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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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22528715 No.22528715 [Reply] [Original]

I feel nothing.

>> No.22528902
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if you're holding, might as well get more for cheap.

>> No.22528986

i don't know how you can't feel a big cock going in straight in your ass anon

>> No.22529082

honestly i still have some, debating whether or not to sell
on one hand i dont want to sell when it could easily retrace back up to 0.4 or 0.5
on the other hand who knows how long it'll take to do that, it could do it in two days or in a month and there are one million other opportunities out there

>> No.22529216

if BTC dump BZRX going to be raped

>> No.22529217

So I mean the funds were recovered, shouldn't that get this shit back on track?
The CEO is one shady fuck though
I lost big on this

>> No.22529349

I think it's more of a reaction along the lines of: "this shit got compromised AGAIN?"
i dont blame anyone for jumping ship. but at the same time i really dont know if selling here is that wise

>> No.22529513


I lost big as well. I just found out the team has a history of being scumbags screwing over people who help them find bugs. The dumb fucks basically painted a massive target on their backs. Would have never invested if I knew this beforehand.

>> No.22529526
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I lost EVERYTHING on this fucking coin.

>> No.22529551

No, they are liars. They are an insolvent trading entity and should cease trading immediately but they'd rather string investors along. Nobody should have any investment in this, whatsoever, at this point.

>> No.22529634


>> No.22529649

Yeah this event highlighted the CEO's shadiness and team's incompetence.

>> No.22529655
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this is the only play. most of us got in around $.6 or $1ish. i consider this money gone now at this point.

>> No.22529671

For once I sold the top. Feels good. Sorry boys.

>> No.22529680

Can someone give me some hopium? Any news on the horizon that will make this project more valuable?

>> No.22529735

It's pretty much a death spiral. Only the golden bull can save this and even then it's going to take ages to rise due to the amount of negative sentiment

>> No.22529740

>cant withdraw my staking because they didnt allow it
>watching my stake dwindle more and more and there's nothing I can do about it
>cant even sell it all off and get out cuz the devs are queers who dont allow you to withdraw from staking

if I ever met these queers i'd cave their heads in with a brick in minecraft

>> No.22529748

Well I guess one thing is that they havent yet announced that integration that they said theyd announce at launch
And defipulse isn't yet reporting the correct TVL so once that happens people will see that the platform is actually being used
And idk if the platform is even fully functional yet regarding all their features

>> No.22529772

Same. I might as well give up that money and let it sit for a few months.

I've already accepted it as gone, I won't sell at a loss. The February crash hardened my hands to be able to take this.

>> No.22529782

Pure delusion. The platform isn't being used.

>> No.22529790

>doesn’t understand non custodial staking

>> No.22529792

And the lad asked for hopium. Those are the bullet points I would think of.

>> No.22529793

What do you mean you cant withdraw your stake, you can sell your tokens even if they are staked in bzrx?

>> No.22529981

jfc lads

>> No.22530299

>devs won't deliver on time
>trying to hide that they got hacked
>banning on tg for constructive FUD
>impossible to withdraw your funds
>app crashes daily and lacks resting, is developed by "women programists"

How mamy redflags do you need? Bzrx holders are beyond pathetic. Team is a a bunch of lying incompetent manchildren. Thhere is 0, ZERO, buying power right now and this shit bleeds to eternity. Expect $0.20 soon

>> No.22530370

I don't know. These guys are shady fuckwits but so is everybody in crypto and the idea remains decent. May as well hold these fucking bags. Don't believe it's going to zero unless exit scam.

>> No.22530451



BIZ really likes being anally raped. Fucking faggot.

>> No.22530481

posts like this actually make me wonder about the fud on this coin
the second you sell it will bounce

>> No.22530552
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>Bitconnect falls to 0
>Goys should I keep holding this

Get rekt.

>> No.22530584

This fucked up so many people, myself included. Im glad i had the brain to dump my bags at 0.5 and i will never ever fucking touch this amateur shot again. This will not recover for a while.

>> No.22530638

Bitconnect was a scam, so comparing the two isn't the same. Bzx needs to be fixed. If the team is still working on the project, then eventually it will start to recover. But yeah, it's going to take awhile.

>> No.22530658

I don't see why anyone would care this much about a coin they don't own.

>> No.22530684

bro fuck these guys lol

>> No.22531360

this is some of the most intense FUD i've ever seen..TIME TO BUY

>> No.22531466

>entrusting your capital an incompetent team which gets hacked multiple times, doesn't stick to their own schedules, doesn't pay bug bounties, and prefers their own reputation (i.e. token price) over the security of customer funds
boy oh boy I can't wait to give them my money again!

>> No.22531489
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is it bad that I like to read these threads out of pure Schadenfreude? Never even held Bzx

>> No.22531637

>old article from feb
Didn't stop people buying again

>> No.22531901

Guys I'm close to capitulating but this shitty coin always pumps whenever I sell it.
What do?

>> No.22531991

Didn't stop them from getting hacked again.

>> No.22532429

just pool it in the AMPL/BZX geyser in mooniswap, still around 400% APY

>> No.22532798

wtf are yall talking about. It was handled great, and the team isnt that shady.. Whats up with this massive FUD campaign lmao.. This is what competition in the market creates, incentive.

>> No.22533897

if digits end in 0-3
>sell and invest the remains in very safe bets (50% ETH/50% BTC)
if digits end in 4-7
>sell and invest in another alt to make your losses back (50% PNK/50% LINK)
if digits end in 7-9
>hold and hope you can get back to your buy-in (SUFFER)

>> No.22533912

Take one for the team and sell

>> No.22534768
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>> No.22535074

There is no coming back from this I think. All goodwill is gone and other projects will deliver similar products (or promise to). You can't pound your chest about audits and then get hacked again. Amateur hour. Don't throw good money after bad.