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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22507289 No.22507289 [Reply] [Original]

If they're fudding, they're only trying to accumulate more.

>> No.22507618

anon.. I need you to take out your calculator and calculate me the market cap if the price is 100
I'm waiting

>> No.22507712

did the math for you stupid nigger
>10.6 bil

>> No.22507754

now tell me, does that sound feasible, you dumb sandnigger

>> No.22507767

Sounds reasonable to me

>> No.22507823
File: 178 KB, 600x900, 1084084951.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't conceive of any crypto ever having a market cap so large, that's actually insane how could it be possible

>> No.22507832
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>> No.22508533

It does in a bullrun.
Go look at market caps for various shitcoins that do less than 10% useful things than Xsn in the 2017 bullrun.

>> No.22508701


>> No.22508758
File: 58 KB, 492x367, 1594483011798.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh nooooo, it won't reach $100 unless we get a golden bullrun, making me 500 times my initial investment.

>> No.22508897

>leaves off the most recent 4-5 week stretch where it bled
Hm, very curious and convenient

>> No.22508921

Anon it's over. YFI beat us all over.
Aave borrowing already stealthily beat us all by providing a superior form of staking.
YFI simply streamlined and provided more volume for Aave's idea.

YFI is the next Bitcoin, bigger and stronger than Ethereum, 1000x stronger than Chainlink.

>> No.22508943
File: 386 KB, 1191x793, 1598370150875.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't believe i bought this shit at 0.10c
what a fucking waste. i should have sold at 0.4c and moved into something else. when's the next shill campaign happening so i can break down my nodes before hand, next year?

>> No.22509035
File: 167 KB, 1160x1420, xsnFUD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was this you?
Every week a new coin larps as the nu "XSN killer"

>> No.22509273
File: 46 KB, 1085x526, Livecocks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no, how will Stakies ever recover.

>> No.22509873

>balloons unnaturally to almost 5000 sats
>has now hovered at 2000 and never leaves it
This is like bragging that shrimp is a good long term investment because it had a 1000% blip for a day

>> No.22509876
File: 48 KB, 680x564, 1474923484633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's alright. They'll still be here concern shilling
>the dump to 5k sat
>the dump to 10k sat
>the dump to 15k sat
>y-yeah Hydra nodes are deployed b-but t-thERE WAS A TYPO IN ONE OF THE DEV UPDATES SCAM
Seething all the way up the mountain and into the sky.

>> No.22510027
File: 31 KB, 320x323, 1497272273110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice pepe.

Cope more.

>> No.22510481

ill buy your whole stack :D

>> No.22510965

>only effective, scalable decentralized layer 2 trading and arbitrage solution that allows cross chain swaps with no wrapped assets
yeah sounds pretty fucking accurate to me. do you know how much money arbitrageurs could earn by using L2 aggregators between cexes to arbitrage without having to wait for conf times or pay on chain fees?

imagine you can move BTC liquidity between binance, bittrex and bitfinex in 3 seconds as opposed to 10+ minutes, and it only costs you $0.02 as opposed to $5+.

the whole market suddenly becomes your oyster, the dex becomes the glue that holds the crypto verse together, and bridges chains to connect the ecosystem.

how much is that solution worth to you? because I tell you what Alameda isn't going to think twice about buying into a master node so they can own a piece of the market, even if that slice of the pie costs $1.5 MM.