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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 7 KB, 200x200, digibyte.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2258560 No.2258560 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.2258577
File: 34 KB, 655x527, pepetard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guysh itsh cwashingh wat i doo shell oo im shmarth

>> No.2258749


>tfw i sold everything an hour ago @ ath
>tfw waiting for the dip to buy even more

>> No.2258785

It's not crashing you dumb idiot, the price is being corrected, it will go to 1500 by the end of the day

>> No.2258802
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>> No.2258816
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>mfw know it will correct hard
>mfw have long term faith in the coin but still want to try sell high and buy low again
>mfw cant handle the crypto stress

>> No.2258825

I tried doing that but lost 100 dgb yesterday, what are some good signs to tell the right moment to sell high to buy low?

>> No.2258832


>> No.2258842


Trying to time the market will leave you burned.

>> No.2258867

dont day trade

>> No.2258934

Selling this shitcoin now, thanks for the gains

Even if it continues to go up some, I don't care. If we're all completely honest, this is not the coin of the future, just another generic pets.com of the blockchain boom to be consigned to the history books

>> No.2258944


Agreed. Some great marketing behind though. Shills are really pumping it around here.

>> No.2258949

I hope you get enough money to buy a gun and kys when this goes up to 10000 sat

>> No.2258962

enjoy the gains

buy back in when it dips

>> No.2258963
File: 2.90 MB, 1280x720, DGB.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The same @300

Next crash @1500, amirite?

>> No.2258987

It already dipped under 1200 before.
Chances are it'll normalize around 1100 and then spike back up.

>> No.2258988

Even if it literally sits at 1000 sats forever, I will still have made 100x on it by the end of the year when bitcoin is at $10,000. It's impossible to lose.

>> No.2259031

>It's impossible to lose
But why would it sit at 1000 sats forever? Chances are it's going to zero at some point - the question is whether there is still room to make gains between then and now. There's a good chance it will continue to pump but there's nothing special about this coin - no backing, no unique features, no innovative technology. It's just another generic shitcoin, just like pets.com was another generic website in the dot com boom.

Whether or not DGB hits 2000 sats or 3000 or whatever before zero, who knows? There is money to be made on speculation but as far as I'm concerned digibyte has already pumped.

I'm prepared to be wrong, but for me this is not a long term hold. I'm taking my gains now while I can

>> No.2259047

This is terrible fudding.
No backing yet you ignore the whales that have hundreds of thousands in this coin as we speak.
Why would they let it crash without profiting as much as they possibly could?
If it was to go to zero than it would already have done that.

>> No.2259059

>Chances are it's going to zero
Please show me an example of this ever having in crypto.

>> No.2259066


>> No.2259091

Not the guy but it has happened before, but lol there's just as much chance of this happening to sia, steem, etc, waves, and others at this point.

Fudders still exist surprisingly.

>> No.2259094

I'm really not FUDding. In fact, I still hold half my DGB

But the fact that there are a bunch of whales with big holdings in DGB is not evidence that it's a good investment. When I said backing I meant like how ETH has the enterprise alliance, or how Ripple has big banks behind it.

You may well be right that there are still gains to be made. When I say it's going to zero I mean over the course of a decade or so - and this is true of probably 90% of cryptos. Blockchain
is definitely the future. But just as people investing in pets.com were correct that the internet was the future, they were wrong in thinking that this meant pets.com was going to be a part of this future. Only a few survived - Amazon, Google, Paypal etc. - and I don't think digibyte is going to be one of these survivors.

I'm still willing to speculate on shitcoins with no future though, but DGB is too hot for me right now

You're joking right?

>> No.2259096


>> No.2259100

By literally holding you faggot.
If you didnt follow the other retards like a sheep that you are, you would have known that the highest pump would be 9/10 june (depending on success even further)
Selling now would be the most retarded move. You just did that

>> No.2259121

I'm waiting for an example. And scamcoins don't count.

>> No.2259128

>sold my 2.5k at 1399
already saw a sell wall of 20million from 1400 onwards
30% profit sale, yeah im a new fag
feels good tho i couldn't re buy the dip cuz i was stuck in the fucking emergency room

>> No.2259129

Goodness all of those buys. Looked like dozens instantly.
The whale manipulation is insane right now.

>> No.2259152



>> No.2259177


>> No.2259193

>You're joking right?
>no example given
>nocoiner trying to spill his autism on this board
Fuck off cuck, go invest in something else then.

>> No.2259196

Lucky bastard, I should have sold then too.
Timing sells is so hard sometimes.

>> No.2259202

These posts are the worst.
Is it just newfags or horrible attempts at fudding?

>> No.2259213

Ghostcoin (GHC)

>> No.2259246
File: 43 KB, 1013x470, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related

Don't get so defensive, you may well be right that there are still gains to be had. But I can still buy back in since I sold half my DGB at 1300 sats (I won't though)

My point was that there is nothing special about DGB, just as there is nothing special about 90% of coins

>> No.2259257

i use blockfolio on my smart phone
look up the upcoming sells on there but make sure to look up the sell walls of diffrent sites bittrex/polobyius/yobit and what not

>> No.2259283

read the white paper buddy
wait for the 10th then we know if this was a waist or our ticket

>> No.2259295

>place a buy order
>price goes up 30
>replace buy order
>goes up 20
>replace buy order again
>goes up 30 again


>> No.2259311

>chasing the market

>> No.2259312

to intelligent to read white paper

but just tried to find it, and came across this web page

for fucks sake please tell me this isn't the real website

>> No.2259345
File: 30 KB, 633x758, 1493975517047-o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure hope you documented all those orders for Uncle IRS

>> No.2259364

Quit posting that meme.
Even if it was true, it sounds like he didn't even buy anything with those orders.
Stop spreading crap.

>> No.2259368

You mean


fucking weakhanded loser

>> No.2259377

Jump on the LTC train, ready to go any second now

>> No.2259385

Launder through monero.

>> No.2259398

lol. Weakhand. No way this doesn't hit $.10 by the end of the month

>> No.2259529

only if you cash out idiot

>> No.2259531

bought at 1212 sold at 1224
rebought at 1207 and it's 1236 now

nigger get your shit together

>> No.2259542
File: 121 KB, 776x728, DGB_Fucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What an awesome day

>> No.2259555

Try again when it's Stratis levels

>> No.2259611

LOL no.
This is going to a dollar my friend.

>> No.2259673


>but just tried to find it, and came across this web page

>for fucks sake please tell me this isn't the real website

This. The "do your research" meme led me to look into digibyte a while ago and it was pretty apparent right away that it was a joke and all the rumors of adoption and promise were either made up or highly exaggerated.

Of course, it's only mooned since then, several times, which is just more proof that doing research doesnt mean shit, since people only buy a crypto because they think other people are buying the same crypto.

also, idea for mods: consider making "SELL SELL SELL" a bannable term.

>> No.2259723

Aaaaah someone got burned and is mad.
Don't bring us down just because you fucked up.

>> No.2259738


i only made money from dgb, but ill never put a lot into it because it's a scam, and of course it'll be worth shit eventually. hopefully youll have something left by then.

>> No.2259761

This guy gets it. Smart money knows when to enter AND exit.

>> No.2259770

What part of DGB is a scam

>> No.2259773

I ain't selling shit. I'm holding and getting my daily 50% gains

>> No.2259779

The part where it's completely dependant on videogames autists

>> No.2259783

you're seriously thising some retard bitching about the webpage instead of the buisness model and future developement plan?

are you fucking serious?
do you think bit coin got big because of a flashy webpage?

jesus christ just leave it's too sad to read your stupidity

>> No.2259787

The part where it serves no practical purpose. It is pure meme

>> No.2259797
File: 106 KB, 1872x736, Screenshot (728).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eat shit faggots serious gains incoming

>> No.2259805

This comment proofs, that you have no idea regarding DGB.

4chan is only spitting GAMING GAMING.
Gaming is far away from the core purpose of DGB.

>> No.2259812

nah dude that's clearly gonna end in losses my meme triangles told me
get out while you can SELL SELL SELL

>> No.2259813


Wow, what a couple of tards. Contrary to your autistic belief, DGB is one of the only coins that will survive into the future.

1) It's a usable currency
2) It has a target and viable market
3) It's marketed well and has strong leadership

Things like BAT, GNT, SC, etc are all interesting ideas, but they are literally pipe dreams and not applicable to this decade or the next. Their founders fundamentally do not understand the tech sector and commercial sectors that would even be remotely interested in their coin tech...

Think about it, military, film production, VFX, video games... are these people going to use Golem's shitty public network for their computing? No, they all make enough to do everything in house and they like it that way.

And you, are you really doing anything your macbook pro or alienware pc can't fucking handle? Shit like GNT and BAT will inevitably fail

The only coins that matter right now are-

BTC, ETH, DGB, XRP, and Bancor (which will kill waves and strat instantly)

These 5 coins are irreplaceable and all have dominated their niche.

Fucking idiots.

>> No.2259828
File: 52 KB, 1792x418, xzxzxzxz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2259851

>implying the worth of the coin is strictly bindet to the buyers price
>implying people can't sell for less

yeah i don't know if you understand how this whole thing works buddy

>> No.2259862

The same threads were posted when it was at 900 sat and dropped to 400-500. We're at over 1000 sat now. Don't listen to these damn FUDs.

>> No.2259877
File: 95 KB, 1862x776, cxcxcxcxc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm implying that this is being pumped by some discord group somewhere, which you are probably a part of, by buying very small amounts of DGB multiple times to give the appearance of organic growth. The group that's part of this is going to pull their buy orders when they want to crash the coin and it's going to fly creaming through the floor of their intial buy price where they'll vacuum up all the cheap coins that become available.

>> No.2259883

>"look mamy im spamming my pasta again"

>> No.2259895

>discord group
Come on newfag, are those the sorts of people putting millions into this coin?

>> No.2259909
File: 146 KB, 1920x836, Screenshot (730).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

could you repeat that?
i couldn't hear you over my serious gains

>> No.2259921

>Esport is fucking huge and will continue to grow.
>Tournament cash pools are in the millions, increasing every year and every day more people become competitive gamers to hit it big.

You are an idiot, lol

>> No.2259928


eSports are huge... ESPN broadcasts them during big competition. So, hes not an idiot.

>> No.2259929

Sure is, I bought it and it is already 11.71% up.

>> No.2259934

Yeah, one day I decided to check things out, the coin is a joke
Constant issues with payout, constant issues with the wallet, virtually no chance of winning the Citibank cutest, the minecraft thing has already been delayed since October and I doubt will be working when they say. They also couldn't even find advertisers for their site, which is what led to the pay out problem, if they can't even get some advertisers I can't imagine how they're going to get big companies and stuff on board. And lastly the big and generous assumption that it will catch on in the "gamer" market.
>"For those complaining about the site please note we paid out millions of DigiBytes in 2016 and early 2017 to gamers. This was all out of our own pocket to help spread the word about DigiByte. This is obviously not a sustainable model for anyone, especially at current prices. The site was completely free. We initially planned on having advertisers foot the bill for the DGB paid out but we were not able to bring any advertisers on board in time."
So organized and professional

But the crypto market doesn't run on facts or critical thinking so all of that is kinda moot, and it's so long as there continues to be hype and speculation, it will continue to rise. But when the hype dies and the speculations don't come to pass, there'll be nothing to keep it afloat.

>> No.2259957
File: 28 KB, 1223x438, fdfsdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2259975

I bought 25k at 650 sats and another 18k at exactly 1125 sats.
Did I get trolled?

>> No.2259987

If you hold, no. If you're a day trader, you're in for a roller coaster ride.

>> No.2259988

Wow dude you sure showed me with that image you keep posting

>> No.2260012

> Constant issues with payout
Did you follow it why or are you just repeating shit on 4chan?

> no chance of winning the Citibank cutest
They don't have to win.
Promoting and networking is more than enough.
Deals are made later. Out of 1200 they got at least into the finals.

>delayed since October
Release is 10 of June


Stop posting from a new proxy everytime.

>> No.2260018

Nigga, I'm trying to inform other anons about the nature of these events. Traditionally, you don't eat your own, but there are a shit ton of shill groups that are preying on fellow /biz/nessmen and it's unacceptable. If an anon is going to buy above this point with their measly $100 or eurp or whatever, they will be subject to these whales trying to shake them out. Strong Hands is a good meme, but it needs to be backed up with information, which is what I'm providing. Call me a FUD'er, but I don't want other anons losing money.

>> No.2260034

I'm in support of that then.
You just need to specify more instead of post a picture.
I'm not shilling for DGB, I put in a couple hundred when it was very low and I've held up to here.
It's going places if you hold long term. I've never sold at a loss and look and where I am now.

>> No.2260035

yeah dude im totally getting trolled once i dump my bags on the tards

im such a retard to take advantage of the situation

>> No.2260051

You do you. I'm going to do my best to make sure that people don't panic buy or sell. I've made my case on several dips and crests, so I'm trying to help other anons out.

>> No.2260074

if they still don't understand what a pump and dump is than they have to lose all theire money to understand the situation
you can't babysit 'em theire whole life in fear they might do something wrong

literly my first 4 days on the trade and made about 80% in returns
fuck them if they don't understand it

>> No.2260151

the people fudding only talk about how mine-camf is a scam.
it's almost like they sold way early and now carry sad bags of salt and refuse to research further.
pecans are popping over here.

>> No.2260227


let the records show that dgb originally got posted here when it was just under 100 sats, most biz regulars would have bought in at under 250 sats, and we are up so GOD DAMN MUCH at this point that your FUD over a 10% dip means less than nothing. a 50% dip would mean less than nothing. we will be here until death or $1+.

>> No.2260253


there are TONS of cryptos that have gone to 0, those are a few that popped to mind without researching

>> No.2260299

People have literally been talking that shit for months now.

LTC is going nowhere.

>> No.2260320

Coinmarketcap historical data
Pick 2013 and see how many coins you know

>> No.2260322

1 small correction. it was under 50sats

>> No.2260343
File: 51 KB, 503x700, 1496348553890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, bro. By any chance were you the dude who wrote the guide? I had a good time reading that.

>> No.2260389

You're arguing with people who didn't know anything other than bitcoin existed until a couple of months ago, and had probably never even opened /biz/ till then either.
People are completely ignorant to the history of altcoins on here.

>> No.2260417

Is Ripple a good long term investment to put my earnings into or should I just shift them into BTC/ETH?

Making decent money off DGB.

>> No.2260430

Read again, goy

>> No.2260464

you should have sold all DGB by now
it will go down now slowly but steady
don't let the small increases worrie you

you won't miss shit just stay calm and wait for the dip to unfold
probably 1220ish area

>> No.2260607

Don't do that, I used to try that a lot and although it pays off sometimes, it's really a gamble and will fail many times, not to mention making you extremely stressed.

>> No.2260658

nah bro. We are going to $1.

>> No.2260697

not today
if you think that this artificial pump can sustain a growth of this size, go for it

but i would strongly advise against it

>> No.2260722


exact same thing you retarded nocoiner faggots have been saying since 200, 400, 600, 800, and so on

just fucking buy some coins dude, it isn't hard

>> No.2260764
File: 103 KB, 1920x532, Screenshot (732).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice copy paste nigger
tell me more about me the nocoiner

>> No.2260795

>Imply not no coiner
>Owns $36 worth of coins

>> No.2260831


>put in a buy order at 8600 sats for some reason

>repeatedly sells coins at the exact same rate he purchased them

>doesn't own 100k dgb


>> No.2260834

dude... it's 150euro...

it doesn't supprise me tho that you're retarded

>> No.2260854

My bad, I'm retarded and you're a whale.

>> No.2260901

This is the most autistic thing I've seen all week

>> No.2261094

dude i take EVERYTHING i can get my hands on im a gready jew
as long as the fees don't eat up my profit i sell everything