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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 78 KB, 770x800, 1573804638349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22494959 No.22494959 [Reply] [Original]


But seriously who tf kind of people are you? Would I recognize you if I saw you? Would you be wearing Klan Member memorabilia? I'm an electrical engineering student. I also work full time. My life actually sucks, but, Chainlink is the light at the end of my dark tunnel.

>> No.22494968

You might recognize my pee pee and my poo poo

>> No.22494980
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A-anon.. -I

>> No.22494982

You might recognize us by the smell. All us linkies are stinkies.

>> No.22495003
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>> No.22495005

Electrical Engineering student here. We could be in the same class anon.

>> No.22495029
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my lord..

>> No.22495043
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>> No.22495062

They're satanists

>> No.22495081
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>But seriously who tf kind of people are you

I'm a retard

>> No.22495085

You can recognize me by the dark bags under my eyes, unkempt hair, my ripped gymcel physique and the twitching from caffeine overstimulation

>> No.22495087

im a normal guy who got lucky. i checked out block chain because of censorship and had heard you could host from the block chain. stumbled into link and that was it.

>> No.22495113
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Im a Swipe hodler

>> No.22495135

You might mistake me for this guy

>> No.22495142

I'm your Dad, Clean your room son, its smells like a gay bar in the 70's

>> No.22495166

>its smells like a gay bar in the 70's
Well, you would know

>> No.22495176

>But seriously who tf kind of people are you? Would I recognize you if I saw you?
Nah man you wouldn't. Outside this place I act like a normie redditor to fit in. But in here I can be the person I really am. No consequences.

>> No.22495178
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I'm actually doing maths rn, have consumed 1000mg of caffeine cumulatively today. I have already drank a gallon of water. A syringe of adrenaline would be better for my kidneys.

>> No.22495200
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>> No.22495224
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>> No.22495258

I am browsing /biz/, drinking coffee, putting off building a website for my slave masters
Basically mashing F5 hoping I can call in and quit
Any time now right?

>> No.22495313
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>> No.22495331

You would never in a million years be able to guess I am one of you, right up until I open my mouth. I am the most socially inept person I know.

>> No.22495361
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For that I am taking another 30 minute break to make a coffee too which I shall be paid in full

>> No.22495386
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i just got back from doing electrical work..
on my lambo, on my yacht. in the future.

>> No.22495388
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Are you the 6'4" chad that worked at the grocery store with me? Always shy, was fired as a swim suit model, never had any luck the wymyns because of shyness, but just recently discovered bumbl existed and it somehow made small incremints to your low self esteem even though you didn't have the courage to go out with anyone?

>> No.22495397

>building a website for my slave masters
Other worldly reminder that Front end is absolute garbage.

>> No.22495433
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>> No.22495439
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you're doing great, don't worry :)

>> No.22495459
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Blessed is thee. You have superior levels of wisdom to guide you.

>> No.22495469

But it pays the bills that your shitcoins doesn’t.

>> No.22495479
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>> No.22495508

is drinking lots of coffe and whater bad for kidneys? it makes me thirsty but i thought i could just drink tons of water and be fine = (

>> No.22495534


>> No.22495555

Back end chad here my bills get paid too.

>> No.22495560

I am not 6'4", and I wouldn't say I am shy, it's more along the lines of: I can't ever follow the conversations people are having, or what mood they are in. I say what I think is a logical reaction to their words and they get offended.

>> No.22495582

You wouldn't recognize me. I only wear $5 for 3-kind of shirts and worn out jeans. On special occasions I don a nice watch, but I doubt you'd be around for those. I also don't drive an expensive meme car. The only way we'd ever get to know each other is by making shitposts on this faggot board.

>> No.22495592


>> No.22495593
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Well anon.. I had an uncle that drank 3 2liters of cocacola a day. he had 17 kidney stones in about a year.

I have been drinking shit loads of water for about 4 years, and have been consuming this much caffeine 5 days a week, with two days of rest. I haven't had any pains yet, nothing abnormal. It is harder on the kidneys, but if you don't supplement the drug with fluids you're asking for it. Just be smart. I read that caffeine can decrease your risk of kidney stones, as you're forcing your body to dump a lot of fluids. Just supplement the fluids you've lost. I'm my own test subject. I'm fine for now. I had blood work two years ago and they said my liver and kidneys were fine.

>> No.22495601
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ty fren

>> No.22495617
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No way im in the CIA too, we might be in the same office right now

>> No.22495619
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ty fren, you too

>> No.22495630
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Back end chads just keep on winning.

>> No.22495638
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Do you guys just convince you superiors this place is a threat so you can browse here all day too?

>> No.22495641
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Forever. Until we leave our final shitpost.

>> No.22495648

Fucking checked, I like your style

>> No.22495655

But i need to make a my unity fishing game

>> No.22495665

That's gonna be a long time from now. I love you niggers.

>> No.22495669
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>> No.22495688
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I love you nigger.

>> No.22495717


There are a lot of EEs on Biz

t. EE :^)

>> No.22495775


>> No.22495785
File: 37 KB, 768x1024, 1574983163037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


EE's are 1/1000 in the general pop. Wtf is this anomaly? Did I accidentally blow our cover to the CIA.? I'm sorry bros. Bros. Bros. Wtf.

>> No.22495856

i finally realized after all these years that even though everyone on here speaks harsh words to eachother, we all ultimately have so much in common and really we all love each other, and it's all just humor and play. really, even though i call you all faggots and spend so much time shilling you scams, or fudding legit projects so i can get my bags cheaper, you are all my family and i hold you all close to my heart. we are all the black sheep, the ones that never really fit in anywhere in this world. and we will all make it in the new world when the wealth transfer is complete.

>> No.22495860
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Damn the links look gnarly. Essentially there are 4100 EE's employed in Arizona, and there are 7.2Million living in the state. BROS.

>> No.22495886
File: 24 KB, 417x417, 1572111869776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same. I don't know if I'll ever find love. I have a bright future but no friends. Except for you faggots.

>> No.22495904


In my case all of the above (caffeine overdose) but with desvenlafaxine, olanzapine and zolpidem to make the sleep happen every day.

>> No.22495920


EE is too hard for normies, most other engineers think its black magic, and then most EEs are spergs who can't work in a team. Keep the supply low and the demand high and we will be able to print money for the rest of our days. Oh yeah and lots of the old guys are retiring soon so make sure to set yourself up as a successor

>> No.22495947

uhhhh guys? im an electrician too

>> No.22495992

The original LINK shills were mostly fucking retards who were laughing as they "dumped on biz" at less than $1.

>> No.22496020
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I'm ready.

>> No.22496033

Student who is making generational wealth while getting his degree

>> No.22496057
File: 41 KB, 511x671, 1569638930676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm full time uncertified electricians apprentice whilst paying for my engineering classes. I'm not going journeyman, I'm just doing the electrical.

You make the big bucks.

>> No.22496220
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I work with mergers and acquisitions, anyone else?

>> No.22496415
File: 1.80 MB, 1125x1605, 0A1871CE-494A-4E66-B439-94CB2B46CB45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>EE's are 1/1000 in the general pop. Wtf is this anomaly? Did I accidentally blow our cover to the CIA.? I'm sorry bros.
it's too late now

>> No.22496436
File: 3.58 MB, 3609x1738, 512E2EF1-E047-432D-BCC4-77303C6EB6D3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>EE is too hard for normies, most other engineers think its black magic
now you're really blowing our cover

>> No.22496490

I'm 99% sure most of us on this board look really similar if you've been stuck on 4chan for a few years

>> No.22496496

Consultant m8, I'll tell ya how fucked your business case is for a big bag of linkies.

t. 8 inch cock.

>> No.22496523
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I game, thats what I do

>> No.22496558
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niggers are not human
also fuck jannies

>> No.22496593


Work is putting me through the electricians course while I work full time as an engineer, having a dual certificate is so good. All the old guys have it and can do pretty much anything

>> No.22496666

I look a Ukrainian cross between dr venture and walter white

>> No.22496704

I am an enigma

>> No.22496711

Checked and savage'd.

>> No.22496739
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Lol I unironically look homeless. No you wouldn't notice me. No one ever does.

>> No.22496797
File: 69 KB, 640x793, Rousseau-anon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is me too. I honestly don't think the guys on this board would stick out
>t. former /pol/+/fit/, /fit/+/biz/ since 2019

>> No.22497056
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>> No.22497073

Wtf I'm an EE too

>> No.22497220
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>> No.22497262
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Checked and btfo
Impressive responses, very nice

>> No.22498230
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Thanks anon. I want to be an infinite well of power and knowledge if it's in my arms reach.

>> No.22498254
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