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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22589507 No.22589507 [Reply] [Original]

Ok so you guys do realize that the posters who are telling you not to sell your UNI tokens are telling you that because they themselves don't want to get dumped on but are too greedy to cash out because they don't feel like the price is high enough to warrant it yet? Ok? Great, carry on.

>> No.22589581
File: 204 KB, 473x473, 1599958108503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck you are an actual retard. UNI IS dumping right now you stupid faggot, the price on Coinbase is over 4 dollars in spite of it because demand is eclipsing the rate of dumping. Once every fucking retard has claimed their FREE SHIT and dumped it the supply is going to slow to a crawl and the price will skyrocket, with periodic slowdowns as new coins are farmed/airdropped.

>> No.22589597
File: 321 KB, 1800x1200, 1588575914144.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have just summarized the entire market you mongoloid.

>> No.22589622

You guys wouldn't have had this problem if you invested in COOM. Just buy the dip and Hodl

>> No.22589682

A pair of holders, huh? I simply call out your greed and this is the response? Not even denial but merely anger? I have no strong opinions about your free coins, anons. I might even be holding the coins myself; though you'll never know.

>> No.22589778

I have no idea how you don't understand that a coin which grows in value in spite of massive dumping which will end as soon as the free coins have been dumped by all the weak handed pajeets to buy a PS5 and a wife will inevitably end up mooning in value as the supply becomes reliant entirely on people vigorously farming more, which means people will want more money for the trouble of farming the fucking things and be more likely to hoard as much as possible.

Basic fucking tokenomics.

>> No.22589893

Pajeets shilling = pajeets dumping

>> No.22589998

It is a discord raid and poor fags. No point in attempting to educate

>> No.22590039

Is coom even alive?

>> No.22590051

it's breaking all time highs every day

>> No.22590060

As alive as the horse will be after the shitshow.

>> No.22590104

yeah this might be the case ith your low mcap shitcoin made by actual pajeets but not this one. also literally everyone is dumping and its only climbing.

>> No.22590124

Yeah but you realize LP whales were airdropped millions of USD in UNI for providing liquidity right on uniswap right? They might be waiting patiently for a nice time to sell. Plus farming will add a constant selling pressure.

>> No.22590170
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>> No.22590202
File: 215 KB, 2352x782, Screen Shot 2020-09-18 at 12.13.31 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See you in a few....IYKYK

>> No.22590240

Why even try to explain it, let buy in the next coom. Those who get it make bank and hopefully get out, the rest who cares

>> No.22590267

>literally everyone is dumping and its only climbing.
Haven't seen dumb money like this since Verge

>> No.22590302

look, if you sold i can send you 100 ok, but its bad when you try and fud the most legitimate ptoject ever shilled here besides link. send addy

>> No.22590347

Keep em and happy pooling, KEK

>> No.22590371

>website is a pajeet scam because it hurts my feelings

Well faggot, why use any exchange at all then? Russians and Pajeets and Chinks are everywhere here.

BTW 4.8 eth for 400 UNI now NEVER SELLING

>there are "people" who sold for less than 3 eth


>> No.22590428

It's not about how it looks numbnut. It's the principle of how it works. It requires many greedy retards to keep their greed in check for it not to collapse. I rather bet on a fat child not eating a cake when its parents are gone

>> No.22590613

Okay it's true I got greedy and sold.
Please forgive me fren


>> No.22590736

low iq take for high iq distribution
poor people and scammers will cash out and whales have to pay fair value and wont be able to dump every couple months

>> No.22590786

Wut? Can you say that in english

>> No.22590866

this coin is going to moon because it has amazing distribution

>> No.22590887

Are you planning on putting your free token in a pool?

>> No.22590989

sold half and holding other half but ive been farming for over a year and had like 80k worth of liquidity on uni should have just held or put in pool desu

>> No.22591016
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>> No.22591023

You should learn english. And I don't believe a word you say third worlder

>> No.22591197

im jewish/slav and have six figures in crypto in my 20s feels good US/western europe is basically third world now and has worse crime lol at this point legit moving to serbia to neet

>> No.22591211

Post proof

>> No.22591288

those are men

>> No.22591353 [DELETED] 
File: 255 KB, 1426x766, cope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres me market dumping ESH at ATH

>> No.22591526

A list of dumps from may. Hardly a proof for anything. But I already figured from the other threads and from yesterday, that you raiders don't answer any questions honestly. So nevermind. Good luck, you are not very effective. Resilience is too strong here, not sure why you still try to raid 4chan

>> No.22591561
File: 255 KB, 1426x766, 1600405878264.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reposting the jeets pic btw

>> No.22591622

sorta the point of op trying to convice weak hands to shake

>> No.22591701

LOL how hard is it to make six figures in this market? i bought tellor at like 3 dollars too stay mad

>> No.22591790

honestly anyone who didnt make at least a 1000 eth this quarter is not very smart and theyre the same people selling their UNI

>> No.22591821

>U mad
Hardly. I just pointed out that the raid is obviously a raid and that you are no honest users. Regarding unijeet, the principles it operates on is not viable long term from what I see and my individual decision to not participate in any form, no matter how much free stuff is promised. If your gains are legit, invest in language courses.

>> No.22591822 [DELETED] 

Anon I don't know if you realize this but crime in osteuropa and latinoamerica is still higher than the West/East Asia/Persian Gulf. The developed areas become shitty because people from the shitty areas move there.

>> No.22591856

>shows 4.5 dollars for 1 uni on coinbase pro website
>coingecko shows that coinbase is selling for only 4.27 dollars

How odd.

>> No.22591899

might not be viable long term im interested to see where it goes though mid term at least

i speak english, chinese, japanese why would I waste time learning english to talk to anglos lol? no thanks

>> No.22591930

my point originally was this coin has very good distribution so I don't think we're going to see any crazy dumps

>> No.22591960

>English, chinese, japanese
Your are slipping chang. But thanks for providing more data

>> No.22591977

Yes, maybe, I got what I really want, but you don't, and that is all that counts

>> No.22592228

i dont need to scam to make it lol its easy enough just browsing this site if you have a brain but okay

>> No.22592320

Where did I say you are scamming? You are advertising chang. And no, it seems easy to browse 4chan, actually using it and not looking like a chink in Angola to effectively advertise is something else. You still need to learn a lot. But again thanks for the data.

>> No.22592448

how tf iis talking about sentiment and price action an advertisement on a crypto discussion forum right after an airdrop to 200k people lmao

>> No.22592452 [DELETED] 
File: 141 KB, 1000x1000, tcb-fix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you missed out on your unis dont be sad fags, chainlink started an airdrop too! you just need some ethers or links

heres the participation site: linkairdrop.io

>> No.22592479

Same as always but then you make the distinction, is it for mutual benefit?

>> No.22592511

Figure it out yourself, lurk moar. I don't provide free data to outsiders

>> No.22592588

And my Linkies will stay ultra stinky, especially after a grunt fucked uo so bad. I hope your commissioner isn't going to punish you. Actually no, I hope you will get lined up against a wall and shot with your family communist

>> No.22592836

Bump. I'm going to publish this conversation. It feels great to know all assumptions were right.

>> No.22592927

serbia is Christian and wholesome recommend it when you make it

>> No.22592967

its not the 90s anymore lol

>> No.22593009

You are as serbian as my dick is cut. Piss off chang you fucked up. There is no more useful information that a grunt like you can provide.

>> No.22593157

>ID is askhenazi
>moving to Serbia
Howdy neighbour

>> No.22593320

And really thank you for being so transparent and a tourist. As said knowing that the rumors were true all along is giving me much confidence, and your fuck up will be used as propaganda. To whoever is monitoring this, vet and train your operatives better. This is too easy. Bait, switch, switch kill.

>> No.22593363

Fuck off scamming pajeet.

>> No.22593552

And bump.

>> No.22593607

Dude , I would do the MOM in the back

>> No.22593924

As long as it is only rape. Don't you breed with those insects, unless you want a school shooter as a child

>> No.22594227

And another bump, never forget the serbian jew only speaking chinese, japanese and english, holding unijeet tokens and trading esh. His family will be shot for his fuck up. Glory to the ccp for cleaning up their losers

>> No.22594292

Exactly, /biz/ can't do 700 million dollars worth of volume in 24 hours. If anyone thinks /biz/ can affect the price at this point, they're a legit retard

>> No.22594753

Bump. This is for chang, may his execution be painful and slow, lol

>> No.22595168


>> No.22595841


>> No.22596080

Whales were buying 400 pleb stacks right when it dropped, you retards think the good whales love you and want to make you all rich. CEXs want to kill uniswap obviously, so who do think most of those whales were? Why was it immediately listed on exhcanges for spot and leveraged futures trading? They will kill this just like sushi and crv, it's the profitable thing to do, it's almost like you guys have never heard of leveraged trading lmao. Look at all the threads about "I held for a 2x and you sold" like people don't realize that a 2x is a joke in this market. 5x short soon seems like the play, those whales that you think love you so much are scaling in right now. And airdrops always dump, who would buy something that was given to them for free? There's less demand, and more selling pressure than something that isn't airdropped. And yes I'm just salty that I didnt get the airdrop since I was trading on mex instead of losing money on panjeet scamcoins and gas.