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22580427 No.22580427 [Reply] [Original]

can uni hit $100 ?

>> No.22580435


>> No.22580457

it can hit $1

>> No.22580463

>can this coin that its literally given away for free to scammers hit 100$

>> No.22580468

is it too late for me

>> No.22580482

In due time, definitely

>> No.22580484

I don't know what to do, I want to dump my 400 now but I feel like its going to pump after coinbase

>> No.22580510

Nothing ever pumps after coinbase

>> No.22580512

for sure

>> No.22580521


>> No.22580520

>how can this piece of paper printed for mere pennies retain its value

>> No.22580543

Nope, it can easily hit 5-10$ though.

>> No.22580549

it doesnt

>> No.22580552

Not $100, but $10 easy.

>> No.22580607

I could see EOY $20-50

>> No.22580666
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Friendly reminder ontology did a 10x and was given away for free

>> No.22580718

Biggest dex in crypto and only recently started pumping out real numbers in terms of useage. Noobs will buy this up in a bull and will hit $100

>> No.22580737

This is an excellent point, just dumped for 3.7 ETH

>> No.22580768

Absolutely not. It's current diluted market cap is already like $4 billion dollars. It can hit $20 if it's lucky but I think this shit will be dumped hard eventually once enough suckers are reeled in. At which point LP's will start dumping.

>> No.22580770

cool story but why is the token needed and if its so special why is everyone selling

>> No.22580784

I can't wait until all these bitches start crying about this shit coin

>> No.22580911

>From 10$ to nothing


>> No.22580924


>> No.22580942



>> No.22580961

give it one more day to weed out the niggers with weak hands. After that, we on our way to $10.

>> No.22580978

The fact you're asking this questions = NO.

If you didn't already have this or buy it you NEVER make it, that's crypto - only the early 1% actually make it

>> No.22580996

easily $10. maybe 15-20. all the poor people cashing out the free money for a ps5 are in for a world of hurt when the tokens start generating fees from the dex.

>> No.22581043
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massive pump or dump eta 3 hours

>> No.22581056


>> No.22581069

But it's one year circulating MC is about 600-700 million, which seems more than fair. As more coins are unlocked, the price will drop. We'll see price lock in between five and six and possibly pump to 10.

>> No.22581070

How does 100cent sound

>> No.22581128
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>> No.22581285

How can it possibly pump if faggots simply farmed more?

>> No.22581323

Is that the Uniswap app? It looks mighty sketchy and I wasn't sure if it was a scam or not. What is the minimum to reap rewards?

>> No.22581394

The sell pressure is huge and the price doesn't drop. This is a top10 token. Mark my words.

>> No.22581413

people might buy more, its the most popular exchanges gov token. not like its some air dropped company coin that does [insert chain]. governance tokens for uni is basically like having a stock of the nasdaq.


>> No.22581445

No. It will pump a lot over the coming days then bleed to death. See: CRV. This site sums it up

>> No.22581458

pretty insane stuff right now. sell order after sell order 400 400 400 300 200 400
price doesnt move.

>> No.22581544

No one here's psychic. Stop with this cognitive bias shit. DYOR and invest.

>> No.22581669

If you're not a psychic how do you know that no one here's a psychic?

>> No.22581671

Poor, small holders selling, whales eating it up. I could definitely see this creeping up to the top 10.. once everyone gets enough for their PS5 in a few days, there won't be any more sells. This isn't some token with some whitepaper hype.. it's literally the token for one if the most popular exchanges out there that has been surging in use lately.

>> No.22581740

I've only used uniswap for the past 1 month and seen huge improvements to the website

>> No.22581775

>all these people saying it'll dump
Absolute retards who deserve to be poor forever.
This is the next BNB.

>> No.22581802

the real airdrop was $cope

>> No.22581935

Once farming hits whales will just slowly dump their gains

>> No.22581997

Exactly. The top 10 is starting to look like less of a joke with Link and Dot.. now all we need is to squeeze out bch and ltc, add UNI, and this space will be taken seriously.

>> No.22582034

Redpill me on staking do I need to stake it as a pair or can I just deposit the token and receive gibs

>> No.22582075

fucking lol, this has to be the top

>> No.22582227

Lol no this actually has real use and will be $20 next week

>> No.22582286

>All these random numbers
Short term the market cap is going to be like 1-1.5b
Long term, it depends on how they handle that inflation they talk about

>> No.22582287

its over, the shit is dumping but hey

>hit the 10$ EOD


>> No.22582316

it can, market cap still small, uniswap is the biggest exchange.

>> No.22582347

Barely dumping. Still up heavily.

>> No.22582367

You had three weeks

>> No.22582395

Nothing ever pumps IMMEDIATELY after coinbase. give it some time and it'll moon, a the very least increase in price gradually

>> No.22582448

to clarify I meant top for crypto in general not just this unicorn token. So many fucking retards lately that I doubt we'll get to 20k any time soon. But uni can definitely run a bit higher before the dump, I'm guessing it'll dump once binance futures open. But to think that uni deserves a fully diluted market cap of 100b or even 20b is pure delusion ser.

>> No.22582509

this fuck is dumping to 2$ :D is this a joke show? you are joking right? You really think you get 1000$ for free and hold this shit to get 10k? :D

>> No.22582653

t. Ps5 owner

>> No.22582703
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But I was supposed to go to the moon, with my air drop

>> No.22583033

This is unironically the bottom

>> No.22583114


>> No.22583294

I'm talking about crypto as a whole, not your worthless unicorn token. Zoom out, crypto market cap is overbought on the weekly timeframe and we may be entering a global recession. But you probably just see number go up and buy more. Learn to play both directions and you can increase your stack.

>> No.22583375

And RLC. The King

>> No.22583380

>we may be entering a global recession

not until after the election

>> No.22583413

there's 1b uni tokens, that would like having $100b marketcap, it's double than ETH, impossible

>> No.22583445

With the current supply and how big the project is, $10 is easily on the table, probably more.

>> No.22583497

if they can take the liquidity and go L2 like loopring, then Uniswap wins the dex wars

>> No.22583514

Have you visited clown world before?

>> No.22583593

In 4 years yes

>> No.22583619

tfw I'm a poorfag and only used uniswap to trade COOM for the lulz and now get my ass pumped full of UNI. Is it safe to hold it for a bit or should I add it to my linkie stack?

>> No.22583675

you sound poor

>> No.22583730


Unknowable, it's largest holders are market manipulators as standard.

But it's also literally the best exchange with omnifunctionality and governance tokens reflect the value of their platform.

Sell half?

>> No.22583769

>the price will drop

Holy fuck this is babby tier understanding of economics. You need 10 million coins to submit proposals, there are whales who dump 2 BTC on random shitcoins purely because they have so much to dump and can potentially corner entire markets that way.

Only idiots are selling because they fail to understand the applications or 'who' will want to buy this and it's the people with the money to want to become someone who can submit proposals to uniswap you absolutely stupid mongrels.

>> No.22583826

It's weird, tons of people are dumping constantly and yet this shit is somewhat keeping its price. Go half and half or hold it all.

>> No.22583850

i have coom, lol, pretty sure it's worthless now tho :(

>> No.22583915

awww 69??? do you fuck your sister or something pervert?

>> No.22584199

Do you think a 100b market cap sounds reasonable?

>> No.22584336

25 times linkies kek

>> No.22584347

Just wait for a golden bull run, dude, everything will pump 1000x including this token, guaranteed.

>> No.22584362

oops 100 times

>> No.22584370

holy fuck go back hahahaha

>> No.22584418

a bunch of price inelastic uninformed sellers for tiny size? Sounds like a good trade to me man

>> No.22584430

why all these coins with almost a billion tvl like aave and sushi arnt doing well?

>> No.22584591

Because having a billion tvl means whales are dumping massive amounts of tokens on the market and it kills the price

>> No.22584640

fucking lol

>> No.22584748

with a real bullrun, unironically yes

>> No.22584793

seems like when staking and farming happen for a coin the price doesn’t do shit with a few exceptions

>> No.22585267

Ever heard of the trx airdrop on binance?

>> No.22585288
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>> No.22585362

Imagine coming to 4chan and not wanting to fuck your sister. NGMI, newfag.

>> No.22585389

He's right you know.

The difference between those coins and UNI is that whales are incentivized to accumulate as much as possible since you need 10 million to submit proposals, they have no good reason to dump.

>> No.22585421

>is higher than an hour ago

NGMI, people keep saying it'll dump but it keeps climbing bit by bit.

>> No.22585467

Why tf hasn't this been on layer 2 already. Imagine not having to pay for farming / LP.

>> No.22585596

>Only idiots are selling because they fail to understand the applications or 'who' will want to buy this and it's the people with the money to want to become someone who can submit proposals to uniswap you absolutely stupid mongrels.

>> No.22585653

you guys are retarded, you think a coin that’s been given away for free, a governance token, is gonna reach $10 and be top 4 with a fully diluted marketcap? Sell your bags while you can. Gas fees are going down, people are getting their tokens, she going down

>> No.22586069

>Sirs, please sell so I can buy back in.

>> No.22586092

Roflol. No!! 10 if your lucky.

>> No.22586112

it won't be worthless but people calling for more than $8-$10 are fucking delusional

>> No.22586137

> Imagine coming to 4chan

>> No.22586401

Guys guys only coins where 90% of the supply are owned by VCs pump to that amount! Take down Uni!!! Unfair distribution to everyone!!! Bad coin!!

>> No.22586890

Seethe more faggot. We took risks and provided liquidity for the protocol. Stop being an assblasted poorfag with no capital.

>> No.22587024

Imagine being one of those people who rushed to claim their gibs and panic sold at 2.5. Jesus christ...