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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 640 KB, 1080x1726, chainlink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22515174 No.22515174 [Reply] [Original]

I thought WE were the oracle solution. Did we get too cocky Link bros?

>> No.22515208

Rip polkadot, they had a good run.

>> No.22515210


lmfao buzzword trash
linkies get the rope
defi gets the rope
yield farming gets the rope
xrp the standard

>> No.22515250

Isnt bluzelle like ancient? What is up with these old shitcoins. That in mind is this a good time to buy, or just speculation.

>> No.22515360

I feel like polkadot is one giant scam

>> No.22515406

>our json parser is unique

return "{'is_unique':'no'}"

>> No.22515418
File: 45 KB, 1072x452, 1599061421846.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


their final chance to make some money on the current DeFi buzzword and Oracle buzz

Weasels last fart.

Chainlink has cornered the market. Catching up would cost 2 years of Dev time. It may seem hard to understand for us who have been in the know for Link since 2017, but a lot of people have only just started to grasp what an Oracle is or why it is important.
We are in the phase where people who want a piece of the pie are not well researched and are having a go at making one, and are in the kind of "you dont know how much you dont know" phase in terms of the Oracle problem. So these devs all will abruptly come to realise how hard it is, and their shitty solutions were already researched and dump by Link years ago.

It results in things like Pic related. kek.

They are arrogant atm, but by the time they come to realise why Sergey went the route he did with Link, it will be another year or more in Dev time behind Link.