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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2260838 No.2260838[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So according to the internet, the way to get girls is to continually ask them out and face rejection rates of 90 % plus, including being laughed at to my face, given fake phone numbers, being stood up, giving someone a huge ego boost and a superiority complex over me, and facing the risk of the girl laughing about the "omg so creepy guy" on social media for all to see.

And the above is only the long shot scenario of women I barely know. The "better" way is to ask out girls in your social circle or friends of friends. So I can be rejected by people I'll see repeatedly, and laughed at and embarrassed by all the people I'll see the most in life.

Or online, where I can be 1 out of hundreds of matches for each women, who, at best, skims off the Chads.

What's the deal? This all sounds crazy. I've never asked out a girl or had attention from one but all this is unrealistic. I have awful social skills but I'm not an autist. I can easily tell that all of this is internet fantasist shit.

The real method is to be a normie and have an instant connection with all other normies. Even extroverted normies have nothing to say to me but when I see normies talk to other normies so effortlessly, it's like seeing someone talk to themselves, it's so damn effortless. This is the only way: being part of the hivemind. Anything else is a life of quiet desperation.

>> No.2260857

This is biz, not r9k

>> No.2260865

Is this business related?

>> No.2260873


>> No.2260880

Girls are a waste of money. Who would even want a money leach? lol

>> No.2260902

This isn't /incel/


>> No.2260907


>> No.2260913

>rejection rates of 90%
Damn dude, u ugly

>> No.2260917

Give business secrets or fuck off.

>> No.2260919

And some people deny that this board is being overrun by faggots from /pol/ and /r9k/

>> No.2260926
File: 32 KB, 479x377, 1494792448504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I know that feel

>> No.2260930

Here's what you're going to do:

1. stop chasing pussy
2. start making money by investing in DGB
3. repeat steps 1 and 2 till you're in your 30s
4. you're rich and 30yo - you can have literally every 20yo skank you want
5. laugh at those whores who rejected you when you were 20. most of them will be single mothers with a negative sexual market value by then

>> No.2260946

you dont ask women anthing. you tell them.

>> No.2260954
File: 88 KB, 500x397, 9afcba08-a416-486a-85f5-3a19f03e5e81..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would say the decision to chase a human money-pit is indeed an economic decision.

>> No.2260979

Find a nice, slightly chubby wife and fall in love. Get married, be happy. Stop chasing bs. Start talking to them when they are young (13ish) and just be nice (dont do anything pedoy) and they will love you eventually.

>> No.2261006

You're aware grooming is against the law, Sir?

>> No.2261029

Not grooming, just being nice.

>> No.2261031

this, it never fails as I impress them more from my crypto gainz and are more interested than me than girls my age as they say its a scam and dumb (im 22).

>> No.2261037


I don't even know you and I find your beliefs repugnant and I couldn't imagine being stuck around you.

At the end of the day no one wants to be around miserable pessimistic self-hating pits of despair. People have enough bullshit in their own lives without having to put up with you.