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22580098 No.22580098 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.22580175


>> No.22580368

Moon very soon. Just hold

>> No.22580437
File: 14 KB, 236x282, 18F4BCC2-554E-4273-B841-DCEF031462CD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22580465

Who the fuck buys when a coin is green

>> No.22580490
File: 47 KB, 591x631, D3UTRGQWAAIt0ja.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22580535

This. What else

>> No.22580585

Why are you even in crypto if you're hoping for a moon 24/7? You're suppose to buy and forget about it for 6 months then come back and claim your newfound wealth.

>> No.22580630

Just don't buy the top retard.

>> No.22580672
File: 107 KB, 1186x1280, photo_2020-08-29_13-20-36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad I swapped my trannycoins for XMM, feeling comfy over here.

>> No.22580686

>he bought shitera

>> No.22580780

And I thought we got raped on RSR but this is something else lmao

>> No.22580822
File: 119 KB, 450x405, AE9120E5-CC5B-4A93-AEA8-E80AA47E6434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually just made this thread to laugh at Staterafags kek. I sold at 30 cents

>> No.22580842

I fucking hate you crypto cultists.

>> No.22580848

Sorry you lost $76

>> No.22580903

hey guys I'm back itt, was busy buying 7k STA more with my partial UNI sale. Anyway gonna read the thread now as I bet is full of good info and discussion on the amazing coin that statera is...
oh wait I actually don't have time so still didn't read, not selling lol

>> No.22580969
File: 129 KB, 466x700, FBC912C7-CB15-4650-9269-71B1FBA5B414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>went from trip 0 to 14c
>crashed to 1 cent
>pumped to 46c
>crashed to 10c
all of these had months between sudden moon pumps. we’ve settled for a while now, if you can’t see what’s next then by all means sell. retard.

>> No.22581058
File: 1021 KB, 480x270, efa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just fucking hold until next December, then come back and thank me, you repulsive mongoloid.

>> No.22581329

you do realize that the second pump was due to a bunch of whales pooling together to pay chico crypto to shill the coin, and the fact that the coin recovered after the hack, but people then realized its worthless so they left
you should unironically kys since your shitcoin isnt going anywhere, just like XRP, doge and other shitcoins

>> No.22581370
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wait a minute, WAIT A MINUTE!!!
All of this fud that I always see in Statera threads, saying that it's a scam, has no usecase, or that the Telegram admin is a tranny...
Why would anyone care so much, and take so much time to shit-talk something that they aren't invested in?
Fud must actually be a good sign. All of this Statera fud is just from people trying to tank the price so that they can buy more for cheap. They're doing this because they know it's going to moon. Holy shit, how come I never thought of this before?
I've gotta buy more Statera!

>> No.22581442

Holy fucking SHIT man I've seen you in EVERY SINGLE STA THREAD for the past TWO MONTHS. Did Abu fuck your mother or why can't you just let it go already? At least you're not posting those dog shit pictures anymore but the way you type makes it too obvious that it's the same person.

You really need professional help.

>> No.22581591

take your meds schizo, you absolute room temp iq retard
have sex incel
I cant be in every shitera thread if I have most of them filtered out. unfortunatelly filtering doesnt work for images

>> No.22581614

btw why are shitera morons so obsessed with dog shit? thats all you talk about besides sucking tranny cock

>> No.22581652
File: 45 KB, 480x360, 6C866178-9B49-47C5-8328-B4F5282A344A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at $1 i will be putting my sweet gains and collecting insane passive income. anon i’m sorry your weak baby hands burnt you so hard. like the other anon said, get some help.

>> No.22581659


>I cant be in every shitera thread if I have most of them filtered out.

>why are shitera morons so obsessed with dog shit
Well you're the one with collection of dog shit pictures in which you've added the STA logo. So maybe you tell me?

>> No.22581681

Adjust your dosage $10 EOY

>> No.22581897

Says a guy that posted 4 long, rage FUD posts and literally saying "have sex incel" which confirms you are some antifa onions sad fuck or even worse, a women. I command you to go out and jump from a bridge you sad limp wristed low iQ autistic beta sperg...