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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 29 KB, 200x200, siacoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2257826 No.2257826 [Reply] [Original]

got in at 387, breakeven coming, ftw!

>> No.2257859

>that feel when almost double growth from the recent dip and almost 10x growth over the past month
Mooncucks will deny this, though, they're stuck with their stale poop for good

>> No.2258104

I got in at 307/3011. I was too salty to buy into DGB after selling my bags for so cheap. 1k sats this month for sure.

>> No.2258158

right... I have serious DGB salt bags ... give me some SC happiness coin gods

>> No.2258204

i fucked up with a stop order of 80k DGB @720 sats when i knew it was going to the moon but this was when DGB was near 1000sats and i believed it wouldn't tank that low. i was wrong and almost killed myself for it.

i'm not in SC for 70k coins. I believe SC will get me financial freedom like DGB would have. i no longer have stop losses for coins i believe in.

>> No.2258221

got in at 360 and out at 392, enjoy trying to break that 400 sell wall

>> No.2258264

the one getting eaten right the fuck up atm? lol

>> No.2258283

Got in at 305 yeterday

feels good man

>> No.2258495
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>> No.2258895

What was the profit in dollars/euros ?

>> No.2258914

Am I too late?

>> No.2258917


like 5$

>> No.2259049


Weak handed or Day Trader ?

>> No.2259086

nah we're going 10x on this at least

>> No.2259301

It was around 400-450 sats before poloniex issues started to appear. It's ATH was somewhere around 500+. Long story short; it's going to be at least above 1k sats this month. I don't know about 10k sats though, that seems way too high. 3-6k sats is my bet.

>> No.2259372

I hope I'm not too late for this shit.

>> No.2259379

Welp. 27 BTC wall at 400 sats got eaten like little bitch.

>> No.2259426

its was removed.......

>> No.2259429

Finally sold my bags. Gonna catch the dip at the upper 300's

>> No.2259443
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>tfw free at last from this shit coin

>> No.2259479

Nope. Look at buy orders.

>> No.2259485
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>3 weeks later
Wahhh /biz/ why didn't you tell me to hold!!!!

>> No.2259490

I bought some of that wall so I doubt it.

>> No.2259523

Bought like 4k at 205 :( Wish I bought more.

>> No.2259533

just bought at 390 and im not even concerned
this will hit 800 soon

>> No.2259595

I'm actually a bit concerned not with SIA though. It has only risen like 100 sats in last 2 days so it's safe to assume it won't dip too hard. This friday is way too crazy, even the shitiest of alts are exploding in green. Huge correction is coming. I hope last saturday bloodbath won't happen tommorow again...

>> No.2259632
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>mfw finally able to sell this shitcoin
Thanks for holding my bags, faggots.

>> No.2259649

>>2259443 >>2259632 = >>2259429

>> No.2259702
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>> No.2259743
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>> No.2259772

Not the first time its hit a penny.

>> No.2259842

sold at 399

>> No.2260101


>> No.2260201

10k sats, if this thing hits 10k sats ill go buy scotch and do fuck all today, hmmm, im already doing fuck all. well, ill add scotch to it!

>> No.2260231

10k sats would be equivalent of DGB hitting 1$. That's huge. Don't get my hopes up.

>> No.2260244

1.6 mil hodl

This baby is goin to $0.20

>> No.2260290
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Got in at 150 sat btw

>> No.2260308

420 bab woo

>> No.2260309

Are you that guy who had 700btc+ worth of SIA? and posted it here?

>> No.2260311

Ah did not consider market cap... no scotch

>> No.2260323

>1.6 mil hodl
ah nvm. There was that one guy here with ~700btc of SIA at poloniex here. I hope he won't dump on us, lol.

>> No.2260336

No, that would be me.
I got in at ~ 30 sat.

>> No.2260365

no, that would be me. what would you like to know?

>> No.2260370


Hodling strong since 150, then doubled down at 240, then went in again at 380. All the idiots that are selling are obviously not looking at the volume and the crazy walls that have been set. Someone is accumulating.

>> No.2260446
File: 107 KB, 767x402, jewda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone, indeed.

>> No.2260447

I don't know which one of you mofos is the real one, but I envy you so much. You are pretty much millionaire at this moment. All you have to do is just slowly putting 1btc sell orders. I'm shaking with excitement thinking about my 0.3 btc gains from my 250k coins. I can't imagine what you are even thinking atm. Fuck. I'm impressed.

>> No.2260474

does it run on ethereum?

>> No.2260476

just sit back, hang on, and enjoy the ride.

>> No.2260486

It's a weird feeling because I held onto this coin for over a year, saw it rise up to 178 last summer then crash. And now it's back up and I'm basically a millionaire. I still remember when 1btc could buy you a couple million sia.
The only thing I'm thinking is just a dry ''yaaaaaaaaay I'm rich''. But still, I'm happy and it's likely sia will reach even higher gains by the end of the year,

>> No.2260523


Are you the fuck with 88 million sia?

If so grats, Im jelly as fuck

>> No.2260533


nvm didnt read the thread.

>> No.2260550
File: 103 KB, 968x612, sia holdings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, that's me.

>> No.2260625

Impressive. My ultimate goal in crypto was basically what you have just achieved. SIA will be huge for sure so your BTC stash might become even crazier. I'll be just happy with my 10x gains. Not going to sell it until it's at least 3-6k. What will you do with you money though? are you going straight for fiat or just invest into other coins?. Shit. You might become some cryptoking.

>> No.2260626

are you going to talk to a finance professional about how to start cashing out?

I would immediately max out my IRA, FSA, and HSA at the very least. If you quit your job for a year you won't have to pay anything in capital gains.

>> No.2260635

also, thoughts on swarm?

>> No.2260688

Congrats dude! What was your initial investment?

>> No.2260733

I'll probably just let it grow. I don't really need much money. I just did it to prove to my family that I didn't need to go into finances to be rich.

Yeah, I've been in talks with a tax lawyer and a crypto lawyer. The issue is a bit tricky because I live in Canada and bitcoin is considered capital gains. So I would have to declare it. The problem is that I ''could'' not say anything and slowly take the money out using localbitcoin but I've given my name and address to polo.
Both my tax lawyer and cryptolawyer say that polo only keeps records to prevent money laundering but that if the IRS pushed, they could audit everyone's name in the future. Then the IRS could pass that information to the Canadian government and eventually get to me.
Recently, the IRS has been pushing coinbase to release usernames and their personal information because it seems only a hundred out of the many thousands that use coinbase ever declare their taxes. So I'm kinda stuck in a hard place not wanting to pay anything, but knowing that eventually, the government might want its cut.
I'm thinking of btc debit cards but they have like 3% fees and that's just ridiculous.


>> No.2260790

It's shooting up again

>> No.2260892

Is this actually a good coin?

>> No.2260912

Shit it is. I think this is an ATH. Thank God. I've had hands of steel since buying in three weeks ago

>> No.2260928
File: 643 KB, 2550x1440, sia into space.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a great coin.

Sia is revolutionary because it's a cloud storage that uses the blockchain to become decentralized.
The coin makes storage become a contract that incentives people to keep the storage for the allocated time or lose money. What makes sia great is that it separates your data into chunks, and so long as ~ 10 host keep your data, you'll never lose anything. Meaning no one can ever hack your data as no one holds any actual information. Compare that to dropbox or Amazon that actively spy on their users or can be hacked. No one would be able to do that with sia.
Plus by being a free market, allowing anyone with a shitty storage in their garage to allocate their storage, but protected by the sia network encryption, it makes the actual price for getting storage much cheaper than anyone else on the market by a lot. One of the main problems in the storage world is that you need a reputation, because no one would give out sensitive data to anyone, so you need to have a very well known brand. But with sia, anyone can join in and no one is at risk.

The great thing also is that the devs themselves cannot bail out like the storj team. The sia dev only has a secondary worthless coin called siafunds which only allows them to collect ~ 3% of all contracts on the network. Meaning for them to make money, they need to become the Facebook of Storage or die. Compare that with Storj, the other storage coin that have decided to become centralized ''because it's easier'' that are holding 90% of the coin and can sell at any time.

The potential for the coin is great, and the dev team in charge are razor focused on only creating that vision.
I'm personally all in sia and I see a bright future for the coin.

>> No.2260927

Its a distributed cloud storage system supported by the blockchain. It certainly has potential, but its still in super early development. Do your own research faget

>> No.2260933
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Everyone point and laugh

>> No.2260943


see >>2260635

>> No.2260962

>thank god I sold
>it raises
Every time.

idk anything about swarm.
Very low marketcap so you could put a bit and see it raise. I can't even open their website. Fuck my firewall.

>> No.2260969

Anyone who missed the train still laughing? It's one of the best and still very undervalued coins which will rule a billion dollar market. The moon is no limit.

>> No.2261043

i kinda want to cash out and buy stratis

>> No.2261057

HAAHAHA 450 sats

Panic sellers BTFO, I cant wait to taste your tears once this shit gets .15 cents a coin

>> No.2261065

I can't believe it was not shilled here before. SIA only caught my attention because of >>2260928 guy. Then I read about it and start question myself why I didn't invest into it earlier.
>torrents being taken down everywhere
>nyaatorrents down
>extratorrent down
>tpb is a shadow of it's former self
>internet being censored left and right with content removed
Yeah. Like I said in other threads; only IPFS (ARK/SHIFT) can compete with SIA at this point. I'm only worried about some unwanted media attention when some people start "abusing" its decentralized nature by storing CP for example.
I want to do the same with my DGB holdings. I'm still amazed at STRATIS. It has been rising for few days straight and just doesn't stop.

>> No.2261154

Yeah Nyaa going down hurts. We got Nyaa pansu but a lot of the eroge that was on sukebei nyaa is lost forever. Reminds me of when megaupload when down.
Sia could actually become the next stage beyond torrenting.

>> No.2261160

i have to say the dev being so active on reddit is a good indicator

>> No.2261162

can you actually get access to other people's data though? I thought it was more of a distributed file backup solution, not p2p

>> No.2261183

I talk with the main dev every few days. They're great. One time someone called their tech shit, thinking ''oh if it's just storage, why need blockchain, that's just a gimmick'' and they wrote an entire blog article explaining sia to him.
They're really great guys.

>> No.2261189

Eventually, you'll be able to share your seed to other people to download your files. Like mega or whatever.

>> No.2261229

but how is this controlled? is there a vetting mechanism so I'm not giving the mpaa access to my files?

I just find it hard to understand how it can be anonymous for me to share my files but not anonymous for the receiver so I can vet them

>> No.2261252

he just has to be picky about who to give the seed to

>> No.2261257

It's not entirely anonymous.

>> No.2261269


so it's not true p2p

I'm not knocking Sia, I can imagine several great use cases, especially for enterprises, but I don't think it will be a valid replacement for torrenting like envisioned above

>> No.2261441

>so it's not true p2p
Since I'm in a good mood. I'll fill you in into something that might interest you.
Research it and invest at your own risk. Dev/Dev team is one huge mystery and so far has only made promises, but should he deliver what he promised.... we are talking about 10b marketcap and kazaa/emule successor.

>> No.2261489
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it looks dead

>> No.2261494

Torrents themselves aren't anonymous either.
You can still give data to others while never having it lost forever. That's an advantage sia has over torrents. If everyone stops torrenting, you're fucked. But with sia, so long as you keep paying, you'll always have that data.

>> No.2261528

Yeah. Pretty much. I would still suggest keeping eye on it. Dev has promised releasing new wallet this year and there is no other torrrent project at work currently. Check VTR's bitcointalk thread. It's one of those extremely risky investments. I've bought 10k just incase it succeds.

>> No.2261571

I think there's a better chance that someone ports it and ICOs it on ethereum network tbqh.

It's just fishy to me that once crypto took off, the development stopped. I think someone cashed in and cashed out. It happens all the time in every sector.

>> No.2261621

>It's just fishy to me that once crypto took off, the development stopped. I think someone cashed in and cashed out. It happens all the time in every sector.
Yeah I was thinking the same thing. It's middle of 2017 and no new code. I'm still going to hold though and wait for a miracle.

>> No.2261666

I also just realized that there will be a metric shitton of litigation about something like vtorrent too. You might spend half your lifetime in the courts trying to fight off content creators that don't want to be part of the network (they LOVE owning their distribution channels because they profit at every step). It could be Ross Ulbricht 2.0. I'd rather just take my millions and cash out too before it gets to that point

>> No.2262131
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You realize you hold the power to destroy the entire market and plunge it into a major sell-off that would evaporate your theoretical gains right?

You're going to do the right thing anon, and stop showing off your holdings....

>> No.2262133

Same here bois. I sold all my DBG for 200 bucks more than I paid (sold for 300) but now if I had just held I'd be up like 1.5 grand. I hate myself.

>> No.2262238

What happens to sia price if that guy sells all of his coins?

Yes, i am very dumb

>> No.2262281


Like the other guy asked:

How do you plan to handle your significant leverage over the market then? Many smaller holders here obviously

>> No.2262306


Supply = Demand

Sell off 88 million sia at once

Supply > Demand

Market Reacts by dropping the price

>> No.2262307

>destroy the entire market

literally in his post

wow you really are dumb

>> No.2262324
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Bought in at 321 sats. Sell or hodl?

>> No.2262501

do you want to make a little money or a lotta money

>> No.2262514


>> No.2262854

I'm obviously going to sell small amounts over time.

Nothing. More people will hold my coins.

>> No.2262913

stop that SC, go back up!

>> No.2262918


Bought at the ATH again ;_;