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2258327 No.2258327 [Reply] [Original]

what's to stop bittrex from simply stealing all your coins?

obviously 2fa makes it harder for a 3rd party hacker to steal your shit from bittrex, but what's to stop someone from bittrex itself just snatching your coins up, then playing stupid when you email support?

>> No.2258359

That's more possible with some pajeet-run Bleutrade.

Bittrex is an actual US-based LLC, hardly they'll risk their balls doing stupid criminal shit like you described when the feds don't miss a single opportunity to crack down on crypto.

>> No.2258442


but its not regulated, is it? i mean, uncle sam isn't going to come running to your aid because your internet money disappeared...and bittrex could chalk it up to some made up glitch or something.

obviously bittrex isnt going to steal your 0.2 mooncoin.....but we're not after pennies, we're after lambomoney, which would definitely get you on bittrex's radar, no?

>> No.2258445
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Well, look at my withdraw. Its on complete and my 9ETH are still missing. You can check the id yourself if you dont believe it:
TxId: 0xff1f789e346b52896accff03d9ad1b687d8e707a149493ff337a12cc0c17caa1

Of course I wrote an email to them. First I recieved an automated email with the comon problems and how to solve them. I provided every number they asked. Then 1Day later I got another email with "We haven't heard back from you regarding this issue. Please reply to this email if you need further assistance."
Fucking idiots didn't help me in first place. Of course I send another email to the same ticket id.... still no answer yet.

>> No.2258489

The American law classifies cryptocurrencies as capital gains, so they're not some intangible thin air, and they're pretty much protected by law. It's totally suicidal for any American company to do blatant stuff like stealing from clients. Literally the straight path to jail.

If Bittrex was registered in some offshore residence, it would at least make sense. They're from Nevada, U.S., hell

>> No.2258499

they would affect negatively the price of the coins, they could get caught and above all they already make a shit ton of money. people are getting even more into crypto, which will be worth like a trillion dollars in ten years, so they would probably lose money if they did that

>> No.2258556

mt gox and crypsty tried this shit already, they got booked

you think anyone is stupid enough to try third times the charm in a market that's set to fucking explode?

>> No.2258576
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i don't think a US based exchange would do that because the bad press would cripple their ability to make money from now on.

i have a much greater fear of an exchange going bankrupt due to too many investors trying to cash out their earnings when there's no cash in reserve. similar to a run on a bank when they only hold a 1% fractional reserve.
i'm pretty sure this is the real reason it takes so long for the exchanges to transfer funds into people's accounts; they simply don't have the cash on hand to pay the investors.

pic unrelated

>> No.2258592

you earn more in a year through fees than you would stealing the coins

t. exchange owner

>> No.2258594
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>tfw I lost 2btc to Mintpal

>> No.2258611

>steal coins
>trash reputation
>go directly to jail
>short term one off gain at best


>run reliable exchange for booming sector
>24hr operation, no downtime
>collect a small fee as a % of the traded asset which is also appreciating
>literally print endless supply of money


>> No.2258614

How true is this? >>2258576
Or are you larping?

>> No.2258623
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I lost a lot of trust in bittrex recently. Every time I would click on buy orders all the values would say zero and prevented me from being able to sell my coins and I ended up losing money because of it. I emailed them multiple times and they said they would into it and I never heard back a week later it was still doing it. I tried a different browser, computer, and eventually network and it was still doing it. I asked people on here and they said it was doing it for them too. I was pissed when shit started falling again and I couldn't sell my coins so I sent them and angry drunken email something a long the lines of "WTF I've lost money because of this.. Amazon can respond about a $10 order in a few hours and you cant respond for a week when I have 30k on your site??? Get your shit together!" And took all my money off the exchange. I never got a response and that was 8 days ago. They didn't ban my account but I'm very hesitant to trade on it now because of this. I love the platform and layout it's just this shit cost me money and their lack of a responses is just fucked. What if something like >>2258445
happens. Shit is unacceptable.

>> No.2258648

This is why I only use Polo, no fucking around with emails just ask for real time support in the trollbox.
I lost 0.5btc to a fuckup years ago and it was fixed within 15 minutes.

>> No.2258649

you just need to do the math on the ETH/BTC pairs alone. We take a 0.25% cut on each transaction, so just by calculating the daily volume times 0.25% will give you some insight at how much money is made with an exchange.

We want to get as much volume as we can and the only way to do it is by adding promising coins quickly to get the volume and new users flowing in. Look at what happened to Bitstamp and its declining volume, only now they got off their high horse and added altcoins.

>> No.2258655

I imagine that's true seeing that nobody ever holds every coin they've ever purchased in bittrex, and the number of "stealable" coins at any one time are probably much lower than the fees from every single trade

i.e. if i bought and sold ethereum for fiat and cashed out in january, there's nothing bittrex can do to "steal" that but they still made money off it.

>> No.2258661

well I never had any problems with Bittrex till now... lets see how they will fix this

>> No.2258663
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you notice how he dodged your question?

>> No.2258683

Nothing. Exchanges have gone down before.
I'm just wondering why would anyone do that, you're gonna run with some virtual coins with uncertain future when you could just keep earning money from fees and shit. Maybe sell the company at some point if you become big enough.

>> No.2258684

Well hopefully you get a response because I didn't. Granted I was probably annoying them with my emails but I lost a bunch of money and was pissed. I'll been hearing a bunch of stories the past few weeks about them not responding to emails.

>> No.2258696
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How low does volume get before you consider it too low? I see plenty of coins stagnate at ~5btc a day for months then a one day spike to 1000+ btc volume before stagnating for another 2-3 months before the pump.

Do you look for large slow acquisitions over months or only care about 24 hour volume?

>> No.2258698

im lucky that nothing really big is happening on eth right now... could be very bad

>> No.2258719

ETH should be steady down for a few weeks, the hype can't defeat natural corrections with that much volume.

>> No.2258732


>why would anyone do that

because getting $xxx right this moment is more tempting than getting $xxx 5 years from now?

>> No.2258738

large exchanges like bittrex and polo are already making millions from the trading fees alone, they don't need to steal your coins and just walk away from their money-milking exchange

>> No.2258752

I bought ripple at 21k to try and make a little extra before the ETH pump that everyone was expecting (the one that went from $80 to $140) but I couldn't sell it and the price dropped and I was down 1 btc so I just held it hoping it would go back up in time to catch the end of the pump. But ETH skyrocketed and I ended up losing 3 btc on ripple and about 20k I would of made on the ETH pump. I was pissed. It would have been nice to get another response from bittrex.

>> No.2258806

wow that sucks! you are scaring me

i hope so

>> No.2258865

If they hit only a few accounts at a time, and blame it on the users, realistically - nothing.

>> No.2258885

nothing is stopping them, but why kill the golden goose?

>> No.2258923

Honestly their best option (other than being honest) would be taking 0.0X from all accounts over 10btc. No one would even notice so long as they only did it every couple of months.

>> No.2258945

"Sorry your account was hacked and there's nothing we can do"

Then you come on here and tell people and they respond "shut up fag bittrex is awesome"

>> No.2258976
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Yeah dude it was fucked. I lost like 80 ETH because of it and they couldn't even respond.

>> No.2259000

My use of Bittrex is limited to
>transfer exact BTC I want of coin to Bittrex
>buy coin
>withdraw coins to wallet until it's added to Polo
I'm keen on KMD but won't put big money on Bittrex so I'm buying BTCD on Polo and using the 50:1 exchange offered by the devs.