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22494125 No.22494125 [Reply] [Original]

Everything's about to collapse massively isn't it :(

>> No.22494142

we can only hope anon

>> No.22494146

I wouldn't know because he wouldn't shut the fuck up when Adam Curry was trying to drop knowledge

>> No.22494149

joe seems like an XRP kind guy

>> No.22494150

Not before doubling

>> No.22494166


>> No.22494174

Nah the next stimulus with the new system will happen before the crash

>> No.22494177

nah probably cardano and stellar and bitcoin, he's a midwit boomer

>> No.22494185

bull trap

>> No.22494186

i wasn't sure if that was controlled opposition right in my face or rogan just being his usual idiot self

>> No.22494193

Just buy the collapse bro

>> No.22494206

nah every time someone talks about bitcoin to him he always says the same thing "what if theres something else though" even way back during the peter schiff interviews, i think hes in the "know"

>> No.22494209
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dood joe is a cia shill. they put the breaks on any crypto talk. he literally would not shut the fuck up. i wanted to battle axe his head

look up pre cia joe rogans take on the moon landing, and then tell me hes the same guy, thats a clone, or someone important threatened his feels.

>> No.22494229

bit of both, he was drunk but you could tell he wanted to move on with the convo

>> No.22494237

The entire economy is a bull trap
bears have been getting shafted for too long to not see a little something out of all of this

Trump pushed the next stimulus down the road and no action is being taken until December, so no stimulus.

Just buy the collapse bro

>> No.22494334

Market makers don’t care if it’s bull or bear and retailers don’t matter they’re paying some savant 500k a year plus bonus to play around with 50m a day tape reading 1,3,5’s at a clearing house desk

>> No.22494382

Crypto, web3 shit is literally a Davos project lmfao imagine thinking the “establishment” is against I’ve already seen drafts for paying taxes IN crypto

>> No.22494397
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What could he possibly know hmm

>> No.22494428



I think you mean 3,6,9s.

>> No.22494457

Save some money and invest in something worthwhile. Looking forward to the day xrp isn't in the top 50 anymore and I never have to see the stupid logo ever again.

>> No.22494458

imagine larping on 4chinz

>> No.22494482


>> No.22494492

he probably just listens to what jamie tells him, jamie seems like the kinda guy that would be into BAT, NANO, XRP, maybe chainlink after it hit $20

>> No.22494578

There are already proposed legislations for paying tax in crypto in a couple countries why you be surprised if that policy came to fruition lmao you can use google too

>> No.22494730
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poverty is rising with the stonk market.
there are riots in every corner of the globe.
secret police are snatching people off the street in every corner of the globe.
the planet is burning and melting.
we're all gonna /make it/

>> No.22494747

bullrun starts 9/28

>> No.22494775

explain this please

>> No.22494845

it’s pretty crazy Jamie’s dad went to a navy college for information warfare tho what are the chances he ends up working on the most popular podcast in the world

>> No.22494965

is this a thought map?
it it your thought map?

>> No.22494987

And Jim Morrison's dad was the commander in charge of the Gulf of Tonkin

>> No.22495127

banks are totally going to buy your bags at a premium

>> No.22495239

A canton in Switzerland already allows for it,.

>> No.22495242

the hippe movement was a psyop

>> No.22495297

Everybody who is somebody has mil connections

>> No.22495442

Normies don't matter as much as the nay sayers want us to think, Stock Market is not an indicator of economic health in all climates.

Stocks are going up, because the movers of the market are becoming more wealthy including the said companies driving the growth. The market will continue its upwards trend in the long term.

A couple of unemployed poor people isn't gonna change that, unless of course you sell on panic news like a goy.

>> No.22495627

the way i see it, and i could be v wrong, is that the dollar is falling and the market may crash but companies would still valued pretty similarly to what they are now. once the market chills a bit but the dollar keeps falling in value due to QE then stocks should dildo up. this happened last time in March and i don't see why this wouldn't happen even more if a crash occurs and we still print like crazy

so basically hold stocks and buy more as the market crashes i guess

>> No.22495774

Who says it's going to converge?

>> No.22495810
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For anybody that doesn't know what the K shaped recovery is, it's the stock market soaring to all time highs while a 3rd of the country is looking at evictions and foreclosures.

That's because our leadership only knows how to manage the economy by giving rich people money, hoping that they're greedy enough to exploit the cheap labor. Usually that actually works (like it or not), but not when you need workers to stay home.
Since there's a lot of money to invest, but labor has been taken off the table, it can only generate asset bubbles.

The civil unrest in the streets around the world all march for different surface level causes, but underneath it all, the peasants are losing everything they have to lose.
Meanwile the state has no obligation to the peasants in order to stay in power. They have an obligation to the market makers and to the gunmen.

>> No.22495842

If there's something I learned this year is that the collapse will never happen. It's all just too big to fail, so the illusion of being 'alive' will be pushed by all means possible.

>> No.22495931

He changed his ideas on conspiracies after his show where he went and talked to a bunch of conspiracy people and realized most of it is horse shit

>> No.22496003

Laurel Canyon

>> No.22496208

> That's because our leadership only knows how to manage the economy by giving rich people money
They literally printed billions of dollars for people making less than 100k/yr, which is most middle-class and poor Americans.

>> No.22496244

Or, it's just that he's mostly retarded like most moon landing deniers.

>> No.22496308

Adam Curry is def into decentralization.
rogain wouldnt let him talk

>> No.22496316
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>billions of dollars
Only a fraction of that went to the plebs and if you think any number of dollars is significant at this point compared to real wealth then you should go print a picture of a 5 star steak and eat that for dinner.

>> No.22496330

yup and more will follow

>> No.22496348

Jamie got an A in science class too when he blew out edgy brav on flat earth.

>> No.22496584

I watched the first ever podcast today and he uses the word gay all the time to diss stuff, now he is politically correct

>> No.22496617

the people rioting were never going to fucking make it

>> No.22496667

that dude knows fucking nothing "hey joe you need bitcoin, nah don't bother with those other alt scams", he has zero idea what we are doing and he just knows that criminals use bitcoin and so it would be good to hide money in

>> No.22496716

rogaine is a massive faggot

fuck you nigger op for posting that tranny

>> No.22496727

where does it lead to? total collapse?

>> No.22496804

The economy has been slowly collapsing for the past 50 years, faster at certain times like 2008 than others. When our leaders sold us out and outsourced and insourced all of our jobs to the third world, that's when everything went downhill and our course was set for serfdom.

>> No.22497230

honestly uniswap is a great tool but holy fuck if this doesn't feel like 2017 with ico scams but instead with uniswap rug pulls. Alot of this crap is gonna fall flat on it's face and theres gonna be nothing but red wojacks in the biz catalog

>> No.22497259
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Bunch of fucking 3rd worlders and chinks in here. Covid was found to be virtually harmless to 99.98% of the population. Everything is reopening. From here it's just political theater. It's time to get to work helping people in need and we have here a bunch of faggots, foreign tribes, and zoomers who don't know what to do in a recession.

If you haven't made it yet donate your time to local charities. You will meet someone who has and they will take notice of you.

Stop being worthless.

>> No.22497294


>> No.22497951

This guy sounds too gay and British for me, sorry can't watch.

>> No.22498152

>billions of dollars

Cool, a fighter jet

>> No.22498274
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>> No.22498301

>he says that before 2nd wave

>> No.22498326

Learn more about economics. Bunch of brain dead idiotic in this thread, step up your game. Conceptually understand what’s going on instead of parroting one bit of information.

>> No.22498629

i was so pissed. i think he was doing it on purpose theres no way you can be that much of a dick while someone is trying to tell you some shit lol.

>> No.22498660
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Yes, I'm worried about that too.

>> No.22498828

Cardano seems like a possible good investment, just overvalued and awaiting correction.

>> No.22498851
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You are going to need at least 1 Bitcoin to survive the apocalypse.

>> No.22498900

Go fud somewhere else mr negre suisse.

>> No.22498911
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>> No.22498924

>If you haven't made it yet donate your time to local charities. You will meet someone who has and they will take notice of you.

That's actually... some of the best advice I've read.

>> No.22498979

He's an Aussie cunt

>> No.22499058
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cool read anon

>> No.22499183

numerals confirm

>> No.22499203

There is no reason for the market to pump and rally before the US election results

>> No.22499215

It is. I predict it collapsing in 1 or 2 days. People are getting greedy again.

>> No.22499222

This number follows me. Since a child.

>> No.22499277

Meds now

>> No.22499840
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At least check the lad before criticizing his angel number, shill

>> No.22499857

you mean like collapse like a buying opportunity on LOKI collapse?

>> No.22499916

not sure if you’re serious you’ll meet some of the most degen fake virtue signallers one the world or people doing shit to put on their CV you’re better off going to rural car shows or something in all seriousness

>> No.22499936

or barber shops you can meet some cool people while you’re waiting

>> No.22499977

Both, definitely both

>> No.22499979

most of the rich people I know who do charities do the building schools in South America shit so they have a reason to travel cuz they’re retired and bored and most of them are Christian so I guess it’s good way to network with wholesome ppl

>> No.22500026


Thank you


Checked full house of truth
Also agree he was getting shut up real fast. I think real schizos are beyond the average normie on crypto knowledge, and that challenges joe Rogans intelligence/spotify contract a little too much

>> No.22500032
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>> No.22500035

how is that fudding it will get mass adoption and will be used as a hedge, institutional custody etc its a delusion to think crypto is anti-establishment though the opposite will make smart city dystopia a reality and the government will be entitled to a piece of your crypto if you want to participate in society

>> No.22500058

Not until January, or whatever month follows the extension yet again