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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>> No.22553431

>Past /XSG/ Threads:
#19 >>/biz/thread/S22548702
#18 >>/biz/thread/S22532323
#17 >>/biz/thread/S22523205
#16 >>/biz/thread/S22512071
#15 >>/biz/thread/S22500552
#14 >>/biz/thread/S22484699
#13 >>/biz/thread/S22433125
#12 >>/biz/thread/S22417848
#11 >>/biz/thread/S22397402
#10 >>/biz/thread/S22378663
#9 >>/biz/thread/S22362128
#8 >>/biz/thread/S22339042
#7 >>/biz/thread/S22319267
#6 >>/biz/thread/S22129094
#5 >>/biz/thread/S22089241
#4 >>/biz/thread/S22063721
#3 >>/biz/thread/S22027605
#2 >>/biz/thread/S22003572
#1 >>/biz/thread/S21994413

>> No.22553481
File: 379 KB, 750x770, 1600299075980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine stressing over trades day in and day out when you could just pick the ultimate digital asset and chill

>> No.22553513
File: 1.32 MB, 933x1400, DavidHChrist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thread theme:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ggUtlUHIqQQ

>> No.22553516
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>> No.22553558

How bullish
Only a couple things left to discuss;
Will XRP dip below .20, even .15c? Some anon posted here that it will but that be could a very high quality FUD
Will the gold standard come before XRP moons? The BG123 sailing photo has XRP flag 2nd, USD (Gold flag) third

>> No.22553572
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>> No.22553620
File: 499 KB, 1051x1472, 05E04143-C860-420E-A225-533D33986123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek loves his children of chaos.

>> No.22553635
File: 99 KB, 700x990, d2cdd05010706748a2154af75d5ba122---.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will build a skull throne with my spoils

>> No.22553644

Holy SHIT it’s happening

>> No.22553652

Daily reminder all fud is Pajeets and paid shills.

"It hasnt been (price) in the past therefore it can never be (price) in the future"

"XRP hasn't been used in the past therefore it will never be used in the future"

>> No.22553702

can I get a xrp rank chart? Want to see where I fall now????

>> No.22553733
File: 140 KB, 1080x1331, 1600303418300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please share XRP memes

Looking for:
>David Schwartz comfy daydreaming about BG comfy
>Classic green alien XRP babe

and anything else you've got

>> No.22553734
File: 232 KB, 1136x811, f3bvsp4pvha11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22553738

Hey guys I know its only been a few seconds but I missed you bros

>> No.22553740
File: 459 KB, 961x532, Xrpnauts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OC for my schizo bros, use it wisely.

>> No.22553773
File: 38 KB, 128x128, 1599370682372.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck was that

>> No.22553780
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Here's one of my favorites

>> No.22553785

Given how deep the rabbit hole goes in terms of population control, predictive programming and such, it makes perfect sense that they would first popularise the 'fidget spinner' globally, in anticipation of Ripple becoming one of the biggest companies on the planet.

>> No.22553791
File: 50 KB, 158x189, hm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow fucking based

>> No.22553799
File: 16 KB, 308x163, images-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros get in here!!! XRP RAGERRRRRR!!!!!!!!



>> No.22553804

Wait to buy Around 0.09 cents. Its crashing hard before mooning to $2-3.

>> No.22553810

Good stuff.... Just needs a link tranny floating off into space holding his bag and chanting "DIDNT READ NEVER SELLING" like a retard

>> No.22553821
File: 123 KB, 441x497, $(KGrHqFHJFQE-lYSjMSvBP)R(7K1Uw~~60_123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuckin checked im amped
xrp samurai here to stay

>> No.22553822

sorry meant the mil rank. Im at Fitty K

>> No.22553833
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>> No.22553839
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>> No.22553841

XRP at .9c is the hopium I need

>> No.22553848

these fuggin digitz

>> No.22553859
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>> No.22553878
File: 81 KB, 844x844, 7ABD1997-CD97-4DEC-9F5E-0B0586E2454A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon....you hold XRP? It's so.... environmentally friendly.....

>> No.22553910
File: 1.87 MB, 159x146, wtf.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22553942
File: 77 KB, 777x777, 1600297081438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we missed you too brother

>> No.22553955

Is anyone watching this? XRP appears to have de-coupled from btc.

>> No.22553985
File: 405 KB, 600x600, 1522705974_a09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do any anons know if the exchange wallets on the richlist mean all the XRP held by people on exchanges (thus meaning there's a lot more holders than 2.1 million)? Or does it mean XRP that is actually owned by the exchange? I feel like it's the former, and I'm actually nowhere close to top 2% of holders.

>> No.22553997

and yes XRP is on a sharp incline in price

>> No.22554008
File: 85 KB, 804x802, 12D1E70C-6489-421D-8D27-110ED7D480F4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is 500 xrp enough to make it schizbros? W..w..what’s a suicide stack ahah??? If I leave my xrp on cuckbase will I still get flare? Should I be buying everything available on cuckbase? How much xrp do y’all have hah?

>> No.22554013

checked and based if true.

>> No.22554020

Call me when it goes over 10,000 sats. It sat around 2400 and 8800 for months

>> No.22554036

fucking saved!

>> No.22554037

500 can make it, 0 is suicide stack.

Try getting over 1000xrp tho.

>> No.22554039

doesn't matter to me, just sitting comfy and snuggly with my bags waiting for the switch to flip

>> No.22554070

Are you me? I’m not buying right now while it’s spiking. I got 500 at .24 just to play along. Let’s see what happens

>> No.22554074
File: 959 KB, 1125x1827, 34C7ED2B-B546-4777-AA9E-AEA9AA69C6E4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PayID and Codius. smacking my lips m8.


>> No.22554123
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>> No.22554129

Get in heeeeere !!!!

Fucking rager all night!!!!!

We partying all night bros.

Trannys welcome bros woop woop
Linkies welcome woop woop
SCHIZOS running the show though!!!!!!!!

>> No.22554154

Nah brooooos we can do all the above!!!
Ripple Rager brooooooooos get in here!

>> No.22554157

i believe the brother said it best about linkies when they said....

niggas aint sheet butt hoes n trix

>> No.22554188

Hell yeeeeeah bros uphold doing what they do best holdin up.

Who we got in here Brooos.
Roll call!!!!
Ripple rager roll call!!

>> No.22554224

Hell yeahs bro

Get ready for the most rad ripple rager of your life broo

>> No.22554242
File: 833 KB, 1125x1501, CF0E47F2-B2F8-4C97-AD58-70F72F59869F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hold up. schizos we need juju on this. what the fucking fuck.


>> No.22554261
File: 12 KB, 439x222, wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22554267

Hell yeeeeeahs bro
True words of wisdom and like purely prophetic bro

>> No.22554286
File: 1.09 MB, 1187x709, freshschizo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fresh out the oven, brothers. Truthseekers among us.

>> No.22554322

Hell yeah killer ride bro

You coming to my rager?

Ripple rager poppin off now bros

>> No.22554328
File: 27 KB, 512x512, ouEON43g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Exchange wallets in richlist include XRP owned by tons of holders
>I am probably much further down on the totem pole than I thought

>> No.22554380


>> No.22554391
File: 60 KB, 958x873, stopfaggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop being a faggot.

>> No.22554401

honestly, that's where you want to be
top 5% will be dining with rothschilds... not too comfy desu
better just having a comfy 8 figures and chill unknown

>> No.22554405

Don't try and own as much as banks and similar, just acquire your own comfy stack and you'll be fine.

>> No.22554426
File: 760 KB, 1125x1229, CD8ED82B-E0AC-47CB-A502-8708560DC172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ChinaLink indeed. thanks anon. quite the quick draw there m8.

>> No.22554434
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>> No.22554461
File: 1017 KB, 1101x677, 1599073319205.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alot of the wallets holding hundreds of millions - billions are exchange wallets that include the holdings of all the users who use that platform. There's probably a lot more holders than 2.1 million. Probably double if not more.

>> No.22554513
File: 12 KB, 237x212, images-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros don't be this guy.

This is a ripple rager!
We are going all night!!!!!!


>> No.22554565

Tranny strippers coming in about an hour get ready!

>> No.22554588

They have their own individual wallets on the exchange. A lot of those are the now-defunct 20 xrp wallets.

>> No.22554620
File: 1000 KB, 350x262, 213543657.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the people sad that others have more XRP than them are going to be the ones that blow their load on frivolous shit

>> No.22554667
File: 14 KB, 159x318, images-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bring your Bird scooters bros
We gonna bomb the boule later after we get lit doing keg stands

>> No.22554685
File: 267 KB, 1125x1022, E9196485-2F2D-4076-BE9C-4001BD018775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22554728

Guys is XUMM really as safe as everyone says? I'm stoked on spark but terrified it's a scam, I know I'm retarded but help me out. I just transferred it all from trust and set up the drop.

>> No.22554768

the world needs envious poor people who can't manage their finances and spend money liberally to make rich conservative people rich

>> No.22554848

Yes it’s endorsed

>> No.22554866

Its developed by someone who Ripple funded.

>> No.22554964

Can anyone explain to me why banks would buy our xrp for thousands of dollars? Like why would the jewelry let us make it if they knew xrp was going to be a valuable resource and let some retards get rich just for speculation?

>> No.22554998

The meek shall inherit the earth.

>> No.22555046
File: 124 KB, 1128x446, Screenshot 2020-09-17 at 03.28.09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was already explained in the last thread to you, you just decided to ignore it cause you got btfo

>> No.22555057

You do realize that if this moons that
>AI is the antichrist
>Revelations is true
>Three years to enjoy life and make a safe spot in the desert to chill until things get wild.

I'm just happy I can save the people I love.

>> No.22555058
File: 307 KB, 500x593, 1581309249540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Some banks and investment firms are already heavily invested in XRP. See SBI Holdings and Grayscale
2. Ripple has 49 billion in Escrow that can be used for OTC sales. I find it very unlikely that banks will ever be market buying XRP, unless they see it as an investment opportunity. Ripple will be able to provide enough for their liquidity needs at very low OTC prices
3. Very few people actually hold XRP relative to the world population. Most will sell before the token ever reaches 100$. From there, the banks will only increase the price by implementing a new financial system where billions of people use XRP whether they know it or not.

>> No.22555083

Ripple wont hold the escrow. IMF or ECB will.

>> No.22555096

Why 3 years, will happen this fast?

>> No.22555114


>> No.22555127

It doesn't matter who holds it, the point is that there are plenty of tokens out of circulation which can be sold to banks at a low price, if not flatout be given to them.

>> No.22555144


>> No.22555147

ofc it matters, Ripple will sell all of it to the IMF or ECB

>> No.22555168

It's in the Mellon stuff. Honestly I just can't wait to ride a big beautiful Harley Davidson motorcycle again while the world ends around me.

>> No.22555169

FUD gets me hard.....tll me where ur from. Did u loose hard when charlie dumped? Or when BTC didnt quite make 20K? Or wuz it when muh link never hit $20 usd. I love FUD bc I realize these plebbits are soooooo fucking stupid they cannot read or are paid not to do so and have insane self control not to self fact check.

FU FUD!!!!!!!!!!!!ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooou mak me coom

>> No.22555171
File: 82 KB, 784x825, sachiko the xrp girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who Ripple chad here?

>> No.22555200
File: 32 KB, 300x242, retard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay? They sell it to them at a low rate and then the IMF will distribute it to banks or sell it to them at a low rate. All I'm trying to say is that TPTB won't be market buying.

>> No.22555222

based, saved

>> No.22555264
File: 184 KB, 640x640, lmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just noticed babacugs pfp nipples

>> No.22555270
File: 1.96 MB, 480x271, 1575286722226.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based, checked

>> No.22555282

>AI is the antichrist

>> No.22555283

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hOtcVWWL1gA IM RUNNING OUT OF FUEL

>> No.22555293

poor retard...

banks have bought XRP already, years ago.
the imf wont be selling the XRP to banks lol, it ill use it like they do the dollar today, to provide liquidity, loans etc

fucking brainlet

>> No.22555315

mellon didnt say antichrist arrives in 3 years, he said it will go downhill and really hit hard in 3 years time, mass depression etc happening when trump is out of office

mellon said 15-20 years until the end of the world for real

>> No.22555338

whoops. my bad friend. more time to play blackjack I guess.

>> No.22555387

when you see WW3
you have about 3 years until Jesus comes back

the whole earth will be pure hell

and those who remain after the rapture... yikes. worse than hell as God pours His wrath out on this shit earth

>> No.22555415

Why is it called "God's wrath"?

>> No.22555449

Because it's God's wrath

>> No.22555460

How fucked will unsaved people be?

>> No.22555503
File: 260 KB, 1600x1066, Daniels_70th_week.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Antichrist arrives, WW3 starts etc, pic related
He kills people for 3.4 years, then at the very end he focuses on Christians 100%

Jesus returns when the sun and moon are darkened, after the tribulation. The same day Jesus returns, and brings us to heaven, God pours His wrath on this earth.

God pours out His wrath on earth for 3.5 years, it will be a pure living hell for anyone left on earth. It will be so dark, so depressing, no light at all in the world, only the 144.000 men from heaven that come and the 2 witnesses that preach.

>> No.22555505

1000 years in hell or something like that...I'm not down...believe in Jesus and dont take the mark.

>> No.22555507
File: 110 KB, 600x600, R-2756628-1319254295.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gods wrath sounds pretty fucked

>> No.22555534

no, satan is in hell for 1000 years and then is thrown into the lake of fire forever,

unsaved people will be in hell for eternity.

>> No.22555552

Thanks for clarifying. We are all here for a reason.

>> No.22555554
File: 84 KB, 505x334, 1597670511204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

XRP is dare I say it. The Standard

>> No.22555561

damn so we'll be the new guys
all the dudes from last time will fuck us up and trade our assholes like cigarettes

>> No.22555618

How should we use our wealth to prepare?

>> No.22555642

What is heaven like according to the Bible?

>> No.22555662
File: 420 KB, 1125x1815, 1600271838321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First and foremost, get saved:


Secondly, once XRP moons, buy land, cows, pigs, chickens and all that stuff. Become self-sufficient, hire a couple of farmers to take care of it for you.

get some pic related

>> No.22555679
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>> No.22555695
File: 1.05 MB, 960x606, 1597861465670.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This UNI drop just secured me a substantial bag of iso20022 coins lads. We are going to make it after all.

>> No.22555762

That answer is laughable

>> No.22555789

jesus is this the guy from the last thread

>> No.22555793

All wrong. Will never happen in this realm.

>> No.22555803

good job anon! I hope good things come from the seeds you’ve planted.

>> No.22555884

But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. - 1 Cor 2:9

Unimaginable to the human mind. It is something so wonderful and beautiful and incredible.

The bible speaks very little of heaven, it talks about hell a lot more often, heaven is something that cannot be described

>> No.22555901

And yet you can't explain why. Just like you couldn't in the last thread. Face it, you're uneducated on this issue but too prideful to admit you're wrong. Embarrassing, honestly.

>> No.22556032
File: 92 KB, 486x600, Yu-Gi-Oh!.5D's.600.2036509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope I get to meet you there, fellow schizo frens.

>> No.22556067
File: 1.80 MB, 1242x2036, 446C4A03-9156-4FB9-A6C6-00E32F86A32E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22556074
File: 68 KB, 562x600, 1596303564425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been to the other side
its amazing
i think about it every day

>> No.22556266

We return to the source (God) and become one with him along with every other holy thing.

>> No.22556290

Same bro, if you believe the gospel then we will meet!

>> No.22556353

Who are you replying to?

>> No.22556470
File: 20 KB, 540x507, DR fefe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've been to the other side
>its amazing
>i think about it every day
>i think about it every day
>i think about it every day

>> No.22556522

What are you talking about?

>> No.22556569
File: 257 KB, 577x747, letters&numbers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drowned. was amazing after the initial struggle. I didnt want to go back. I have read many many books since then looking for coincidences with my experience. even if it was just the natural dmt, it was awesome

>> No.22556584

Just a schizo being schizo in a schizo thread, the usual.

>> No.22556665
File: 38 KB, 480x246, 861182A8-113A-4EE6-BB6E-1BCF8D73F7BE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

12.3k stacklet here. Am I gonna make it?

>> No.22556692

Read these, anon:-
>>/biz/thread/S18417446 -

>> No.22556723

Wait I thought AC was some dude not tech????

>> No.22556730

Good direction, anon.
Also, preach the gospel

>> No.22556757

How does your own space station sound?

>> No.22556763

its both

>> No.22556772

Amen, anon.

>> No.22556775

Dumb shit the image

Trump will be the END of the Deepstate and will usher a NWO but on the opposite spectrum to what these evil filth had in mind.

>> No.22556778

thanks for sharing m8. that’s wild. also that post is freakin juicy what the fuck

>> No.22556783

Bros, help me.
I am trying to save grand mother and get her to know Jesus Christ, but she's a Muslim and convincing her would prouve extremely difficult, what should I do frens, I love her I'd hate to see her go through hell.

>> No.22556787

What about poorfag stack of 1k?

>> No.22556808

its a 700+ page book check it out

>> No.22556814

How does your own third world nation sound?

>> No.22556838

Muslims believe in Jesus.

>> No.22556846

Sounds a hell of a lot better than my current situation

>> No.22556898
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>> No.22556900

Same situation with my parents. All I can do is pray, anon, pray without doubt that God will convict their hearts.

>> No.22557041

Lead by example and pray for her, don't try to shove it down her throat

>> No.22557120

Muslims already believe in Jesus dumbass

>> No.22557305
File: 1.01 MB, 1125x1920, 018FCF43-A507-49E4-B022-D76AC3E9C1C8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22557312
File: 208 KB, 1582x824, EiEVx3OUYAIyeXb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22557339
File: 323 KB, 593x419, anothercoincidence.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny how many coincidences we've had in the last 24 hours, huh?

>> No.22557356
File: 361 KB, 1433x640, 1600302373539.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember that these are all just merely coincidences. Don't look too into them.

>> No.22557392
File: 476 KB, 2048x2048, C59AE679-B894-4A10-95CA-608E375B74B0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>babas colors.
>33 33 33

>> No.22557399

Hands off my zerps grabblers

>> No.22557402
File: 156 KB, 592x523, coincidence.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing to see here.

>> No.22557441
File: 278 KB, 462x994, 0BCE5FA2-39B5-408E-9719-1579C42FF2DD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my FUCKing lordy is that true? I saw a picture on Twitter but we got confirmations on that?!

>> No.22557488
File: 24 KB, 168x160, 1600237031008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22557510

Bumping based comf

>> No.22557522


>> No.22557592
File: 333 KB, 1152x767, L.M.2011-7347_xgaplus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keys to the city, absolute freedom, the free dominant subjugate the serfdom. Swan Lake, front row tickets, the evening ballet, followed by dinner with Christine Lagarde in a short drive in the city, Austrian chauffeur, Rolls Royce. We arrive, her in her gown, me in my tuxedo. Shanghai cuisine, double Michelin star, a subtle flirtation with the hostess. We sit and make our order, we discuss the necessity of instant cross border payments and virtual bridge asset for CBDC's. In the later part of the meal, she tickles my shin with her foot beneath the table, staring into my eyes, crystal blue, contrasted with her silver hair. We take the Rolls back to my hotel and as soon as the door of my room closes behind us we begin to kiss, tearing our clothes off one another, she digs her nails into the back my neck and shoves her tongue into my mouth while I fondle her breasts. We find ourselves in my bed for the next for hours, glistening in one another's sweat, pushing ourselves closer and closer to ecstasy, taking short breaks to drink mineral water, which had been left in a complimentary ice bucket on the bedside table prior to our arrival. When I cum inside her, I stand up and look at the blinking lights of the city below. I see the old grid, and I know tomorrow that everything changes. I know tomorrow that the switch flips. I know tomorrow is the day I become a legend. "Brad?" Christine asks, slinking behind me, wrapping her arms around me. We look out at the city together and think the same thing. We are both thinking about the Internet of value and what the future holds for the trajectory of our species. "What a view," I say, almost unconsciously. A view of a dream I dreamt so long ago now. A dream that is real now.

>> No.22557634

>each XRP token will not be worth an ounce, but a kilo of gold
that much gold hasn't been produced

>> No.22557676
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uhh guys. e-money? FOS?
the £ was first on the emojiprophecy...

>> No.22557716
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>> No.22557738

Based, lucky Brad.


>> No.22557771


>> No.22557774
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>> No.22557797
File: 15 KB, 275x183, images-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros you are all invited to the rager I'm throwing in approximately 3 minutes.

Ripple Rager happening !!!!! Let's party bros!!!!!!!!!

>> No.22557803
File: 402 KB, 1125x612, 0818061D-76C2-43DF-9F45-551503F79B55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

digital pound spotted. whoa guys.

>> No.22557816

Qrd on E-Money please Based Marduk?

>> No.22557837
File: 1.45 MB, 1125x1304, BF85BC46-E07B-464A-80D7-6C1F92CD13AA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly not sure...

>> No.22557842


>> No.22557850

Righteous bros righteous

>> No.22557885

Some solid groovy cats right there bro.
Baba has attended a few of my ragers always brought the phat hoes and best herb bro

>> No.22557919

I'm still in awe of this UNI drop bros

>> No.22557953

Bro. You can sit this one out bro. But hey no worries I have a totally rad opportunity for you. Me and my schizo boys will be needing a DD for the rager I'm throwing

>> No.22557974
File: 603 KB, 1125x1914, 352A5D6B-E1EE-4D33-9EEC-66B234775BE0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uhhhh. guys. I’m scared.


>> No.22557983
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I'm just going to get stoned sounds good bromigo

>> No.22558005

Why are you scared? It's all coming together.

>> No.22558012

Totally bro. Heard they have some great uniswap threads and those guys always have killer beerbongs you should definitely leave here and checknthem out bro

>> No.22558024

I'm scared because I don't know what I'll do first besides scream and shit myself as I make more money than I've ever had before.

>> No.22558026
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>> No.22558033
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whatchu talkin bout willis?

>> No.22558061

Sounds more like those prepaid Visa cards or something, but an online one. Perhaps something like Libra.

>> No.22558068

Totes bro. I feels for sure.
How are you planning to sell bro? Just old coinbase ? 20 mil at a time?

>> No.22558075
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Will Binance support the fork?
What are your predictions, how big will it Moon before dropping back some? Should I Swing or swingers get the rope?

>> No.22558086

Yeah bro. Now you're steppin up the meme game broooo. Hell yeah very rad dude

>> No.22558105

Yo bro . I mean I feel like we can all agree that the lib sucks some most unpleasant balls. Fuck Libra bros totally

>> No.22558161

glowniggers invading our comfy threads?

>> No.22558166

more like some groovy niggers :D

>> No.22558178
File: 728 KB, 1125x2072, 666AF346-25CA-4E2A-B60F-BF85D1397F74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the site you file complaints with. my friends. can this get more official? the e-money pound... Jesus fucking yikes.




>> No.22558211

Can we all stop and thank Marduk for all his schizo research.

>> No.22558246

Go do "Financial Ombudsman Service" in gematria... creepy

>> No.22558279

Fucking legend

>> No.22558295


>> No.22558325

Glowie brotendo

>> No.22558351

literally what
dude I'm all for making connections within the crypto space but COME THE FUCK ON WITH THAT BULLSHIT

>> No.22558365
File: 446 KB, 1125x1551, E5946E3D-AD27-41BA-ACC6-56F67E761649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you fren. we got the light it’s up to us to expose this when we can still make tangible, effective decisions for our communities and loved ones. but appreciate the love v much. I do it for you!

>> No.22558388

All of Insider/UHNWI references to Jesus and scripture:

>> No.22558430

I like how you call him a brainlet and a retard, and yet you think the IMF uses the dollar for liquidity

Have you ever heard of the SDR? No because you just repeat dumb shit on the internet

>> No.22558439

On principal I hate namefags but thank you for blessing the XSG threads with your work.

>> No.22558445
File: 806 KB, 1125x1864, FCF781F1-EF7B-496B-9BF4-3898591C319D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked based Christ anon. I hope this is the “second coming” of today’s pump !

>> No.22558466

Special drawing rights are supplementary foreign exchange reserve assets defined and maintained by the International Monetary Fund. SDRs are units of account for the IMF, and not a currency per se. They represent a claim to currency held by IMF member countries for which they may be exchanged.

Pegged with: U.S. dollar, euro, Chinese yuan, Japanese yen, and pound sterling

You are a brainlet.

>> No.22558502
File: 48 KB, 531x500, 4B62578C-626A-49A4-B6B1-4BB267817DCC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

much love bruv. dont worry I won’t always be here. but these are important times and for some reason I think this has helped garner a community of comfort. that’s all. xo.

>> No.22558515

Pray for her every single day.

You retards do know believing Jesus existed and was a "prophet" is not enough to get saved right?

Muslims deny the death of Jesus on the cross, they also deny that Jesus is God.

Muslims are NOT saved.

>> No.22558562
File: 404 KB, 2048x2048, 3575B95C-6D7E-43D4-B22D-FCDF170FF7D0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

£,¥,$,€, eh?

>> No.22558580

I like to believe you really are david, its comforting.

>> No.22558601

yeah, IMF will announce crypto currency as part of the SDR currency basket, thats what it means


im guessing october but could be later

>> No.22558614

Thank you Marduk

>> No.22558913
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Comfy af thread.

>> No.22559716
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another day and ripple is not $2000. the landlord is knocking. the girl left.

>> No.22560237

got a link

>> No.22560345
File: 224 KB, 521x937, 1597211265192.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22560842

Loadh zhe flipheningh threadhs, its gonna be epico

>> No.22560870

Not a problem mate
You can look for Easyfi. Upcoming defi project of layer 2 on matic network.
Easyfinetwork is a layer 2 digital assets lending protocol. Easyfinetwork is fork of compound.
Easyfinetwork is making sure that there are enough demand for loans.
Easyfi is making sure that micro borrowers can easily borrow.
Easyfinetwork is simplyfing lending norms. There is 196% collateral required now to borrow.
Easyfinetwork is making way for undercollateralisation so that micro lenders can borrow easily.
Direct listing on exchange.
Only friends and family round
Tg: easyfinetwork

>> No.22560901


>> No.22561009
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>> No.22561214
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I'm sitting down to watch it. So easy to remember the episode #. 31, 13

>> No.22561261

this is painful to watch but im doing it
simpsons has declined so hard

>> No.22561263

3rd world fag unfortunately lol

>> No.22561338

it's darkest before dawn

>> No.22561533
File: 103 KB, 680x732, 1599102978426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't let the thread die boys

>> No.22561630

This guy is a fraud

>> No.22561650

Thanks just sold my stack

>> No.22561660

Yess xrp on the white board

>> No.22561676

Babacugs is a dumb faggot who's a douche, but he's got the right info.

>> No.22561713

NDEs are wild, I died briefly after a motorcycle accident and found myself floating about 10 ft over my crumpled body in the middle of the road as a crowd started to gather and then was sucked up through a tunnel of greyish white light (it really did feel like suction, it was wild)

i found myself in a grassy meadow, sunny and warm, and i had the impression that i was a child again, i became aware of a very tall figure standing over me, robed in what seemed like fabric made of light, i can't remember his face now but i understood it was my guardian angel, he told me not to be afraid, but that i was dead, and i could choose to stay and join my ancestors

(here i felt the presence of my grandpa very strongly, he had just recently passed away) which didn't seem like such a bad deal, it seems as though death is quite comfortable and peaceful and i am no longer afraid of it, or i could choose to return to life but i would have to suffer through a long process of addiction and despair and i had to promise to always work to uplift other people and never do anything for selfish gain.

i was apparently declared dead on arrival and dragged to the side of the road (this was in saigon) but suddenly started breathing and stood up, scaring the hell out of all the Vietnamese people gathered around and rode to the hospital on the back of a stranger's motorbike

i went back to the scene of the crash a few days later and the shopkeepers were like 'holy shit dude you were dead!) anyway i spent a few years after that very deep into heroin but have now been clean 2.5 years and am going to school for my master's to become an addiction counselor.

if i make it big off crypto i'm going to establish a community land trust to buy and renovate old housing and make a community center/organic farm/vocational school and try to establish one of the first pschedelic treatment centers in America

anyway yeah near death experiences are wild.

>> No.22561780
File: 152 KB, 1125x451, D5BC95AA-E4D3-445B-98FF-85764A2BD596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Very similar story to mine. Neat. Thank you. I’m phone posting but I’m drowning anon.
In other news it seems Wells Fargo is sending checks to a shit ton of people. I got one for $150 today, and noticed a lot of posts on twitter about it. Why would they be suddenly clearing debts owed to customers? This is fishy to me- I also have not banked with them in over ten years.

>> No.22561809

i bet Lagarde is into some weird shit. you can tell by the way she carries herself. definitely BDSM

>> No.22561871

Marduk as in the planet that used to be between Mars and Jupiter, that's the asteroid belt now?

>> No.22561889

hey, what do you know. it's actually happening.

>> No.22561933

What are the implications of this for burgers?

>> No.22561972

It’s a matter of time. Everyone says we don’t have it ready but all the insiders know that it’s completely ready. They’re just figuring out how to do this easily for the normans. The speed of which this is all moving proves that it has been ready.

>> No.22561989

So is Atomic Wallet supporting the drop?

>> No.22562025

Nothing but nothing burgers, 30 cents eoy boys

>> No.22562040

I just can't believe it. I mean I see the signs but, but still. Even if xrp went to 5 dollars, my life would be forever changed.

>> No.22562121

The price is irrelevant to banks as long as it’s stable (volatility in line with USD, EUR, GBP for example). At that point, funding XRP is just business as usual - in the same way that US banks need to fund in non-USD currencies and Euro banks need to fund in non Euro ccies, etc. (each will always have obligations to pay in currencies other that their native)

If the price is stable, it’s a simple spot trade to get the funding (or XRP denominated bonds or capital raises or income streams, etc. - basically it becomes like another currency)

This question is asked in every thread but really it’s not a bright one.

>> No.22562229

if you get over a certain amount of money people will start contacting you. you become a target.

>> No.22562304

Now this sounds like an unironic schizo.

>> No.22562388

To add (because I’ve just answered the same question when it - surprise surprise - popped up in another thread)

Bank A: has XRP, needs USD
Bank B: has USD, needs XRP

XRP for USD? Sure, XRP for USD (at the relatively stable exchange rate)

That’s why ‘flipping the switch’ would (in my view) be the only way to do it. You need to set the price (high enough that the system functions and can handle all possible throughput) and leave it stable at that price. No banks will be using it for settlements if there’s a chance it’s going to be swinging all over the place (which it will if allowed to rise naturally) - there would be too much ‘FX’ risk in XRP obligations

>> No.22562401

It's true, just worded in a schizo way.

If you rise high enough in the ranks of society you get invited to certain parties, breakfast clubs etc.

This can be either money accumulated, or for your creative endeavors.

Some people rise into the 'elite' in a single generation. Some people get knocked down a peg if they don't fit in.

>> No.22562446

I see your point. On the topic, how do you bros plan on cashing out? Or will there be no need to?

>> No.22562557

I'm cashing out just enough to sit under the 'rich' tax bracket, investing most of that in normie long term investments that provide passive income. The rest, I'll slowly cash out over years and years.

Babacugs recommends cashing out totally by 2023. Read into that how you will.

>> No.22562620

Wtf would a bank ever need xrp for???

>> No.22562625

Another day another XRP thread meanwhile XRP still sub 30 cents OMEGALUL

>> No.22562774

banks usually hold X amount of different currencies in order to facilitate global trade (think BoA holding 1M eur, gbp and venezuelan rupees) holding a single asset cuts cost as theres no need to hold all the different currencies when the liquidity in XRP can be utilised to conduct cross border payments

>> No.22562824

so if they use the payment system why need to actual crpyto?

>> No.22562842

Guys if XRP does moon and we all make it, I want to do an IRL meetup in my blimp and we can throw rotten fish on the people below.

>> No.22562850

im not sure i understand what you're asking anon

>> No.22562906
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>> No.22562943

I wanna throw the sturgeon!

>> No.22562944

That’s shifting the goalposts a bit from the original question. The question was as to the price of XRP and the answer to that is that the price is not relevant. It’s the stability that counts.

The question of WHY it should be a high value and not $0.25 or $1 is separate to this. It is to allow liquidity ($100trn equivalent available is better than $100bn equivalent), and facilitate easier transactions (you only need send ~10 XRP (at $10k price) per $100k rather than 100k XRP (at $1)).

As to why they banks would need XRP: there could be a few uses for it. It might be used as any other currency. It might be used for collateral, it might be used as an analogue for illiquid currencies, etc, etc. Regardless of what it is used for, so long as the price is stable, it’s irrelevant as to what that price is as it would be traded just like a currency.

(I’d also say that I see ripple handing over a large portion of the supply to the BIS (or similar quasi-governmental entity) who will take over the role of managing the price against speculation (at least in the short term), serving as lender of last resort and maintaining liquidity)

>> No.22562958


who the fuck went lengths to create this?

>> No.22563023

So many fudders just entered the thread. Makes me very bullish.

>> No.22563049

They all clocked on for their shift.

>> No.22563066

this saved us 30min of autistically screeching at each other.
Anon what is "nostro accounts"?

>> No.22563105

nostro/vostro accounts are the same thing i described in >>22562774

basically they are account designed to hold vast amount of different currencies in order to facilitate these international trades. eliminating the need for nostro/vostro account instantly allows the banks to free up this ridiculous sum of money

>> No.22563242
File: 18 KB, 657x523, 1599018569228.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for talking anon.

>> No.22564103
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fuckin kek anon

>> No.22564217

anons what are your expectations for the Flare drop? what do you think will happen after?

>> No.22564282

I don't know but I just woke up, saw all kinds of unicorns in the catalogus. Sold 400 xrp to buy some eth. Used my metamask wallet to claim 400 UNIs. Received 1100 dollar. Send it back to exchange. Bought a few K xrp more.

>> No.22564343

You've used Uniswap before 1st September, right? newfag/poorfag here so only ever dabbled with XRP, XLM and ALGO. Never used uniswap before.

>> No.22564584
File: 318 KB, 924x514, uni.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. I made this one a long time ago when I first browsed /biz/ and got tricked for putting 20 dollars of ETH in some PnD scam. Never used it again since the transaction was pending for days HAHAHHAHAHAHAHHA

>> No.22564674

Based trades.

>> No.22564833

Nice one. God moves in mysterious ways anon and He is with us.

>> No.22565031

Thank you brother <3

Amen brother. I was thinking exactly of that.
I always try to live by every word of the Bible. I just know God is always taking care for us if we worship Him. It's always these coincidences. Whether it's somebody falling in the own pit he digged for me or things like these. That some unfortunate event turned out to be a good event.

>Matthew 6
And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin: And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.
Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which to day is, and to morrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith? Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed? (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

>> No.22565034


>> No.22565482

If birthday schizo is here, stay comfy, we’re all gonna make it.

>> No.22565621

god just told me November 5th 2020 xrp will moon. he never lies to me he's been right 100% of the questions i ask and I'm an insider

>> No.22565815

guys >>22565621 just told me that "god just told him November 5th 2020 xrp will moon. god never lies to him god's been right 100% of the questions he asks and he's an insider"

>> No.22565901

Did he tell you what he’s inside of?

>> No.22565910

all of us

>> No.22566133

hey anon here, i made a promise to god and it all depends on me keeping the promise but u can trust me xrbros

>> No.22566153


>> No.22566307

Just wait till XRP moons and I buy that little boihole of yours, then you'll know 'deeeep'.

No homo.

>> No.22566394

I know a lot.of you won't believe me, but between my father and I, we hold over 1 million xrp. He unironically got me interested in it. I bought btc back in 2014 for muh .onions but didn't think much of it. But have been following the crypto space since then. My father worked for a massive media company as a developer and project manager. He was laid off due to outsourcing the entire project and department over seas. He took all his assets and his company payoff and dumped into TSLA and xrp. He also holds other tokens but is heavily invested in xrp. It's funny seeing the boomer coin memes because it's unironically true. I do enjoy shooting this shit with him about the schizo connect the dots posts on Twitter and the occasional larp we see on 4chan. Go ahead and ama I guess. Don't ask for proof because we have numerous hardware wallets and won't screenshot our holdings.
>Inb4 it's a larp

>> No.22566482

probable larp aside: what’s your projected price eoy? are you full 2k schizo or think it’ll make a bull run

>> No.22566518

The only thing I’d want to know would be if you had inside info on a date for moon.

I’m assuming you don’t, so best of luck to you and your dad. If that XRP number is even 10% true, you are both GMI big time.

>> No.22566554

Don't care if it's a larp honestly.
Did you funnel some of your money through XMR for some tax exasion?

>> No.22566585

Eh I don't believe the hype of $2k. They would have to totally dominate a competitive market in less than 3 months. Don't think it's very realistic. However this is clownworld.jpg so it might happen. More realistically I expect a slow rise to $1 in the coming months. But predictions are useless once regulations and other politically happenings pop. I believe xrp has solid foundation and focus, as well as some of the smartest people in space working on it.
I absolutely want a crazy switchflip to be true but more realistically I think the tide will rise once we see larger corridors transacting every day.

>> No.22566665

Namefags get nothing

>> No.22566689

Thanks anon. My dad has worked hard his whole life so I still worry it'll just drain him. More of a nightmare scenario but even still
>Muh 0.24c stable coin
Doesn't matter cuz dollar cost average is about 0.10c for our stack.
Don't use xmr. Mainly itrustcapital for tax purposes. We will be a good goys and pay our taxes if we every cash out. Have cash out plans for 0.50, 1, 5, 10, 100, and still hold about 20% for long term hold

>> No.22566739

>uniswap uni airdrop congests eth network
>fees are like 30$ to send 10$

whos doing this? and why? who buys all the tokens? where all the money comes from?

this sound like a planned attack to congest eth network.

>> No.22566742

peak schizo literary genius
based as f

>> No.22566755

Going down the safe route, I can respect that.

>> No.22566765

Guys 12.1k holder here, I am trying to claim my 400 UNI and the transaction is gonna take 6 hours, probably will be worth nothing by then. Fuck ethereum. I don’t care if I don’t get to claim any, because XRP is so fucking comfy. Even 1k XRP will mean you never have to work again in your life. Thank you Jesus for showing me this community of brothers. We’re all gonna make it.

>> No.22566796

Yeah he is mainly just looking for a comfy retirement

>> No.22566813

Why didn't you send more gas?

>> No.22566816

Anon you are the champ of these threads!!! It grows every day

>> No.22566832

add more gas i just raised my gas to 30$ and i got accepted but now i try again it wont go axxept. fees are skyrocketing

>> No.22566842

Bc I’m at work on my phone and an idiot

>> No.22567125

Damn. Hope I can buy a mansion in the town your gonna buy.

>> No.22567138
File: 157 KB, 416x582, cross1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The most important part of Christianity is salvation, faith alone in Jesus Christ, without works. This short video explains it to you:




Why is Christianity the truth? In summary, Jesus Christ rose from the dead, claiming to be God.

>Minimal Facts argument with Gary Habermas




>Cold Case Christianity by J. Warner Wallace, a former atheist cold case detective who uses his skills to determine if Christianity is true:


>Why should Christians only read The King James Bible?


>Why do alien abductions STOP in Jesus name?



>> No.22567217
File: 9 KB, 272x185, 9B5380BB-C527-4978-9650-387B707F2F70.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which planet are you and your father going to buy? Can I get a place in your rocket?

>> No.22567321

Haha not interested in anything like that. I'm more of a hippy than the rest of my family. Been studying cobb building and my main hobby is making pottery. Just want to have enough for a plot of mountain land in TN to setup a build site to build my own cobb house and start a studio. My dad stays pretty quiet about his endgame plan.

>> No.22567491
File: 223 KB, 1256x956, 1598980857045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How certain are you bro's that xrp will moon by EOY?
How certain are you it will moon eventually?

For me it's 50% and 90%

>> No.22567526

95% certain it happens this year
100% certain it happens before april of next year

>> No.22567636

Swings between 5 and 25% for this year (I’m a pessimist)

Up to 25-50% next year.

Despite the pessimism, I’m 100% it’ll be up there eventually.

>> No.22567996
File: 592 KB, 679x741, 1598957525892.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy Shit
We're actually gonna make it

>> No.22568064

Add more gas. I used 750 or something.
Fee's were like 30 dollars

>> No.22568170


Nixon and Mr. Burns on the dollar teaming up after Mr. Burns steals the code and makes his own coin

Follow the KIKES

>> No.22568295

that was probably hours ago. ive been waiting for hour and i put over 100$ on gas

>> No.22568615
File: 284 KB, 491x470, swift.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22568744

is coinbase going to support this? will their wallet work?

>> No.22568784

comfy thread bump.

>> No.22568808

second link in OP literally answers your question

>> No.22568809

What does this mean for us?

>> No.22568849

3k eoy now

>> No.22568850
File: 724 KB, 1125x1841, DA1D5642-B98E-4B40-9639-18A21DB198B6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>frictionless, eh?

>> No.22568857

i have litchureally never used any of those.
all of them kyc im sure with a hundred hoops to jump through

>> No.22568866

You aren’t Marduk but close enough so good morning mamaduk

>> No.22569073

Wow, imma have to watch the episode now

>> No.22569206


>> No.22569557
File: 90 KB, 548x836, DyUbXz1UwAAVgIk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it means pic related

>> No.22569739

Kek. Truly the standard.