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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22473390 No.22473390 [Reply] [Original]

How you holding up /biz/?

>> No.22473429
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Tired, but I know there's a light at the end of the tunnel.

>> No.22473437
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>> No.22473460

Should I buy tomorrow?

>> No.22473476
File: 1003 KB, 404x347, WHY CAN'T I BE RICH!!!!.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't I financially make it!!! I want to be free from wagecuckery but I can't catch a humongous break!!!

>missed out on 3k BTC because coinbase locked my account for a long time back in 2017
>missed out on $2 LINK
>missed out on enormous stock gains and at this point it'd be equivalent to "investing" like newton meme
>unemployed for many, many months and can't get a worthwhile job

Am just about ready to go all in on buy calls on a single stock or even a penny stock that is still down from covid

>> No.22473499

Anon, work a trucking job use the money to fund an off-grid cabin.
That's my gameplan.

You know damn well the system is unsustainable and will eventually kill you when you go under, just like a hundred million other people.

There is no good swimming those currents. Escape.

>> No.22473509
File: 170 KB, 1173x776, I COULDN'T RESCUE THEM FROM WAGESLAVERY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not even doing it just for myself. I want to free my siblings and parents too.

>> No.22473527

Have a weird feeling of vertigo but not because im looking down from a height but because im looking down the rest of my life with an increasing clarity that everything is going to be a cope.
Not bad, just like what the fuck is going on

>> No.22473535

Idk if I can even do trucking as I am not a fan of how kost people drive. That stress would probably btfo me. Anything more local like UPS or FedEx would require years in the distribution center before even having a CHANCE at it.

>> No.22473547
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WFH, managed about 45 minute and did a 2 hr work out. Struggling desu.

>> No.22473562

This feeling.

>> No.22473584

Doin alright anon. Stopped smoking to deal w/ mental stuff. Havent made it. If I do, awesome. If I don't, awesome. I remain optimistic.

I'm either going through minor neurosis or the world is about to go through more shit and I'm trying to predict/prepare properly and find breadcrumbs where I am. Could be delusions or too much /x/.

Considering going back to smoking weed so I can at least feel less.

How are you OP?

>> No.22473588

Most of us feel the same.

>> No.22473615

I feel so tired.

>> No.22473658

It’s getting harder to just get up. Figured if one takes a day by day approach life will get easier.
Just gotta remain positive

>> No.22473683

Trying to get a daily schedule together and bootstrap purpose back into my day. Keep failing and starting over. Nihilism is comfy

>> No.22473685

Pretty good, I just rode the SWAP pump from 0.72 to 0.84. Good times.

>> No.22473702

Been holding on for almost 3 years now, and people are still saying "just wait 6 more months." Fucking so sick of it, I can't stand waging much longer.

>> No.22473749
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We’re all gonna make it. I hope all you bro’s know that

>> No.22474053

i'm down 87.5% in the past week and a half

>> No.22474132
File: 196 KB, 640x460, 17EEF24A-48D9-413F-B9E9-6D5704B08296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>itt fags who thought the market was an easier master than an employer

>> No.22474195

I leave a notification app on to simulate receiving messages from freinds at random intervals. My mom always jokes about how many freinds I have and teases me if I have a girlfriend. I dont have any freinds.

>> No.22474206

I find these threads disgenuous for if any of us crossed on the street you'd just find something to judge and think they're just a normie

>> No.22474233
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I should have pulled out and paid off my $4k in debt like my mom told me to, instead I reinvested it all and then the "correction" happened and now I'm fucking dead in the water. I can afford to lose it but damn, heart breaking. At least I'm not one of those people who lost their life savings though or like +10K-20k etc

>> No.22474260
File: 66 KB, 1800x900, 4D7EF611-A6B0-42C3-9B8F-CBA1330D061C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just wait till momma dies and you blow your inheritance

>> No.22474267

I’ve lied about going to hang out with friends just to walk around the mall or go on a drive alone instead. I also make it seem like there are far more people in my life than there really are to not freak my parents out

>> No.22474276

I made $200 in two months

>> No.22474277
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supposedly she is gonna leave us about 100k each but idk.. my poor dad died late from cancer and basically died broke due to all the medical costs.. 'murica ... that might be a while away though

>> No.22474326
File: 85 KB, 860x499, apuhugfren.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
