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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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22567218 No.22567218 [Reply] [Original]

Today the YFV printer goes kaput. No more dumps by farmers. Once they've dumped the last, expect a sharp price correction. Check latest medium to confirm.

>> No.22567253

What’s the point to hold or farm yfv then if you don’t have high rewards?

>> No.22567299

hope so anon
i bought at 27

>> No.22567349


>> No.22567925

vUSD will be a stablecoin worth 1 USD?

>> No.22568011

> VUSD pools, buybacks from the gov vault, lucrative vaults that’ll feed stakers portions of fees, lower gas fee balancer tool.

Yes it’s over anon

>> No.22568310

seems to be quite a few people dumping their YFV rewards one last time
perfect time to buy more?

>> No.22568348

yeah everyone should sell. seriously. this coin is going to 0

>> No.22568352

If we go below $15 I’m going in.

>> No.22568404


>> No.22568407

correction up or down?

>> No.22568572

likely down before it goes up

>> No.22568712

Good call, dumper whales likely to throw a fit

>> No.22568792

hope today's the last we see of that
everyone gets healthy rewards and no one gets dumped on

>> No.22569507

You better be motherfucking right this time. I have been promised for 3 weeks now that we would 'moon soon'. This coin is giving me a headache

>> No.22569953

Anon, r u retarded?
You bought the moon, this shit dumps straight to 1$

>> No.22570307
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notice any parrallels?

>> No.22570388

Yeah it’s almost like farming tokens are farmed and sold, what a concept anon.

>> No.22570615

Get cancer and drop dead faggot. It's you cocksuckers who kept spamming that this shit was going to 200-500$. So I bought at 40$.
Also, going from 10$ to 60$ is hardly a moon retarded cunt

>> No.22570617

Nice comparison - agree on the farming to sell part initally. However, YFV is actually creating sophisticated offerings to make YFV worth holding and maintain long-term value. Sushi died last night with UNI arrival

>> No.22570638

Hey motherfucker, I bought 17k$ at the top.
So fuck you too

>> No.22570642

I still have faith that this and AMPL can return

>> No.22570756

you can't even sell these anywhere. they put the cart in front of the horse.

>> No.22570899

Not yet..liquidity is low

>> No.22570958

what the fuck happened with YFV farming today? i got a suicide stack of link in the link farm there, but now its "legacy"?
wat does this mean

>> No.22571047

there is literally a thread every single day that "today is the last day and it will moon"

>> No.22571073

Presumably the devs will get decent vault strategies working which will bring in real money to burn yfv tokens or something. So far they’ve done a decent job. We may be in for a long and sustained pump soon. The value pools (balancer alternative) will also generate fees used to burn yfv.

>> No.22571087

They exitscam you

>> No.22571152

gtfo and shit in the streets pajeet

>> No.22571226

For the anons that aren’t braindead:

YFV is about switch to a tokenomics model where instead of constant YFV selling pressure, there’ll be constant YFV buying pressure. DYOR

>> No.22571273

The real answer is the pools that were there so far, including the LINK/YFV, are getting closed and replaced with pools that will farm VALUE instead. For link, the rewards stop tomorrow at the end of the current epoch and you have until October 1st to pull out or transfer to the new LINK/VALUE pool which goes live tomorrow.

>> No.22571361

Not seeing the new link pool.

>> No.22571388

so.... yfv price go up or down?

>> No.22571418

sorry not falling for this scam again
you have been saying this for weeks
yeah "this" time it will moon..sure buddy

>> No.22571624

Looks like they're restructuring the site while live. The link value pool should show up at some point either today or tomorrow.

>> No.22571669

the scam is over (finally), morons lost money as usual and we can live as a normal one more time

>> No.22571673

There is no moon, idiots like me bought the moon.

Just hold for the sake of your own masochism.

>> No.22571712

liquidity is nill. lol

>> No.22571733

theyve been stringing us along for weeks, I dont even know why
not like some bizards poorfags add a lot of buying pressure

>> No.22571747

I didn’t say it would moon, I said the tokenomics are changing. Make up your own mind

>> No.22571800

This will bounce off $1 I know it

>> No.22571836

Damn it, seen the message about pools closing and pulled out of the pool. Now I noticed that it’s still active, could’ve gotten 40 more yfv.

>> No.22572085

nah, mine didnt farm anymore. but wtf africa-tier etherium cant handle uniswap drop? shits expensive as fuck, AND taking forever

>> No.22572205

the pump starts here!
the pump starts here!
the pump starts here!
the pump starts here!
the pump starts here!
the pump starts here! <-- we are here
the pump starts here!

>> No.22572405

My metamask has been failing and dropping transactions since the uni drop. Not sure what to do anymore, tried resetting it plenty of times, even uninstalled. Shits scary, especially with the amount of link I’m playing around with.

>> No.22572415
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You’re right, you win. Doesn’t matter that whales are artificially holding price down & we’ve been saying the end of farming (not a certain price) will be a trigger for a pump. Since your logic is so good, it’s a great reason for me to sell at a loss rather than stake and farm value from governance pool.

Just sold 100k, thank you anon.

>> No.22572588

>No more dumps by farmers. Once they've dumped the last, expect a sharp price correction
But you can swap VALUE for YFV and dump it nevertheless. What is the sense?

>> No.22573073

Value will have a much slower farm rate. All the devs need to do is not fuck up and make the farming rewards higher than the yfv vault rewards and the dumping will finally reverse. I'm personally not holding out much hope for that happening.

>> No.22573517

Another idiot reporting to duty! Bought at 70

>> No.22573636

Ah the Schadenfreude i will savor when yoo pajeets cry a river for selling prematurely.

yes, sell now when you are over 50% down, surely, you will trade your way up, better than letting this reach zero...
R...right guys?

Beta cucks stay in the sewers

>> No.22574223

New sexy pools to farm with 6K APY's.
Value ready to moon. Devs delivered.
Whales are kill
Mumbai is in tears
Price has gone down even further.
Here's to my all-in!

>> No.22574462
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Got room for another top buying chad?

>> No.22574493

>New sexy pools to farm with 6K APY's
When, and what pools?

>> No.22574702

Is the yfv staked in vaults automatically converted to Value?

>> No.22574855

Hey newbie, I know how to handle this shit, I trade the bounces, my current entry is 20$.

To all the rest, there is an issue with the vUSD vault (pic related), supposed to be 10 vUSD and 90 YFV.


>> No.22574886
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>> No.22575054


Pools are bugged from balancer, don't go in. It was confirmed from.Balancunts

>> No.22575997

Balancer sucks ass. They are main reason I was skeptical about yfv

>> No.22576164

Farming stopped completely around 10am.

>> No.22576754

i have yfv staked in the v2 Seed Pool.

Do i need to exit the pool to swap my YFV for VALUE? Should i move to the Governance Pool?

This is all way too confusing

>> No.22576818


>> No.22576976
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Well if value is worth $1 then I just farmed $5 in 2 hours. Pretty good.

>> No.22577098

Will there be a BAL/Link pool? I do not see one.

>> No.22577160

BAL is done I think. LINK out tomorrow

>> No.22577212

wait so I was farming bat where did it all go frens

>> No.22577241

There’s like a legacy tab or some shit

>> No.22577258

>Do i need to exit the pool to swap my YFV for VALUE?
No, YFV continues to exist but you can swap it any time if you want.
>Should i move to the Governance Pool?
In Seed pool you stake stablecoins for YFV. In Governance Pool you stake YFV for vUSD and VALUE.

>> No.22577626

ok so now what do I do after pulling out if farming is done

do i hold?

>> No.22577732


my mistake, i'm actually in staking pool v2 so i'm staking YFV and getting vUSD and vETH. It looks like this pool is closing in 4 days, but it will cost 80 dollars in gas to unstake my tokens. What happens if I don't unstake them, does it happen automatically?

>> No.22577865

i only have 35 bucks in eth because ive got all my money fucking wrapped up in this what do bros

>> No.22577891

do it in 12 hours when the mutts are asleep

>> No.22577934

They wrote you had to unstake from closed pools before 1 Oct.

>> No.22577991

If you guys don't fucking get it, you fucking idiots, you need to sell this shit NOW. I got a fucking good job and by holding I'm just punishing myself for buying into this pajeet scam. SELL MOTHERFUCKERS, SELL!!!

>> No.22577999

this fucking bullshit desu, constantly opening and shutting pools like this

>> No.22578543

can you give me a job

>> No.22579168

So the LINK farming pool seems to be closed. What the fuck do I do now? I don't see a new LINK pool up?

>> No.22579308

What? It’s not closed. They just moved the tab it’s on. It closes tomorrow and there’ll be a new one.

>> No.22579354

Closes on october 1st DYOR brainlet

>> No.22579361

it's the total value in USD
1 YFV - ~14 USD and vUSD - ~1 USD in a 10:90 ratio

>> No.22579374
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If the Gov vault is 275% APR, then why the fuck did i waste eth taking it out the V2 vault which is currently at 730%

>> No.22579478
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>> No.22579522

That is not for a long time. The V2 Pool closes soon, so all the people unstake, thus APY grows.

>> No.22579625

oh nah i know that, but I should have predicted that to happen and gotten more out of it while i could lol

>> No.22579643

ah I see, it's still emitting rewards but it just doesn't show any rewards for the epoch anymore which suggests rewards are nill.

>> No.22579682


So I've been staking this long, watched the price plummet.... and made around 65 vUSD but to unstake i have to spend $75 right now...

yep, i've been scammed

>> No.22579699

I'm farming 150 vUSD for the next 4 days. Only going to go up in APY as everyone xFers

LMAO I'm HODLing this hot potato until I'm the very last motherfucker in it. Might be smart to buy back in, anon.

>> No.22579794

haha ill lay in the bed I made but good for you man for thinking 2 steps ahead of everyone

>> No.22579796

Okay, so whales can't farm YFV anymore with new pools. But they will farm VALUE, swap it into YFV and sell as before, and what's changed??

>> No.22579855

Rate changes have been incremental.
The truth is that things have not completely changed.
However, the problem was absolutely massive whale dumps. Lower rate of farming means those will be less egregious.

>> No.22580087

Can we moon now pls?

>> No.22580195

i bought more on this dip. someone please tell me im not retarded

>> No.22580220

Picked up another 30

>> No.22580252

Will the devs pull all of this off? Will they be smart enough to understand how supply and demand work? What about vusd and veth? Will scampleforth die? Tune in next week for these answers and more!

>> No.22580257

not retarded
even better than average

>> No.22580502

i'm doing this also but what happens if you don't get your yfv out is it locked forever?

>> No.22580553

No it just stops sending rewards.

>> No.22580598

Will gas prices go down or is it set? Ive been trying to stake 20 yfv for the last 6 hours and it seems like it's always $50 in gas fees

>> No.22580647

you will have to wait for the uniswap hype to die down for gas fees to reduce

>> No.22580675

I'm out....

>> No.22580697

I have 50 YFV between buying at the top and buying yesterday. What are my options? Should I swap the Uni airdrop for more YFV? Or can I lend out my Linkies here?

I know fuck all about this project, just wanted to learn about yield farming.

>> No.22580732

I feel like uni will moon before YFV

>> No.22580766

withdrawals close oct 1 but it stops issuing rewards tomorrow

>> No.22580845

Can no longer lend out linkies in exchange for farm.
UNI is a complete coinflip, I can give you no honest answer here.
I'd read up on their medium:

>> No.22580913

Thought so. Damn, not only did I not get any, but it's still giving me the finger by hiking up the gas fees.

>> No.22580934

SO you need 90 tokens to stake on yfv?

>> No.22581388

I thought they removed that?

>> No.22581487

This tutorial i'm reading is saying so. Kind of panicking about it. I only have 61 and if the price goes up astronomically i'd still be priced out.

>> No.22581516


>> No.22581521

i have 76 token stack

>> No.22581727

I have 20...lol

>> No.22581738

Will it ever stop dumping? Nothing seems to matter.

>> No.22581793

>Nothing seems to matter.
I feel the same way, update after update, change after change, new announcements, new hype, whatever. It all doesnt seem to matter, it just keeps dumping lmao

>> No.22581832

this thing could either help me make it or totally rek me and put me back months. no inbetween at this point
pretty scary. i think i have become a degen gambler

>> No.22581905

So is $13 the bottom, or are high gas fees just keeping farmers from withdrawing to dump more?
Where is the buy pressure supposed to come from?

>> No.22581975

Im in the same position. It just all happened so fast, there was no getting out before it was too late. Afterwards we have been crabbing at -80% from ATH for weeks, so no hope at recovery.
I ride this to 0 or 100, no in betweens left.

>> No.22582983
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>> No.22583128

Just accumulate & farm. Have you not been getting tokens?

>> No.22583356
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Same here bros. I think I’m gonna need to just iron hand this. The tokenomics are changing to a system where there’s going to be constant buy pressure from the protocol buying yfv on the market to reward farmers rather than just constant sell pressure from farmers dumping newly minted yfv. I think we’re right about this but it also seems like we might have to ride a few more panic dumps.

>> No.22583528

I agree.
Unfortunately, I think we will have to hodl through a massive updraft in ETH & BTC, but the new fervor of those upward trends could bring a lot of money towards YFV and increase buying pressure dramatically.
Goddam it I know I sound delusional but nothing good comes easy.

>> No.22583597

This shit is going to keep dumping to single digits and will remain below $15 perhaps forever. Hopium does not help, only cold hard numbers and incentive systems that shift the demand curve considerably. Just stop making these threads and let the dice roll, anyone who bought is either fucked or will eventually be redeemed - but making a profit? Hahahahaha, yeah, no. You will be stuck bagholding for MONTHS while other tokens (even blatant shitcoins) appreciate in value. The market for YFV is too liquid and supply curve too far to the right for anything less than millions of dollars / thousands of ETH to make a bump in this market. Only chance of recovery is in value liquid shifting the demand curve right after the supply curve shifts left (post farming), if that fails it is unironically over. 36 epochs, that's roughly 6 months of farming left. Give up the fucking coping, it helps nothing, many anons made a shitty investment and should learn from it.

>> No.22583754

If you bought high or did farm enough to lower your basis. Anyone getting in on the ground level with the new changes will see solid consistent returns. Ironically the YFV token will have more value capture methods/revenue streams than any other YF or Governance token

>> No.22583774

dumped my 500 stack i bought at 32. Its a shitty investment, I'd rather put my 50% of whats left into something else that can actually run. I thought this was the one good YF project. Nope

>> No.22583838

I’m hoping YFV can share some of the spotlight if the larger caps do make a move, vETH could definitely gain from that as well as new WETH and WBTC pools. I feel you on the delusion, I haven’t gotten into picking apart every detail of a coin like this since LINK or RSR, YFV chads are gonna make it.

>> No.22583892

The new tokenomics seem too good to just fail. I think it will dump/crab until the dust settles, but I doubt it will stay that way

>> No.22584048


Bro that's a lot of typing, think you didn't take your meds this morning

>> No.22584215

Pretty much this. We still don’t fully understand what the full effect of value liquid will be either. They could easily code more burns and buybacks into the balancer. There will be multiple revenue streams

>> No.22584229
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This man speaks some mean logic. Hard to deal with those cold hard facts. Luckily, I have some nice warm delusional facts that I might as well wait out the 6 months. It's been 3 weeks and I'm farming quite decently, so 6 more months could bring me back into profit. Plus if whales are no longer incentivized to market dump, downward pressure is relieved.
I think there are consistent returns to be had, not moonshots. Moonshots ain't healthy anyway. I'm just hoping you mean "Unironically" when you say "Ironically"....
I think YFI will be gaining traction and bring attention to the space. Also a listing on a big exchange could come as the project crabs along & proves it's here to stay, albeit at deflated price/TVL. Just gotta kill the fucking whales.
Especially with the fact they are forking SUSHI,(UNI by extension), BAL and adding new dynamics to the project as they go.
I'm stoked they made better oracle and lending pools with AAVE, COMP.
However they basically lost out on a lot of liquidity by excluding wBTC/renBTC, wETH, LINK. They essentailly did their best to kick out whales who were risklessly staking fucktons BTC/ETH to farm.
OFC it's gonna retrace as those whales get frustrated. Hurts but it's healthy. It's all about killing them whales off.

He might be somewhat correct. You think THAT's a lot of typing? Nothing personnel, kid.

>> No.22584257
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So... I should go all in? You got it fren

>> No.22584323

Am I on my way to being a Chad? Just staked 20 of the bad boys

>> No.22584498

where do i stake? site?

>> No.22584520

6 YFV, bought with 1 Eth and two failed transactions
Might as well dump to 0 st this point

>> No.22584687

>tfw taught by a group of shaolin monks that lived in the mountains the kung-fu style, Iron Hands
I'm holding until it hits $600+

>> No.22584697

Yea. Let's look at some numbers:
COMP pool staying above 700% APY lmfao.
Staking generates VALUE with 143% APY at $14.50 a pop
vUSD at $?.?? a pop
vETH at $10-15x?.?? a pop
Turn that shit around into the vUSD/VALUE pool to get 400% APY paid in VALUE
LINK/YFV, wBTC, wETH Farming pool is kill in 15 hours, which was the biggest price supressor in this ecosystem.

>>22583597 talking about "no incentive to buy", but I think there are some pretty good details right fucking there at yfv.finance
Main site
I just went all fucking into the COMP pool. If YFV goes to 10 I'll still farm 6 figures in caish this year.

>> No.22584790

ETH/LINK/BTC pools will start again for the Value token instead of YFV. However their inflation will probably be much lower.

>> No.22585086

Just wait for the link whales to come fuck your shit up again, you’ve been warned.

>> No.22585129

That being said, I have 90 YFV staking in the gov pool. Any reason not to pull them out and put them in the COMP pool right now?

>> No.22585158

Someone's gotta clear out the rest of the supply. You the guy with 7K LINK?
Dweasel Zapper here

>> No.22585178

fucking crazy gas prices!

>> No.22585271

Nah that is me. I upped to 11K. Lol The pool kept getting flooded so I had to increase liquidity to maintain about 50 a day. How many do you have now? I'm getting close to 1000

>> No.22585339

You have to also hold COMP and be exposed to its price movements so if you are okay with that then do it. 2% a day is ridiculous but I also wouldn't want to hold COMP so

>> No.22585394

YFV may pump and COMP dump. You will lose in that case. You should rather stake your YFV in the vUSD/YFV pool.

>> No.22585444
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I'd say the low price of YFV would be a deterrent to you right now, as it won't convert well into COMP. Might be safer just to farm in the Gov pool. Additionally, ETH fees will eat into your stack because of UNIBUX pajeet gas fees.
Where you will pay fees:
>Withdraw YFV from Gov pool {-$20+ in gas}
>Approving COMP on uniswap {-$10+ in gas}
>Converting 90 YFV (~$1K) into COMP {-$20+ in gas}
>Approving COMP in COMP/YFV Bal pool {-$20+ in gas}
>Approving YFV in COMP/YFV Bal pool {-$20+ in gas}
>Staking COMP & YFV in the Bal pool {-$20+++ in gas}
>Approve COMP/YFV Pool on YFV.finance {-$10+ in gas}
>Stake in the pool {-$20+ in gas}

You'll get 700%+ for probaby 1 week, at best, which is about 13% or $130. However, from my list above, you're losing AT LEAST $140 in gas, if you even have all that ETH in your wallet.

Not a bad trade-off, especially since we're considering YFV at rock-bottom prices. If you believe in the potential of YFV to go up, it's truly a fair-handed gamble.
Yes, COMP could skyrocket and there's not a ton of liquidity in the pool. You are exposed.
Brah I went all in and I'm at over 3K YFV, I've made a big fat whale of myself. But I'm not really planning on dumping it. Still haven't sold a single YFV. My profession in crypto has always been hunting whales and profiting off of them with a strategic all-in. I'm out in my john boat right now listening for sonar.

>> No.22585494

what kind of hopium can you give me? i already bought 100 at 28 and 20.. way down right now. want to throw another 10 eth in. You think we have bottomed out? The fud is really strong with this one and honestly there are lots of factors which make me think this won't moon and will be very very difficult to reach $100. The whales continue to dump their farm, even with added incentives. I saw this coming from a mile away.

>> No.22585514

I started first couple of days with 1k, then 2k, then 4K. Will stake 7k tmr and see what happens. $500/$1k a day is no joke. Full degen.

>> No.22585525

>Brah I went all in and I'm at over 3K YFV, I've made a big fat whale of myself. But I'm not really planning on dumping it. Still haven't sold a single YFV. My profession in crypto has always been hunting whales and profiting off of them with a strategic all-in. I'm out in my john boat right now listening for sonar.

Ha nice did you buy any or only farm for that many? I heard that 2000 is considered top 100 wallets which is insane. 1000 is like top 300 or so. I need to find a source but many people were saying that in a thread the other day.

>> No.22585554


We haven't got any of the added incentives yet so I'm not sure what you are talking about

>> No.22585578


Yea I slow rolled a bit as well. I should have went all in degen day one. I imagine the new LINK/YFV pools farming value probably won't be nearly as profitable. We shall see they end tomorrow at 11pm

>> No.22585594

why comp and not gov?

>> No.22585665

you can check yourself on etherscan. top 100th is 1,774 but there are some unmarked addresses that have a lot more.

>> No.22585735
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Call me Ishmael. Some years ago—never mind how long precisely—having little or no money in my purse, and nothing particular to interest me on shore, I thought I would sail about a little and see the watery part of the world. It is a way I have of driving off the spleen and regulating the circulation. Whenever I find myself growing grim about the mouth; whenever it is a damp, drizzly November in my soul; whenever I find myself involuntarily pausing before coffin warehouses, and bringing up the rear of every funeral I meet; and especially whenever my hypos get such an upper hand of me, that it requires a strong moral principle to prevent me from deliberately stepping into the street, and methodically knocking people’s hats off—then, I account it high time tozz get to sea as soon as I can. This is my substitute for pistol and ball. With a philosophical flourish Cato throws himself upon his sword; I quietly take to the ship. There is nothing surprising in this. If they but knew it, almost all men in their degree, some time or other, cherish very nearly the same feelings towards the ocean with me.

It was the day of the final dump, as has been foretold in many /biz/ YFV threads prior to this one. One last push by the farming whales who were generating outrageous sums of YFV & market dumping all of it. Today & tomorrow were predicted to be the last dying breaths of a money printer.

>Now the YFV is to be rebranded to VALUE, eschewing at least some of the stigma of "Scam Y-Clones"
>Dev team did exactly what they detailed in their very clear roadmap
>If devs continue on their path, they will fork both Balancer & Sushi to vampire large sums of liquidity
>all of that liquidity benefits Gov/Value Stakers/vUSD&vETH/Vaults
>Vaults to come online and lock up supply for long periods
>Still not a single major exchange listing and we are doing quite well.

>> No.22585820
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should i convert my farmed YFV to the new Value token? Too much poools and updates and vaults like all over my head, i don't know

>> No.22585866

Holy shit gas for withdrawal is more than what I made in the pool!! I had a lil in wETH and LINK pools, when should I withdraw? If I keep my tokens in the pool will they disappear?

>> No.22585899

700%+ APY
Farmed for a decent amount but DCA'ed the vast bulk of it, as well as moving to new farming pools, selling my LINK & BTC in the process. Maybe I'm a tard but I feel like there's enough FUD to call it blood on the streets AKA a great time to buy. I believe in these devs, this coin, DeFi, yield farming, balancer, literally every coin in the farming pools (wBTC, renBTC, LINK, AAVE, COMP, KNC, YFI).

There's 300MIL+ TVL in here, we are about to be rebranded and I believe that will move us away from being a "Y-Clone", which will follow with a fucking shitload of listings.
300M TVL and we're not even on defi pulse, or any major exchange.
Sorry for my blog post but I feel like I need to instill hopium. Big upside here.

>> No.22585921

Wow 1000 puts you in top 150. I really wanted to get to 2000 before all the changes but its not going to happen. Hopefully the inflation isn't totally wrecked in the new pools although I do want the Governance to be more profitable once all the other revenue streams are released.

>> No.22586111


I didn't want to sell my LINK I've been in forever but I'm thinking I will buy a little after the farming ends before I start farming Value in the new pools. I really want 2000 but even 1000 should be enough for ridiculous long term passive income. I mean Im already making around 30 per day with what I have in the Gov vault with none of the other revenue streams being added yet.

>> No.22586208

>vUSD will be a stablecoin worth 1 USD?
Yes, but hopefully it will rebase 100-1 first...

>> No.22586314
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Yea, totally up to you. We can play it out like science, LINK bro. I'll be in these threads so I think you'll know if I fuckin make it. I'm the totally risky option, you can play it safe.
When I see $300 MIL TVL generating returns, I'm taking a piece of the pie. Gimme my fucking whalebux.

>> No.22586429

You're making want to get more while they're low with all these whale posts

>> No.22586495

I have a dividend portfolio myself just not all in. I don't think LINK is necessarily playing it safe and the return ratio is still going to be insane. I'm LINK, YFV, and 0Chain. All have staking/dividends. I won't buy anything else. Maybe I'll stack some LinkPool once my dividend earnings come online

>> No.22586679

There was a random low reply yfv thread last week with a link to top yfv whales. Once I seen that I was all in.
Had a bag of 0chain. You got a link on how to stake, couldn’t find anything for laymen.

>> No.22586730

You can't stake until mainnet which is Q4. They will have delegated staking where you pay a small fee to the operator and all you have to do is basically click a button instead of run a rig and maintain everything

>> No.22586775

Yarr me hearty, there be a whale of 300M right in front of ye, pumping out liquidity blubber.
Why hasn't TVL plummeted like other projects?
What happens if the TVL does, in fact plummet?
>bigger APY's
What is the distribution of whales?
>many small bagholders are locked in this contract
What is the top whale doing?
>Holding $9M of assets all tied into the YFV ecosystem

Trim your jib, matee, plunder the booty at a discount.
Ye just linked that above
I love farming this shit. So glad they are making models that work.

>> No.22586940

Once I make I’ll name my SEA pirate ship after your ID, WUB. I’ll roam the seas kidnapping boomers for ransom and impregnating the locals, men, women, children. In that order.

>> No.22587098
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We're all gonna plunder, lads

>> No.22587586

So what's the point of wrapping yfv to value? I guess i'm supposed to stake yfv and sell value or is there a value pool?

>> No.22587899

i had $15k worth of YFI in the YFI/YFV 98/2 pool, and i made about $700 over the course of 3 weeks. had it in there as APY dropped from 900% to about 120%.

what are chads doing with YFV now? do the new VALUE pools have good APY? please fill me in anons i havent been at my computer much

>> No.22588033

vUSD/YFV pool is around 300% APY. Was 400% earlier but some cucks joined in. Governance pool is a lil shit on returns desu.

>> No.22588080

Governance pool is okay, not great. But buybacks and distribution will start once Value Liquid goes live. This could definitely increase the rewards since they'll be yield farming with the staked tokens. There's 18 million in there now.

>> No.22588282

Chad moves would be to buy more YFI & continue farming since u don't have to move; stake in the soon-to-be-defunct high return YFV stake (not governance pool); or migrate to another high-APY pool (COMP/LEND).
As soon as I lose my Staking penalty I'm quickly moving all my Gov pool into the V2 pool for a juicy 40-hour farm

>> No.22588524

Atm there isn’t 40 hour restrictions because the V2 pool is closing in 4 days. Imo if you have a lot of YFV I would max out farming vUSD ASAP so you can go into YFV/vUSD pools. I reckon vUSD pools will have a lot more options later on and it’s the fastest way to farm it atm. vETH will probably be used as well. Problem is I’m running out of liquidity on other tokens. Might have to move my LINK on here as well depending on how this goes.

>> No.22588628
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You know me, I'm all in as it gets.
I have 7 hours penalty on my recently staked Governance YFV. Sad.
Gonna get in for 4 days & earn me some vUSD/vETH.

>> No.22588743

sorry noob here. what's the deal with vUSD? let's say i wanna liquidate. is 1 vUSD = $1?
where can i trade for ETH/DAI/USDT or whatever?

>> No.22588908

why is this going to zero?

>> No.22588910

GL brother

Not atm but the goal is for that sure. and vUSD willl be used in future pools I believe. If you think YFV is gonna go up and be a successful project in the future its a good idea to farm vUSD.

If you don't think its a good idea just don't participate. Simple.

I think atm 1vUSD is around $0.50 but there isn't much liquidity of it atm.

>> No.22589108

Boys, I cant take the telegram anymore.

>> No.22589124

Exchanging yfv to value not working yet right boys?

>> No.22589481


I'd be open to joining another telegram the collective IQ is 88 at best. The admins there are helpful though and the updates are posted quick but the conversation about the project is non-existent. Its literally all "WHEN MOON, WHEN BINANCE, WHY DUMP, I DON'T UNDERSTAND MEDIUM". Seriously if you make one Zapper Ahab I'll join. I think the project will have long term success and its complex enough that there is benefit in understanding and taking action on releases of their new processes before others do. I was thinking about doing the same thing and farming V2 and vUSD instead of the Gov Vault but I'm not to my make it stack of 1000 yet so I'll just keep farming Value for now and getting a little vUSD.

>> No.22589657

what would be the best vault for me if I have around 100 YFV but don't have the liquidity for a second coin (COMP/LEND/KNC etc.)?
i bought most of mine below 18 USD and still have it on an exchange. How do I profit from here going forward?

>> No.22589877

You fucking assholes have been saying this since $25. FUCK OFF.

I sold at a loss for NEC. KYS.

>> No.22590015

Classic /biz FOMO buy high and FUD sell low

>> No.22590042

You don't have much options. How much vUSD do you have? You either join the vUSD/YFV pool or you stake in the Governance Vault most likely. The Governance vault will be much more profitable once the other revenue streams roll out by the 21st.

>> No.22590127

i don't have vUSD
the governance vault actually makes sense
thanks, anon

>> No.22590217

is 2000 yfv enough to make it?

>> No.22590513

Nope, sell it all now!!!!

>> No.22590676

i knew i should of dumped this for UNI asap... always listen to your instinct anons... really needed this win.

>> No.22590882

2000 is like a top 90 wallet its probably enough

>> No.22590928


>> No.22590960

I've went from 6 to 30 yfv today. I'm may be poor but hopefully this is the start of me making it.

>> No.22591318
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I have 110 YFV and KNC pool i was farming is dead now.
What should i do with the YFV and Should i continue farming KNC pool? or is there no point? Return seems kind of low.
Also another sucker who had initially bought at $45 then got raped by the market crash...Selling at this kind of loss, might as well put a shotgun to my head.
Any smart anons with advice?

>> No.22591554

Continue to farm knc and the governance pool.

>> No.22592450

hope i can make it with about 1550

>> No.22592574

price is back above $15 dollars. hopefully we bottomed. worried about BTC or the stock market crashing though

>> No.22592969

I'm feeling good a out 30. I think you'll be okay with 1500

>> No.22592983 [DELETED] 
File: 7 KB, 300x168, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you missed out on your unis dont be sad fags, chainlink started an airdrop too! you just need some ethereum or link

heres the official airdrop site: linkairdrop.io.

>> No.22592985

lol i never dumped but i farmed like 6k of these gonna dump now watch out

>> No.22593133

Noooo all my linkies

>> No.22593296


Because it is not designed to moon in short term, it will have slow increase in price as puzzles star to fit because most of autist there are not going to sell their rewards anytime soon thus reducing circulating supply. Add to that system that is using excess fees to buy tokens that are in market right now and distributing them to those same holders that aren't keen on selling and you have a wining formula. vUSD and vETH are just added value to whole system. Can't wait to get rid of all pajeets that bought at top

>> No.22593318

Hope you rot in hell

>> No.22593430

fuck you pajeet

>> No.22594310

fuck this coin

>> No.22594384
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Holy shit the sheer amount of cope from this post is delicious