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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22568592 No.22568592 [Reply] [Original]

why did people fud the ico of this and then it 50x'd

why is it 2x above ico price (5 days ago) and people saying it rugged??

I got questions

>> No.22568637

im guessing because theyre normies that just see the name yeet and think its a meme rug and they dont interact with the dev/team. i wasnt worried one bit when the initial fuckery happened. comfy now.

>> No.22568677

Someone posted a thread saying they didn’t distribute ICO coins

>> No.22568755

just a random that didnt know what was going on. dev ran into an issue at first but got it fixed and they were all distributed within about 3 hrs.

>> No.22568759

Thread was funny as fuck.

People ended up getting their coins after influencers dumped the Uniswap liquidity and then it went Moon. Genius play desu.

Thread here: >> 22442305

>> No.22568790

Sorry >>22442305 didn’t notice the space

>> No.22568871

Typical /biz/ they fud everything that has potential, then they FOMO in at the highs.
The same with walnut.finance, it's at the lows, has gaps around $50 what is a 200x from current level, people fud it like they did with YFFI and YFII when I called it. Just follow your own strategy, I'm not buying new tokens but check for abandoned ones where nice gaps are left to fill them. So far it worked out perfectly.

Buy for $100 and wait a few months. 200x.


>> No.22569118

Word on the street is that they are releasing their form sometime this weekend —- silent accumulations.

>> No.22569322

They’re being listed on OKCoin.

>> No.22569357

I was one of those who missed out on the ICO because Trading Pit tele kept FUDing and calling it a shitcoin... watched as it listed on Uniswap and picked up a bag at $7

>> No.22569380

I missed out completely because of the FUD and I’m honestly about to buy more

>> No.22569399

Oh, I'm definitely going to buy more after gas fees go down. I'm in their tele now (yeet) and they are releasing farming very soon.

>> No.22569414

Any set date?

>> No.22569423

No they just said for sure before Monday and that the dev is already working on it and finishing up.

>> No.22569478
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>> No.22569508
File: 352 KB, 828x354, D59F6186-F936-41BF-9F33-2B41DDDF66AF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only very few people understand what this coin is going to do

>> No.22569527

ya, I sold some and rebought low.

Maximum win.

>> No.22569597

What’s the Uniswap link? What’s it trading at now?

>> No.22569604


>> No.22569637

waiting for farm at most end of this upcoming weekend.

And then we will kick in the overdrive hopefully.

Shit is so small mkcap that any sort of adherence will skyrocket this shit. Throw an ETH at it

>> No.22569665

Oh fuck I’m picking up a bag the second gas drops lol if this coin really does have a farm coming out Messi was wrong as fuck

>> No.22569668

Yeah $yeet farming about to be released and wooooo lads I can’t wait

>> No.22569728
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Gas fees

>> No.22569735

My legit play:

>Sell UNI
> Load YEET
> ride the roller coaster
> take 10%/20% initial profits ^
> Throw in UNI
> Balance it out afterwards

>> No.22569763

lmao, that's fucking great

le saved

>> No.22569792
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>> No.22569809

Just did some research on this project and bought 1 ETH... if I 100x I need your address to send you a gift OP.

>> No.22570052

Yeah... I see why you are all bullish on this thing now.

>> No.22570104
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>> No.22570203
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Few understand. 200+ wallet holders now.

>> No.22570511

How is this even possible? What is this coin?

>> No.22570544

Am I doing the meme right? Seriously though what the FUCK is this?

>> No.22570570

This is literally every buyer of $YEET

>> No.22570593
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Supported by big crypto twitter

>> No.22570618

>want to get a bag
>1000 gas

>> No.22570778

What is the yeet Twitter

>> No.22570851

shadow banned?

>> No.22570909

Can’t find it either

>> No.22570978


>> No.22571002

log out

>> No.22571004

Thank you /biz/rother

>> No.22571058


>> No.22571063

CryptoMessiah detected

>> No.22571131

I get no results search for them in twitter on a different computer. Am I slower than I think?

>> No.22571140

Are people still FUDDing and mad they didn’t get in on the ICO? Lol

>> No.22571147


>> No.22571177


>> No.22571185


>> No.22571258

1m market cap puts this coin at $500 lol...

>> No.22571317

Didn't risk ICO because all the FUD... Picked up some at 10 and again at 14. 11500 total supply and generating all this buzz?? This one is a hodler for shure.

>> No.22571362

I bought at $40 and have bought some on dips as well. The FOMO was real.

>> No.22571378

That sentence was all kinds of fucked up...sorry for the word vomit. I need to top starting sentences with I. i cant stop.

>> No.22571409

I can’t believe an impulsive decision like this ACTUALLY paid off... I fully expected to $YEET my money into the void, but I still have 2X gains on $YEET after an initial crazy launch. I told my mom and she thinks I’m a cyber criminal cuz crypto is evil lmao. Oh well. YEEEEEET

>> No.22571486


>> No.22571576

I’m not holding yeet right now but I bought $100 on the ICO for laughs and sold at $47 lmao 10x my mom said if I go to jail she’s not bailing me out

>> No.22571608

Weak old man hands lol

>> No.22571650

I’m trying to buy a bag right this second but gas is making it take fucking foreverrrrr

>> No.22571726

Just put a transaction in with 1000 Gwei good luck lol

>> No.22571819

let the uni stuff die down and do it late at night.

This will launch around sunday anyway so you got time I think..

>> No.22571983

Where can I buy this? Didn't see on uniswap

>> No.22572035

> degen + osrs

fuck this gets me excited

>> No.22572113

Me too.

>> No.22572239

Scroll up

>> No.22572352

Osrs like RuneScape?????????

>> No.22572553



>> No.22572870

Yeah, alright man. I must be retarded I don't see a thing

>> No.22572999


here u go bro

>> No.22573030

this is retarded as fuck but i put my uni into this, YEET stablecoin is going to explode and the based whale is on our side

>> No.22573084
File: 168 KB, 655x500, 5C75F8D2-7345-4773-A586-CB8B5706425E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crypto dog has been hinting at YEET a ton

>> No.22573213

There’s nothing dumb about it yeet is ez 150x

>> No.22573469

yessssssssssssss the whole thread is blowing up

>> No.22573601

Waiting for gas to reduce so I can get my bag