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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 46 KB, 1000x563, JoshuaDaniel-chainlink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22545274 No.22545274 [Reply] [Original]

OG here, first purchase 11 cents. Have bought and bought and bought all along the years. Needless to say, I have a healthy stack.

I'm just fucking tired. $10 is great. $20 was better. I know it sounds spoiled, but holy fuck, I did not expect to still be working my wagie job 3 years later. I watched the ETH run from the sidelines and thought "I'm not making that mistake again". ETH bros had it so easy.

I don't care about the endless fud during these times, it's just the waiting. I know LINK is going to be huge, but I'm a 35 year old boomer, I've been working the same dead end job for the last 7 years. I just want to play music and paint and hang out with my kids.

I'm just so fucking tired. I just want to stake LINK and live off the passive income. At this rate it'll be another 3 years. I'm going to be dead inside by then.

>> No.22545304



>> No.22545321

This is why you gamble on lowcap shitcoins to make it faster

>> No.22545322

Eat a DICK

>> No.22545325

>OG here
Stopped reading there

>> No.22545343

At least you have a make it stack bro. It went from less than this to 20 out of nowhere, even if it does it again tomorrow, my stack isnt enough.

>> No.22545362

They don't have the volume to cash out. It's literally a poorfags game.

>> No.22545366

Staking isnt coming. You’re literally missing eth2 lmfao

>> No.22545387

If LINK succeeds $1,000 is unironically fud, I'm sure you're fine. Even if out of nowhere a bunch of competitors come in and eat up market share, there is no fucking way a single LINK token isn't worth at least $300-400 in the future unless the entire space collapses.

>> No.22545418

Well I should have rephrased that. Yeah buying ultra lowcaps would be a bad idea but look out for 5-10M+ mcaps with proper fundamentals. There's been many that have done over 20x this year alone you just need to pay attention and dyor. I'm not telling you to buy the next yf scam shit clone.

>> No.22545558

Thats a big IF. Cuurent crypto ecosystem almost has no real world adoption besides from being speculative. OP would have to wait 5+ yrs i reckon to see if anything makes it. Everything is still just shitcoin roulette

>> No.22545592
File: 372 KB, 794x947, 424242.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you will look back fondly at the times you could have sold for $10

>> No.22545612

20k links here. How many more years of wagecucking do i need to do? I too am tired. Hopefully not more than 3 years?

>> No.22545617

Maybe. But If I don't escape wage slavery I'm gonna kms anyway, so I don't see what the difference is.

>> No.22545661

I'm a turbo stacklet (10k) and I will make it next year we will see mid hundreds by the summer and NOTHING can stop this unit

>> No.22545875

I hope so, buddy. At this rate it's looking like another 2018 where we'll dip back to like $5ish and then wait another 1-2 years for the next takeoff, but I guess any big news around Arbitrum, Baseline, or staking could change the tides quickly.

>> No.22545946

we just had a 3 year bear market

>> No.22545956

$5? haha this floor has no bottom it’s wicking all the way to pennies

>> No.22545959

dude i know the feeling. everyone is using aave and gambling on shit coins. just have to wait for the next run up

>> No.22546011

Yeah its looking pretty grim right now but we will get treshold sigs and phase 1 of arbitrum this year so hopefully that will have some kind of impact price wise and the top 50 wallets are still scooping up linkies so thats bullish but going from 20 to 10 still sucks

>> No.22546024

> he missed out on life changing money by not selling at 20 and will spend another few years of his 30s watching his bags disintegrate


>> No.22546068

>I guess any big news around Arbitrum, Baseline, or staking could change the tides quickly

lmao, not happening.
It's been three years and still they haven't released a single feature besides basic aggregation.
No reputation, no TEEs, no staking, no mixicles, no t-sigs, ... NOTHING.

>> No.22546077

It was under $5 like 2 months ago. Maybe you guys weren't here for the multiple 50-90% dips we've already experienced. I don't want to see it happen, but I wouldn't be surprised.

I'm not racist, I don't hang out at /pol/ and you had 3 years.

>> No.22546157


I'm 35 and dead inside. No gf, no kids. Ready to croak.

>> No.22546198
File: 573 KB, 638x676, reality.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that meme wont save you from this freefall normie

>> No.22546263

>35 years old
>family man
>STILL relying on shitcoins to make it
Better start a few side hustles. Hard to believe grown men still believe in this crypto shit

>> No.22546387

Damn I have been thinking about selling some of my stack, been holding for the last 3ish years.

DeFi has ruined the market until some proper integration into meaningful systems instead of price checks on shilled shit coins, it's only gunna go down.

>> No.22547416

If you want to stake then just buy STAKE. Chainlink is a normie scam. You will hate yourself if you get dumped on by coinbase normies