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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22466509 No.22466509 [Reply] [Original]

Friendly reminder if you see one of the following in a thread or post about any currency:
>everybody knows X
>no one thinks X
>all of /biz/ has already figured X out
>"X will NEVER surpass a price of Y" with no sources
>give X up already
>buy X instead
You're witnessing a laughable manipulation attempt, often made by a smelly, rancid, bitter third worlder or some fucking retard that got scammed or bought into something at the worst imaginable moment because they cant DTOR or analyse shit and they want YOUR assets to devalue like theirs have because of their poor decision making.
I'm looking at you, STA dogshit folder FUDer.

>> No.22466614

Am I missing any obvious signs that you're reading some sorry excuse for an investor's post?
>"X is a pajeet scam" without an argument
>any mention of IQ regarding a specific asset
>kvetching about the dev team instead of the project because you can't possibly make up a good argument besides "I'm insecure"

>> No.22466648

nobody cares about whatever faggot scam shitcoin you are talking about, retard
its all manipulated

>> No.22466651

>I have a huge X stack but the project is still shit
>sell before it's too late when a promising project is still sleep stage early
>crop graph showing a 1.488% decrease in price over a week and use it as an argument against investing in an asset

>> No.22466671

Thank you for replying with a perfect fucking example of what I'm trying to discuss here.
>nobody cares about X
Do you not see how fucking idiotic that post sounds? Stop talking out of your ass already

>> No.22466692
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Ten million is the new one million

>> No.22466720

furthermore, there are no 'investors' in crypto, just retarded shitheads wildly speculating on insane, pointless garbage or obvious ponzi schemes and then trying desperately to get people to pump their bags

you are incredibly insecure about your """"investment"""", which is why you made this dumbfuck thread hoping for other people to reassure you that you are not, in actual fact, an insane dumbfuck holding vapor propped up by wash-trading bots

you are a stupid little prick who hasn't figured out it is all a scam, and its all noise and hype and zero substance, and that its a total waste of time and energy getting emotional about your """""investment"""""

caring what somebody has to say about your chosen shitcoin is like being offended by somebody thinking picking a certain color and number in roulette is better than another one

>> No.22466881

I made this thread so that people like you, talking out of their ass, don't get the rise you so wildly desire. If you're going to make that point, the burden of demonstrating how cryptocurrency is virtually worthless and 100% a scam lies upon your shoulders, my friend. The only problem here is I know for a fact you can't prove that crypto is made up of scams and scams only. Holding BTC today is still one of the smart things you can do with your wealth. Holding ETH and BTC has real world use opportunities, and you'd have to be absolutely delusional to firmly believe the opposite.

>> No.22466912

Look at the pattern when they shill for

It's very obvious to tell what is a scam or not based on the lack of organic posts, of course you can also look at shitty attempts of websites in current year when we have templates to help even the most inept, or could look at whitepapers (or lack of) and how short or generic they may look

>> No.22466917

my advice? if you are so anxious about your stack that you have to make this type of thread for emotional support, then you should either diversify into more stable assets, or don't hold so much crypto

you don't care about your shitcoin either, because you sure as fuck don't use it for its "intended purpose" (whatever retarded thing that might be), what you care about is growing and establishing a veneer of legitimacy for your """"project"""", and when someone dismisses it as a scam (it probably is), you feel like your profits are threatened, not the """""project"""""

this is why """"fudders"""" cause you so much grief and anxiety, because a single insult might be enough to scare a dumb cattle speculator away

fucking dumb little cunt that you are, you mistakenly believed that /biz/ was a place for discussing the actual usage and application of shitcoins, and not for pure marketing and scamming

shut up dumbfuck, spit out whatever faggot garbage you are trying to get people to buy and be done with it

you sound weak and stupid and like you recently lost a bunch of money and are looking for someone to blame but yourself

I don't believe you are actually crying about ETH and BTC, because everyone already understands their value, and are trying to associate whatever retard shit you lost money on with possibly the only two crypto in existence that have use cases

>> No.22466976
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like what the fuck is even your point?

>someone doesn't like thing
>someone hurt my feefees by shitposting
>I made this thread to warn other beta male bullying victims like that it can happen them!

get a fucking grip

buy your shit, hustle, sell, repeat

can you possibly understand how pathetic it is that you let some random third world asshole get under your skin when he called your shitcoin a scam? that is how weak you are

>> No.22466983

Why are you implying I am trying to sell something? I'm really not, DYOR if you're interested in crypto assets, I'm not here to babysit someone into making a good decision! I've not made a single post on this board that could have been interpreted as shilling, ever. I'm currently green over my portfolios in stocks and crypto. Read the OP again, and scratch your head real hard trying to grasp what this thread is about. If you can't, just go on with your day and don't be too hard on yourself. If you don't get it, you don't.

>> No.22467009

I accept criticism, but if this thread can make a single retard more aware that people here are dishonest all the fucking time and spout random nonsense about any and everything they dont like/understand, it's a win in my book.

>> No.22467036

Failed to include: if you're only here to validate your own opinion on my thread, you're no better than that which you are creating a strawman from to be able to criticize it.

>> No.22467040

>Why are you implying I am trying to sell something? I'm really not,

Then why did you include a jab at someone you believe specifically targeting your uniswap shitcoin?

> I'm currently green over my portfolios in stocks and crypto

then stop whining you stupid faggot, you have no reason to fucking whine if you are in profit, you absolute imbecile


>I'm going to waste my precious free time educating random retards about the psychological threat they face on /biz/ from scary third worlders who say mean things about shitcoins

Either you are a real dumbfuck, or you are lying.

>> No.22467068

>Then why did you include a jab at someone you believe specifically targeting your uniswap shitcoin?
That guy is the epitome of butthurt, a jab's a jab. He's pathetic and a good example of what I'm bringing up. Again if you don't like it you can go on with your day, it's fine if you don't understand it. Not everyone has the same drives and I don't consider my time to be very precious, especially since I'm making money as we interact.

>> No.22467072
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No faggot, I'm here to shit down your throat for making possibly the worst thread on /biz/ in a month. Nobody cares about what you failed to include. You must be 19 years old max if you think anybody in the fucking world cares about you 'failing to include' some stupid shit in a previous post.

Your thread sucks, and so do you.

>> No.22467140

I understand where you're coming from, getting pissy about a thread discussing something you've got all figured out already. What I can't quite wrap my head around is why you'd stay here and post when there are, objectively speaking, tons of other actual scam threads, dupes, garbage taking up space. You really just enjoy trying to tear shit down, and it's not affecting me. Again, if it's making you irrationally upset, maybe it's time you step away and mind your own business.