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File: 155 KB, 1040x1416, brehs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22526258 No.22526258 [Reply] [Original]

Brehs, what's do I do? Started at $530 now less than $200, that's about a months and a half sallary, help me brehs

>> No.22526577

bump, please, im tired of being poor, i just want to make like 10k a year out of this...is that possible?

>> No.22526596

XRP little by little, might take a few years of diamond hands but you’ll make it

>> No.22526626

Dude gtfo out of market if you can't weather a moderate period of drawdown
Defi and faggots killing me

>> No.22526648

Chill the fuck out. Look at the chart for BTC (and basically all coins) in September of 2017. This is normal. Things will pick back up in a month.

Your portfolio is probably fine. Maybe look into RSR and buy now because of the dip

>> No.22526724

Its not a problem for me to wait, but should I invest more? Or just leave it as is? Should I swap the IOTX for something else? Im basically FOMOing hard...

>> No.22526792
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my advice: rebalance 33% each into eth/btc or renbtc. Then 16.5% in two shitcoins you believe in.
dca into them when the price is below the 21day moving average other wise just buy usdc & wait until it drops below again.
what kind of Nigerian jigaboo are you that $530 is 2.5 months wages?!!

>> No.22526867

yes, invest more.

>> No.22526913

Now sell, then fomo back in when it starts pumping

>> No.22526936

I'd put more in. Bring entries down

>> No.22526968

USSR I guess

>> No.22526997

Thanks for the advice, I will do that. Do you have any recommended shitcoins?
Im from Eastern Europe, working in Germany right now on a contract and then going back home. I didnt have enough money to finish my education yet so Im stuck with the lowest paid jobs available. Im not trying to make it big, fren, just live comfortably. Thank you again for all the help!

>> No.22527018

>Bring entries down
What do you mean by this?

>> No.22527038
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You are going to need at least 1 Bitcoin to survive the apocalypse. You don't have much time left to accumulate.

>> No.22527265

Ill never survive the apocalypse at this rate...Should I unironically just kms?

>> No.22527438
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Thanks again, fren, and good luck!

>> No.22527578
File: 210 KB, 720x1063, Screenshot_20200915-233750_CoinGecko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whatever I suggest will get ripped apart here.
I would say yfi should be one
the other should be a cheap one that fluctuates wildly
>pic related
set a limit sell at 10-20% higher then you bought it & trade for renbtc or a stablecoin like usdc or paxg
See what's undervalued & set limit buy.
rinse repeat

>> No.22527602
File: 43 KB, 600x600, brapnqueeef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy in at a lower amount

>> No.22527609

You can make it friend, if you can't invest more right now don't do it, calm down a little bit and when you start seeing some gains, sell and buy more with those gains, like a snowball, let it grow slowly

>> No.22527658
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>> No.22527738
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OK, I'll screenshot your posts so that I can re read them whenever I've got doubts. Will have to look at how to set a limit sell on coinbase because I can only trade on my phone right now. You've been very kind and helpful!
Thanks, fren, I hope we all will. Thank you for the advice! You are right I should just calm down, Ive been lurking for some time but only started to invest about a month ago. I should take it more as a skill that I need to learn than as a get rich quick kind of thing. Thanks!

>> No.22527876
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When there's a correction or massive dump, you need to change your disposition on any investment: this is a prime buying opportunity, or to DCA into shit you currently hold that got dumped on hard. I still am pretty new to this and only started a year ago. I did a little DCA in April andy crypto bounced back by July, allowing me to take profits and start a PM stack. But like >>22526792 said, just pick a few shitcoins you have faith in (I hold 10k RSR myself) and keep some ETH on standby at all times to be able to buy some alts your bullish on during a good dip. You got this OP.

>> No.22527910
File: 49 KB, 460x575, 20200809_175927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

coinbase pro has limit but only on the 12 or so coins they sell
for erc20 shittokens use pine.finance or 1inch

>> No.22527942

Based on your posts in this thread, you seem to have literally no idea what you are doing. You should sell it all for BTC or ETH and forget about it once you break even.

>> No.22527967

don't know why I'm being so nice tonight

>> No.22527969

Ignore this. Anyone telling you to buy ripple is seriously retarded. Xrp is the worst investment in the entire crypto space.

>> No.22527995

>investing on a coin that literally has "stablecoin" on its name
>$530 is about a months and a half salary
ngmi, that's why you will always be a filthy poojeet third worlder.

>> No.22528016

I'll second this. They only keep snatching up gets because there's a bot that can time the posts to say "digits confirm" to get anyone they can to pump their delusional bags.

>> No.22528071

there's your first 2 problems you invest in faggot tokens

>> No.22528076

xrp is a jew trick avoid

>> No.22528232
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Hey, it's good I caught you in a good mood. There's a lot I need to learn, hopefully Ill do it before I lose more money, I'm going to follow your advice. I was using uniswap before but this two look much better. Thanks, frens! I hope I'll make you proud!

>> No.22528359

>Started at $530 now less than $200, that's about a months and a half sallary
>that's about a months and a half sallary


>> No.22528413

https://app.uniswap.org/#/swap?inputCurrency=0x2321eb093fabab1a355a235db5efa20b0a21cdad thank me later boys early af on this. one https://unicrypt.network/uniswap-browser/pair/0xEA23AB8c3c048b8Fa6C8a76BA4b89fF2914bB87B

>> No.22528462

Queryfi another low cap DeFi gem
Monitising query platform and rewarding $QFI tokens for best answers.
only $480k approx Market cap .
uniswap listing within 24 hours after hard cap.
30% initial liquidity.
Telegram: queryfi
Public sale soon.
Team tokens locked for a year
Looks good earning opportunity

>> No.22528495

You need to go in harder. Fiat is dead and the central banks are panicking. If you don't go all in on crypto NOW you will be left in the dust.

Silver and Gold are also good backups.

>> No.22528557
File: 107 KB, 428x483, Screenshot_20200618-020608_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we all start somewhere
filthy paki snakecharmers
go balls deep

>> No.22529282

this is nonsense. buy more if you think it will go up don’t think about your average price it means nothing

>> No.22529293

cash out, buy a suit, and get a job bucko; better use of your time than diversifying with this poorfolio

>> No.22529315

also wash your penis

>> No.22529331

That's nothing, I used to have 3k, now I have 50$

>> No.22529382

how did that even happen? did you get scammed more than once

>> No.22529388

Looking for a good low cap defi project to invest??
Easyfi is one hidden gem
Easyfi is a layer 2 solutions lending project coming up on matic network.
Easyfi is a fork of compound and making sure to remove drawbacks of compound. Easyfi is working on under collateralisation. As of now there is 196% of collateral asked in order to borrow on defi lending platform.
Easyfi working on to make it 100 or below 100%.
Looks amazing project. Dyor.
No public or private sale.
Only friends and family round which is already done. Listing on listing soon.
Tg: easyfinetwork

>> No.22529408

Just got dumped a lot, and the final blow was someone stealing all of my YFV from my wallet (fuck CB wallet)

>> No.22529421

When listing? When farming? When white paper? When moon? When lambo

>> No.22529439

ah im sorry anon. yes fuck CB

>> No.22529480
File: 220 KB, 1048x1619, IMG_20200916_155846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy pic related until you make it

>> No.22529555

Why sushi?

>> No.22529583

1960s batmans catwoman butt. quality taste friend

>> No.22529588

>profit means nothing
duh don't buy more if you think its gonna go DOWN