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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22541089 No.22541089 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.22541183

To newbies that see this, you've been blessed

>> No.22541564

Stupid fuck

>> No.22541593

Lmao at this smug bastard. Truth is YOU got lucky and so did the rest of us. If you did not google "oracle problem" before you knew about Chainlink you got lucky, simple as.

>> No.22541685

the "bitcoin maximalist" was Richard Heart and he's a retard. We are, unfortunately, very far away from anyone with less than 1M link becoming very wealthy.

>> No.22541730

>if you didn’t know about a problem then it didn’t exist
You’re embarrassing

>> No.22541756
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>Entropy of trust

>> No.22541784

Just admit it, you got spoonfed from other anons on /biz/. You did not hear about the oracle problem outside of /biz/ and I'll bet my dick on that. You got lucky m8.

>> No.22541829
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>You got lucky

>> No.22541835

There's nothing more exhausting than some faggot typing a huge post and trying to use fancy words to say something that is obvious to everyone

>> No.22541946
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>you just got lucky!
>you heard that from someone who talked about it!

>> No.22541955

Again, why does it matter if I knew about the problem or not? It exists either way.

>> No.22541975
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>You're not smart! You're just lucky! Read my posts!

>> No.22541994

If it’s obvious to everyone then why don’t more people have huge amounts of LINK? Why didn’t someone else solve it sooner?

>> No.22542012

i knew that blockchains needed a secure method to get data but didn't have a word for it until i saw a post on reddit about the chainlink ico. eat shit

>> No.22542025

>browsing /biz/

>> No.22542026

If it weren't for /biz/ you wouldn't have known about LINK. You got lucky.

Congrats you're the 1% on this board.

>> No.22542066

I've got a big dick.

>> No.22542076

I'm both stupid and unlucky.
I missed out on Chainlink that's why I'm all in RSR and getting absolutely raped right now.

>> No.22542097

Luck is finding the information, smart is acting on it.

>> No.22542109

Truly smart people (not you) look at these types of posts and just laugh

>> No.22542134

Whoa, these are all really good points.

>> No.22542145

>Truly smart people
Nice one virgin.

>> No.22542155
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>Whoa, these are all really good points.

>> No.22542187
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>have you heard about the oracle problem?
>yeah its like the next really big tech thing
>idk though i might buy some libra when this elliott wave is over

>> No.22542239

I'll buy if they deliver on Q3. Ari is a liability. IFYKYK

>> No.22542240

lol ever notice how most chainlink use cases are “in theory” all the deterministic talk and ‘game theory’ is cool and all when posted on an anonymous board that makes you feel special. but the reality is that chainlinks adoption hasn’t been proven yet (by the real world) and is still just a solution looking for a problem.

>> No.22542288
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>Whoa, these are all really good points.

>> No.22542292
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>and is still just a solution looking for a problem.

>> No.22542313
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>>Whoa, these are all really good points.

>> No.22542538
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>if the internet is so useful, why wasn’t it invented sooner

>> No.22542647

Token not needed.

>> No.22542699

Luck is just being able to recognize a good opportunity and capitalizing on it. Tons of broke fags including you knew about chainlink long ago and are still poor. Keep coping.

>> No.22542741
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since we all know you're waiting for someone to ask, post wallet or gtfo

>> No.22542765

>Luck is just being able to recognize a good opportunity and capitalizing on it.
Lmao you just admitted you got lucky retard.

>> No.22542816

Browsing this board and not getting filtered through the scams isn’t lucky. You wanted something and persisted theough it.
Most people don’t.
You’re on a board which had prior knowledge about the next financial/industrial revolution.
You don’t just come across that information.

>> No.22543256

You’re right I just stumbled onto biz some pajeet shilled LINK and I bought 50k and held them for years through multiple 50%+ dumps and it was as easy as that. Not sure why everyone else doesn’t do this you guys should try being more lucky.

>> No.22543292

Good boy.

>> No.22543337

I hope that helps you sleep at night in your studio apartment

>> No.22544320

by that very same token, so is "you got lucky"

what does the statement "you got lucky" even amount to? what does it mean? that i "don't deserve" what i got? call it whatever the fuck you wanna call it—i'm never fucking selling

>> No.22544395

delete please.... i'm still accumulating

>> No.22544793
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I'm more than both.

>> No.22544852

I sure will pajeet

>> No.22544924

>Are you 'lucky' or 'smart'?
i'm neither.
Still never selling, tho.
Because I lost my private key.

>> No.22545530
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What the fuck were you doing with your life for the last 3 years that was so important that you missed LINK for 2 years under 3$??? I hate you late losers, all of you.

>> No.22545549

The two aren't mutually exclusive. Most link holders are lucky enough to get spoon-fed but smart enough to ignore the FUD.

>> No.22545662


>> No.22545887

This board is the 1% fag.

>> No.22545938

First define what being lucky even means.

>> No.22545969

I would say I fall in to the lucky category but is it really lucky, I mean.. Chainlink is dumping like fuck and I can't see an end in sight, I have lost so much money.

>> No.22545999

What about the semi-late newfags that still got in under a dollar but also still buy now (hit 7k today finally)?

>> No.22546079

Hey you said posted yesterday about nearly reaching 7k right? gj fren

>> No.22546132

I'm smart because I don't hold that stupid fucking shitcoin

>> No.22546145

thanks! Yeah I was actually at 4k when we started the pump from $5 and fomo'd to 6k before we hit $10, then finally started accumulating again for this dump. I was a dumbass like most and unprepared for the March crash, didn't sell any but had no fiat to buy, could have easily been at 10k by now... but it is what it is.
Also liking all these green ID's

>> No.22546164

>If you didnt use biz you wouldnt know about crypto
So? I do, now I'm fucking rich
>If you didnt use pol you wouldnt know it was the jews behind everything bad
So? I do, now I'm national socialist
>If you didnt use fa you wouldnt be a faggot
So? I do, now I love sucking cock

If your aunty had bollocks she'd be your uncle, anon.

>> No.22546409

Do you even understand his point?

>If you didnt use biz you wouldnt know about crypto
>So? I do, now I'm fucking rich

Just because you heard about link on /biz/ doesn't mean you knew it was a good investment. LINK might have been a shitty invetment if the right events and circumstances dudn't happen in the order necessary.

>If you didnt use pol you wouldnt know it was the jews behind everything bad
>So? I do, now I'm national socialist

Just because most of the people on /pol/ are nat soc does not mean that Jews are bad or that nat socs are right.

>> No.22546544

Also just read this, don't worry about it bro. People shitpost for fun but anyone who has held has seen larger dumps, I missed the dollar to 20 cents one (must have been really awful) but lived through 5 dollars back to 1, 5 dollars back to 2 (March crash), 9 dollars back to 6 (Zeus fud), and the most recent one. Its just a thing in crypto, right now this is all whales and exchanges playing games to make money off speculators, unless you have a huge 2017 stack (like 50k+) your targets are link actually being used beyond defi and the next crypto bull market, the first is probably at least a couple years away but the latter could be next year.

>> No.22546612

Nice job buddy, seems like you're doing just fine.. can't always buy the bottom I guess but now is as good time as ever to stock up

>> No.22547642

A golden buying opportunity is now open. If ppl want in now is the time.The ship will eventually sail.

>> No.22547692

it won’t retard, the ship won’t “sail”. how naive are you?

>> No.22547819

it didn't take eth more than a few months to go from $10 to almost $400. a lot of us will be deep into 8 figures usd if link goes to $400. i'm ready to hold for years but it could happen quick.

>> No.22547850

Well, I don't mind, but don't dump your mental energy into chainlink dumping anymore. If you have 1000 LINK in several years you will still be a multimillionaire.

>> No.22547869
File: 70 KB, 500x776, Snake-Plissken-Escape-From-New-York-LA-Kurt-Russell-c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

link holders cant help but reply to this thread. it's physically impossible for them not to reply to someone talking about link, even when they're being made fun of.

>> No.22547877
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Nice digits btw.

>> No.22547935

ih man i really needed this hopium, thanks! lost 180k during the dump

>> No.22547988

I read about chainlink and it seemed like the future. I went all since I first heard of it in March of this year.

>> No.22548205

I don't fud but most of the fud here doesn't really bug me it's mostly oldfags who are bored. My mental energy is on 1k, always, I think our next big green dildo is gonna come with arbitrum so hopefully by Nov/Dec.

>> No.22548249
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Right back at ya

>> No.22548263

Oh look, it's that soi wojack poster! Haha isn't he just the best? All you do is post the same fucking thing and add a small arrow to make it green. WHAT THE FUCK IS THE POINT OF YOUR POSTS YOU FUCKING SOI FAGGOT CUM GUZZLERS? YOU UNIRONICALLY CONTRIBUTE NOTHING TO THE OVERALL QUALITY OF THIS BOARD. IF ANYTHING YOU MAKE IT WORSE.

>> No.22548297

you know eth was probably the last bullrun crypto had right? There is no reason for crypto to ever become an overinflated bubble ever again

>> No.22548339
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post yfw nolinkers are still spamming the board with fud desperately trying to enter above $500 a year from now

>> No.22548401

The height of cope. Loserthink.

>> No.22548416

nulinker cope

>> No.22548433

What about over 2k link by eoy 2021? :)

>> No.22548495
File: 130 KB, 678x167, linktheywillcalluslucky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both. I was lucky enough that I started browsing 4chan and /biz/ in late 2018. I was smart to buy LINK one month after I began browsing .biz/. I was smart to not be a retarded neet and have some savings that I could put into LINK. However, I could argue that by browsing /biz/ I was also smart and not just lucky, because i was searching financial advice/wisdom/opportunity. Also, out of the thousands of cryptos that are out there i just happened to buy LINK, out of the hundreds of pajeet scams that get shilled on /biz/ i just happened to buy link, despite the time, and the ups and downs of the market, I still have not lost or sold any of my LINK. And yet when we make it anons you will have salty no-linkers telling you you just got lucky, despite the myriad of ways in which you deserve your wealth. You would do best to ignore such people

>> No.22548542


>> No.22548659

>2k link
Lmao nulinker

>> No.22548725

Been in for a year unless thats nu. Just stacking. Hey Im sitting prettier than these poor bastards with triple digit stax.

>> No.22548735

this youd have to be an actual retard to not buy link after lurking here

>> No.22548855
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This original post was Sergey.

>> No.22548950

Lucky enough to find it, autistic enough to refuse to sell.
Bogs had it easy with retail and wallstreet. They've never seen autism this strong before.

>> No.22549107

When it comes to investing I'd rather be lucky than smart, no contest. There are many smart people who missed out on BTC and ETH back in the day. Everyone who bought BTC under $10 had 'luck' on their side. No matter how well researched they were back then, or how confident they were that they knew BTC was a sure thing. You will still need a few things to work in your favor. Now, preparation and knowing what you are getting into will help you reduce the amount of luck you are going to need, but you will ALWAYS need to be lucky.

>> No.22549575

True. Very true. Who else 10 luck stat here? (New vegas/fallout system)

>> No.22549786

Something good happening that is beyond your direct or indirect control

Thing is, absolutely everyone has good stuff randomly happen to them sometimes, not everyone manages to turn that fortune into something meaningful. People who bitch about luck fall into the latter category

>> No.22550103

Probably, it's hard to tell with all the manipulation going on, I fucking hope so because if it's not soon were all in trouble.

>> No.22550212

Well it keeps fucking dumping every day for no reason...

>> No.22550550

you're lucky to be smart

>> No.22550622

Your loose butthole is in trouble.

>> No.22550696

This. Youre lucky to be given the opportunity, but you need to capitalize on it. 90% of life is showing up.
Endlessly based if true. If not eoy 2021 then 2024ish maybe. I have a feeling even 2k is fud, this thing could jump to 5k eoy2021.

>> No.22550697 [DELETED] 
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Maybe, maybe not. Fuck around and find out.

>> No.22550791
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Fuck around and find out.

>> No.22550828

Because crypto markets are still 99% speculation and still very young. It's just bullshit get-rich-quick mentality for now. When crypto becomes more popular and Chainlink gets work done then you'll start seeing real gains.

>> No.22551123

>what is YFI
>t. Seething nigger nolinker