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File: 33 KB, 800x600, dgb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2257611 No.2257611 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.2257620
File: 223 KB, 800x522, 1495798499790.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never too late for M00ncoin™ Goy

>> No.2257661

I'll sell you 12 million mooncoin for 3 sat each.

>> No.2257742


>> No.2257792

yes buy at the ATH what could possibly go wrong

surely it will increase 200% more today right guys

>> No.2257800
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>> No.2257810

today's ATH is tomorrow's low

if you hold long term, its never too late

>> No.2257832
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It could.

>> No.2257891
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>tfw you bought in at .033

Why am I so poor and dumb?

>> No.2257896

>made 100% on DGB
>first shitcoin play
>only put in $1300 when I could have put on $30000
Just fuck my shit up, lads

>> No.2257912

If you day trade understand that that is probably the point below which the whale will try to drive down price by massive panic selling. If you're just a regular investor, hold until you're happy to cash out. Learn patience.

>> No.2257929


I plan on holding but now I'm seeing all this june 9th stuff.

I'm not sure what to believe but imma try and have a strong hand and hold.

>> No.2257990

Good plan. Remember, buy rumor and sell news. The whale will probably crash the market inbetween now and then for maximum shekels, but don't be fooled. He'll pump it again right before the 9th and then massively dump a day or two after, if not the same day

>> No.2258004

I feel you. I got in with $20, because I couldn't afford any more

>> No.2258030

The actual winner announcement is after June 14th, all teams are doing their demos from May 14 - June 14 so we should expect the category winners announced sometime after that.


>> No.2258092
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I got in at 133 sat for 500 euro, 1269% profit as of now, I could have easily put in 5000 instead, but I didn't. Just fuck my shit up.

>> No.2258109


Bought in at 800 when everyone was talking shit about it on here. All I had to do was nothing and got the better of the doubters

>> No.2258116

i only threw $30 worth into DBG a week ago. Wish I put in $500 instead

Oh well, that 30 is now 80

>> No.2258123

>tfw bought at 700 sats
and I'm entirely new at this as well

>> No.2258134

This is me. DGB was one of the first coins I bought when I started a few weeks ago. 300 sats. I got out at 900. Happy with a 3x increase in that time. I may get back in if the whale suppresses the price.

>> No.2258140
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Why didn't I buy more?

>> No.2258157

Pro tip!

Crypto currency is different than stock trading. Dips and Gains of 10%+ are normal! Hell, it took me a couple losses to realize if I just held and didn't bitch out the first sign of people selling I would actually be up a lot!

>> No.2258208
File: 74 KB, 500x461, that's it!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw had stop limit well below 40% threshold a few weeks ago.
>DGB niggerbytes tanks and i panic to log into fucking poly and cancel that stop loss because i believe in the DGB fight
>login, 2fa, slow exchange manage to defeat my attempts and sell 80k DGB @720sats

contemplate suicide for a week but DGB goes below 720 sats for a while so forget about it. wake up today and it's at 1300sats.

I missed the moon launch i believed since the beginning and lost it all to a fucking stop loss i had doubts about.

what's the most painful way to kill myself /biz/?

>> No.2258408

Fuck you, wanting to suicide over fake fucking digits on the screen. Get your life together, anon..........

>> No.2258422

>what's the most painful way to kill myself /biz/?

have a daughter and let her fuck black guys while you smoke 5 packs of cigarettes a day

>> No.2258440
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could be worse anon

>> No.2258447
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If you wondered what could have been

>> No.2258478
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thanks anon

>> No.2258492

Why would you post this hahahahahaha fucking brutal.

>> No.2258521


>> No.2258578


Bear in mind there is something like 50 finalists, so odds of DGB winning is slim.

>> No.2258597

i think you should move that line down to about 900 sats.

>> No.2259589
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Listen you idiots.

it's still cheap as dirt.
Start bitching about it being expensive at 50 cents or so.


>> No.2260241
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I know that feel.
I got in at 115 with $450.

If i had just held like a real man, i'd have made some swank fucking wonga.