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File: 15 KB, 383x383, MgTfkbBZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22477048 No.22477048 [Reply] [Original]

>literally no fucking usecase
>only depends on the "greater fool" theory
>If BTC/ETH/LINK/SNX pump, then STA pumps less
>No real exchange listings
>nobody apart from some newfags/retards on /biz/ cares about it
Go fuck yourself you fucking faggots and stop shilling this utterly useless piece of shit.
There is literally not a single argument to be made for this apart from "muuh deflationary"
I remember the last deflationary token on here, which was BOMB and it went to shit as well after some time
Same thing is going to happen with STA. It is a nice experiment, but not more than that.
>In4 you don't know what an Index fund is retard
Fuck yourself you Pajeet nigger. Let's assume Crypto goes mainstream (which will happen at some point within the next 10 years) and retard Normies want to get it on it as well. What the fuck do you think they are going to do?
Buying this fucking piece of shit they never heared about it from Uniswap through Metamask? No they won't. They will go to some fucking retarded Grayscale ETF or whatever, just to be sure.
>I could also profit from it, if I were the only one holding it
While this is true, you could also just buy fucking BTC/ETH/LINK
This is honestly an IQ test and the most forced meme on here I ever saw, which only recycles memes from other projects.
Go fuck yourself you delusional STAggots

>> No.22477085

And whoever thinks I am fudding to buy more: Just look at the top wallets and see what else they have in their portfolio. A bunch of other shitcoins and meme coins. Not a single serious investor.
>he doesn't know
I have done my research and this is just pathetic.

>> No.22477104

Take a chill pill dude lmao. You need a break from biz.

>> No.22477274

It solves the volatility problem. If new projects with low volume try to enter the space they are screwed by their early growing pains of low volume. It is safee for them to grow in an incubator of index funds with a constant price pressure from statera that also provides balanve and txn fees to make it all palatable. Every digital asset will want to be balanced by statera as there would be no downside and a large upside, this would in turn make it feasible for digital assets to be included into Vanguards, S&P500 funds, and all boomer hedge and index funds.

>> No.22477300

Not even an IQ test, more a lurk test

>> No.22477382

So it is a solution for a non existing problem. Interesting. Another "AI on Blockchain" type of scam.
What do those new projects even care If they have low volume? They get bought if they have a great upside and working product. Nobody is integrating one Shitcoin into a pool with another shitcoin (read STA). Makes me fucking sick
They try hard to get a real vibe going, but the memes are just forced and copied. Newfags are falling for it

>> No.22477390

I love the idea but I can't get over the fact it has literally no usecase

>> No.22477433

So should I buy or not?

>> No.22477460

if you don't know, lurk more

>> No.22477576

>Imagine being so retarded to wrote whole 10 page essay about token you "don't care" about and you are "not invested" in.
KEK, just kys

>> No.22477650
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>price goes up
>FUD threads start appearing again
imagine my shock

>> No.22477710

The Delta tokens create arb opportunities which attract volume. It's like rocket fuel for balancer pools.

>> No.22477723

The idea ia interesting, No doubt.
But it is just absolutely useless

>> No.22477732

It is literally dumping, you retard

>> No.22477748

>the most forced meme on here i ever saw
KYS you ashy nigger

>> No.22478125

I can see you are scared of the incoming pump and you haven't packed your bags yet. Get fucked you donkey raping shit eater my bags are packed I hope yours cost 10x as much.

>> No.22478234
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>he doesn't know

>> No.22478693

I know this anon. He sold his sta and is upset xmm is not pumping anymore while sta is getting closer to a breakout. He might unironically rope himself if statera breaks out again and he realizes that he has no one to blame for being a retard other than himself. His world view of being a self declared genius falls apart and he realizes the staggots he insulted along the way were all smarter than him.

>> No.22478742

Yup that’s him

>> No.22478809

OP is midwit confirmed LMAO

>> No.22478862

yeah, there's xmm holders that are absolutely obsessed with sta. they spend their time fudding it. what's wrong with them?

>> No.22478874

Not kidding, read this description and it gives you insight into the mentally challenged brainlet that is OP

>> No.22478882

Ion is that you?! Hoff is that you?!

>> No.22478961

They left sta because they have the attention span of flies and it didn't 100x immediately after they bought so they blamed their impatience on nigerian devs (abu is the coordinator) or tranny devs (megan isnt part of the team) and that xmm will deliver what they want and now that they realize their mistake with xmm and impatience they are slowly realizong that they were impatient delusional retards but this reality will destroy their fragile egos and so they have to fudd statera in a pointless attempt to keep it down in a sour grapes fashion.

>> No.22479001

It proved the use case for deflation. Bomb never did. First time, it happened right here.
Deflation was a meme and Statera gave it a use case.
Everyone who said "But I can just hold the 4 coins without STA and its the same" was proven wrong. If you really don't know that yet you better figure it out before the coin gets off of here.

>> No.22479007

conceptually, i still can't understand why an index fund would need a burn function. does SPY need a burn function to maintain its value? no.

>> No.22479172

Ion may be an xmm boy but his criticisms of STA are usually put forward in a coherent manner (though he gets BTFO by counter arguments every time). OP is literally mentally ill as he posted a list of the meds he takes daily the other day. I feel a bit bad for him, statera is fucking him up mentally for real. Kind of sad to watch cause at the end of the day we're all just some anon lads trying to make some money but for OP this shit is deeply personal, I'd imagine he cries daily because of crypto. Hope for his own good that he manages to leave biz for a while at least.

>> No.22479242

Any index fund is greatly enhanced by adding in a balancing token that has deflation, passive fees, farming and staking. If you do not understand why this would be beneficial to any and all index funds then you are beyond spoonfeeding. You need a feeding tube.

>> No.22479257

XMMs balancer pool has $4000 in liquidity last time I checked. I’m not sure they understand how this is supposed to work. Full disclosure, I have a make it stack in STA and a suicide stack in XMM

>> No.22479264

It doesnt need burn function, thats just bonus to create upward pressure. Also how would stock index fund have burn function lol

>> No.22479265

Who are you anons talking about? Are they xmm devs?

>> No.22479305
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>no use case!!!
Maybe if you say it enough times it'll magically become true

>> No.22479313
File: 235 KB, 800x800, 1584391001649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow, cool "fud" you got there buddy.
sad to say that the maths-guy was leagues above this shit.

>> No.22479414

A few STA holders who were really active on the telegram chat up until the recent dumping. They all switched their bags XMM and hate STA with a passion for not having continued to rise beyond 40c which is completely unreasonable given the violence of the pump it had to correct at some point. They also hate Megan aka the Iron Lady who is a mod in the telegram chat.
I'm not even going to talk shit about XMM because I'm not familiar with the project but whenever you see STA being mentioned on their generals you can be sure it's by one of them salty boys. I know a lot of people are invested in both projects as well.

>> No.22479441

I had $25k of STA and $13k of BZRX last month. Sold for half the price of both and it has been a good decision.

>> No.22479452

>he actually believes this
>KYS you ashy nigger
kys first you brown poojeet

>> No.22479461

Good investment decisions. Buy high sell low, that's how it's done. Good job anon.

>> No.22479471

>maths guy
you retards literally believe any numbers pulled out of someones ass kek, imagine having room temp IQ

>> No.22479798

Yeah, the use case is that it’s a deflationary fund, genius.
It’s got the jump on others and offers 3 mechanisms to build volume using the native token.
Sure, other deflationary crypto funds might appear with more initial volume, faster burn rates etc. That’s the risk, as is that it loses momentum - it’s so unfair you can’t just invest and make shitloads of money every time instantly.

>> No.22479880

They mostly got in around 20c, didn't understand what the team was, and also confused them with the high donators. I chat with a bunch of them and most of them are decent but they do believe their theory at least somewhat.
I was also sent the wallet of one of the total maniacs who is not a decent guy and he bought the literal top. I can remember seeing 46, maybe 48 flash by the one night quickly, hey tops happen, well its embedded in the blockchain and the psyche for this guy. 47 cent buy in.

>> No.22479943
File: 412 KB, 1328x1429, 57DA1962-A889-4606-92FB-2637EB8DD801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They will go to some fucking retarded Grayscale ETF or whatever, just to be sure.
They will go to QQQF. It’ll be THE STANDARD.

>> No.22479945

Ion is my boywife he is very cute I want to kiss him right now when he speaks to me I feel all warm and giddy inside I love him so much. Every day he is around I am happy, he is such a cute character and fills me with joy :)

>> No.22479956

Jimmie dat you?!

>> No.22479969
File: 1.18 MB, 1043x693, cat17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally WHO?

>> No.22479998

>Ion may be an xmm boy
I'm literally him and I'm no such thing.
I was just in utter despair and sold because letting my enormous stack lose any more value would've broken me.
I have no strong opinions about Statera (or XMM) one way or the other, I just want money.

>> No.22480023

Cresva is that you? :)

>> No.22480037
File: 629 KB, 720x720, cat18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the fuck are these names idiot shut up retard do not reply to me again I win the argument.

>> No.22480055

nobody actually holds this it’s all just a discord shill group

>> No.22480056
File: 14 KB, 375x362, 1597679142060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tranny STAcies are coping so fucking hard. Muh deflationary muh burning NIGGER WHAT ELSE IS THERE? As OP said it's just a greater fool theory in effect there is NO USECASE for the STA token whatsoever. It just burns and makes you swap tokens into LINK and other shitcoins. Lmfao at faggots bagholding this after it went over 40 cents. Seriously cope is off the charts.

>> No.22480099

I'm really looking forward to continuing to dump choice amounts of STA anytime there's upward price action just out of sheer pettiness. Statera shills have truly lost their minds at this point. Imagine being so deranged and married to your investments you start throwing around names in an anonymous Czechoslovakian bird catching forum. I feel very bad for my fellow anons who are overinvested in any project and don't take profits when they can. Not just Statera bagholders, but bagholders in general should learn about something the big boys call "Opportunity Cost"


>> No.22480158

Ah ok. I thought you were holding xmm cause you're a member of their tg group as well. Didn't know you had sold your STA but oh well, wish you luck in your future investments.

>> No.22480184
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>> No.22480240

Well we just broke 11 cents again. Go ahead and dump on us pal, what are you waiting for? :^))

>> No.22480266

>just got more fiat
>lets fud sta

>> No.22480362
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>burn creates upward pressure
>price dumps violently

>> No.22480464
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>> No.22480490
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FUDders getting aggressive
You should've bought the dip if you wanted the price to go down so much, retards

>> No.22480563
File: 709 KB, 1280x475, Meme3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey dog poster, somebody stole your job.


>> No.22480591

>price moves up
>massive disinfo fuds mysteriously come out in full force all of a sudden
nice try. NOT. SELLING.


>> No.22480933
File: 7 KB, 250x242, 1585364830333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesnt even know who the do the maths-guy fudder was
holy fuck youre new

>> No.22480953

lovely song
non-Sta's post wallets so we can send money for rope

>> No.22481195
File: 687 KB, 860x734, 74738FBA-B719-4224-B732-0AF3AD0E032F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big dick candles

>> No.22481326
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>> No.22481378
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>> No.22481427

Uhhhhhh never selling

>> No.22481430
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>> No.22481497

just dumped all of my profits of some random shitcoing from Binance wich was worth around 10dorra 1 year ago, it 20x in a year. Put all of it info STA, feels good seeing this threads. Also fuck you OF, stay poor.

>> No.22481502

You either have inlfation or deflation in the fiatworld, i know what i like more.

>> No.22482002

Mad [X]
Doesn’t know [X]
Will FOMO in at $0.75 [X]
Going to make it [ ]

One year from now I MIGHT consider letting you mow my lawn for two (2) Statera (ticker: STA).

>> No.22482133

"Go fuck yourself you fucking faggots and stop shilling this utterly useless piece of shit."
>Don't shil it fuckers so I can acummulate more
yeah, he is clearly very invested

>> No.22482204

All crypto is sort of like a ponzi scheme but this is actually a straight up ponzi scheme. It could pump to 1$ who knows , but it will be worthless. This is bit connect level retarded

>> No.22482209
File: 866 KB, 900x675, 1599982162557.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am definitely confused, the most recent transaction for Statera is a buy of 81,774, but yet at the same time the price took a fat dip as if that was 81,774 sold. What nonsense is this....................just kidding as I typed this coingecko with their 7 hour delay updated. We still pumpin, $0.115 now frens

Separate note, how do we get coingecko to upgrade from pentium 2 servers, the delay is horrible but at least better than Blockfolio's Intel 386 servers

>> No.22482562

Literally mooning

>> No.22482770

Up 10k

Stay poor

>> No.22482795

Coingecko shows a 1.3c dip about 13minutes ago, but there are no sell transactions on etherscan for the past 20 minutes
Coinmarketcap shows Statera went up to 28.7c but shows market cap of 8.82million
Livecoinwatch shows it never having made it to 12c

What is this retarded price confusion, I've been going by coingecko for months but is there a better source for prices, this is absurd how much of a difference between the sites

>> No.22483029


>> No.22483116

Dextools, Uniswap vision and Chartex.pro btw chartex is having its own coin and soon going to be naturally integrated with Uniswap.

Honestly Chartex has been the most realiable, they caught things I didn't even know, like 1.5c dips from 8c back in June and the ATH was actually 22cents, not 15c back in June.

>> No.22483141

Thank you will bookmark these

>> No.22483183


>> No.22483365
File: 91 KB, 1348x752, For Fucks Sake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FFS, Digifinex. Somebody is buying 50-200 STA for 60 cents.

Ah well, I welcome the free advertisement like I welcome the Pickle/STA pair.

>> No.22483562

STAggots. Love it.

I concur, total shitcoin.

>> No.22483596

Is this Heroes of the Storm coin or what? Logo is almost the same.

>> No.22484089

he doesn't know

>> No.22484172
File: 25 KB, 485x542, ls2yeb8yezl11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone explain me one thing RIGHT NOW

does Statera convert itself into stable coins so if the market crabs and all crypto's crash I won't be stuck with an asset that rebalances itself between depreciating assets?

>> No.22484368

Does the SP500 do this? If you feel crypto as a whole will fail, why would you invest in it?

>> No.22484381

Saw price at .67 when I opened my wallet, still didn’t even think about selling. $20 EONY


>> No.22484397

Its great investment if you are bullish on crypto. If you are retarded permabear not so much

>> No.22484432

You're right but also retarded because you can't profit from LINK anymore

>> No.22484534

i don't think crypto will fail, i know it will eventually crash, like it always does. I'd rather have my shit autoswap to stablecoins at that point. is it really too much to ask?

>> No.22484547


Faggot we are here to make money, your entire post was complete garbage, inaccurate, and shows your didn't read the whitepaper.

Again, we are here to make money. You seem to hold on to the flawed usecase argument. Nobody cares, and this will continue to moon while you cry like a little bitch

>> No.22484556

i bought and lost a bunch of money, whatever, you lose some you win some :)

i'm not sad, tons of great memes.

>> No.22484565

The more hate this coin gets, the more I want to buy it. Reminds me of Chainlink when I had it at .50$ and 1$ and sold it because of some FUD like this.

>> No.22484642

If there were no downsides to investing money as a whole would be fucking worthless

>> No.22484701

You're asking for a trade bot smarter than warret buffet bitch. How's it supposed to know when it's crashing? What if after it tetherizes it goes back up? YES DUDE IT'S TOO MUCH TO ASK

>> No.22484708

ill bet on crypto see u at the yacht party

>> No.22484771

>do 0 research
>buy $1k at 5 cents
>sell all at 35 cents
>laugh at retards thinking crypto is anything but a PnD game

>> No.22484811

>does research
>goes all in
>doesn't sell until massive gains
>makes it

>> No.22484904
File: 195 KB, 827x1263, A3553E39-BDEB-4AA6-8BFE-F2D343FEA41A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Implying Warren Buffet is good at investing lmao. Guy was just early and bought cheap. He’s stuck in the 90s.

>> No.22485097

Lol gigacope

>> No.22485138

Yeah, imagine if you had the balls to buy early and hold... You couldn't hold 10000 btc for 5 years, he held his shit for decades.

>> No.22485229

He probably has alzheimers and forgot he even bought lmaooo

>> No.22485278
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Nice meme.

>> No.22485385

It's better than staying drunk to prevent entering pin in ledger i guess

>> No.22486250

Rule of thumb is, if they shill the token itself more than some sort of technology it's likely a pajeet scam

>> No.22486854

holy fuck boomer what a stupid thing to say. I'm actually cringing imagining your stupid fucking face while you click "post" after reading through what you wrote and thinking it's good enough to share it with the world.