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22461290 No.22461290 [Reply] [Original]

I never thought it would happen but i’ve learned this first hand. Why are expat brits so fucking snobby? Granted it may just be where i went to.

I was in HK for a few years now Japan. In that time i made it from crypto not too long ago. Now often new and some previous brits i meet here try hard as fuck to put me down. Usually its never to my face and i find out in directly, either through my GF who still works or my friends.
Basically because i come from a town in the south that isnt posh enough but im still made it from crypto young they try hard to put down and talk shit about my town, and try convince ppl especially japanese im a chav or not upper class enough. These cunts all went to oxbridge schools and work in finance or law. Fucking insufferable and it was not this bad before i retired from crypto.

I never encountered this or expect it from other expats but fellow brits. Why the fuck are british expats in asia like this?

>> No.22461482

Maybe they don't like all those chips on your shoulders?

Did you tell them you "made it" in crypto?

>> No.22461534

How did you make it if i may ask

>> No.22461599

Just move back to Brighton pal, may as well ebrace it

>> No.22461613

>oxbridge schools
thats the problem anon, these people are brits - they're barely people.
don't pay too much attention to them, consider yourself lucky you still have a soul.

>> No.22461674

Why were you exiled to East Asia?

>> No.22461740

Coz they're posh southern cunts, literally never met somebody from below Leicester who wasn't an insufferable cunt

I'm not saying everyone fits into the stereotype, but there's a stereotype for a reason. Us Northerners aren't perfect but you definitely won't be judged based on your wealth/social class.

>> No.22461797

OP, fellow non-aristocrat Brit here, just accept the upper class folks in this country are insufferable cunts.

>> No.22461855

You've answered your own question. You also have nothing to prove - you clawed your way to parity with these people, they were handed it. Be gracious and friendly, knowing that you are objectively superior to them. They know it too, which is why they are seething internally.

>> No.22461933

This. The entire south-east of England is infected with a spiritual sickness making most of its population awful to be around. I think it has something to do with all the demon worship going on in the City of London. The further north you go the less powerful this dark magic becomes. Scottish Highlands is the best area of the UK.

t. /x pilled Londoner

>> No.22462161


Yeah. Before i made it they were not like this at all. Maybe i was harmless to their ego. But since, i’ve been targeted and they attempt to put me down and all they can do is my background and about my “class” in britian. I think ur right. Now that i made it off my own back they need to probe themselves but its easier to just try put me down about my background.

Its funny coz even women here in Japan see right through it. They can tell the guys are insecure from their catty attacks.
They are worse outside of the UK mate. In Asia specifically Hong Kong and Japan in finance law like jobs. I was in tech at a couple of finance firms before... i never worked in UK at them tho.


Put 50k into btc right after brexit then half into into Link in 2018

>> No.22462218


Thinking back not sure. Just ended up in HK by a chance job offer. Stayed in Asia since

>> No.22462838

Oh right usually people get sent out due to indiscretions. My cousin was reassigned to his companies Hong Kong branch when he was caught doing cocaine at work.

>> No.22463023

dno if it entirely relates to your situation but I grew up in the Middle East as an Expat Scot and all the English teachers and children would make fun of my accent. Brits are just generally tribalist in general man, be it income, age or what football team you support.

>> No.22463249

isn't this just the case with everyone? people are rarely genuinely happy if you've made it, especially through something like crypto.

>> No.22463362

who gives a fuck op? You've made it, why are you being such a cuck and giving a shit what people you barely know think about you? Stop being a 14 year old girl and man the fuck up

>> No.22463413


The UK is more riven by the class division than any other country in the world, my son. That's as true now, as it was in the middle ages.

>> No.22463417

Mate I'm an expat living in the Netherlands from Brighton also. I have not experienced this, maybe it depends where you are

>> No.22463469

They’re not expats, they’re immigrants.

>> No.22463577

Immigrants to the country they move to, yes. But expats to us. Stop being a Labour twat

>> No.22463622


You come from Crawley don't you?

>> No.22463682


not from Brighton.

I think it does depend where you are, but i cant prove it bc i havent been back to Europe for long period for a while. Even before i retired i noticed this in british expats in asia. Much preferred to hang around with euros most the time in that aspect. They are ver snobby types in these jobs.
Once some women in the office were talking about celebrities, and a footballer was brought up. my boss who was british started proper slamming the player, saying how he was from the north, a working class guy etc. It was fucking cringe and embarrassing. meanwhile these Japanese women didn't have a clue what he was talking about.

Now i get this treatment but its never directly to my face.

that is probably true. I think its something foreigners dont really understand about brits and the dynamic between us abroad.

>> No.22463965

Why do you care? Do you not have any real friends?

If not, that sucks, maybe you should grow a personality...

>> No.22464009

Nothing but class-envy in this thread. If these people tried to move into your working-class town and mingle with people in your working-class pub, they would be rejected. So why do you expect to be accepted in their social circles? You're entitled. They feel comfortable with people who talk in their accent and have their background just as you feel the same of the people whom you grew up with.

>>22461855 is an example of class-envy. Couldn't get into Oxbridge himself, so lies to that anybody gets into Oxbridge on the basis of money rather than merit in the year 2020. They are utterly obsessed with getting working class people into Oxbridge.

>> No.22464041

>made it
yes, i to have a billion imaginary dollars, guess i also made it

>> No.22464113

By the way OP, if your only accomplishment in life is that you were both stupid and lucky enough to buy scam internet money, then what makes you think you should have anything in common with people who spent ten years in higher learning? You're no different from the Lotto Lout.

>> No.22464191


no. not british ones. Its hard to find some that either arent weebs or snobby fucks here... I find i hang with australians or other ppl form europe, and the ones that changed dont attack my background and shit.


You are repeating it yourself by calling him a reject. I'll tell you the truth. Before I retired there was none of this hostility and shit gossip and attacking of my background. They were fine, many of which I got on with. AFTER it all changed very fucking fast and instead of just being normal haters, they started talking shit about my background to other people and attacking me. how the fuck am i suffering from class Envy. I am abroad, so are they, I just wanted to chill with some other brits. that shit doesnt matter so far from home, and it didn't, till it did.

I'm 29 and some of these sad fuckers are approaching 40.

>> No.22464211


Read it again. All was fine and cool for years in my interacting and working with them. TILL i retired. then they started attacking my background.

>> No.22464234

Why don’t you find some nice Australians or Americans to hang out with?

>> No.22464285
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Immense amounts of cope itt
How do you like em mate

>> No.22464333


Both are fine, not perfect, and a lot of shit will annoy you after working there a while, but great. I think Japan is better to visit rather than work though, unless you can set up your own business.
Neeting it with gains is actually pretty fucking based there though.

>> No.22464360

>he couldn't handle the bantz

>> No.22464372

>baseless ad hominems
Ironic. Some of the best and worst people I ever met were at private school (scholarship), and one of my lifelong friends went to Cambridge. I am not speaking from a position of ignorance when I say that established/inherited wealth are intimidated by self-made wealth - it invites unwelcome introspection.

>> No.22464582

bantz aint behind ur back m8

This is true.
Also fuck him anyway. I introspected a lot when I made good money from BTC/Link.

I wondered if I got lucky, but then i realised i mad ea forward thinking move. GBP tanked to shit and never recovered since Brexit started, I made the right choice hedging my wealth with it.

I may have missed etherum thinking it was shit, but the reason i did was because that long ago i knew the Oracle problem. I just didn't know there were terms and discussions for it like "oracles". I thought about all these smart contracts and shit and wondered how the fuck they would get data inside them without compromising the entire blockchains security. It was like the weakest chain in the system. I saw NO way to fix this problem so i decided Eth was a load of shit and stuck with BTC. Yep, i missed out. Then in early 2018 I learned what Chainlink was and i realized this was what i was waiting for. got really excited and bought. In my mind going Long on Link was going long on all of Blockchain it was that important.

So any anons who face similar thoughts later, dont consider yourself lucky. You guys who bought Link early made one of the most forward thinking choices and decisions ever, many people will never come close to that kind of insight. and it will have paid off.

>> No.22464651


Shifting the goalposts. Your original post says that people who went to Oxbridge were "handed" their wealth. Not the case at all. Getting into Oxbridge is extremely difficult, and getting through it is hell. The last thing an Oxbridge student gets is to have things handed to them. It wouldn't surprise me if a graduate looked down on somebody whose only accomplishment in life was to gamble on a scam (crypto) and win their roll of the dice.

>> No.22464708

Well you hit the nail on the head, before you made it you knew your place, or at least they thought you knew your place.

Now you made it you are richer than them and don't need to, assuming they are still dumb wagecucks just on a high salary.

Start looking down on them in some way, they will go nuts.

>> No.22464713

expats, especially those in asian countries, are all loser incels in their home countries.
sorry anon but it's the truth

>> No.22464747


Now look at you gate keeping what constitutes as "deserving" of a position in society or a level of wealth.

This is exactly what he is talking about. You are guilty of it. Why even bring it up at all. You are the same as all those fucks who use this or something else as a means to discredit someone who managed to achieve something. If its not " lol crypto scam" its "lol but he doesnt have a degree pedigree like me" or its "but he was working class, i guess oxbridge are obsessed with letting in working class people now" <---- your own fucking words.

get fucked, go suck on daddys cock, or go pretend you did to your colleagues. You will never know the freedom of making your own money independently and not having to keep up with your colleges and limit your choices to confirm to whatever social class you want to belong to.

>> No.22464813

My friend, you 'planted' the goalposts far away from what I was actually talking about with your nonsense. I'd expect more from someone taking so much offence on behalf of Oxbridge graduates.
>Oxbridge is hell
Uni is far from hell you absolute brainlet, it's a canter. At Oxbridge you typically get 1-1 tutorials, and don't need to work on the side with the grants. My friend pretty much NEEted the entirety of the 3 years and still collected their 2.1 by knuckling down the last 6 months, just like everyone else. High up in the civil service now.
>TLDR you're not a martyr for going to Oxbridge, and the cronyism is entirely unwarranted.

>> No.22464863

It makes vapid people like that salty, even the upper class apparently, that's why making it in crypto will make me feel comfy

>> No.22464898

People actually think it's bad not to be posh?

>> No.22464953

>all they can do is my background and about my “class” in britian
kek, they are pajeet tier

>> No.22464976


>Now look at you gate keeping what constitutes as "deserving" of a position in society or a level of wealth.

Yes, I am. I don't respect anybody who got rich by gambling on crypto, or kicking a football around, or opening an OnlyFans account, or whatever the case may be. Somebody who struggles for a decade in learning the law, on the other hand-that's honourable. The money is a by-product of the worthwhile effort. I don't even care about money, simply that somebody is trying to live a worthy life.


There's that class envy again. Nobody in higher education got there because they were better than you. It must all be a scam, or they must all have been born into it. The reason why you think the way you do is obvious.

>> No.22465076

*Opens the popcorn*

>> No.22465100

You sound insecure as fuck. If someone is being a cunt to you, tell them they are a cunt and then disregard anything that comes out of their mouth.
Also go to the gym so you don't look like such a weak peasant then the rich boys won't treat you like one.

>> No.22465117


You are so full of shit. Thats why you are posting on Biz. clearly looking to gain something. Stop being a fucking liar. You are no different from anyone else. This is immense cope. There you are gatekeeping yet you are posting on Biz of all places, looking to make money from crypto. This is fucking rich.

Hate to break it to you, but even some slut who makes millions on Onlyfans is more savvy and smarter than you. She may be an airhead but she figured out how to leverage her position for 99% less work than you may have.
we definitely need wagecucks like you to feel some sense of prestige or society wouldn't work well though. But cut it out. You are literally posting on Biz trying to escape it. Fucking hilarious.

>> No.22465127

I agree with this anon just man up and tell them to fuck off.

>> No.22465138


Lol they only do it behind my back. I'm OP. I do workout quite a lot over the past 8 years too. Already got that covered. These faggots never say shit to my face, it's all catty behind my back and gossip that i eventually find out about.

>> No.22465187

Fucking hell the amount of cope in this post

>> No.22465203

Expats are inherently snobbier than others since they're wealthy enough to be able to abandon their home and family from a first world country. Imagine that billions of brown people want to flood into your homeland for opportunity and free shit and you left that behind to fuck around. It's a telltale sign of snobbery. First fellow American expat I meet in Scotland is a gigantic snob that's never worked a day in his life lmao

>> No.22465298

because if they could afford to migrate then they are wealthy, and if they are wealthy they are the stuck up asshole type of snob that looks down on everyone and considers everyone a lesser human, the type of stuck up snob that voted remain and thought they are oh so much more inteligent than the rest of the population but yet they lost because they are actually thick as pig shit and their arrogant ego fails to make them ever realise that

>> No.22465374

There's that ad-hominem again. You really haven't bothered to look at my posts at all, have you? I'll give you the cliff notes again:
>went to private school
>went to uni, coasted and got my degree, now practicing law (does that make me noble, anon?)
>friend went to Cambridge, also coasted and got his degree
>saw first hand and heard second hand that the standard of learning at Oxbridge is the exact same as elsewhere in the country, besides the support (the aforementioned tutor/student split, and generous financial grants)
I will repeat myself: University is easy, more often than not it's not worth the time/money, and it's certainly not a valid basis to look down on other people. Not anymore. You are not special, nor are you a martyr. You post like a mong, anon.

>> No.22465425

Lmao, I know a couple of American expats and they're brand new - they're only really insufferable in Edinburgh/St Andrews I hear, is that where you're based?