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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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22588909 No.22588909 [Reply] [Original]

anyone else sell their 400 uni for 1.3 eth
it was dumping so fast. i thought i was so smart getting my free eth before everyone. i was making fun of anons for not understanding how gas works.

>> No.22588971

lol nice larp but anyone with even enough experience to troubleshoot metamask seen the potential of this token.

>> No.22589034
File: 318 KB, 924x514, uni.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woke up, saw this and claimed 3.1 eth.
I don't care if it will reach $20 dollar. I'm happy with my 1k dollar for free from this gay unicorn exchange

>> No.22589058

I did the same thing. Maybe UNI will pump.maybe it will dump. I'm not a fan of governance tokens so.

>> No.22589078

>I’m not a fan of money so

>> No.22589081

On a friendly note you should swap to WETH instead of ETH, because Uniswap always converts any ERC20 to WETH first, then converts it to ETH, so the gas you pay is more if you want ETH. And if you plan on swapping for another ERC20 then you're doing the reverse process again, so best just to hold WETH

>> No.22589103

Tell that to all the people that held or bought CRV and got cucked by LPs

>> No.22589147

traded 300 for 2.9 eth
holding 100 in case it hits like $50 per uni

>> No.22589161
File: 18 KB, 248x189, dbu7spz-8d0cc3b2-dfdc-4246-bf2b-de80fe18de30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Larp or not I kekd

>> No.22589177

In the future the anons who sold for a measly 1-3 ETH are going to be looked on the same way we look at the people that sold 2000 bitcoin for a pizza.

>> No.22589254

I traded 300 for 3.1 eth but the fees alone took me back to 2.9

>> No.22589303


>> No.22589328

I damped for more DIA.

>> No.22589368

you're a fucking retard, you know that right? bet you hold XRP too. math is hard.

>> No.22589415
File: 19 KB, 360x540, 13155370._SY540_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever faggot

>> No.22589473

20,000 x2 pizzas. Never forget

>> No.22589736

Kek imagine if that happens. I honestly dont want to think about that even

>> No.22589771

I actually did that with my first account. I have a ton of them so not too upset, even sold another 400 for 4.2 eth just now on uniswap to alleviate the sting.

>> No.22589777

I tried to sell for 3 ETH yesterday but I couldnt cuz I didnt have enough gas money. Now I'm glad

>> No.22589821

Hysteria is getting over your heads. Not saying this doesn't have legs to pump more, but you won't get hundreds of thousands, even less millions, from a 400 airdrop of a 1 billion supply.

>> No.22589831

At least you got your PS5.