>> No.22616706


>> No.22616727

is 125IQ smart? If so then I'm unlucky because I'm not lazy

>> No.22616730

>What, just keep getting new cardholder rewards or something?
Yes. I started with the chase saphire reserve/preferred "double dip"

Easier to hit minimums when you do business travel or can pay rent with card though.

This is one instance where /r/churning is worth a look

>> No.22617027


>> No.22617177
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Only midwits are blocked by analysis paralysis which is why they are unable to make a move and when they do it's usually the wrong one. Absolute dumbasses just go by instinct which more often than not works out well and more intelligent people have hard data to back their investment choices.
I'm a fucking dumbass and usually I just buy shit because "this seems cool lol" and more often than not I'm right. Fuck the soi midwits who over analyze.

>> No.22617203

>Dropped out of middle school, got fat and played CoD.

>> No.22617207

low agreeableness

>> No.22617250

I love Vietnam, spent 2 months there out of a 9 month SEA motorcycle trip back in 2016. Do you have a particular city/region in mind?