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22527194 No.22527194 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.22527267
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>> No.22527275

What will happen to NEC anon I must know

>> No.22527282

fuck u bird

>> No.22527306

checked id

>> No.22527328

Good thing I have btc. Hope tether crashes into oblivion

>> No.22527340

Just took out a bunch of tether loans so they get wiped. LETS GO

>> No.22527810

If tether goes it'll crash btc hard

>> No.22527855

aint u tired of being wrong bird?

>> No.22527890

He isn’t wrong... check Twitter

>> No.22528120

every years we get a china fud and then follow by tether, pretty boring

>> No.22528136

Bitcoin existed before tether, can you believe that? Wow, isn't that shocking you fucking filthy newfag. That bitcoin, yeah I know, BITCOIN, existed well beyond scam shit tether ever did CRAZY?!

>> No.22528161


I would like to send you a tip for being based. What is your Liberty Reserve account?

>> No.22528270

What was the price back then? Just wondering.

>> No.22528322

tether started trading in january 2015.
guess where the bottom of the 2013 crash was? :)

>> No.22528371


I really hope it dies.

>> No.22528372


>> No.22528376

load ze India fud

>> No.22528396

reality is, there is no "halvening pump". the entire second cycle from 2015 to 2017 was pure tether manipulation and they wont be able to repeat it because regulators are cracking down on them.
its over for crypto only retards cannot see it

>> No.22528400

Check my linkies they super stinky

>> No.22528416


>> No.22528446
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>Do I look like a retard to you?

>> No.22528454


No. There are no regulators. There are no crackdowns. Its been 2 years of this message being pushed out and still? nothing.

>> No.22529462

>If tether goes

>> No.22529544

are we sure that’s true...? very bullish for bitcoin and xrp...

>> No.22529620

You right based bro, they will pull that thing forever

>> No.22529677
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>they have been begging nyag to give mercy after 3 years of not complying
>wow what could possibly be coming when theyre forced to hand them over

>> No.22529710

Nice means I'll buy more btc

>> No.22529733
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It was less tether printing and more ethereum hype. Btc was the gateway to eth and other shitcoin icos.
Since then tether took over the market. Its no 4 on marketcap and trades higher vol then everything else.
Btc is going back under 3k eventually.

>> No.22529767
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>> No.22529886

Firstly, we need to determine what might initiate the Tether death spiral. It seems that until some damning and definitive evidence of Tether printing unbacked USDT comes to light, they will continue to print Tether at an increasingly alarming rate.

Tether will likely never release an audit which would implicate themselves in fraudulent business practice. Therefore; the only event which could cause this scam to unravel would be an insider leaking proof of Tethers' insolvency.

If this were to occur it seems the first thing that would happen is: coins with USDT pairs would be sold for Bitcoin causing dramatic losses amongst alt coins. Bitcoin (possibly lite coin and etherium also) price would likely rise at first due to the massive influx of money being converted.

Soon after, holders will begin to attempt to transfer BTC to exchanges which offer USD pairs. Transaction times and fees will likely skyrocket at this point. Coinbase and other exchanges where users can cash out to fiat will find their servers overloaded as has been the case many times before, but on a much larger scale.

Exchanges such as Bittrex may 'temporarily' suspend withdrawals at this time. Or wallets may conveniently be 'undergoing maintenance' which seems to be happening increasingly frequently.

>> No.22529903

With transactions piling up and news spreading, Bitcoin panic selling will begin for those fortunate enough to be able to transfer their coins and/or log on to Coinbase. At this point many alt coins will likely have completely crashed and Bitcoin price will drop extremely quickly. How far is difficult to say. 50-75% is a conservative estimate in my opinion.

Consumer confidence will be lost for some time. Many alt coins may never recover. News will begin circulating that those claiming 'Bitcoin is a fraud' or 'bubble' were right. Influx of new money will decrease significantly, possibly for years, until better and safer exchanges are developed with greater regulation.

Tether and Bitfinex insiders will make off with Billions of dollars which they gained from printing money out of thin air, trading it for Bitcoin then to real fiat. Who will hold them accountable?

This is the doomsday scenario which I think many of us have had in the back of our minds for the last several months. The longer that Tether is able to continue operating without providing real proof of solvency, the worse this outcome may be when it finally does collapse. It may be that this continues for months or even years. I know that I will not hold Tether for any amount of time.

I certainly hope this scenario never plays out. I just felt it necessary to consider the possibility and where it may lead. What do you all think? Is this overestimating the significance of Tether in this market?

>> No.22529976

>If tether goes it'll crash btc hard
if tether meltdown happens it will be ultra bullish for btc with all people trying to quickly sell useless stable coins for BTC before USDT/USDC/DAI/USD goes to zero since all of them are backed by thin air but BTC which is hard/sound money

>> No.22530068

Read this

>> No.22530104
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>a reddit spaced pasta

>> No.22530197

1st tether isn't going anywhere, you are delusional
2nd btc doesn't care about tether, eth doesn't either, nobody does

>> No.22530549

>It seems that until some damning and definitive evidence of Tether printing unbacked USDT
why should it be unbacked lmao?
this would be a serious crime and no one of the team would put themselves into it

>> No.22530742

Nah why should theter collapse? I have 200k in theter farming on binance

>> No.22530766

tether started trading at the exact bottom of the 2013 crash. if it wasnt for tether bitcoin would still be below 1k today. you're a fucking clueless delusional retard

>> No.22530797

I've legit never see any vendor or website accept tether, despite it being a top 3 coin. no one wants anything to do with the us dollar

>> No.22530808

If this thread doesnt tell you to buy silver and gold idk what you're doing with your life

>> No.22530962
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>> No.22531128

When is Tether going to zero?

>> No.22531605

why should it?

>> No.22531701

it's actually silver.

>> No.22531861


>> No.22532327
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because its not backed 1:1 by real dollars

>> No.22532386

Some of you guys are allright. Listen to this rant by Jordan Belfort, he should know more than anyone what these fuckers have done to the market. It's a fucking air castle. Just ask yourself this. What is the price of Bitcoin if no one wants to buy it?


>> No.22532421
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So it shall be done

>> No.22532449

>Jordan Memefort
If not for a blockbuster movie, would you know who this man is? I'll personally remove you from the gene pool you stupid impressionable piece of shit

>> No.22532513

Bitcoin existed well before tether and was trending upward the entire time.

You can't have the argument that printing tether made BTC go parabolic when they were printing the entire time it was crashing. This old low IQ fud is just stale at this point.

>> No.22532516

There's one thing he knows about profoundly though: fraud.

I know, it's hard to let go of your get rich quick dream.

>> No.22532567
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Whatever, good luck with whatever it is you're doing

>> No.22532608

It's the same logic for anything used as currency you fucking troglodyte.