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File: 208 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180102-190708.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22522360 No.22522360 [Reply] [Original]

Hello Frens,

I write to you in hopes that you will be able to provide me with hope. I'd like to talk to oldfags that have experience with altcoins.

I began investing in Bitcoin and alts in August 2017 with $20,000 by January 6 2018, my portfolio was $260,000

My portfolio crashed from $260,000 to $17,000 a year later, and I was heartbroken at the one in a lifetime opportunity I had to pay off my debts and other stuff. However, I learned about cycles and kept pouring my income into crypto, mostly altcoins. I now have sizeable positions of monero, eth, iota, bitcoin, nano, vechain, etc. I invested an additional $60,000 so my total investment is $80k. I got lucky with the 2k chainlink i had and sold at $19 this year, but most of my alts are still at -80 to -97% although I greatly increased my positions. Some went to zero (such as prl). My current portfolio is $120k or around 11.5 BTC.

Where I need help is, according to my calculations I have bought about 18 btc from my investments with an average buy in around 4500 and would have way more money if I had just bought and held btc ONLY. However, if the cycle repeats, the alt pumps will start around dec-april of 2021 and will vastly outperform BTC. I can sell alts back to btc and (hopefully) end the next cycle around 40-50 btc, pay off my debts, buy a few toys and hold 21 btc forever.

My question for oldfags is: do you think the cycle will repeat, whats alts are promising, what did you do to time the market in the past? Or should I just give up the sunk cost fallacy, sell my alts at a loss and hodl my 11.25 btc??

>> No.22522369
File: 67 KB, 975x481, Portfolio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My portfolio dec 2017

>> No.22522416

Another question I have is WHY did alts pump Dec 2016-June 2017 BEFORE the major bull run. People in shit like DCR, XRP, Dash and others made a killing beginning Jan 2017, way outperforming BTC

>> No.22522452
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LMAO at one time I condensed my portfolio into these coins and I am so lucky I went back into BTC when I realized the music really did stop playing and BTC was the only way to survive. All in all, I got REKT

>> No.22522747

Bump. Please someone provide input before thread dies.

>> No.22522841

Ah yes I held my raiblocks bag from 1.5 to ath back down and sold at 2. Fml was thinking it was going to 100

>> No.22522944

Old bags that have pump will not be able to pump back to ath. It'll be like the coins from like 2015 in 2017. The 2015 that had pump in 2015 didn't get a massive pump in 2017. Only new shit get pump because no bag holders so easier to pump, when everyone is making money. The 2015 coins become relevant andd phase out by 2017 coins. And the cycle repeats. new coins get getting pump, leaving the 2017 bag holder to die. 2017 bag holders will get phased out, too. There might be an exit pump on some 2017 coins but who knows.

>> No.22522966

OP I think you have proven to yourself that you are not a trader. Legit, this is one of the worst performing portfolios I have ever seen.

Buy BTC and hold.

>> No.22523028
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just to clarify, I didn't come here because of your bump, I sort by creation date.

I'm not going to tell you what to do, just what I did
alright, I'm also from 2017
invested 6k of my dad's money and it all went down to 1k

we had written it off as a loss and tried to forget about it

but last month I came back, I was smarter and better, quickly caught up with what's going on and instantly found very promising projects
took some of the money and invested in them, in less than a week I was up 10,000%
realizing that I struck gold I went all in and am now back to a point where I'm in profit again.
I'm expecting to actually make it with $100k in a few years too, so things are looking up
right now I'm trying to invest more of my fiat too

I'd recommend you to do the same if you want to ever see your money again
and probably more than what you had in 2017

>> No.22523194

Too many people think the cycle will repeat itself and when it doesn't there will be a sharp sell off, this will be the time to buy at a great discount, be patient and take advantage of the cheap coins.

There are far to many longs betting it will follow its normal cycle. For now try experimenting with yield farming and staking. Use a little bit first so you understand how it works.

>> No.22523465

Are you still holding all of those nanos?

>> No.22523483

Yeah, like I said. I continued buying for the past few years. I have 10k nano now

>> No.22523588

Personally anon I would take your initial investment or convert it all into btc. Or just move your initial investment into btc and the rest into eth.

>> No.22523693

that’s the worst portfolio i’ve ever seen. 2017 shitcoins are never coming back. sell all of it into eth and btc. start reading about the current state of crypto. start with yfi.

>> No.22523726

>buy my scam shitcoin instead at 30k

>> No.22524100

What makes you even think for a second that something like nano is going to do anything when it has basically crabbed to oblivion while other known projects have doubled or tripled this year? There is literally no reason to be holding that coin over anything else other than sunk cost. You should probably take a long hard look in the mirror and figure out what the fuck you are trying to do bagholding shit like that.

>> No.22524129


>> No.22524654

You should buy at least 2.18 BSV, trust me

>> No.22525011

instant, feeless payments

>> No.22525756

>Another question I have is WHY did alts pump Dec 2016-June 2017 BEFORE the major bull run.

>> No.22525871

It will all happen again.
And read about AMPL

>> No.22525877

i think you've answered your own question here. you can either time the market with altcoins and hope you get lucky (or you get destroyed), or invest in top 3-5 coins and never seriously need to look at the market again. it's up to you, but it sounds like you'd be better suited to the latter strategy considering the bags and your previous history

>> No.22526074

So how do the characters work? You only need to roll for 1 of each? What if you get duplicated character? what do you do with the extra? sell them? is that an option?

>> No.22526088

I feel bad for you dude, but get back into Chainlink now. Most of your holdings are not good. If you want to "minimize risk," you can diversify, but still have your majority holdings in LINK.


This list is in order for how much I suggest you allocate your money into. Remember, MAJORITY IN LINK

>> No.22526108

It's not really feeless, you just do your own POW which actually can be pretty expensive compared to just paying a miner if your device is weak. That doesn't matter though because nano is a meme coin. It's probably worth holding. I can see it acting like LTC in 2017 in the next bull run.

Smartest thing to do would be consolidate your portfolio into XMR.

>> No.22526151

No one in this thread has even mentioned it, so I will help you out.

Chainlink is literally the key to blockchain adoption. This is the order:
Bitcoin - blockchain technology
Ethereum - smart contracts and decentralized applications
Chainlink - oracles to connect real-world data to those smart contracts situated within blockchains

>> No.22526260

You have an opportunity right now, because everything is discounted. If you are looking for a sign, I am your sign. The risk and opportunity cost of consolidating your position into anything other than LINK will screw you over.

>SWIFT, Google, Microsoft, Oracle, and the entire country of China
Those are the only partnerships I can think of on the spot.

>> No.22526301

You absolute retard. Almost nothing from 2017 is going to have a meaningful pump. Why would it?

You don't have a clue what's going on because the broader defi market is popping off like the 17 altcoin market, and it's insane.

This is the cycle repeating. Old shit that pumped and died stays dead while new stuff pumps and dies. The promising projects that deliver stay around.

That's it.

>> No.22526390

In all seriousness, do you want to contact each other? I can try to help you to the best of my abilities. Of course I will respect your anonymity, just use a false alias or something and we can chat through twitter.

>> No.22526484


>> No.22526609
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32 ETH, ~3 BTC, 5k LINK, rest in assorted shitcoins as you please. Leave the ETH and LINK alone until it's time, and simply increase/decrease your BTC holdings depending on how much risk you want to take. At a minimum I would sell off the IOTA and NANO and find new positions. Keep your XMR.